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Emperor Scorpion
Fast Facts
What do they look like?
Emperor scorpions are one of the largest scorpion species. They average 4-6 inches
but have been recorded up to 9 inches long. They are arachnids, meaning they are
related to spiders. They have two main body parts, eight legs, enlarged food-handling
pincers, and a segmented tail with a telson and sting at the end of it. Their
exoskeleton is black and they glow bright teal under ultra-violet light! They have poor
eyesight but an excellent sense of touch via hairs which detect vibrations though the
ground or in the air.
How do they behave?
Common Name: Emperor
Scorpion, Imperial Scorpion
Scientific Name: Pandinus
Family: Scorpionidae
Order: Scorpiones
Class: Arachnida
Range: Western Africa
Emperor scorpions are reclusive animals, though they are relatively social when
compared to other scorpion species and often live in small family groups. They spend
the majority of their time in long underground burrows (up to 6ft) that they dig with
their first two pairs of legs. When threatened, the scorpion will face the threat with
open claws and arched tail. If further harassed, the scorpion is likely to pinch or sting.
What’s on the menu?
These scorpions are nocturnal, emerging at night to hunt insects and other
invertebrates. Occasionally they will feed on small vertebrates, such as small lizards
or mice. At the Zoo, they eat crickets.
How are they born?
Emperor scorpions engage in a mating dance in which the male grasps the female’s
pincers while moving around. He will decide on a location in which to deposit his
sperm sac, and then guide the female to the same location. The eggs are fertilized
internally, and females will give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Gestation
is highly variable depending on ambient temperature, food availability, and stress
factors. On average, 8-30 scorplings are born after a 7-10 month long gestation.
Females provide extraordinary care to their young. After birth, she will carry all of
them on her back until their first molt. She will catch and shred insects to feed them
and will aggressively defend her brood.
How strong is their sting?
Habitat: Tropical forests and
Lifespan: 5-8 years in captivity,
less in the wild
Conservation Status: Near
Scorpions have an inverse relationship between venom potency and pincher size.
Scorpions with potent venom have smaller pincers while scorpions with less toxic
venom have larger pincers to compensate. Emperor scorpion stings are typically mild,
comparable to a bee sting. However, their pincers are large and strong.
How can you help?
Due to their relatively docile nature, this species is the most common scorpion kept
as pets. However, over-collection of wild specimens has substantially affected African
populations. If you are looking to acquire an emperor scorpion as a pet, make sure it
has not been collected from the wild. These scorpions breed readily in captivity and
acquiring a captive bred animal helps protect remaining wild populations.