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Reading Activities and Notes
Sociological Perspectives
Documentary Notes
1. Sociologists use different theories and ideas to look for different _____Patten__
of group behavior in society. These ideas and theories are called
sociological perspective and give us a multidimensional view of society.
2. Three main sociological perspectives are: conflict, functionalist, and
interactionism perspectives.
3. functionalist explores how society is structured. (3:20)
4. The conflict perspective studies how power effects the distribution of
resources and how conflict changes society. (3:40)
interactionisim examines how people interact with each other and what
expectations this leads to. (4:05)
6. True or False. The sociological perspectives are used one at a time, not in
combination with each other. (4:30)
7. Functionalists believe that all parts of society are here because they have a
purpose. (7:00)
8. The conflict perspective believes that imbalance is normal and natural, even
needed for society to function. (9:30)
9. The sociological perspectives explore different question and guide of subject
about the group behavior. (13:30)
10. The feminist perspective asks how does gender shapes peoples’ social
experience. (14:10)
11. The feminist perspective focuses on gender differences and argues that
different conductive exists today. (15:25)
12. The feminist perspective may also look at race, class, and ethnicity. (16:50)
Reading Activities and Notes
Based on the story of Elian Gonzalez, which perspective would be interested in
the following statements?
13. The anti-Castro (anti-communist) ideology was more important than
economic interests. (Functionalism, Conflict, Interactionism)
14. The government upheld laws and values about where children should live.
(Functionalism, Conflict, Interactionism)
15. The imbalance of power. (Functionalism, Conflict, Interactionism)
16. People joined together to have rallies and protests focusing on Elian
Gonzalez. (Functionalism, Conflict, Interactionism)
17. Functionalism examines how parts of society work together Individuals are
characterized by the major role they play.
18. The conflict perspective explores the unequal that exists in most situations:
including _________________ inequality and differences in value.
19. Interactionism is concerned with individual and small group; their beliefs,
influences, and interpretation of situations.