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Survey Title: Homework VII - Coming Back Home. (odd)
Participant #1
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A current flows through the loop of wire immersed in a
the steps in creating electricity.
magnetic field. Each end of the loop of wire will
experience a force due to the electrons flowing in the
loop if wire. The commutator will change the direction of
the current every half cycle. Each end of the loop of
wire will experience an opposite force due to the
electrons flowing in the opposite direction. The loop of
wire will continue to rotate due to the changing direction
of the current immersed in a magnetic field.
When electric current passes through a coil in a
magnetic field the magnetic force produce a torque
which then turns the motor producing energy and
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The possibilities of producing a force a moving charge,
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
a current in a wire, a moving wire in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
c. produce a magnetic field in the coil. The magnetic
field is in the same direction as the current.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer is made with the use of Faraday’s law
transfomer works.
and some properties of iron core. An object that
produces a current is attached to an iron object by a
wire. The wire around the iron then transfers the current
from the first object to the iron. Attached to the other
side of the iron object is a new wire connected to
another object. This other wire takes the current from
the iron object and transfers the current to the second
object. This can also be seen through the thomson ring.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is where you can remember the
explain how it works.
whole image. This can be produced by having a laser
hit a splitter beam. The one goes through a mirror and
lens which then hits the film. The other side also goes
through a mirror and lens but also hits the object before
the film. After the film is developed, the three
dimensional image can be reconstructed with light
directed towards the holograms at the same angles as
the reference beam.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
The rules are a dead cell with exactly three live
neighbors becomes a living cell, a live cell with two or
three neighbors stays alive and in all other cases, a cell
dies or remains dead due to over crowing or loneliness.
Life is evident because there are dots that show it. The
dots keep appearing and it shows that some evolution
could be accruing. Complexity is natural and simple
because the ones that are the most fit live and the
others die. The ones that live evolve into more complex
things but it is simple to understand how this happens.
The characters that live the longest are the one that are
in a double line. They will go on forever.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
What is consciousness? Nobody really knows. It is still
Consciousness slide show.
in the unknown. The quantum consciousness can try to
explain what goes on in the cells of the brain how the
act and produce consciousness in the brain.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I believe that consciousness is the time that we know
the most fundamental aspect of
what we are doing. The neurons have to send the
consciousness. After watching and reading the message to the brain and parts of the body to do
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
conscious things. So yes I agree with scientists that
neurons are the most fundamental aspect of
11) Your name
Emily Parker
Participant #2
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain An electric generator works much like a motor. A wire is
the steps in creating electricity.
first immersed in a magnetic field, and following that, an
electric current is sent through the wire. This causes the
wire to turn because of the opposite poles that are
being created and the subsequent forces. As this wire
turns, it creates energy in the form of a current, or
volts. This energy is then either stored in a cell that is
connected to the wire, or sent through a transmission
line to be sent to homes or businesses.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three magnetic interactions are as follows:
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
F=qvB, or Force = charge x velocity x B-field (magnetic
F=lLB, or Force = current x Length x B-field
emf=vBL, or Generated Voltage = velocity x B-field x
In the first equation, the right hand rule is applied and
the perpendicular force will bend the path of the charge
into a circle if the charge remains in the uniform
magnetic field. In the second equation, the electric
current in the wire is viewed as a conventional current
(the charges are moving to the right) and it seems that
the magnetic force on the wire is upward, also following
the right hand rule. In the last equation, the wire is
forced to move perpendicular to the magnetic field, and
this changes the magnetic force. This is the most
common of the three magnetic interactions of a moving
charge in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
a. produce a magnetic field on the outside of the coil, in
the same direction as the current. The more the number
of coils, the stronger the magnetic field outside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
transfomer works.
Transformers are used to either increase or decrease
voltages, and in turn, currents. All that a transformer
really is is an iron core (which is actually not necessary)
with two wires (cores) wrapped around it. One coil
handles the input current, and the other handles the
output current. When you want the voltage to decrease,
you wrap the coil around the core fewer times with the
output coil than you do with the input coil, and when
you want to increase the voltages, you must wrap the
coil around the core more times on the output side.
Inside of the core, the current creates a magnetic field
that circulates within the core. This is how the current
reaches the opposite coil.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is a memory storage medium.
explain how it works.
CD’s and DVD’s use only the surface area of their discs
to store memory. Holographic memory would utilize not
only the surface area, but also the volume of the disc to
store its memory. This 3D storage would mean for the
consumer more information storage in less space, and
faster data transfer. How much storage? On a sugar
cubed size chip, holographic memory would allow us to
store 1 terabyte, or 1000 gigabytes. THAT IS HUGE!!!!
Holographic memory works using a blue-green argon
laser that is fired through something that splits the
beam in two. One of these beams then bounces off a
single mirror and through an LCD (or liquid crystal
display) as we see on our digital clocks, etc. The
information in the LCD is then carried by the same laser
to a light-sensitive crystal. The second beam (from the
original split beam) goes in another direction, but
eventually ends up at the same crystal as the first
beam. When the two beams come back
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules of the game of life are simple, and there are
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
only two of them. First, a dead cell with exactly 3
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
neighbors will become live again. This represents birth.
being both natural and simple, why? Which
Second, a live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbors will stay
characters in the game of life lived the
alive. This represents survival. In any other case, the
cell will either die or stay dead, which obviously
represents death. This idea is brilliant in its simplicity,
which is what I believe Bryson to be speaking of when
he says that complexity is both natural and simple.
Complexity is a natural occurrence in nature. Even with
these 2 simple rules of life (rules which are natural in
their own right), the patterns eventually become
complex forms. Therefore, complexity is natural
because it occurs in nature unaided, and it is also
simple because even with two simple and natural rules,
complexity thrives. This idea, the game of life, can be
extremely useful in many areas of our lives. First of all,
the game represents the theories behind a simple
computer. Th
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Conventional thoughts on consciousness portray it as a
Consciousness slide show.
computer-like activity with neural patterns and
synchronizations, but this explanation doesn’t fully
explain certain mysterious featured of consciousness.
Activities within cells are organized by the cytoskeleton,
which is mainly comprised of microtubules (MT). These
MT are “peanut-shaped” proteins that self-assemble to
determine cell shape and function. But what about
space-time? The universe is made up of particle/waves
(photons) that pop into and out of existence, creating
“quantum foam” that everything is made up of. These
“pops” of existence occur/are altered by quantum spins
that are the fundamental level of space-time geometry,
and this can provide info on the basis for protoconscious experience (help us figure out where
consciousness comes from). Since these particles take
up space in the universe, they are also subject to
entanglement, or being in two places at one time. If
once together, two or more particles will
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were After reading the QC slideshow, I would disagree with 4/30/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
the statement that neurons are the most fundamental
consciousness. After watching and reading the aspect of consciousness because it obviously goes
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
much deeper than that. Within neurons there are the
dendrites, axons, MT, etc. Therefore, there are much
more fundamental units than the neuron, the most
fundamental of which seemingly to be the MT. Without
the MT, cell shape and function would be
undeterminable, and therefore consciousness would be
lost. The MT send the messages down the neurons and
allow though and everything else related to
consciousness to occur, and to occur and an extremely
rapid rate at that.
11) Your name
Jamie Swartout
Participant #3
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator works by using an electric conductor to
the steps in creating electricity.
produce electricity. The cunductor is moved through a
magnetic field and an electric current will be induced in
the conductor. The mechanical energy of the moving
conductor is then converted into the electric energy of
the current that flows in the conductor.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three magnetic interactions of a moving charge in a
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field are; a positive charge moving through a
magnetic field (F=gvB), a positive charge moving
through stationary wire in a magnetic field (F=ILB), and
a wire moved through a magnetic field by an external
force (emf=vBL).
3) A current in a coiled wire will
e. produce a current inside and outside the coil. The
more the number of coils, the stronger the magnetic
field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer takes in electricity at a high voltage and it
transfomer works.
runs through it's coils wound around an iron core. The
current is changeing so the magnetism in the core is
also changing. The magnetism constantly changing
produces a current in the wire. The less number of
coils, the less voltage, so through this process the
voltage decreases.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is three- dimentional data storage
explain how it works.
that will be able to store more information (1 terabyte)in
a smaller space and offer faster data transfer times. It
works by shooting a blue-green argon laser, from laser
a beam splitter will split it in two beams called the
signal beam and the reference beam. The signal beam
will go straight and bounce off a mirror and travel
through a spatial-light modulator. The signal beam will
then carry the information from the page of binary code
to the light-sensitive lithium-niobate crystal. The
reference beam shoots out the side of the beam splitter
and takes a separate path to the crystal. When the two
beams meet the interference pattern that is created
stores the data carried by the signal beam in a specific
area in the crystal. This data is stored as a hologram.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules are a dead cell with exactly three live
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
neighors becomes a live cell (birth). A live cell with two
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
or three live neighbors stays alive (survival). In all other
being both natural and simple, why? Which
cases, a cell dies or remains dead (overcrowding or
characters in the game of life lived the
lonliness). "Life" is evident because it follows the same
rules as our lives do, more or less. Bryson says
complexity is both natural and simple because
complexity follows rules and that makes it simple. The
characters that had a lot of neightbors lives the longest.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Slide 1 shows the basic idea that the mind is a
Consciousness slide show.
computer functioning inthe brain. Slide 2 shows what
microtubules look like and how they work. Slide 3 tells
us the widespread idea that that quantum foam, zero
point energied, fill space time. Slide 4 shows mass
superposition; a protien occupying two different
conformational states simultaneously. Slide 5 shows the
idea that quantum computation with objective reduction
might occur within our brains. Slide 6 shows a protien
qubit and the states it goes through incuding mixing
with another protien quibit. Slide 7 states the Penrose Hameroff model of "orchestrated objective reduction'.
Slide 8 shows how our brain makes choices by inducing
superposition. Slide 9 shows how and when
consciousness came to be. Slide 10 shows conslusions
and slide 11 shows ackknowledgement.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree because through the slide show
the most fundamental aspect of
scientists proved that quibits are the most fundamental
consciousness. After watching and reading the aspect of consciousness. Quantum foam, zero point
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
energies, fill space time.
11) Your name
Bree Boyer
Participant #4
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain Generators work by converting mechanical energy into 5/1/2004
the steps in creating electricity.
electrical energy based on electromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic induction is the idea that when an
electric conductor, like a wire, is moved through an
magnetic field the mechanical energy (movement of the
wire) will be converted into electrical energy (flowing
electrical current in the wire). A number of mechanical
processes can be converted through this process
including; running water turning a wheel, wind turning a
fan, or a even something like a hand turning a crank.
My high school physics teacher had a generator
powered fm radio that was powered by a hand crank.
By turning the crank I use mechanical energy to move
wire through a magnetic field, this movement causes
electric current to flow through the wire and back into to
radio. The electricity created is then stored in a battery,
which is used to power the radio.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three magnetic interactions of a moving charge in a 5/1/2004
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field are V, B, and F. V is velocity and it is
described by the right hand rule as being the way the
thumb is pointed. B is the direction of the magnetic field
and according to the RHR it is the way the fingers are
pointing. F is the force and according to RHR it is the
way your open palm is facing. The great thing about the
RHR is if you have any two directions of V, B, F you
can find the direction of the third using the RHR.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
f. produce a magnetic field in and around the coil. The 5/1/2004
stronger the current thru the coil, the stronger the
magnetic field in and around the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
Transformers can increase or decrease voltage in
transfomer works.
circuits. They accomplish this by using the process of
mutual inductance in which two coils of wire are
wrapped around the same core with different numbers
of coils on each side. If the number of coils on the side
of the incoming voltage is greater than the number of
coils on the side of the outgoing voltage then the
resulting voltage will be proportionally lesser than the
initial voltage. If 120 Volts goes into XXXX (4 coil input)
and exits XX (2 coil input) the resulting voltage will be
less or stepped-down. The opposite is true of a small
number of coils on input and large on output because
the resulting voltage is greater or stepped-up. The coil
ratio can be changed to acquire the desired end
voltage. Transformers are the things that allow us to
use anything from clock radios to gigantic subwoofers
by plugging them into the same outlet.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is an elaboration on the light
explain how it works.
storage technology that became prevalent in the 1980’s
with the compact disc. Interesting sidenote, my
grandfather, James Elliott, was one of the engineers
who worked on the first compact disc. After the CD
came the DVD but now there is chatter among
scientists concerning a new form of storage known as
holographic memory. Holographic memory uses light
storage technology but it uses it in the third dimension.
By using volume as the recording zone we could store
more data in less space. The system works by first
sending a blue-green argon laser to a splitter. From the
splitter the object or signal beam bounces off a single
mirror and onto a spatial-light modulator. The SLM is a
graphical representation of binary data that is portrayed
by clear or dark boxes. This info is by the carried by the
signal beam to a light-sensitive lithium-niobate crystal.
The second beam from the splitter goes to the crystal
as well and it creates interference.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules of life are rather basic: A dead cell with
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (birth).
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
A live cell with two or three live neighbors stays alive
being both natural and simple, why? Which
(survival). In all other cases, a cell dies or remains dead
characters in the game of life lived the
(overcrowding or loneliness). Life seems to be evident
because existence is dependent on a system of needs
(rules) if those rules are met then ‘life’ can flourish but if
they are not met death occurs. Bryson says that
complexity is both natural and simple because
everything is complex and even the simplest thing
imaginable is complex simply because it exists.
Existence in itself ‘exists’ because we say it does and in
fact it is my belief that we exist only because we
believe we do. (This is confusing but fun to think
about). The characters in life that lived the longest are
those that cycled through patterns of stability and/or
continually evolved into more stable beings.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The quantum consciousness slide show is basically the 5/1/2004
Consciousness slide show.
search for the most fundamental unit of consciousness.
Some scientists believe it is the neuron but new ideas
are emerging that it is indeed microtubules and the
tubulins that make them up. The tubulins seem to
function as binary switches and as such could
conceivably be the fundamental unit scientists have
been searching for. With this binary switch discovered
we describe the brain as a sort of quantum computer.
The search is complicated further by the idea of
quantum foam that fills the entire universe, that includes
you and me, and is conscious in itself. The foam has
within it qubits that act as the binary switches of a
universal computer we cannot even begin to
comprehend. The Orch OR model even goes so far as
to state that each tublin in a microtubule is a qubit.
Consciousness does not just happen but instead is a
result of the complex processes of tubulins/qubits that
are existent everywhere in the universe and their
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were The evidence that tubulins and not neurons are the
the most fundamental aspect of
most fundamental aspect of consciousness is abundant
consciousness. After watching and reading the as seen in the slide show. Tubulins even fit with the
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
idea of binary switches whereas neurons (in my opinion)
do not. How can a neuron capable of releasing multiple
combinations of neurotransmitters be binary. Even if
there were only 5 possible combinations of
neurotransmitters (there are many more) then there
would still be five possibilities on the switch! Tubulins
have only two positions, on/off and as such are more
likely the binary quantum computers we have been
searching for. Under the neuron centered view the glial
cells which make up 80% of our brains would be
considered useless! After reading the ENTIRE slide
show I cannot rationalize the neuron fundamentalist
MIRACLE! (7pm Saturday Night)**
11) Your name
Andrew Elliott
Participant #5
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain Step uno: There is a current that goes through a coil of 5/1/2004
the steps in creating electricity.
wire. A magnetic field surrounds the coil of wire.
Step dos: The ends of the wire will be subject to a
force which is caused by the moving electrons.
Step tres: The commutator changes the coil's direction
each time it goes half way around.
Step quatro: Now the ends of the wire experience a
force opposite to the previous force. This occurs due to
the change in direction of electrons.
Step cinco: The coil constantly rotates because of the
direction changes in the current and is affected by the
magnetic field.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three interactions are:
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
1. When a positive charge goes through the magnetic
2. When a positive charge moves through a non-moving
wire in a magnetic field
3. When a wire moves through the magnetic field with
an outside force.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
a. produce a magnetic field on the outside of the coil, in 5/1/2004
the same direction as the current. The more the number
of coils, the stronger the magnetic field outside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
The transformer does exactly what it's name tells. It
transfomer works.
transforms the voltage of electricity from high to low. As
I explained earlier, when a magnetic field changes
voltage is created. Voltage is basically the amount of
electrons that go through a wire. A transformer directs
electricity that is at a higher voltage flow through a
large amount of coiled wire twisted around an iron core.
The current is continually changing as well as the
magnetic field. Once the electicity goes through it exits
the side of a smaller amount of coils. With a smaller
amount of coils this means less electrons are running
through and less voltage. Transformers are used in train
sets that require a change in voltage. You know the
ones you played with as a kid.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory uses light to create memory or
explain how it works.
image. When every I think of holographic images or
memory, Princess Leia comes to mind. When she
creates her message for Obi-Wan Kenobi to lend a
helping hand and save her from the hands of evil.
Anyways, back to my explanation of holographic
First the laser beam is slit into two parts the part that
directly hits the object is the reference beam. The other
is called the signal beam is reflected off the object. The
image is appears when both beams join percicely at the
right moment and are both alligned. This technology is
used for writing on cds and dvds. If anyone has ever
"burnt" their own c.d. like I have they have been apart
of this interesting technology.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
There are four simple rules to abide by while playing
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
The Game of Life.
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
1. Each cell with one or no neighbors dies.
being both natural and simple, why? Which
2. Each cell with four or more neighbors dies.
characters in the game of life lived the
3. Each cell with two or three neighbors survives.
4. Each cell with three neighbors is populated.
Life is evident due to the movement of the small dots.
Bryson explains the complexities of life as being both
natural and simple because it happens spontaneously
without any thought. Something so complex becomes so
simple. The characters that live the longest were the
ones who found three neighbors. Thus they became
more populated and lived longer.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The Quantum Conciousness slide show explains the
Consciousness slide show.
chemical and physical processes that occur during
consciousness. Not only does it explain that but also
the complities of human consciousness.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were Well there are so many integral elements that go into
the most fundamental aspect of
the physical and chemical aspects of consciousness.
consciousness. After watching and reading the There are other things to consider that are beyond the
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
realm of consciousness and on so many different levels.
Neurons are only a physical aspect but not the most
fundamental, it is only a small portion of amazing
elements that comprise consciousness.
11) Your name
Kristen Doyer
Participant #6
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain a generator is a coil turning in between a magnetic
the steps in creating electricity.
field. Which inturn creates a voltage turning rotational
energy into electrical energy. While you tutrn the coil the
direction of the current changes with each half turn of
the generator.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1. The magnetic force is perpendicular to both magnetic
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
field and velocity.
2. If the magnetic force on the wire is upward then the
magnetic current or force is upward also.
3. If the wire is perpendicular to the magnetic field then
the magnetic force is along the wire.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
f. produce a magnetic field in and around the coil. The
stronger the current thru the coil, the stronger the
magnetic field in and around the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer is made of two coils wrapped around
transfomer works.
opposite sides of a iron core. The first coil is attached
to some form of enery such as a battery (I think). The
current goes through the first coil and makes a
magnetic field which creates a current in the second
coil.A trans former is ususally used to increase or
decrease voltage and currents in circuits.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
In holographic memory a laser beam is split into two
explain how it works.
beams. One beams goes straight and bounces off a
mirror then travels through a spatial light modulator
which will show pages of raw data in clear and dark
squares. The information from the page is carried to the
lithium niobate crystal. The second beam shoots out the
side of the beam splitter and straight to the crystal.
When the two beams meet the the interference pattern
stores the data carried by the first beam in a specifi
location on the crystal. The data is stored as a
hologram. More information may be stored and
accessed with holographic memory.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
rules: 1.2 or 3 neighbors allow cell to survive, 2.exactly
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
3 neighbors surround a dead cell cause it to come alive
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
and uses 8 cells surrounding each cell as its
I wasn't able to download the game and play. Bryson
talks about complexity as simple because of the set of
the DNA molecule and strand. Yes it was hard to find
but after we found it it was so simple. This complexity of
life is not hard but it is hard when it comes to one
trying to develop its own man or as they say playing
God. I also think he mentioned the natural part of it is
that it act as a separate entity and that it works on its
own and help us to reproduce. Its own mind has it
working our whole lives. We could not live with out DNA
but what about DNA with out us. We are complex but
we are simple and natural.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The quantum conciousness slideshow was about how
Consciousness slide show.
they have been able to begin to understand the small
units of conciousness. In the neurons that are in our
brain that carry messages between eachother and help
us learn, there are still smaller units that contribute to
the mind process. In the axon of the neuron there are
these microtubule that hold a protein called tubulin.
These tubulines are known to have two states which
also are in comparison to the two curvatures of the
space-time geometry. So these things are also known
to be everywhere around us? Well anyways these
tubulines are also known to entangle themselves with
others and they always are in contact. never forgetting
the other.This is a quantum computing process. The
slideshow also talked about the Orch OR, Orchestrated
Objective Reduction model brought up by PenroseHameroff. This model proved that quantum
superposition/computation is ocurring in microtubule
with in the brains meurons and glia, that the tubulin in
switch be
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I was also thinking that neurns were the smallest aspect 5/1/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
of conciousness but after the slide show I'm getting to
consciousness. After watching and reading the think that there is more in our brains than we think. I
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
kind of worry about all this information because it is a
lot and it sometimes is confusing or unbelievable that
you sometimes don't believe it. But then again I do want
to know what goes on in myhead and how we are able
to think and read and process information into memory
and then use it in our daily living.
11) Your name
Mayda Aranda
Participant #7
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator is a source of power. Before looking on the 5/2/2004
the steps in creating electricity.
website, I didn't know where the force actually comes
from in the generator-but I was soon to find out that it
all stems from the current. The current passes through
a coil of wire in a magnetci fild. Each end of the coil will
experience a force, which is caused by the flow of
electrons through the wire. The force will be
perpendicular to the veolcity of the charge and the
magnetic field. This is also known as the right hand
rule. The commuter, which rotates, will change the
direction of the current every half cycle. As a result of
the change in current direction, the loop in the coil will
experience an opposite force as well. As long as the
current is in the magnetic field, the loop of wire will
continue to rotate as the current and force change
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of There are three magnetic interactions which occur in a 5/2/2004
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field. The first is a positive charge moving
through the magnetic field. If the charge remains in the
uniform magnetic field,then the magnetic (perpendicular)
force will bend the path of the charge into a circle The
second interaction is a positive charge moving through
stationary wire in the magnetic field. I can visualize this
happening by thinking of the current in a conventional
sense. Therefore, as the positive charges move though
the wire, the magnetic fore on the wire is upward by the
right hand rule. The third interaction is if the wire is
moved through the magnetic field by an external force.
In this interaction, motional voltage is gernated by
mechanical energy input which moves the wire in the
magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
b. produce a current around the coil. The more the
number of coils, the stronger the magnetic field inside
the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
There is one core with two coils of wire around it on
transfomer works.
opposite sides. The two coils are not touching. The
primary coil is the input coil of the transformer, and the
secondary coil is the output coil. There is mutual
induction which causes voltage to be induced in the
secondary coil. If the input voltage remains constant,
but I increase the number of windings around the
primary coil while decreasing the number of windings in
the secondary coil, then the output voltage will
decrease. Consequently, if I decrease the number of
windings around the primary coil while increasing the
number of windings in the secondary coil, the output
voltage will increase.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is used to store images in greater 5/2/2004
explain how it works.
amounts. We use a form of primary storage when we
burn cd's (which is not a very good idea seeing that
they last no longer than two years). Holographic
memory is all around us in a three dimensional form.
Basically it works as follows: A laser is fired which hits a
beam splitter that creates two beams. One beam will
split off and bounce off a mirror into the spatial-light
modulator. This modulator is like our LCD displays on
our cell phones. The information on the LCD is carried
by the signal beam around a lithium-niobate crystal. The
second beam will then shoot out of the other side of the
beam-splitter and take a different path leading to the
lithium-niobate crystal. When the two beams meet, the
information through the interference will come together
in a specific area of the crystal, storing the memory in
the form of a hologram. It may seem confusing at first,
but after reading the process over a few times and
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Tony thinks this game is awesome...well, it is
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
amusing...but not as amusing as talking to A.L.I.C.E..
Anyways, in this game a cell can either be live or dead.
This is how the game worked when I played it: I clicked
on the squares to darken them. When I decided which
squares I wanted darken, I pressed start. If a square is
empty, then it is dead. As I pressed start, the picture of
squares became alive and reproduced if it had three live
neighbors around it. If it didn't have neighbors (at least
3) around it, the cell died. Basically, what happens to
the cell is based on it's neighbors. A live cell with two or
three live neighbors stays alive. However, if the cell
becomes overcrowded or lonly (with less than 3 live
neighbors), it will die. :( . Live seems to be evident in
this game because the cells either reproduce or die out.
They can either produce more generations, or can die
out by a sort of natural selection process. This relates
to Bryson in his complexity statemen
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The Quantum Consciousness slide show has four major 5/2/2004
Consciousness slide show.
points. The first one is that brain processes relevant to
conciousness extend downward within neurons to the
level of cytoskeletal microtubules. These microtubules
help make synaptic connections, and interact with
membrane structures. This helps prove the point that
conciousness cannot just "emerge". The second major
idea in the slide show is pan-protopyschism in which
proto-concious qualia are embedded in the basic level
of reality, as described by modern physics. This is the
part that most confused me. Overall, it came odnw to
the quantum foam, which is the smallest matter that we
know about. The foam erupts and collapses in
spacetime. Superposition could occur simultaneously in
quantum computing...simply, it could be a 1 and 0 at
the same time. This would mean that conciousness
could occur at the quantum lvev. Conciousness may be
seen as a sequence of discrete events rather htan just
emerging. The third major point of
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree with this statement because
the most fundamental aspect of
consciousness goes much further than the surface level
consciousness. After watching and reading the that neurons occupy. First of all, consciousness is
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
proven that the connections made through synapses
cannot magically form conscious decisions. Secondly,
there is much more to consciousness, in that it happens
at a critical level of complexity. The neurons do make
connections, but it is how that matters. Scientists have
gone to the microtubule level to look at the connection
process, and have discovered that it is here where
mechanical signaling and communication functions
exists. But consciousness continues to go deeper than
synaptic connection levels. Consciousness may involve
quantum state reductions, according to Alfred North
Whitehead. THe smallest matter that we know of, the
quantum foam, may be the site of conscious processes.
It is here where objective reduction occurs, as well as
superposition, all which lead to the consciousness that
all living things experience. Cons
11) Your name
Julie Litrich
Participant #8
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator is a pumping device that maintains a
the steps in creating electricity.
steady flow of charge through the difference in electric
potential. In the case of an electric generator, negative
charges are pulled apart from positive ones. This is
called electromagnetic induction, inducing voltage by
changing the magnetic field. The energy with each
charge (that has been pulled apart) provides the
difference in potential (voltage) that provides a sort of
electrical pressure to move electrons. A steady flow of
energy is maintained through the difference in the
electric potential. In batteries, this process occurs at the
terminal ends.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1. A gravitational force (a moving wire): a wire moved
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
through a magnetic field by external force aka gravity
creates a charge through its movement causing
opposing charges to create a force.
2. A electric force (a current in a wire): a positive
charge moving through a stationary wire in a magnetic
field opposes the charge in the field which then creates
a force.
3. A magnetic force (a moving charge): a positive
charge moving through a magnetic field creates a
charge through opposing charges in the field and the
positive charge thus creating a force.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer is an electromagnetic induction device
transfomer works.
that consists of an input coil of wire and an output coil
of wire. The input is powered by an AC voltage source
and the output is connected to an external circuit.
Changes in the current of the input wire produce
changes in its magentic field. These changes extend to
the output wire, inducing voltage by changing the
magnetic field in the coil of wire. This is a transfer of
electric power between the two coils of wire, either
boosting or lowering voltage, depending on the number
of turns of wire in the coils. If the output wire has more
turns than the input, then the output will have greater
voltage, and vice versa.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is a type of 3-D data storage that 5/2/2004
explain how it works.
will go beneath the surface and use the volume of the
recording medium (CDs, for example) for storage,
instead of only the surface area. Three dimensional
data storage is able to store more information in a
smaller space and allow for faster data transfer times.
In a holographic memory device, a laser beam is split in
two, and the two resulting beams interact in a crystal
medium to store a holographic recreation of a page of
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Life is both complex and simple in that all of our
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
complicated, diverse chemical processes that fuel our
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
existence evolved only once and have stayed relatively
being both natural and simple, why? Which
fixed. All living things are elaborations upon one plan
characters in the game of life lived the
that drives all of our existence. We all came from
ancestral packet that produced an offspring. Through
evolution and maturation, that has produced humans,
elephants, etc. So while we are so complex and vastly
different, in species, in terms of function (respiration,
conception, etc.) we are also simple, coming from one.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The Quantum Consciousness slide show is a lecture
Consciousness slide show.
detailing what consciousness is through explanations
and diagrams. Consciousness can be likened to a
computer: activity occurs in the brain through neural
activity and consciousness is the product of this, our
response to the complexity of neurons. Explaining
consciousness requires psychology, neuroscience and a
new form of pyschism that says consciouness is
embedded in reality itself.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were It goes even deeper than that. Microtubules within
the most fundamental aspect of
neurons are what organize the occurrences in the brain.
consciousness. After watching and reading the Microtubules are the most fundamental aspect of
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
consciouness rather than the neuron because they are
within the neuron acting not only as structure but as a
means of communication. They support information
transfer, processing and learning within neurons.
11) Your name
Roxanne Smith
Participant #9
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator is based on magnetic fields but, mostly the
the steps in creating electricity.
change in direction of the magnetic field’s currents.
There are three different magnetic fields implemented;
the vertical up and down forces coming from the
permanent magnet, and the force ether pushing out or
pulling in coming from the wires current. There is a
commutator that provides the energy, switching the
electric current coming from the AC. The switching of
the current s important because the change is what
causes the flow of electrons (current) and the vertical
forces to repel each other to get the wires moving. The
repelling and attraction going on within the magnetic
fields turns the wires and starts the generator.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The current direction, the magnetic field and the Lorentz
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
force are the three magnetic interactions that occur in a
moving magnetic field to move things like a motor. The
current direction is what makes the motion when it is
hanging. The current changes because someone flips a
switch or because it is plugged into the alternating AC
power outlet. The magnetic field is the one being given
off by the permanent magnet. It is vertical. The Lorentz
force is the force that is either repelling the same
magnetic charge or attracting opposite charges.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
c. produce a magnetic field in the coil. The magnetic
field is in the same direction as the current.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
e. produce a current inside and outside the coil. The
more the number of coils, the stronger the magnetic
field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
transfomer works.
A transformer is used to either step up or step down the
electricity coming from an AC power source because
either the voltage coming from the wall is too high or
too low for the appliance that needs the energy. Inside
the AC adapter there is an oval magnet with coils on
each side. The side with the less voltage has a shorter
coil, the more voltage, the longer the coil. If you need to
plug in your CD player, it would need a step down, so
the longer coil would be in the wall socket end and the
shorter in the CD player. The voltage will go through
the long coil and send a current through the oval
magnet that will carry through to the shorter coil, but
lose voltage because of the shorter coil.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is able to store the information of
explain how it works.
an entire object’s 3-D image. It goes beyond the
memory of a regular 2-D photograph with the use of
laser light. To make a holographic image, two separate
laser lights are used. One light is reflected onto an
object and then onto film while the other is just directed
onto the film. Laser lights are better than regular light
because it is both in phase (all of the wavelengths are
in sync and they are all the same size). The laser burns
the entire image onto the film from every angle all at
the same time, allowing the film to store the entire
image in every part of the film. So, if you were to cut
the holograph in half, you would still have the images
information in both halves of the film, therefore you
could see the entire image in both halves of the film.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The game of life might be cool if I could figure out how
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
to use it. I am still so lost. But, the rules are you have
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
to make a living colony or community from almost
being both natural and simple, why? Which
nothing by turning on and off the lights. This would
characters in the game of life lived the
simulate how the interaction between changing
organisms could breed life. There really isn’t an answer
to how life could be evident unless you define “life.” You
could say that life is evident because the little
“creatures” on the screen are moving and reproducing
and functioning in a community. Bryson says that
complexity is natural and simple because it just happens
in an instant, unlike evolution. Everything is complex;
from a snowflake, to a human brain. But, Bryson argues
that complexity is spontaneous and occurs due to
contributing factors, but the end product is naturally put
here on earth. I don’t know which characters lasted the
longest because I couldn’t figure out how to play the
game. :(
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The slide show talked in depth about a lot of
Consciousness slide show.
consciousness and how we really do not know anything
about it which really frustrates us because we live in a
society where we have to know hat is going on around
us. It is hard for us to know that something is going on
in our heads but not know how it works or what it really
is. And we can’t even research it that much because we
aren’t about to crack open a live persons head and
check out his or her brain. It talked about the tiny parts
in a neuron that are being looked into as
consciousness. Qubits can be in superposition and just
automatically help us to make decisions and choices,
which kind of leads into the idea of free will with the
Orch OR model. It then talked about when
consciousness started, at the beginning of the earth?
The whole slideshow was just a bunch of fancy or how
you would say “cute” ways to try and explain something
that we really know little about.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would totally have to agree after watching all of the
the most fundamental aspect of
slides proving that a neuron can be broken down into
consciousness. After watching and reading the even smaller parts like the microtubules, the tubulins,
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
the qubit and the qubit space-time. On a relevant scale,
the neuron is humongous compared to the smallest
fundamental aspect of consciousness. Then the qubit
could be broken down into proteins, but it is the qubit
that I present in consciousness. The qubit is able to be
in superposition and help us in recognition and volitional
choice. The neuron is able to do all of this as a whole
but it can be broken down into parts that can do the
same on its own.
11) Your name
Jade Ku
Participant #10
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator is actually a really simple machine. It turns
the steps in creating electricity.
mechanical energy into electrical energy by making a
current flow through a conductor, like a copper wire.
Basically, if a loop of the copper wire is moved through
a magnetic field, its electrons are forced into motion,
creating a current through the conductor.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1. Positive charge moving through a magnetic field.
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
2. Positive charge moving through a stationary wire in a
magnetic field.
3. Wire moved through a magnetic field by an external
3) A current in a coiled wire will
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer is made of conductive wire wrapped
transfomer works.
around an iron core. Basically, there is wire coiled
around the iron core in two places. An alternating
current is put through the first coil, which changes the
magnetic field in the iron core. When the magnetic field
changes, it induces alternating current of the same
frequency to move through the second coil. (Since the
current is alternating the magnetism in the iron core is,
too.) When the current is generated in the second coil,
the voltage changes because of the magnetic field. If
the primary coil has more loops, the voltage will be
reduced (stepped-down), whereas if the secondary coil
has more loops, it will be increased (stepped-up).
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
With holographic memory, you can store huge amounts
explain how it works.
of data in a relatively small amount of space. The way
holograms work is a laser goes through a beam splitter
which splits it into 2 beams. One, the reference beam,
is directed by a mirror through a lens (to make it
uniformly cover the film) and onto the film. The other
beam, called the object beam, also is redirected by a
mirror and through a lens, but covers the object to be
holographed rather than the film. The object beam
created information about the object, its appearance,
size, and location. Then, parts of the 2 beams meet to
create a unique image on the film. After the film is
developed, a three dimensional image can be created
by directing light toward the hologram at the same
angle as the reference beam.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Alright, I played the game, and to be honest, I don’t get 5/2/2004
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
it. I understand that it’s suppose to be an example of
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
cellular automation, the way “rules rules are applied to
being both natural and simple, why? Which
cells and their neighbors in a regular grid,” I can’t really
characters in the game of life lived the
make sense of the game itself and how to play it…
Life seems evident because there is a pattern of
change and growth. Bryson said that complexity is both
natural and simple. I guess what he means by that is
that complexity occurs naturally, and it doesn’t have to
evolve, it just happens.
* A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes
a live cell.
* A live cell with two or three live neighbors stays alive.
* In all other cases, a cell dies or remains dead.
When I played, the “character” that seemed to live the
longest was the block. I ended up with quite a few little
2x2 squares.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Even though there are several theories about
Consciousness slide show.
consciousness, scientists are unable to fully explain it.
Brain imaging methods like the PET scan let us see
how the brain responds to stimuli, but the information
we get from such tests is not enough. We can think of
the brain as a very complex computer in many respects,
but that explanation is incomplete.
While neurons have been credited for much of our
brain’s activity in the past, we are now looking deeper.
Brain processes having to do with consciousness
actually occur within the neurons, in the cytoskeletal
The slideshow also brought up several different theories
regarding consciousness, including pan-protopsychism
and Roger Penrose’s physics of objective reduction, as
well as the Penrose-Hameroff model of quantum
computation with objective reduction in microtubules (try
saying that 10 times fast).
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were 10. While neurons are important, they are not the most 5/2/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
fundamental aspect of consciousnesses the cytoskeletal
consciousness. After watching and reading the microtubule within the neuron. The microtubules serve
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
both structural and communication functions, forming
synaptic connections and interacting with membrane
structures mechanically, chemically, and electrically.
Microtubule automata switching is much faster than
synaptic switching.
11) Your name
Samantha Mayberry
Participant #11
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator works by operating on the principal of
the steps in creating electricity.
electromagnetic induction. When a conductor passes
through a magnetic field a voltage is produced. A
generator moves the conductor and leads the current
produced by the voltage to a circuit where it powers
devices that require electricity. Electricity is a charge
which is powered by protons and electrons. There must
be a electromotive force between the conductors ends,
an electric cell, battery and generator to create a
electromotive force. Any of these can constitute
electricity and are considered electric circuits.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of Three magnetic interactions of a moving charge are
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
weak interactions which is responsible for nuclear
decay, electromagnetism which causes the motion of
electric charges, and strong interactions which are
carried by glucons and are responsible for the bonding
of protons. A magnetic field is a region in space in
which a magnetic force acts on any other magnet,
electric current, or moving charged particle. Some other
interactions include moving charges, a current in a wire,
and a moving wire all these things are magnetic
interactions of a moving charge.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
c. produce a magnetic field in the coil. The magnetic
field is in the same direction as the current.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
c. some human, all human brain-some machine body
configurations of human and machine. These parts, some machine brain-all human body parts, some
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer works by electromagnetic induction which
transfomer works.
transforms electric energy from one current to multiple
circuits so the frequency remains charged while the
voltage and current charge or transform. Usually two or
more windings are present which are wound an the
same core producing energy. Transformers can be very
dangerous, I know from experience. My dad works for
SDG&E and a transformer blew up in his face, burning
every hair off of his face.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
A holographic memory offers the possibility of storing
explain how it works.
1TB of data. 1TB equals 1,000 gigabites which equals 1
million megabytes. Computers hold 10-40 GB of data.
Reference beams would be fired at a crystal which is
where the data would be stored. The angle in which the
second reference beam iis fired at the crystal is very
important. The second reference beam and the original
must match perfectly or the page of data will not be
able to be retrieved. This will happen in my lifetime!
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead d. laser light is stronger (more intense) and does not
of a light bulb because
disperse (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Life seems to be evident because we are all here and
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
alive, we may think that life is clear to sight or
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
understanding but in actuality life is far more complex
being both natural and simple, why? Which
than you could imagine. Life is both natural and simple
characters in the game of life lived the
because in fact the most complex things are still
organized. We may not undersatnd life but it is
organized, things that are orgaized for the most part are
considered to be simple. In our minds life is not
complex it is simple and natural. We are here for a
reason, we may not know that reason but at least our
lives are organized.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The slide show goes over the problems of
Consciousness slide show.
consciousness such as consciousness does not explain
free will. Microtubles interact with membrane structure
by linking proteins chemically by ions. The slides go
over the fact that you must come up with an explanation
of consciousness. Roger Penrose is trying to come up
with a definition and objective reduction that connects
brain structures to reality. The orch model is consistent
with known neurophysiological processes which is a
major factor for predictions and possibly even a theory
of consciousness.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I believe that consciousness is very complex and a
the most fundamental aspect of
multi-level process in which no one understands at this
consciousness. After watching and reading the time. I do beieve we are on our way to discovery about
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
consciousness, but we are not there yet. Neurons are
far to fundamental and do not explain consciousness
and it's process and or non-process. At this time we do
not even know if consciousness exists.
11) Your name
Angela Leatherman
Participant #12
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain When there is a potential difference charges in the
the steps in creating electricity.
coductor flow from the higher potential to the lower
potential. The flow of charge will perist until both ends
reach the same potential. Witout a potential difference
no flow of charge will occur. * electrical charge:
generators are "electrical pumps" that can maintain a
steady flow of charge. They work to pull negative
charges apart from positve ones.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of You get torque, when the compass needle is not
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
aligned with the magnetic field, the oppositely directed
forces produce a pair of torques that twist the needle
into alignment. Then you have the result of opposite
poles being nearest eachother and like poles beingnear
3) A current in a coiled wire will
b. produce a current around the coil. The more the
number of coils, the stronger the magnetic field inside
the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
Basically a transformer allows the current from the 1st
transfomer works.
part to be conducted inot te second. It does this
typically through an iron core. The 1st coil is powered
by Ac voltage and the second is connected to
something that harnesses the enrgy. ex) lightbulb.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
light from a single laser is split into two beams. One of
explain how it works.
the beams called the reference beam is sent straight to
the target. The signl beam reflected off the object is
being holographed. The resulting hologram image
reappears only when the two beams are realized on a
extremely precise point.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
couldn't get it downloaded
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Consciousness slide show.
consciousness occurs in different places in the brain
based on the action. ex) seeing words vs. hearing
words. But single celled orgaisms lacking neurons or
synapses are able to swim, find food, learn, and
multiply. Microtubules essential to cell shape, function,
movement, and division. The OR- could it be occuring
in the brain? Biological life is organized by proteins they
do everything from muscle movement, molecular
binding, enzyme catalyst, metabolism and movement.
So are proteins qubits?
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were Because some organisms that lack neurons or synapses 5/2/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
are able to swim, find food, learnand multiply. these
consciousness. After watching and reading the tasks are not so simple so the fundamental aspect of
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
conciousness must ly somewhere outside of the neuron.
11) Your name
Nicole Gartrell
Participant #13
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator works when an electric current passes
the steps in creating electricity.
through a coil in a magnetic field the magnetic force
prodices a torque which turns the DC motor.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1. Wire
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
2. A magnet
3. An electrical charge.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
a. produce a magnetic field on the outside of the coil, in
the same direction as the current. The more the number
of coils, the stronger the magnetic field outside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
b. all human, part cyborg, all machine
configurations of human and machine. These
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
Electricity comes from miles away at a power plant to
transfomer works.
my home and it has to travel at high voltage to get to
my house. For the elctricity to be used at home the
power has to be stepped down by going through a
substation. It keeps getting stepped down until it
transforms the amount of voltage to lower levels.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
In a holographic memory device a laser beam is split in
explain how it works.
two and the two resulting beams interact in a crystal
medium to store an holographic recreation of a page of
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead c. laser light is monochromatic (many wavelengths) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Bryson mentions complexity as being natural and simple
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
because all thinggss are complex and simple. Things
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
were made this way.
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The slide show is just a demonstration to show how we
Consciousness slide show.
are using quantum physics to understand
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree because it mentions things far more
the most fundamental aspect of
complex than neurons that can be used to understand
consciousness. After watching and reading the consciousness.
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
11) Your name
Roxana Ramirez
Participant #14
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain The purpose of the generator is to convert mechanical
the steps in creating electricity.
energy into electrical energy. To create electricity you
first need mechanical energy to turn the generator. In
the animation mechanical energy needed to turn the
generator comes from a hand crank that is located at
the front of the generator. when the hand crank is
turned it causes a wire to spin. The wire spins through
magnetic fields and electric currents flows through the
wire, which is connected to a voltage meter showing
how much current is produced. This same process is
similar to a hydroelectric plant. Instead of a hand crank
the generator turns by the force of falling water. Also,
instead of being connected to a voltage meter it is
connected to transmission lines that are responsible for
providing use with electricity.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of Moving charge, current in a wire, and moving wire.
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
a. produce a magnetic field on the outside of the coil, in
the same direction as the current. The more the number
of coils, the stronger the magnetic field outside the coil.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
b. produce a current around the coil. The more the
number of coils, the stronger the magnetic field inside
the coil.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
c. produce a magnetic field in the coil. The magnetic
field is in the same direction as the current.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
f. produce a magnetic field in and around the coil. The
stronger the current thru the coil, the stronger the
magnetic field in and around the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
Transformers increase or decrease AC(alternating
transfomer works.
current) voltages and currents that are in circuts. Two
coils of wire are wrapped around one iron core. The first
coil is the input coil of the transformer and the second
coil is the output coil. Mutual induction has to do with
voltage to be induced in the second coil. The operation
of transformers is based on mutual induction.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memeory stores and transmit large
explain how it works.
quantities of information in three dimensions. It works
by useing a single laser split into two beams. One of
the slit beams is called the reference beam. It is placed
towards the film with a mirror and lens, to expand over
the whole film. The other beam is called the object
beam. That too is directed with a mirrior and a lense
that covers the whole object that is going to be
holographed. The object pattern is then imprinted on
the film. When developed there is a three dimensional
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The game is played on a grid of square cells. A
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
particular cell can be either dead or alive. To show a
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
live cell a maker is placed on its square. It the square is
being both natural and simple, why? Which
empty that means that the cell is dead. Life seems to
characters in the game of life lived the
be evident because we seem to know so much about it.
Everything that is complicated seems to all have been
figured out.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The slid show talked about consciousness and how it is 5/2/2004
Consciousness slide show.
said to contain neurons and cytoskeletal microtubules.
Also, it was said that objective reduction is occurring in
the brain. Protein was mentioned as playing a big role
in the consciousness. Other things were also brought
up in the slid shoe like the quantum theory.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree because neurons, even though they do 5/2/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
help with the functioning of consciousness, are not the
consciousness. After watching and reading the only aspect. Different things like cytoskeletal
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
microtubules and protein are of the few important
aspects of consciousness.
11) Your name
Veronica Ford
Participant #15
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain Generators work by magnets or wind spinning the
the steps in creating electricity.
armature surrounded with copper wire to create an
electric current in the wire. With the magnets placed
near wire, an electric current is created, to also create
motion, which then creates electricity.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of circular, attraction, repulsion
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
f. produce a magnetic field in and around the coil. The
stronger the current thru the coil, the stronger the
magnetic field in and around the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
Transformers change the direction of currents during
transfomer works.
each electrical cycle
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is information stored three
explain how it works.
dimensionally in a hologram. It works by a laser being
split, and the two separate parts interfere to create an
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules of the game of life is that each square has a
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
mind of its own and will react to other squares,
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
resulting in a group thinking together and reacting to
being both natural and simple, why? Which
each other. Complexity is natural, because it can’t be
characters in the game of life lived the
completely described as something uniform and known.
Complexity is also simple, because of the example of
this life game. The squares are simple minded, but are
complex when in masses.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The Quantum Consciousness slide show went into
Consciousness slide show.
factors of what makes something conscious and also
what were the most fundamental aspects of
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were While microtubules have traditionally been considered
the most fundamental aspect of
as purely structural elements, recent evidence has
consciousness. After watching and reading the revealed that mechanical signaling and communication
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
functions also exist
11) Your name
Allen Ganibe
Participant #16
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator receives it's power through a power source
the steps in creating electricity.
that that usually spins a copper wire which is moved
through a manetic field and causes an electric current
to flow to the conductor thus creating electricity.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of A positive charge moving through a magnetic field, a
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
positive charge moving through a stationary wire in a
magnetic field, anda wire moved through a magnetic
field by external force on a positive charge.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
e. all human brain, human-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine-human body parts, all machine brain
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer will change an electrical current either by
transfomer works.
increasing or decreasing it depending on the number of
coils on a wire being inputted and outputted.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is a storage medium that is
explain how it works.
currently being developed that allows data storage to
occur in the entire "volume" of the media not just in the
surface as is the case with DVD's and CD's.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules basically explain that every living cell dies
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
every generation, the universe crustalizes into
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
miraculous patterns, and that oscillators occur at
being both natural and simple, why? Which
random such as the case with the 2x2 Block Universe.
characters in the game of life lived the
Life seems to be evident because there is a rapid cell
reproduction, there is movemen, and each cell survives
only throug it's generation through trying to perserve
itself. As Bryson explains, complexity is both natural
and simple because everything is spontaneously formed
all at once. Random characters seem to be the one's to
outlive the rest.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Consciousness is similar to the computer-like activities
Consciousness slide show.
in brains through neural networks. Neuron's are
organized in the cytoskeleton made up of microtubules
containing proteins. Consciousness may involve Qnatum
State Reductions as Qubits may exist simultaneously.
Objective Reduction (OR) e=h/t (size and energy are
related to time until reduction). Primitive consciousness
began at big bang and may have cause Cambrian
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were Acording to pan-physicists who claim a "universal mind"
the most fundamental aspect of
something more powerful than neurons is required such
consciousness. After watching and reading the as mass, spin, or charges which are fundamental
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
properties of nature.
11) Your name
Delia L. Garcia
Participant #17
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain Nichelle sits beside loop inside a magnetic field and
the steps in creating electricity.
turns it over and over again. When the loop is vertical,
the voltage is higher. When the loop lies flat, the
voltage going through is lower. The
deminishing/accerlating voltate causes the current to
change direction. This creates an Alternating Current
(AC) Generator.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1. When a wire carrying a current passes through a
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field, the particles are deflected, which causes
the entire wire to be defelcted (or bent). We saw this in
class when you put the neon light up to the magnet and
the light moved. 2. In a cool thing called a
Galvanometer (named for the guy who came up with
the idea), a coil moves within a stationary magnet when
a magnetic field is detected. It moves more with a
stronger magnet and less with a weaker field. 3. A
motor is connected to an AC outlet, where a current
surges along. The current hits the motor which causes it
to turn, which forces the current to change direction,
which creates a magnetic force. The motor continues to
turn because the alternating current pushes it along.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
f. produce a magnetic field in and around the coil. The 5/3/2004
stronger the current thru the coil, the stronger the
magnetic field in and around the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
We begin with a regular AC outlet. There is a wire in
transfomer works.
the outlet allowing the current to continue along on its
path. The wire is wrapped around an iron core a specific
number of times. On the other side of the iron core is
another wire wrapped around the same iron core
another specific number of times. This produces a
magnetic field around one wire, which is transfered to
the other wire and the current continues! Here is where
the tricky stuff comes in. When the number of coils on
the first wire is less than the amount on the second
wire, the voltage is increased! Yeah! But when the
amount on the first wire is greater than the amount of
coils on the second, the volatage is decreased. That
can be good sometimes, too. If they are the same
number, the voltage reamains the same.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory uses a laser to send a beam
explain how it works.
through a liquid crystal spatial light modulator, then
through a Holographic memory (like holograhic film). I
don't really understand that part, but I do know that the
holograms are also hit with reference beams, which
allow the holograms to be stored layer upon layer to
produce holographic memory.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Alight. THis game made little sense, but I think that I
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
figured it out. I would draw lines, and then animate
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
them and they moved, until they didn't any longer. I
being both natural and simple, why? Which
don't know the rules. I looked at them, but they just
characters in the game of life lived the
explained characteristics of different parts of the game.
They made no sense to me. By messing around on the
screen, I realized that some of the specks would stop
moving and just sit there for good. Other ones would
keep going back and forth into two positions. Still others
would spread off and go their own way. The thing that I
found the most intersting was that the particles close to
other particles kept moving. they would run into each
other and create new particles and continue to move,
while loners would die and cease to move any longer.
Life is very complex, but that is the way things had to
be. If things were not complex, nothing new or
interesting would ever happen. There would be little
room for change. When the complexity is understood, it
is simple and managabl
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
There was a lot of information in this, but is basically
Consciousness slide show.
left me to believe that we know very little about our
brains. They described the physical details and the
complexity of the neurons, but there is still so much that
is unknown. It goes on to describe the microtubules,
that are within the neurons. these are neccisary for cell
shape, functino, movement, and division. But more
importantly, is the tubulins within the microtubules.
Some scientist believe that the tubulins are the key to
consciousness. Going back to quantum mechanics, we
could possibly be looking at superposition. When we
look at a tubulin, it is in one state or the other, but in
actuallity, is is switching back and forth from both
states, that it seems to be inboth states at the same
time. Impossable you say? maybe not. The space-time
curvatue allows this to occur. If we took this theory into
the macro-world, itcould not occur because the
curvature is unstable and everything would collapse. But
on a micro-world, It wo
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were There is so much more indepth in our heads then just
the most fundamental aspect of
the chemicals going between the neurons. We are
consciousness. After watching and reading the getting into quantum therory stuff here, nit just
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
biological chemistry. Plus, a lot of creatures have
neurons in their heads, which help them to run away
from bad stuff, reproduce, and survive, but they do not
have the level of consciusness that we have. It is as
simple as that.
11) Your name
Nichelle Worthington
Participant #18
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator works by converting mechanical energy into
the steps in creating electricity.
electrical energy by using the principle of
electromagnetic induction. The generator uses an
electric conductor, such as a copper wire, and moves it
through a magnetic field. The magnetic field then
creates an electric current inside of the wire. The
electric current flows, or is induced in the copper wire.
Through this process of moving the electric current
through the wire using the magnetic field, the
mechanical energy from the moving wire is now being
turned into the electrical energy of the current.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three magnetic interactions of a moving charge in a
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field are:
* a positive charge moving through a magnetic field.
* a positive charge moving through a stationary wire in
a magnetic field
* and a wire moved through a magnetic field by an
external force.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
a. produce a magnetic field on the outside of the coil, in
the same direction as the current. The more the number
of coils, the stronger the magnetic field outside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine brain-human body parts, all machine
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
transfomer works.
A transformer is used to increase or decrease AC
voltages and currents in circuits by using the principle of
mutual inductance. A transformer usually consists of
two coils of wire wound around the same core. The
primary coil is considered the input coil and the
secondary coil is the output coil. The process of mutual
induction then causes voltage to be induced into the
secondary coil. The input and output voltages are
directly proportional to the number of windings of coil
on either side. Knowing this and using the principle of
mutual inductance, depending on the number of coils
on either side you can have a transformer that either
increases the output of voltage or decrease the output.
If the output voltage is greater than the input voltage
than it is called a step-up transformer. If the output is
less than when it came in than it is a step-down
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory has to do with the storage of 3explain how it works.
dimensional images that are stored and produced by
using laser light. To produce an image we use the
interference of two light waves which meet and interfere
on a piece of film to create a pattern of tiny exposed
and unexposed areas of light representing the object
being holographed. Lasers are used to make holograms
because they are monochromatic (one wavelength) and
coherent (in unison) which is unique when compared to
a standard light bulb. Holographic memory would be
extremely convenient because the amount of
information it can store is far greater than any current
product available now. This is because the storage of
information is 3-dimensional and the information is
stored in every part of the hologram.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
I remember you stating the only four rules in class but I
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
had trouble figuring out how to play the game very well
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
and the rules didn't come through quite as clear as you
being both natural and simple, why? Which
stated them. Life seems to be evident because despite
characters in the game of life lived the
the complexity of it, life just seems to emerge from
nowhere. Bryson is absolutely right in that the
complexity of the human anatomy, or any life period
appears so incredibly complex in order to have so many
different functions operating simultaneously. It almost
seems that there must have been some sort of
supreme designer of such complex and diverse
creatures. However the emergence of life is completely
natural in that we didn't just appear on earth the way
we are today. But rather, with the presence of the right
elements, some sort of primitive life is bound to emerge
and flourish and begin to evolve. I never really got a
very good game going at all but I had a number of blue
specks that lasted longer than the rest.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
The Quantum Consciousness slideshow was pretty
Consciousness slide show.
confusing to me personally but the whole concept of
consciousness I guess is theoretically confusing to
every one. It explained how brain processes dealing with
consciousness extend downward within neurons to the
level of cytoskeletal microtubules. It also explains how
the explanation of consciousness is only composed of
theories and that thus far we have established no
factual evidence of it's origin. Roger Penrose's idea of
objective reduction and how it connects brain structures
to fundamental reality is a pretty crazy and elaborate
idea. Sounds like a bit of a stretch to me but his guess
is as good as mine. In conclusion, I personally find the
concept of quantum cosnciousness extremely frustrating
and it bothers me that there is no fundamental base of
what has been proven to be right, to start from. It just
seems like everyone can have their own crazy opinions
about it but that as of now there is no substantial
evidence to strongly s
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree because it's now being more clearly
the most fundamental aspect of
displayed that the neuron is not the fundamental aspect
consciousness. After watching and reading the of conscious. It seems to be the same case as it was
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
for the atom. As a kid I was taught that the atom was
the most fundamental unit of elements, but as I got
older and technology got better they found out that
atoms are consisted of something even simpler, like
quraks. Now quarks are supposed to be fundamental,
but how do we really know that that is even true? I
believe the same goes for the neuron. As technology
increases and equipments advance we are discovering
that what we once thought was a fundamental aspect
of consciousness in the neuron is actually intricately
composed of infinitely smaller parts. And those might be
composed of infinitely smaller parts. I think we should
possibly be a little more hesitant when declaring that
we've discovered a fundamental anything because so
far we haven't been very correct.
11) Your name
Tim Allen
Participant #19
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain In class, Tony brought a generator with an iron bar and
the steps in creating electricity.
put a metal ring around it, when he pushed the button,
a current is induced in the ring and creates its own
magnetic field. the magnetic field acts in the opposing
direction of the producing field which caused the ring to
shoot up.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of Electrons spin on their axis and electrons revolve
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
around the nuclei of their atoms, and some spin in
opposite directions; the magnetic field gets cancelled.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
e. all human brain, human-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine-human body parts, all machine brain
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
When you add a second coil to a primary coil, voltage is
transfomer works.
induced in the second coil. The primary is powered by
an AC voltage source and the secondary is connected
to an external circuit. By adding or keeping the coil
amounts the same, you change the voltage induced by
one or the other.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Having a memory that consists of quick recovery. By
explain how it works.
seeing something, a person with holographic memory
recovers what it is in their thought process faster then a
person with out holographic memory.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead
of a light bulb because
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
being both natural and simple, why? Which
characters in the game of life lived the
b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
coherent (in phase)
1. A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes 5/3/2004
a live cell (birth).
2. A live cell with two or three live neighbors stays alive
3. In all other cases, a cell dies or remains dead
(overcrowding or loneliness).
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Consciousness slide show.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were IT FAILS TO ADDRESS ITS ENIGMATIC FEATURES 5/3/2004
the most fundamental aspect of
consciousness. After watching and reading the
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
11) Your name
Rasheena Green
Participant #20
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain A generator is the most important part for clarity.
the steps in creating electricity.
Instead of an armarure with many windings and iron
nucleus there is only a single rectangular conductor
loop; the axis the loop rotates on is omitted. The radio
buttons allow you to chose an AC generator or a DC
generator. The directions in rotating are moveable using
the corresponding button. The sliding control makes it
possible to vary the rotational speed. You can stop and
continue the stimulation with the pause/resume button
But this isn't a stop of the movement. The three basic
elements that are required to produce electricity are
motion (required to rotate a trubine), magnetic field,
and conductors.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of The three magnetic interactions of a moving charge in a
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
magnetic field are: a positive charge moving through the
magnetic field, positive charge moving through the
stationary wire in the magnetic field, and the wire is
moved through the magnetic field by external force.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
c. produce a magnetic field in the coil. The magnetic
field is in the same direction as the current.
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
e. all human brain, human-machine body parts,
configurations of human and machine. These machine-human body parts, all machine brain
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
A transformer is basically what helps out our cd players
transfomer works.
power supply. If the cd player has too much power
supply, than it is the transformers job to go and control
it or tone it down to lower volts.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is the amount of information that is
explain how it works.
in storage through laser. Holographic memory is
basically a storage method, since sometimes when we
make make burned cds, we sometimes don't have
enough space for all our songs; thats where the
holographic memory comes in to play. In order to
increase storage capabilites, scientists are now working
a new optical storage method called holographic
memory. This would go beneath the surface and use
the volume of the recording medium storage, instead of
only the surface area.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead a. laser light is monochromatic (wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (out of phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
The rules of the game is that: you're either dead or live.
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
A live cell is shown by putting a marker on its square. A
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
dead cell is shown by leaving the square empty. Each
being both natural and simple, why? Which
cell on a grid has a neighborhood consisting of the eight
characters in the game of life lived the
cells in every direction including diagonals. There is no
winning or losing. It shows how life is full of surprises.
You cant really really see what will happen in the future
to get ahead on the game, you just have to play.
Bryson mentions complexity as both being natural and
simple because life is, again, full of surprises. Life is
natural because you never know what will happen next.
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
All forms of physics obey the same universal
Consciousness slide show.
teleological action principle. Post-quantum physics is
basically the intuitive science of the fundamental
structures and process in the universe. It was said that
classical physics was not a complete map of physical
reality. It's only a very important practically
indispensable part of the story. It also explains Newton's
17th century particle mechanics, and how the universe
correctly explained the mothin of the planets around the
sun as elliptical orbits. The slide show basically
discussed everything from quantum consciouness, to
post-quantum, physics itself, and how quantum physics
turned classical physics upside down.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were Personally, I would agree and disagree because
the most fundamental aspect of
neurons actually do have fundamental aspects of
consciousness. After watching and reading the consciouness; however, I do disagree because there
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
are plenty of other things that are fundamental aspects
of consciouness such as the brain and the heart. These
two things also play an important role.
11) Your name
Feven Reda
Participant #21
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain First an electric conducttor, like copper wire, is moved 5/3/2004
the steps in creating electricity.
through a magnetic field then electric current will flow in
the conductor so that the mechanical energy of the
moving wire is converted into the electric energy of the
current that flows in the wire
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of 1.
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
b. produce a current around the coil. The more the
number of coils, the stronger the magnetic field inside
3) A current in a coiled wire will
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
configurations of human and machine. These
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
transfomer works.
the coil.
d. produce a magnetic field both inside and outside a
coil. The more the number of coils, the stronger the
magnetic field inside the coil.
e. all human brain, human-machine body parts,
machine-human body parts, all machine brain
A transformer is made up of a magnetic core with coils
of wire attached to it.THere is a primary input line and a
secondary output line. Alternating magnetic field in the
primary coil. In the secondary coil the magnetic field
creates current and the voltage is then controlled by the
raitio of the number of turns in the coil. If primary and
secondary coils have the same amount of turns the
voltage will be the same.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Holographic memory is 3D stirage. It is a n optical
explain how it works.
storage method that will use the volume of the
recording medium rather than just the surface area.
How it Works:
1. Argon laser is fired then the beam splitter creates 2
beams. first beam will go straight bounce off a mirror
and travel through an LCD display that would then show
pages of raw binary data as clear and dark boxes.
Information from the binary code is then carried by
signal beam to a light sensitivelithiun niobate crystal.
The second signal beam shoots out of beam splitter and
takes a different path to the crystal. THe 2 beams then
meet and the interference pattern created stores the
data carried by the first beam in a specific area of the
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead d. laser light is stronger (more intense) and does not
of a light bulb because
disperse (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Game of LIFE
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
Why is life evident?
being both natural and simple, why? Which
complexity as both natural and simple why?
characters in the game of life lived the
longest living character:
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
the Quantum Consciousness slideshow just shows us
Consciousness slide show.
how consciousness is perceived and taht it is not really
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were I would disagree because neurons are not the only thing
the most fundamental aspect of
that creates consciousness. Consciousness or what we
consciousness. After watching and reading the perceive as real in reality is just based on what we see
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
and on our expectations based on past experiences.
11) Your name
America Montano
Participant #22
1) How does a generator work? Briefly explain An electric current passes thorugh the coil of the wire in 5/3/2004
the steps in creating electricity.
a magnetic field. Each end of the coil will have a force
from the electrons. The commutator will change the
direction of the current every half cycle. Each end of the
coil will have an opposite force due to the electrons
going in opposite directions. The coil will keep rotating
becuase of the changing direction of the current in the
magnetic field.
2) What are the three magnetic interactions of magnetic field, electric current, Lorentz force law.
a moving charge in a magnetic field.
3) A current in a coiled wire will
4) In Future Fantastic, there were possible
configurations of human and machine. These
5) In your own words, briefly explain how a
transfomer works.
e. produce a current inside and outside the coil. The
more the number of coils, the stronger the magnetic
field inside the coil.
a. all human, human brain-machine body parts,
machine brain-human body parts, all machine
Transformers are used to incrase ofr decrase AC
voltages and currents in circuits. The operation of
transformers isbased on the principal of mutual
inductance. A transformer usually consists of 2 coils of
wire wound on the same core. The primary coil is the
input coil of the transformer and the secondary coil is
the output coil. Mutual incuction causes voltage to be
induced in the secondary coil.
6) What is Holographic memory? Briefly
Ablue lasor is split into seperate referance and object
explain how it works.
beams. The beam that curves info. gets expanded so
that it illuminates a spatial light modulator. To read the
stored data, the hologram is illuminated with refernce
beam. Each page of the hologram is recorded
seperately.To record the hologram, the data in the form
of electric signal is converted to optical signals by a
page composer.
7) A laser is used to make a hologram instead b. laser light is monochromatic (one wavelength) and
of a light bulb because
coherent (in phase)
8) Download the game of life. Play with it.
Life is played on a grid of square cells extending
What are the rules? Why does 'life' seem to
infinitely. A cell can be live or dead. A live cell is shown
be evident? Bryson mentions complexity as
by putting a marker on its square. A dead cell is shown
being both natural and simple, why? Which
by leaving the square empty. Each cell in the grid has a
characters in the game of life lived the
neighborhood consisting of the 8 cells in every
9) Briefly, summarize the Quantum
Quatum theory describes the behavior at a fundamental
Consciousness slide show.
level of matter and energy which comprise our universe.
10) Some scientists thought that neurons were Even precise correlation of neuronal firing patterns fail
the most fundamental aspect of
to address differences between the mind and brain.
consciousness. After watching and reading the
QC slide show, why would you disagree?
11) Your name
Alex Tea