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Menopause and Joint Pain
As a woman approaches menopause, typically
between the ages of 45 and 55, her body goes
through drastic hormonal fluctuations that can
affect her in many ways. Hormones play a major
role in a woman's bone and joint health. When her
hormones become imbalanced during menopause
she will often experience joint pain.
About Joint Pain
Joint pain, also known as “Arthralgia”, is defined as
pain, stiffness, or swelling in or around a joint. There
are 360 joints in the human body. Joint pain often
occurs in joints of high impact, such as the knees,
hips, and back, but many women notice the joints in
their hands become stiffer and more painful with
Types of joints
• There are several types of joints in the human
body. Below is a list of the joints most
commonly associated with joint pain:
• Ball and Socket Joints. Allow for a wide range
of rotation and movement. The shoulder and
hip are ball and socket joints.
• Condyloid Joints. Allow movement but no
rotation. There are condyloid joints in the jaw
and fingers.
• Gliding Joints. Allow bones to glide past each
other. There are gliding joints in the ankles,
wrists, and spine.
• Hinge Joints. Allow for movement much like
that of a door hinge. The knee and ulna part of
the elbow are hinge joints.
• Pivot Joints. Allow bones to spin and twist
around other bones. There are pivot joints in
the neck and the radius part of the elbow.
• Saddle Joints. Allow for back and forth and
side to side motion, but limited rotation. There
is a saddle joint in the thumb.
Because joint pain is common in women
approaching menopause, some have even used the
term "menopausal arthritis" to describe this
symptom. It can be an extremely discomforting
ailment and make simple tasks and movements
almost unbearable. There are common symptoms to
help recognize joint pain.
Other causes of joint pain, such as injury or certain
types of arthritis, can lead to the following
Symptoms of Joint Pain
Swelling of the joint
Stiffness of the joint after long periods of
The symptoms of joint pain will depend on the
particular cause of the pain experienced, but the
typical symptoms of joint pain related to
menopause include: pain, stiffness, swelling, and
warmth in the joints. Limited morning stiffness,
exacerbation of pain with exercise, and relief from
pain with rest are also common symptoms in
women who suffer from joint pain.
Like most menopausal symptoms, joint pain is
typically caused by hormonal imbalance. As
menopause approaches, a woman's hormones
begin to fluctuate, preparing for a permanent
decrease in production of the primary hormones,
estrogen, and progesterone.
Causes of Joint Pain - Inflammation spots
Although doctors are still unclear exactly how
hormones, particularly estrogen, affect joints, most
are resigned to the fact that estrogen (specifically a
diminished level of estrogen) plays a major role in
joint pain during menopause.
Estrogen affects joints by keeping inflammation
down. Inflammation is a leading cause of joint pain.
As estrogen levels begin to drop during
perimenopause, 5 to10 year time span leading up to
menopause, joints get less and less estrogen and
pain often is the result.
Other Causes - Joint Pain and Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is another symptom of menopause
that is related to joint pain. During menopause, the
rate of bone loss increases as the amount of
estrogen produced by the ovaries drops
dramatically. Estrogen levels in postmenopausal
women are about one-tenth the levels in
premenopausal women. Bone loss is most rapid in
the first few years after menopause, but continues
into the postmenopausal years.
There are other factors not related to hormones.
Factors that can cause joint pain
Wear and tear
Weight, diet
Lack of exercise
Muscle loss
Inflammation of the joint
Metabolic Disorders
Bone Diseases
Tumors and Cancer
When to See a Doctor
Consulting a healthcare professional in early stages
of joint pain can go a long way in stopping a
problem before it grows into a major health
concern. Here are some instances when it would be
a good idea to see a doctor for joint pain:
• If joint pain lasts for more than three days,
moves from the joint the pain started in to
other joints, or worsens
• If fever accompanies the joint pain
• If progressive weight loss accompanies the joint
Treatments for Joint Pain
When exploring treatments for joint pain, it's
important to begin with methods that are the least
obtrusive, with the least likelihood of side effects
and progress from there.
This means that lifestyle changes are the best place
to begin. For instance, physical therapy can be
incorporated into a person's daily life and can ease
joint pain. Walking or simple stretches can help.
Even muscle-strengthening exercise can alleviate
joint pain. Consulting a doctor or physical therapist
is recommended before incorporating a new
exercise routine.
Woman in a garden: lifestyle changes are a good
option to treat joint pain
5 Steps to Get Rid of Menopausal Joint Pain and
Joint pain and fatigue are two common symptoms
of the menopausal transition, and they frequently
occur together as a result of hormonal imbalance.
Though they are rarely serious, they can be
frustrating and lead to a wide array of cancelled
plans and low moods.
Five steps that you can take in order to get rid of
menopausal joint pain and fatigue:
5 Foods to Help Alleviate Joint Pain and
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and it is
easily added to favourite meals or ingested as a tea.
Turmeric contains the nutrient curcumin, which
prevents the body's production of NF-KB, a protein
associated with inflammation
Typically, combining lifestyle changes and
alternative medicines will produce the best
outcome. Alternative medicines can be different
herbs and supplements, or even techniques like
acupuncture. When seeking out alternative
medicines, keep in mind that because joint pain
during menopause is associated with hormone
deficiency, look for supplements that bring a natural
balance to the hormonal levels, for this will go a
long way to alleviate joint pain.
Finally, if still experiencing joint pain, there are
different medications and surgeries that can be
explored. Medications are often prescribed simply
to cope with joint pain, but do not offer a cure.
Surgery is an option for extremely severe joint pain.
This final option comes with the most risk and side
•Hutchinson, Susan M.D. "The Stages of a Woman's
Life: Menstruation, Pregnancy, Nursing,
Perimenopause, Menopause." November 2007.
•Love, Susan M.D. Menopause and Hormone Book.
New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003.
•BMJ Group. Menopause: What is it?" Patient
Leaflet. 2007