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World History Grade: 10 Unit 4: World War I (30 days)
Desired Results Established Goal(s): ​
The students will understand the long term and short term causes of The Great War and the impact of Total War on the rest of the world. They will understand the complexities of alliances during and after warfare. They will also understand the failure of the peace at Versailles and its impact on the immediate future. NCSS Themes NCSS #2: Time, Continuity, and Change NCSS #5: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions NCSS #6: Power, Authority, and Governance NCSS #8: Science, Technology, and Society NCSS #9: Global Connections State Social Studies Frameworks Dimension 1: Developing Questions & Planning Inquiries Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts & Tools Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources & Using Evidence Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions & Taking Informed Action Common Core State Standards CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
CSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.3: Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine
whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.7: Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data)
with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.1: Write arguments focused on ​
discipline-specific content​
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.2: Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of
historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.8: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and
digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering
the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas,
avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 4: World War I (30 days)
Enduring Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): Students will understand that… ● There is interconnectivity between technology and warfare ● Nationalism is a force of both unification and division ● There are complex causes to conflicts ● War does not always resolve the underlying causes of tension ● Wars often lead to unintended consequences ● Desperate times propel desperate actions ● Power corrupts Knowledge​
: Students will know… ● German nationalism leads to unification and changes the balance of power in Europe ● Nationalism threatens old empires ● The MAIN underlying causes of WWI ● The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is the spark that set off the “powder keg” of Europe ● How technological innovations changed the face of war ● The Great War brings disillusionment of and changes to the political, economic and social structure of Europe ● How the war changed the role of women ● Content & impact of the Treaty of Versailles ● Loss of territory/changing of map ● Reparations ● War Guilt clause ● Self­determination ● Creation of League of Nations Causes and effects of the Russian Revolution ●
What causes people to embrace war? How does what we believe affect how we behave? How does technology affect warfare? How realistic is a lasting peace? Is war worth the cost? What causes people to seek change? How do people gain and keep power? Skills: Students will be able to… ● Use maps/data to predict and assess the impact of the war ● Evaluate the impact of Treaty of Versailles on the power structure of the world. ● Analyze art, literature and primary sources to examine the impact of the war on society. ● Compare & contrast origins & effects the Great War from different national perspectives ● Compare and contrast historical perspectives about revolution through the use of primary source documents Literacy Connections: ● Students will select & organize relevant information ● Students will use content as evidence for claims and theses ● Students will write regularly ● Students will annotate & close read regularly Content Vocabulary: ● German unification ● Franco­Prussian War ● (M.A.I.N.) Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 4: World War I (30 days)
militarism alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entente imperialism nationalism Central Powers Allied Powers ultimatum mobilization conscription stalemate Schlieffen Plan two front war Neutrality trench warfare “Black Hand” Eastern v. Western Front total war Battle of the Marne Battle at Tannenberg Battle at Verdun Battle of the Somme Battle at Gallipoli unrestricted submarine warfare propaganda Lusitania Zimmermann Note armistice Treaty of Versailles reparations League of Nations self­determination war guilt clause Russian Revolutions (1917 March & Nov) Bolshevik Soviets tsar Russian Civil War (Reds vs. White) Acceptable Evidence Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 4: World War I (30 days)
Performance Task(s): Other Evidence: The Human side of the Great War Create a Great War Scrapbook from the perspective of a soldier in the field ● Include Letters home, map, flag, uniform, propaganda and pictures Differentiated Version of Task: ● Country choice can be used to increase or decrease difficulty level. ● Include the following countries to increase degree of difficulty: Serbia, Japan, Ottoman Empire, Belgium ● Require one letter home instead of two ● Include a postcard home ● CP­ Group as opposed to individual project Worth​
: Test grade (x9) Rubric ​
: World History Scrapbook rubric (inclusion & quality of cover, letters, photos, propaganda postcard, battle map, uniform, flag, medal; work cited page; grammar/spelling; overall effort, neatness, creativity, originality) ● Summative assessment – test/quiz ● Europe 1914 v 1919 Map comparison ● Predict contents of the Treaty of Versailles based on the priorities of the different nations. ● Analysis of the need for Rasputin’s or the Romanovs’ deaths Learning Plan Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 4: World War I (30 days)
Learning Activities: ●
Actively take part in the Southington Peace Conference – Was the Great War inevitable? Complete DBQ: Causes of World War I Complete DBQ: Treaty of Versailles Create a timeline of events leading to outbreak of war (provide list of events–students must research independently and cite sources, have students color code events –cause, related, or just happened) Annotate – “Christmas Truce” Evaluate blame for war based on the Willy and Nicky letters Analyze primary source trench warfare readings/packet Reading – excerpts from “All Quiet on the Western Front” “The Home front” Jigsaw/poster activity Complete maps demonstrating differences in Europe 1914 and Europe 1919 Identify sides, fronts, major battles on maps Paris Peace conference simulation (What if Germany had won the war? What would peace treaty look like?) Interpretation of political cartoons Note taking though a PowerPoint on Russian Revolution Analyze Lenin’s will and attitude toward his successors Interpret letters to the Tsar from the Grand Dukes and 1905 Petition to the Tsar to allow students to determine main causes of Russian Revolution Analyze propaganda from Russian Revolution Quick Write: Is violence a necessary part of change? Honors – Predict the contents of the Treaty of Versailles and compare to actual treaty Spring 2015