Download It Could be Tendonitis… - On the Mend On the Move Physical

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Health & Fitness
The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Suffering with Hip, Knee, Elbow or Shoulder Pain?
It Could be Tendonitis…
Do you experience pain with normal everyday tasks like taking milk
out of the fridge, lifting something overhead, bending or simply
walking a distance? Having pain with movement, especially if it
goes on for more than a few days, may be indicative of tendonitis.
The tendons are what connect your muscles to the bones. Under
normal circumstances, your tendons can handle a lot of work and
force, but when they are over-worked, they become inflammed,
causing you pain.
Tendonitis can occur practically anywhere in the body, but is
most common in the hips, knees, wrists, elbows and shoulders.
The reason for this is quite simple, poor posture over a period
of time. If you are at a computer or sitting for a good part of
the day, your shoulders tend to slouch forward and your back
muscles weaken.
How’s Your Posture?
Poor posture weakens your back muscles, affecting your ability
to do normal everyday tasks. The weakened muscles and poor
posture place abnormal strain on the shoulders, elbows, knees
and hip tendons. Therefore, depending on where the greatest
strain is placed, you will mostly likely experience tendonitis.
Tendonitis can be short-lived, but can also become chronic
in nature and last for a long time. Chronic tendonitis actually
disintegrates the quality of your tendons over time and can
lead to tearing. Most people experience tendonitis on a gradual
basis. At first it may be soreness, but if the irritation continues, it
can become excruciating pain, affecting your ability to do many
simple activities. Tendonitis can also come from injuries that
strain the tendons. This can be from a direct blow like a fall or
an overstretching injury in a sports activity.
Tendonitis is very treatable with the right kind of physical therapy.
The specialists at On the Mend On the Move Physical Therapy
have helped thousands of people with tendonitis get back to
doing the things they love. Whether your problem is new or old,
having a good understanding of the mechanics of your body and
identifying the source of the problem leads to a quick recovery.
Call today to schedule a Free Pain Relief Consultation and find out
how On The Mend On The Move PT can relieve your tendonitis,
you’ll be glad you did!
Don’t let PAIN sideline you!
Don’t let pain sideline you!
There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge,
sport or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a
physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared
for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who
doesn’t really train for what they are doing; they just go out
and do it on the weekend.
How do most injuries occur?
Most sports injuries occur from ill-prepared individuals
who just jump into the activity without first increasing their
strength, endurance and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons,
ligaments and other tissues need to be warmed up to work
properly. They take enormous strain during running and
sports activities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition,
they are more prone to injury.
Injuries increase as you age…
If you think back to when you were in your late teens, you
could go into a full sprint no problem, take a flying leap and
do a whole lot without the slightest thought about it. As you
get older, your tissues become less elastic and in fact a little
“drier”. When your muscle, tendon and ligament tissues have
enough water, they are supple and stretchy, allowing you
to do a lot of activities. Keep yourself hydrated and stretch
often to maintain elasticity in your muscles.
Preparing your body…
It is important to do sports activities, fitness and a host of
other physical activities to keep you healthy and happy. With
a little bit of preparation, you can easily do these activities
and decrease your risk for injury.
• Do stretch often
• Do strength training
Before and after:
• Do coordination training
• Do endurance training
Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities
is key. Our physical therapy experts have years of experience
rehabilitating people after injuries and returning them painfree to the activities they enjoy. What some people might
not know is that physical therapists put specific exercise
plans together based on your needs to prevent injury. If you
do start to experience pain with activities, On the Mend can
get you back to enjoying your activities pain-free. Call today
to learn more how our programs can help you feel great!
Start Feeling Great,
Call us Today!
Call Today! • West Mesa 480-354-2911 • East Mesa 480-436-5099
Patient Results
I Can Play With My Son,
Pain Free!
“In the beginning my ankles were very sore,
weak, and at times unbearably painful. The
various exercises allowed me to feel mobile and
energetic again. I am now able to get up and
play with my son. On the Mend On The Move
Has a fantastic staff!” - James D.
I Am Able To Walk Normally!
“Before physical therapy at On The Mend On
the Move PT, I could not stand in the shower,
change my clothes without sitting, walk up and
down stairs or walk normally. NOW I CAN do it
all! ” - Vanessa E.
Call Today!
West Mesa 480-354-2911
East Mesa 480-436-5099
On the Mend Helps You:
Relieve your pain
Increase your strength
Be more active again
Restore your flexibility
Have more energy
Feel healthier
Walk and move better
Why Choose On the
Mend On the Move PT?
• Expertly trained therapists
• Focused on achieving fast results
• We take the time to listen to you
• We spend time educating you on your
problem and how to solve it
• Friendly, courteous staff
• On time appointments
• Doctor recommended
• Experts in neck, back and orthopedic care
We gladly accept most insurances,
providing a great LOW COST SOLUTION
to restore your pain-free movement!
These may include such things as ITB
Syndrome, Piriformis Syndrome, Hip Flexor
problems, Bursitis, and more. These hip
conditions are all the result of the excessive
stress that ends up at your hip joint as a result
of the ground reaction forces and your body
weight meeting each other at a specific location.
When a hip problem begins, it is the sign of
muscle imbalances with regards to flexibility
and strength of the surrounding musculature.
These tissues then gradually shorten over time
due to the excessive stress placed on them
and at some time begin to cause pain, become
inflamed and other reactions.
According to the US Department of Health
and Human Services, the knee is the most
commonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons
see more than 5.5 million people annually for
knee injuries which include “Runners Knee” (pain
or tendonitis close to the knee cap or on the
sides of the knee, illiotibial band syndrome (pain
on the outside of the knee) and more. These
tissues at the knee joint are most commonly
irritated with the repetitive striking associated
with running and very often become imbalanced
with other muscles and tendons around the
knee joint and thus cause pain and lost time
with training.
Plantar fasciitis is an irritation to a band of
tissue on the bottom of your foot. The plantar
fascia works to support your arch and help to
absorb shock when your foot hits the ground.
Tight tissues in the leg, weak leg muscles, and
minor changes in your running pattern or stride
can irritate this tissue and sideline you for a
long time.
Shin splints occur when there is pain along the
large bone on the front of your lower leg known
as the tibia. Shin splints most commonly occur
in runners, especially those who are just starting
a running program or are making modifications
to their program. This is usually due to poor
alignment of the body or a combination of
weakness and or tightness in the leg muscles.
Your Achilles tendon attaches to your calf
muscle which is the largest shock absorber
when your foot hits the ground. It is then the
tendon that your calf pulls on when it lifts your
heel off the ground to take the next step. In short
it is pulled on every time you hit the ground and
every time your foot leaves the ground. Imagine
how many steps you take during a normal run
and multiply the work load by two. As a result
the Achilles tendon is very vulnerable tissue
and needs to be kept in great working order
with specific stretching and strengthening.
The good news is that On the Mend On the Move
Physical Therapy can treat these orthopedic and
repetitive motion injuries without the need for
invasive surgery or extensive medications. The
licensed Physical Therapists at On the Mend On
the Move Physical Therapy will evaluate your
condition and customize a program of care that
addresses all of your areas of need including
(but not limited to):
• Mechanics of your running
• Flexibility and strength of primary
muscle groups
• Flexibility and strength of
supporting muscle groups
• Core strength and control
• Footwear
• Alignment and other issues
Our treatment program will recognize the affect
any of the above is having on your ability to train
and compete and will allow you to recover from
injury quickly and get back to your training. Even
if you have an old injury, it is important to have it
evaluated by our Physical Therapists to prevent
long term damage such as arthritis to your
joints. If you have an old injury like tendonitis,
arthritis, stress fracture, or low back pain, our
therapists can design a treatment program to
promote wellness and get you back to training
and competing at the level you desire.
Is Your Back or Neck Pain Not Getting Better?
Suite 8
(Next to the YMCA)
West Mesa: 480-436-5099
Mesa: 480-354-2911
• Resolve shooting pain
down your leg or arm
• Walk, stand or sit longer
without pain
• Sleep better through
the night
• Get through your day
without agony
• Hands-On care for quick,
long lasting results
Same Day Appointments
Most Insurance Accepted
Including Medicare
© 2011, Designed, Printed & Mailed By DIRECT MAIL ADVANTAGE - 219-462-2771
Back & Neck
Pain Consultation
$25 Gas Card
with First Treatment
With coupon.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Expires 6/15/13
See Side 2 For
Patient Testimonials
BG 12/11 A, B, C, D
Exercise Essentials
Try these simple exercises to help keep your arms and legs strong...
Share this with a friend or family member to help keep them healthy too!
While in a sitting position, bend your knees and place
the bottom of your feet together. Next, slowly let your
knees lower towards the floor until a stretch is felt at
your inner thighs.
While lying on your back, hold your knee with your opposite hand and draw your knee up and
over towards your opposite shoulder.
Start by lying on your side with the affected arm on the bottom. Your affected arm should
be bent at the elbow and forearm pointed upwards towards the ceiling as shown. Next, use
your unaffected arm to gently draw your affected forearm towards the table or bed.
Lying on your back and holding a wand, palm face
down on both sides, slowly raise the wand towards
Exercises copyright of
Free Home Rehab Exercise Program
Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.
Please share these
exercises with friends
and family members to
help them stay healthy
and free from pain.
Save these in a place
where you can easily use
them as needed. Watch
for more exercises in
our next issue.
Better Movement and a
Better Life Starts Here
7525 East Broadway Rd, Suite #6
Mesa, AZ 85208
Better Movement and a
Better Life Starts Here
7525 East Broadway Rd, Suite 6
Mesa, AZ 85208
Phone: 480-354-2911
Fax: 480-984-3169
Quickly Relieve Pain
& Improve Movement
1950 South Country Club Drive, Suite 103
Mesa, AZ 85210
Phone: 480-436-5099
Fax: 480-436-5097
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Find out what you need to know...
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