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Read t h e a r t i c l e "Benjamin Banneker" a n d t h e n a n s w e r N u m b e r s I t h r o u g h 4 o n a
s e p a r a t e piece of paper.
Benjamin Banneker
Benjamin Banneker was an extremely
important scientist of the eighteenth century.
Banneker was born in 1731 to a free black
tobacco farmer. While his father worked hard
o n the farm, his English grandmother, Molly
Welsh, taught Benjamin to read and write.
Benjamin was highly intelligent and loved
learning. He eventually relied upon himself to
further his education beyond what his
grandmother could teach him.
Henjamin grew up working hard o n his
father's tobacco farm and continued to
develop his extraordinary mind. He bought a
violin and a flute and taught himself to play
both instruments. When h e was twenty-one
years old, he decided to build a clock. A clock
was a rare thing in colonial America, and
Benjamin had never seen the inside workings.
He managed to borrow a pocket watch and
made drawings of the gears in its interior. He
reproduced the workings, making large cogs of
wood and adding a hell. The finished clock
kept accurate time and chimed on the hour
for the rest of Benjamin's life.
He continued to live the quiet life of a
tobacco farmer until he was about forty years
old, never traveling more than a few miles
from his home. However, the arrival of a new
neighbor and a simple act of sharing changed
the course of Banneker's life.
'I'he new neighbor was George Ellicott, the
son of a n Englishman who built a mill near
Banneker's farm. By the time Ellicott was
eighteen, he was very successful as a land
surveyor. Land surveyors evaluate and
measure land before anyone builds o n it.
Ellicott was responsible for the construction of
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a road from his father's mill to the nearest
town. Banneker carefully observed the process
of road building and became acquainted with
his young neighbor.
'The two men shared an interest in science
and soon became friends. Ellicott lent
Ranneker surveying tools, drafting instruments,
and a telescope, as well as books on astronomy
and an astronomical almanac. Bannekcr
devoured his friend's astronomy books and
taught hiniself to use the telescope. I le also
learned to use the surveying and drafting
equipment loaned to him by his young
When George Washington appointed a
commission to supervise the surveying of land
for the nation's capital, the commission asked
Ellicott to be one of the surveyors, but he was
unable to accept the job. tie suggested that
his friend Hanneker would be an excellent
choice, and Banneker was chosen to be part of
the team that outlined the boundaries of
Washington, D.C.
Eventually, the friendship between Ellicott
and Ranneker helped influence the movement
for the freedom of enslaved African Americans
in early America. Abolitionists I~elievedthat
all Americans deserved freedom and the right
to develop their talents. They supported their
ideas by pointing to the remarkable
achieveliients of Benjamin Hanneker, the
United States' first African American scientist.
According t o the passage, Benjamin Banneker built a clock using
drawings that he made himself.
parts from an old clock.
a friend's plans for making a pocket watch.
D. information in an astronomy book.
How were Banneker and George Ellicott similar?
They both made clocks.
G . l'hey both shared a love of science.
H. 'I'hey both grew up on tobacco farms.
They both supervised the surveying of land for Washington, D.C.
Read this quotation.
However, t h e arrival of a n e w neighbor a n d a simple act of
sharing c h a n g e d t h e course of enj jam in's life.
What are some ways Ellicott changed Sanneker's life? Use details and information
from the article t o e x ~ l a i nvour answer.
What is the REST evidence that Ellicott was a good friend to Banncker?
He lent him his astronomy books and drafting tools.
B. He moved in next door to Ranneker.
C. He recommended Banneker for a n important job.
D. He shared Ranneker's interest in science.