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Adipose Tissue and Mast Cells
Adipokines as Yin–Yang Modulators
of Inflammation
George N. Chaldakov, Anton B. Tonchev,
Nese Tuncel, Pepa Atanassova, and Luigi Aloe
Recently, the endocrine activity of adipose tissue cells has been intensively studied. In effect, a
wide range of exported secretory proteins, dubbed adipokines, have been identified as constituents
of the adipose proteome (adipokinome). Besides their effects on glucose and energy metabolism,
adipokines are potent modulators of inflammation. This chapter provides a state-of-the-science
review of adipokine-mediated paracrine signaling that may be implicated in the pathogenesis of
inflammation-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, and
breast cancer. We also point out a possible contribution of adipose tissue-associated mast cell secretory activity to the development of these diseases. Finally, we provide arguments for yin-yang (protective vs pathogenic) roles of adipokines in inflammation. This hypothesis may provide further
novel drug targets for the development of adipopharmacology of inflammatory diseases.
Key Words: Adipobiology; atherosclerosis; breast cancer; epicardial adipose tissue; ophthalmopathy.
Today, increasing attention is being focused on the importance of adipose tissue
in disease (1), one of the most exciting examples being the rapidly growing interest in
understanding the adipose tissue secretion of signaling proteins collectively designated
adipokines (2–5). These multifunctional molecules, via endocrine and paracrine pathways (6,7), are potent modulators of inflammation (reviewed in refs. 5,8–11).
This chapter reviews data of adipose tissue paracrine signaling in the pathogenesis
of low-grade inflammation-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, thyroid-associated
ophthalmopathy, and breast cancer. We also point out a possible contribution of adipose
mast cell secretory activity to the development of these disorders. Finally, we provide
arguments for differential, yin–yang (protective vs pathogenic) roles of adipokines
in inflammation-related diseases. This may provide basis of adipose tissue-targeted
From: Nutrition and Health: Adipose Tissue and Adipokines in Health and Disease
Edited by: G. Fantuzzi and T. Mazzone © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Part III / Interactions Between Adipocytes and Immune Cells
Particularly well developed in humans is white adipose tissue (WAT), a major metabolic and secretory organ. Human WAT is partitioned into two large depots (visceral and
subcutaneous), and many small depots associated with various organs, including heart,
blood vessels, major lymph nodes, ovaries, mammary glands, eyes, and bone marrow.
Another major adipose tissue subtype, brown adipose tissue, is present around kidneys,
adrenals, and aorta, as well as within the mediastinum and neck. In adult humans, brown
adipose tissue is very scarce and probably not functional.
2.1. Adipokines: Inhibitory (Yin) and Stimulatory (Yang) Signals
in Inflammation
Celsus’s description (first century AD) of inflammation signs includes rubor et tumor
cum calor et dolor. Inflammation is an essential biological response aiming at recovering from injury, wound healing being a paradigm of such a homeostatic phenomenon.
However, what begins as a protective response becomes a damaging process in excess;
hence, inflammation is increasingly recognized as the underlying basis of a significant
number of diseases. Recent studies based on a pangenomic approach in human subcutaneous WAT revealed that a panel of inflammatory molecules was upregulated in obese
compared to lean subjects (ref. 12 and references therein). Of note, a calorie-restriction
diet improved the anti-inflammatory profile of obese subjects via increase of antiinflammatory and decrease of proinflammatory molecules (12). Further, weight loss
resulted in decrease of adipose macrophage number and an increased production of
interleukin (IL)-10, a well-known anti-inflammatory cytokine (13). These sophisticated
analyses, as well as others (8–11), support the hypothesis that adipose tissue-secreted
factors may indeed be potent modulators of inflammation-related disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease,
thyroid-associated (Graves’) ophthalmopathy, breast cancer, and nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease. Accordingly, the field of the role of adipose tissue in inflammation and
metabolism has attracted great attention, exemplified by the rapidly growing interest in
understanding adipose tissue protein secretion (1,2,5–7,12–15). A paradigm-shifting
discovery was that of leptin at the end of 1994 (16). Although the birth hour of adipoendocrinology may be traced to the identification of the adipocyte-secreted enzyme
lipoprotein lipase, followed in 1987 by adipsin (17), leptin’s discovery paved the way
toward intensively studying adipose tissue endocrine function. As such, adipose tissue
cells, represented by adipocytes, matrix cells, and stromovascular cells (12,13,18), synthesize and release a diverse range of multifunctional molecules termed adipocytokines
(2,3) or adipokines (4,5), the latter terminology being more accurate than the former.
Adipokines have been introduced as a term (4) that should be used exclusively to cover
the secretory proteins (e.g., growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, enzymes, and
matrix proteins) that are synthesized and released not solely by adipocytes, but also by
matrix cells and stromovascular cells, including local macrophages (13,19,20) and, supposedly, mast cells. Because of recent advances in genomic and proteomic approaches,
the secretory proteome of adipose cells (adipokinome) (5) is constantly being enriched
with newly identified adipokines (6,7,12,13,18–28) (Table 1). Further, the whole spectrum of adipose secretory products (secretome) (5) is not limited to adipokines, but also
Chapter 12 / Adipose Tissue and Mast Cells
Table 1
Selected List of Adipokines
Leptin, IL-1a, IL-1Ra, IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, TNF- Fa, LIFa, oncostatin M
MCP-1 (CCL2)a, IL-8 (CXCL8)a, Eotaxin (CCL11)a, RANTES (CCL5)a, IP-10
VEGFa, angiogenin, angipoietin-2, HGFa
Renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin I, II, chymasea, cathepsin D/G
SAA, PTX-3, lipocalin, ceruloplasmin, MIF, haptoglobin
PAI-1a, TF
LPL, adipsin, MMPa, tryptasea
Adiponectin, FIZZ1, resistin (FIZZ3), visfatin, vaspin, omentin, ASP, PEDF, prolactin, agouti
protein, prohibitin, osteonectin (SPARC), TIMP-1, -2, adrenomedullin, CGRP, MT-1,-2, HIF1F, Type VI collagen
also by mast cells.
For a more extensive list of molecules comprised the adipose tissue secretome, see refs. 12,13, and 28.
includes a variety of nonproteins such as prostaglandins, fatty acids, monobutyrin, and
steroid hormones.
In addition to their importance in lipid, glucose, and energy homeostasis, adipokines
are pivotally involved in coordinating a variety of processes such as inflammation and
immunity (8,9–11,29) and vascular biology-related processes including artery relaxation via perivascular adipose tissue-derived relaxing factor (30), arteriolar constriction
and insulin resistance (31), and smooth muscle cell growth (32).
Mast cells were first described in 1878 by Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915) in his doctoral
thesis, “Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Histological Staining” (33). Ehrlich
observed that mast cells were commonly located in connective tissue near blood vessels
and nerves, as well as in inflammatory and tumor lesions. Mast cells are phenotypically and functionally versatile effector cells that have traditionally been associated
with the immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic response. However, recent studies
implicate these cells in the regulation of inflammation and fibrosis (34–36), angiogenesis (37), and neuroimmune interactions (34,38), which could associate with various
inflammatory diseases.
A wealth of evidence demonstrates that the mast cell is indeed “master” of protein
secretion (35). From a theoretical standpoint, adipose mast cell-secreted proteins may
Part III / Interactions Between Adipocytes and Immune Cells
Fig. 1. Immunohistochemical localization of NGF and its high-affinity receptor TrkA in newborn
human subcutaneous skin adipose tissue. Note the preferential stromal distribution of positive signal.
TrkA protein is present also in adipocytes. Magnification, ×200.
potentially contribute to the whole body of adipokinome (see Table 1). At present, the
knowledge of the biology of mast cells in adipose tissue is, however, limited as compared to that of macrophages (13,19). Indeed, one has to go back more than 10 yr to find
information, for example, about the role of brown adipose tissue-associated mast cellsecreted histamine in thermogenesis (39). Likewise, whereas most studies deal with the
effects of adipokines on macrophages or lymphocytes, only a single paper reported a
stimulatory effect of leptin on mast cell growth, as demonstrated in biopsies of subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue from patients with metabolic syndrome (40). Also,
our ongoing study on the involvement of neurotrophins in adipose tissue biology
demonstrates a prominent immonoreactivity for nerve growth factor (NGF) and its
high-affinity receptor tyrosine kinase-A (Trk-A) expressed in the stromal compartment
of subcutaneous adipose tissue (Fig. 1). Some recent data about adipose mast cells in
the pathobiology of diseases under the scope of the present chapter will be discussed
in the following sections.
The possibility that the endocrine secretory activity of large adipose depots may
directly contribute to the altered blood plasma levels of certain adipokines has recently
gained considerable attention (1–11). Further, the paracrine secretory activity of the
small adipose depots has, at long last, become a focus in the biology of disease.
Similarly to endocrine products of large adipose depots reaching many organs through
the bloodstream, paracrine products of organ-associated adipose depots can affect their
neighboring tissues by a variety of adipokines (see subheading 4.1.3).
4.1. Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Cardiovascular Disease
In our previous papers (4,41), we emphasized the importance of investigating the molecular composition of artery-associated adipose tissue, as it may yield clues to a possible
Chapter 12 / Adipose Tissue and Mast Cells
paracrine transmission of protective and pathogenic signals derived from the perivascular
adipose tissue toward the adjacent artery wall. Such an outside-to-inside signaling (30,42),
recently dubbed vasocrine signaling (31), is implicated in the obesity-related insulin resistance phenotype (31) and various vascular disorders (32). Moreover, inflammatory biomarkers measured in blood plasma may not adequately reflect local vascular inflammation.
An intriguing example of perivascular adipose tissue is the (sub)epicardial adipose
tissue (EAT) that is conjunctioned to the adventitia of the most atherosclerosis-prone
portions of the coronary artery—that is, the most proximal part of its left anterior descending branch. The possible involvement of EAT in coronary atherosclerosis and other cardiac
pathologies has recently been addressed. Epicardial adipose tissue is a visceral fat depot
around the heart, especially the right-ventricular free wall and left-ventricular apex. This
neglected tissue is now recognized as a potent producer of various inflammation-related
adipokines (43–48). Specifically, recent findings demonstrate that the portion of the left
anterior descending coronary artery running in the EAT develops atherosclerotic lesions,
whereas the portion running in the myocardium is free of atherosclerotic lesions (ref. 41
and references therein). Further, the “atherosclerotic” EAT exhibits (1) reduced levels of
adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory and antiatherosclerotic adipokine (45), (2) elevated
levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, IL-1G, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-F
(44,46,47), and NGF (43,49), and (3) the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates, including mast cells (43), lymphocytes (44), and macrophages (47) (reviewed in refs. 32,48,49).
4.2. Orbital Adipose Tissue and Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy
Thyroid-associated (Graves’) ophthalmopathy (TAO) has an autoimmune pathogenesis possibly related to the thyrotropin receptor (50–53). The symptoms of TAO
result from inflammation, fibrosis, and accumulation of orbital adipose tissues.
Immunohistochemical analysis of orbital tissue biopsies from patients with TAO
demonstrates that the thyrotropin receptor is expressed in fibroblast-like cells, accompanied by mast cell infiltrates (50,51). Whether these mast cells, via their fibrogenic
(34–36) and/or angiogenic (37) potential, may contribute to TAO-associated fibrosis
and orbital adipose tissue hypertrophy, respectively, remains to be evaluated. Further,
transforming growth factor-G inhibits, whereas IL-6 stimulates, thyrotropin receptor
expression (52), suggesting that the pathogenesis of TAO may be influenced by competing inhibitory (yin) and stimulatory (yang) adipokine effects within the orbit. One
study examined 2686 genes, of which 25 known genes were upregulated in TAO orbital
tissues, whereas 11 genes were downregulated (53). Upregulated genes included
secreted frizzled-related protein (sFRP)-1 and several adipocyte-related genes, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)L and adiponectin. Treatment of
TAO orbital preadipocytes in vitro with recombinant sFRP-1 significantly increased
their adiponectin and leptin secretion (53).
4.3. Mammary Adipose Tissue and Breast Cancer
It is known that inflammation can promote tumorigenesis. There is compelling evidence
indicating that both normal mammary gland development and breast cancer growth
depend, in part, on microenvironment, of which adipose tissue is a key component
(ref. 28 and references therein). Interestingly, the mammary gland microenvironment
during postlactational involution shares similarities with inflammation, which may be
Part III / Interactions Between Adipocytes and Immune Cells
promotional for breast cancer development associated with pregnancy (54). Recently,
an elegant study by Celis et al. (28) provided the most extensive proteomic analysis of
the mammary adipose secretome in high-risk breast cancer patients.
Adipose fibroblasts are another important cellular component of breast cancer
microenvironment. These cells, being bona fide steroidogenic cells, are one of the major
extragonadal sources of estrogen secretion. Estrogen synthesis is mediated by the
enzyme aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom), which converts androgens to estrogens
(55). In breast cancer, one of the most aggressive human cancers, intratumoral proliferation of breast adipose fibroblasts is accompanied by increased P450arom expression by
these cells, leading to proliferation of breast epithelial cells (56). Notably, breast cancer
commonly associates with a prominent immune, especially mast cell, response (57–59).
TNF-F and IL-6, which may potentially derive from both adipose cells and mast cells,
upregulate aromatase expression (60). Further, mast cell-secreted tryptase is a potent
stimulator of fibroblast proliferation (61), and adipocytes also produce tryptase (12).
A novel piece to the puzzle of breast cancer is that NGF, a molecule known to be
produced by adipocytes (5,27,28,43,49) and mast cells (34,62), stimulates breast cancer
cell proliferation (63,64). Importantly, the antiestrogen drug tamoxifen inhibits NGFmediated breast cancer cell proliferation through inhibition of the Trk-A receptor (63).
These data suggest a novel, NGF-mediated mechanism in the action of an old drug,
tamoxifen, in breast cancer pharmacotherapy. Together these findings open possibilities
for an adipose NGF-/mast cell-oriented therapy of breast cancer (1), and pressingly call
for studies on pharmacology of this neoplastic disorder.
Adipose tissue is a major source of and target for inflammatory signals. Although
adipocyte–macrophage (13,19,20,47) and adipocyte–lymphocyte (29) interactions enjoy
the researchers’ appreciation, adipose mast cells have been relatively less studied until
now. Nonetheless, adipocytes and mast cells share several biological features: (1) they
are bona fide secretory cell types; (2) they cover almost the same spectrum of secretory
proteins (see Table 1); and (3) they are co-implicated in the pathobiology of various
inflammatory diseases. Despite these associations, further investigations will be
required to illuminate the biology of mast cells in mast cells in health and disease. The
following example might be a “role model” for such studies: activated human mast cells
synthesize and release large amounts of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 through
a nonconventional secretory pathway, using multivesicular endosome-mediated
secretion of exosomes (65). If this appears to be the case for adipose mast cells, it may
further “inflame” adipose tissue. Also, comparing the biological responses of mast cells
in wild-type mice with those of genetically engineered knock-in or knockout mice may
provide new insights into adipose mast cell biology. Finally, a further suggesiton of a
possible relation between mast cells and adipocytes is underscored by the observation
that hyperlipidemia develops in mast cell-deficient W/WW mice (66).
Because the actions of adipokines are complex and diverse, we need to design novel
studies to determine how these molecules affect various inflammatory processes.
Mechanistically, promotion of anti-inflammatory (yin) and suppression of proinflammatory (yang) adipokine-mediated signals may result in an improvement of inflammatory
Chapter 12 / Adipose Tissue and Mast Cells
Table 2
Examples of Adipokines as Possible Yin–Yang Modulators of Inflammation
Anti-inflammatory signals
Adiponectin (1–3,5,6,8,45,67)a
IL-10 (5,13,67)
Nerve growth factor (5,27,43,49)
Transforming growth factor-G (52)
receptor antagonist (10)
Pigment epithelium-derived factor (21,68)
Calorie restriction (12)
Exercise-induced myokines (70)
Adrenomedullin (69)
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (72)
Metallothionein-1,-2 (72)
Proinflammatory signals
TNF-F (5–9,44)
Interleukin-1, -6 (14,18,44)
Leptin (8)
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (5–9)
IL-18 (71)
Resistin (8,14,46)
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (20,46)
IL-8 (CXCL8) (8,14,19,44,46)
Eotaxin (CCL11) (19,46)
RANTES (CCL5) (9,14,19,46)
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1F (13)
are indicated in parentheses.
disease therapy (Table 2). The present challenge is thus to cultivate an adipocentric
thinking about how we can make adipokines work for the benefits of patients. It is our
belief that we should collaborate to more easily (and pleasantly) achieve that goal, as
advised by the yin–yang philosophy also named “The Book of Ease.”
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