Download Five Star recognition: Alumnae groups achieving Five Star status will

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* Sisterhood
* Networking
* Foundation
* Membership
* Community
The Five Stars to Alumnae Success Award is designed to serve as an incentive and guideline to
alumnae groups in creating programming and calendar events while also achieving alumnae group
standard operating criteria. The purpose of this award is to encourage alumnae groups to develop
programming that focuses on fun, friendship, sisterhood and “Doing Good” while increasing membership,
streamlining overall alumnae group operations and enhancing Delta Gamma awareness.
An alumnae group must achieve all award criteria and include programming from within all Five Star
categories in order to be recognized as a Five Star award winning chapter or association.
Five Star programming: Select programming goals each year by choosing at least one goal from each of
the five categories to be included within your alumnae group calendar events. Use the examples as a
guideline or create your own to satisfy a specific star category.
Five Star status: This is a prerequisite for consideration for the Outstanding Alumnae Chapter Award given
at Convention. Outstanding Chapter Award recipients must receive Five Star status both years of the
Five Star recognition: Alumnae groups achieving Five Star status will receive award recognition
and digital badges to use on social media and newsletters noting group is a Five Star award
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Friendship * Plan an event, such as a fall kick-off, to welcome members, especially recent graduates and alumnae
new to the area. Spotlight your calendar of events and ways to become involved.
Fun * Plan an activity or program that is simply social and “just for fun” (dance class, wine tasting, cooking
demonstration, family picnic).
Special Interest Group * Form a group comprised of members sharing a common interest (Book Club, Mommy ‘n
Me, Sister Mixers) with the intention of having this group connect and create a bond with one another as well as the
alumnae group. Interest Groups should have a chairman to be a liaison between the SIG and the alumnae chapter
or association.
Collumnae * Plan an event or program with a local collegiate chapter that benefits all members (guest speakers,
craft demonstration, community service project, interactive program such as a self-defense course); or, support a
collegiate chapter remotely by sending a care package and notes of encouragement.
Sponsorship * Host an event or have a segment of a meeting dedicated to providing information on the importance
of sponsoring new members, writing sponsor forms and letters to local collegiate chapters to offer assistance (this
could involve the group’s City Sponsorship Chairman or State Sponsorship chairman).
Personal Development * Plan an event designed for personal enrichment that appeals to the full membership (a
night at the theater, a museum tour, art exhibit or tour of a blind school).
Mentoring * Include programming in an active effort to groom new officers and encourage team building and
communication within your alumnae group (plan an officer retreat or transition meeting and include a team building
exercise and fun).
Golden Opportunities * Showcase a 50-year+ member at an event by asking her to share a life story or DG
memory. Organize an outreach program for 50-year+ members needing assistance and offer rides to events (sister
chauffeurs) or visit DGs in nursing homes following a Founders Day celebration.
Rituals * Include a formal or informal ritual at events to strengthen our common bond, which sets us apart from other
organizations (sing a DG song or read a poem or inspiration from Think Anchor Deep, found online). Create an
informal ritual celebrating your particular alumnae group. Recognize 50-year+ members during the Candlelighting
Ceremony at Founders Day by lighting the fourth candle in their honor.
Lifetime Membership * Plan a program to encourage recognition of your alumnae group and individual members
representing each life stage. Focus on “Delta Gamma Fraternity” at an event and showcase our new Web site design
and other resources available to members of all ages.
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Recognition * Recognize members for outstanding community participation and achievement.
Opportunity * Publicize opportunities for your group or individual members to support community events through
your local Web site, newsletters, email trees and/or e-newsletters.
Career * Ask a member to present a program on her career development.
Welcome * Host a community leader to speak on a topic of special interest to members. Areas of interest may
include health issues, business advice, home or auto maintenance, personal improvement or even information
related to living green.
Participation * Represent Delta Gamma by participating in community events such as Race for the Cure as a DG
Awareness * Share an informative presentation or activity to expand knowledge of the Delta Gamma Foundation
such as a video exemplifying life as a blind person or showcasing the work of the Foundation or using the “Do Good”
Menu brochure. The videos and brochure are available from Executive Offices.
Service * Participate as a group or as an individual in a project for Foundation service hours. Such projects include
vision screening for groups or schools, demonstrating eye safety at health fairs, distributing bookmarks with tips for
healthy vision and the Golden Anchor Program. Specific information may be found at
Fundraising * Hold a philanthropy fundraising project benefiting the Delta Gamma Foundation with a minimum of
10% of money raised designated for the Delta Gamma Foundation and the remainder to local charities of your
choice. It can become an annual event. Refer to for numerous ideas and projects.
Soup Labels / Box Tops * Collect Campbell’s Soup bar codes and send to the Center for the Visually Impaired in St.
Louis to fund equipment. Collect General Mills Box Tops for Education logos; each logo raises 10 cents for your
chosen school for the blind. Groups donating the most labels and most box tops are recognized annually. Or, donate
old eyeglasses through Lions International. Details and directions may be found at
Leadership – A member of your group may offer her time by serving as an officer or committee member of the Delta
Gamma Foundation or on a local sight-related board or committee.
Local Web Site * Create a local Web site that links to Delta Gamma’s Web site at
Social Media * Create a group posting on social media (Facebook, Twitter) that includes a link to your local Web
Newsletter / E-newsletter * Communicate with all local alumnae either electronically or hard copy mailing at least
once a year.
Personal Connection * Be in touch with new, prospective members by contacting them via telephone, handwritten
notes or email. After attending their first meetings communicate with them and make arrangements for attending
future events.
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• Select five programming goals each year by choosing one goal from each of the Five Star categories.
Create your own programming to satisfy any category you wish.
Be creative, flexible and have fun while meeting the needs of your alumnae group.
• Maintain alumnae group membership as follows:
twenty (20) local dues-paid members, including 50+ year members
ten (10) local dues-paid members, including 50+ year members
• Hold full membership events as follows:
at least six (6)
at least three (3)
• Pay dues and fees as required by the Fraternity.
• Submit Federal Tax 990 form
• Update e-Ops+ officer roster and list in accordance with required timelines:
president, vp: communications, vp: finance, vp: membership
president, vp: finance
Update officer roster via e-Ops+ within 2 weeks of a change.
• Update e-Ops+ Fact Sheet data
Note: Should be completed in FULL annually between March 1 and March 15.
All questions should be answered, even if the answer is “0” or “n/a. “Save” to update.
• Enter calendar on e-Ops+ by September 1
Calendar events to include programming goals from each of the Five Star categories.
Note: All full membership events should be entered, including Founders Day. Special Interest
Groups only need to be entered once per year (unless they are full membership events
and are to be included in 6/3 full membership event count). Committee meetings do not
need to be entered.
• Communicate with all alumnae in area at least once a year.
Note: This can be an e-newsletter to those with email and hardcopy to remainder.
Upload newsletter(s) on e-Ops+ in the General Information Fact Sheet, Chapter
Documentation section.
• Support a collegiate chapter: provide advisers/house corporation members or contribute through services or
donations (locally or remotely from afar).
Note: List the chapter(s) supported on e-Ops+ Collumnae Fact Sheet
Refer to Collegiate Support Ideas on
• List a City Sponsorship Chairman (CSC) on e-Ops+ officer roster and provide sponsorship activity.
Note: The CSC role can be part of another officer's responsibilities. However, an officer must be
listed as the CSC on the officer roster, which allows the name to flow to the Sponsorship
Contact List on
• Recognize anniversary members (25, 50, 60, 70, 75 year members)
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