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Dr. Warshawsky is a graduate of the University
of Illinois. He started his practice in 1992 &
currently owns & operates 4 offices in & around
Chicago. He served as craniofacial orthodontist
for the Unuveresity of Chicago until July 2006.
He focuses on esthetic solutions for
multidisciplinary dental cases, & is currently one
of the largest users of Incognito custom made
lingual braces, in North & South America. He
speaks professionally on lingual orthodontics,
removable appliance therapy & dental
technology specifically related to orthodontics.
When he is not working, he may be found with
his high-school sweetheart & his 3 children in
his cabin in the Wisconsin North Woods.
Our course will focus on what
can be done when patients only require minor
tooth movement. These patients are already in
every practice, they just do not realize that you
can help them, Many practitioners do not see
these individuals as potential orthodontic
candidates within their own office. We will
discuss how to identify these “found income”
patients, the limits of what these mechanics can
predictably deliver, who to choose to use them,
& how to employ mechanics. By the end of the
day the practitioner will be competent to
make a removable clear Essix retainer for minor
tooth movement.