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Important People in Psychology
William James
I am the founder of the functionalist perspective and contributed a theory of
emotion that says emotions results from an arousing stimulus that causes a
physiological reaction.
BF Skinner
I am a behaviorist that operantly conditioned pigeons and rats in my operant
chamber box through schedules of reinforcement
Ivan Pavlov
I am a behaviorist that classical conditioned dogs to salivate to the sound of a
Jean Piaget
I am a developmental psychologist that studied the cognitive development of
children. The stages of development are the sensorimotor, preoperational,
concrete operational, and the formal operational stage
G Stanley Hall
I was the first president of the American Psychological Association, or APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
I was the first female president of the American Psychological Association
Margaret Washburn
I was the first female ever to receive a PHD in Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
I am considered to be the father of experimental psychology and the founder of
the structural perspective
Charles Darwin
I am considered to be the founder of the evolutionary perspective that focuses
on characteristics the human species has adapted for to aid in their survival
John Watson
I am a behaviorist that classically conditioned an 11 month old child called "Little
Albert" to fear furry white objects
Albert Bandura
I am a the founder of the social cognitive theory as well as social learning theory,
the idea of self-efficacy, and am famous for the Bobo Doll experiment
Leon Festinger
I am a social psychologist that contributed the cognitive dissonance theory
Soloman Asch
I am a social psychologist that studied conformity through my famous line
Stanley Milgram
I am a social psychologist that proved the influence of obedience through my
"shocking" experiment
Philip Zimbardo
I am a social psychologist famous for the Stanford Prison Experiment that
studied the influence of roles and behavior
Roger Sperry and
Michael Gazzaniga
We studied the effects of cutting the corpus callosum on split brained patients
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Edward Thorndike
I proved my law of effect by observing cats escaping from my puzzle box by
being offered a reward of food. My work became the basis for BF Skinner's later
work with operant conditioning
Carl Wernicke
I discovered a part of the brian in the left temporal lobe that is responsible for
understanding spoken language and formulating comprehensive statements
Paul Broca
I discoverd a part of the brain in the left frontal lobe that is responsible for the
production of speech. If damaged, speech may be lost of be slowed and slurred
Wolfgang Kohler
I studied chimps to prove that they learn through insight learning
Eleanor Gibson
I created a visual cliff to see how early infants developed depth perception
Gustav Fechner
I am considered the founder of psychophysics which lead to the discovery of
absolute and difference thresholds
David Hubel and
Torsten Weisel
We won a nobel prize for discovering feature detector cells in the brain that
interprent lines, angles, and movement
Ernst Weber
I contributed a law that explained that the just noticeable difference in a stimulus
is proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus
George Miller
I proved a theory called the magical number 7 plus or minus two that showed
that short term memory is limited in capacity
Edward Tolman
I contributed the theory of latent learning which explains that we learn things but
may not express it immediately
Robert Rescorla
I challenged Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning by proving that animals use
cognition when they predict that the CS means the UCS will follow
I studied memory and was the first to describe the learning curve, the forgetting
curve, and the spacing effect
Elizabeth Loftus
I studied memory which led me to question the reliablity of recovered repressed
memories. My work led me to the idea of the misinformation effect in the creation
of false memories
John Garcia
Through my studies in taste aversion, I proved that the UCS did NOT need to
immediately follow the CS in classical conditioning, but could be delayed and still
be effectve
Noam Chomskey
I am a linguist that argued that humans are born with a language acquisition
device which is proven through the overgeneralization of grammar rules
Benjamin Whorf
I am a linguist that argued for linguistic relativity or that the language we speak in
influences how we think
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David Wechsler
I created the most widely used intelligence test to date, the WAIS and WISC
Charles Spearman
I used factor analysis to develop my theory of "g" or general intelligence
Howard Gardner
I created the theory of multiple intelligences
Robert Sternberg
I created the triarchic theory of intelligence
Alfred Binet
I was hired by the French government to create a test to determine the mental
age of French students so they could be placed in the grade appropriate to their
cognitive abilities
Louis Terman
I adapted the intelligence test created by Alfred Binet to fit the needs of US
students. The revised test was called the Stanford-Binet test and measures IQ
Francis Galton
I coined the term nature vs. nurture and contributed to the early field of
psychometric psychology
William Stern
I coined the term "IQ" or intelligence quotient
Stanley Schachter
I contributed that two factory theory of emtion which states that physiological
arousal AND cognition play an important role in the formation of emotions
Abraham Maslow
I am a humanistic psychologist that contributed the hierarchy of needs to explain
motivation and personality
David McClelland
I studied acheivement motivation and the need for acheivement
Paul Ekman
I studied facial expressions and found that they are universal, although every
culture has certain display rules
Hans Selye
I contributed the general adaptation syndrome to explain stress
Alfred Kinsey
I created an Institute of Sex Research to study human sexuality
Ernst Hilgard
I explained that hypnosis results in dissociation of conscious awareness. Part of
our conscious awareness responds to suggestions of the hypnotist whle the
"hidden observer" remains in the background observing
Erik Erikson
I am a developmental psychologist that contributed the theory of psychosocial
Harry Harlow
I studied rhesus monkeys and the attachment bonds they formed to a cloth
mother and a wire mother
Lawrence Kohlberg
I am a developmental psychologist the contributed the theory of stages of moral
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Konrad Lorenz
I studied imprinting in birds
Lev Vygotsky
I am a developmental psychologist that focused on the zone of proximal
development and how our cognitive development was aided by those in our
social groups
Mary Ainsworth
I studied attachment bonds in children through my Strange Situation Test
Diana Baumrind
I studied parenting styles and concluded that the authoritative parenting style
was best to produce self-reliant children
Carol Gilligan
I challenged Kohlberg's stages of moral development because he only studied
upperclass men and boys. I argued that women are socialized differently than
men and therefore not proceed through the stages of moral development the
same way that men would
Sigmund Freud
I founded the psychoanalytic perspective and believed most psychological
disorders result from repressed memories in the unconscious mind
Carl Rogers
I am a humanisitic psychologist and developed the client-centered, or patientcentered treatment.
Gordon Allport
I am a trait theorist that concluded that our personalities are made up of cardinal,
central, and secondary traits
Hans Eysenck
I am a trait theorist that created a personality inventory named after myself. My
theory supposes that there are only three traits to be identified.
Raymond Cattell
I developed a personality inventory based on the 16 personality factors I believe
exist. My test is called the 16PF
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Carl Jung
I am a Neo-Freudian that contributed the idea of the collective unconscious and
archetypes. The Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory is based off of my research on
Alfred Adler
I am a Neo-Freudian that contributed the ideas of inferiority complex and sibling
rivalry to explain personality
Karen Horney
I am a Neo-Freudian that challenged Freud's view of penis envy
Walter Mischel
I am a personality theorist that argued that our personality traits are not stable but
our dependent upont he situation we are in. I also created the Marshmellow test
Martin Seligman
I studied learned helplessness in dogs
Paul Costa and
Robert McCrae
We developed the Big 5 Trait theory, OCEAN
Mary Cover Jones
I am known as the "mother of behavior therapy" for curing little Peter of his fear of
rabbits through exposure therapy
Joseph Wolpe
I perfected the behavioral therapy technique called systematic desensitization
David Rosenhan
I studied the impact of labeling individuals with psychological disorders
Dorothea Dix
I fought for states to provide treatment for mentally ill patients, as originally on the
wealthy could afford it.
Fritz Perls
I created Gestalt therapy
Aaron Beck
I developed cognitive therapy to change the negative, unrealistic thought patterns
of my patients
Albert Ellis
I developed a behavioral cognitive therapy called Rational Emotive Behavior
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