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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Adler, Alfred
Ainsworth, Mary
Allport, Gordon
Asch, Solomon
Aserinsky, Eugene
Asch, Solomon
Bandura, Albert
Beck, Aaron
Bem, Daryl
Topic and Unit
Neo Freudian
Personality Unit
Attachment Theory
Development Unit
Trait Theorist
Personality Unit
Intro Unit
Social Psych Unit
Sleep and Dreams
Consciousness Unit
Social Psychology
Behaviorist/Cognitive Theorist
Learning Unit
Personality Unit
Cognitive Theorist
Abnormal Unit
Social Psych Unit
Binet, Alfred
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence Unit
Bower, Gordon
Cognition Unit
Cognition Unit
Broadbent, Donald
Broca, Paul
Calkins, Mary
Neuroscience Unit
Intro Unit
Cannon, Walter
Emotion Theory
Emotion Unit
Cartwright, Rosalyn
Dream Theory
Consciousness Unit
Key Info
Birth Order, Inferiority and Superiority Complex,
Strange Situation Test, Secure Attachment, Anxious
Ambivalent Attachment, Anxious Avoidant Attachment
Cardinal Traits, Central Traits, Secondary Traits
Studied the soul; identified reason and physical faculties
as separate elements
Informational Social Influence
Cross reference with Nathaniel Kleitman,
REM Sleep, Founder of Modern Sleep Research
Asch Line Study, Normative Social Influence
Social Learning, Bobo Doll, Observational Learning,
Theory of Reciprocal Determinism a Social-cognitive
theory of personality (internal mental events, external
environmental, and behavior all interact reciprocally)
Cognitive Therapy, Beck Depression Inventory and Beck
Anxiety Inventory
Beliefs, attitudes, and ideologies, Psi (ESP)
Phenomenon, sexual orientations, personality, selfperception
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
Mental Age
Still the basis of modern IQ tests
Mood dependent retrieval and mood congruent
Experimental psychologist; attention, info processing,
filter theory, selective attention and short term memory,
cognitive psych and implicit learning
Broca’s Area- production of speech, Frontal Lobe
First Female President of the APA
Self Psychology
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
Dreams as connected to psychologically traumatic
events; depression, dreaming and the brain, Sleep
researcher sleep apnea, parasomnias
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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Cattel, Raymond
Charcot, Jean Martin
Chomsky, Noam
Cover-Jones, Mary
Dement, William
Ebbinghaus, Herman
Ekman, Paul
Ellis, Albert
Erikson, Erik
Eysenck, Hans
Fechner, Gustav
Festinger, Leon
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Topic and Unit
Trait Theory
Personality Unit
Consciousness Unit
Language Development
Cognition Unit
Phobias and Therapy
Abnormal Unit
Learning Unit
Consciousness Unit
Memory and Forgetting
Cognition Unit
Emotion Unit
Abnormal Unit
Development Unit
Personality Unit
Trait Theorist
Personality Unit
Sensation and Perception Unit
Social Psychology Unit
Personality Unit
Personality Unit
Consciousness Unit
Cognition Unit
Galton, Sir Francis
NNN Unit
Gardner, Howard
Intelligence Unit
Gazzaniga, Michael
Seizure Surgery
Neuroscience Unit
Biological Basis of Memory
Cognition Unit
Gerard, Ralph
Key Info
Used factor analysis to determine surface traits and 16
source traits
Considered by some to be the founder of modern
neurology, studied hysteria-believed that hypnosis was a
biological, not psychological state. Freud and Binet were
his students.
Innate language acquisition device
Counter conditioning
The “mother” of behavior therapy
90 Minute Sleep Cycle
Forgetting and Learning Curves, one of first researchers
on memory; nonsense syllables
Facial Expressiveness, universal and innate
Psychosocial Development-8 Stages, Neo-Freudian,
Coined the “Big 3” dimensions of personality:
Psychoticism, Extraversion-Introversion, Neuroticism
Sensation and perception, color perception, JND-just
noticeable difference
Cognitive Dissonance
Child psychoanalysis, ego psychology
Father of Psychoanalysis, id, ego, superego, defense
mechanisms, unconscious, dream interpretation and
analysis, manifest vs latent content, stages of
development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital), free
association, iceberg metaphor, fixation,
Eugenics, and differential psychology Darwin’s cousin,
evolutionary psych
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Savant Syndrome
Split Brain Research
Memory research on electrical activity – hamsters
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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Goleman, Daniel
Topic and Unit
Intelligence Unit
Guilford, JP
Ways of Thinking
Cognition Unit
Intro Unit
Development Unit
Hall, G. Stanley
Harlow, Harry
Hobson and McCarley
Horney, Karen
Development Unit
Consciousness Unit
Personality Unit
Hull, Clark
Motivation Unit
Izard, Carroll
Emotion Unit
James, William
Intro Unit
Emotion Unit
Personality Unit
Sexual Motivation
Motivation Unit
Sense of Self
Development Unit
Consciousness Unit
Jung, Carl
Kinsey, Alfred
Kagen, Jerome
Kleitman, Nathaniel
Koffka, Kurt
Kohlberg, Lawrence
Kohler, Wolfgang
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Gestalt Theorist
Sensation and Perception Unit
Moral Development
Development Unit
Gestalt Theorist
Sensation and Perception Unit
Development Unit
Key Info
Theory of Emotional Intelligence: self awareness, self
management, social awareness, relationship
Structure of Intellect, convergent v. divergent thinking
First President of the APA, developmental psychology;
described adolescence as a period of “sturm and drang”
(storm and stress)
Attachment; cloth/wire monkey experiment
Diabolical creature 
Activation Synthesis Theory of Dreaming
Neo-Freudian, Groundbreaking work on neuroticism;
concept of womb envy, criticism of penis envy, moving
toward, away, and against
Reinforcement, drive-reduction, stimulus, response,
incentive motivation
Emotional Development and facial expressiveness, found
that facial expressions of emotions are constant across
American Psychologist, First Psych Textbook,
Functionalism, James Lange Theory of Emotion,
Collective v. personal unconscious, anima v. animus,
archetypes, synchronicity, Neo Freudian
Sex Researcher, Indiana University
Rouge Test
REM Sleep, Founder of Modern Sleep Research
Published an early textbook on Gestalt psychology
(whole is more than the sum of its parts)
Pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional (6
stages, 3 levels)
Published an early textbook on Gestalt psychology
(which studied perception, and how humans combine
parts into wholes)
Stages of Dying
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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Lashley, Karl
Topic and Unit
Memory Formation
Cognition Unit
Individual Behavior In The
Presence of Others
Social Psych Unit
Key Info
Localization of brain function and rats – cut out pieces
Memory Trace/Engram
Social Loafing
Emotion Unit
Intro Unit
Cognition Unit
Origins of Attachment
Development Unit
Identity Formation
Development Unit
Abnormal Unit
Motivation Unit
Sexual Motivation
Motivation Unit
Motivation Unit
Abnormal Unit
Consciousness Unit
Social Psych Unit
Stort Term Memory
Cognition Unit
Cognitive Appraisal and Emotion
Tabula Rasa
Mischel, Walter
Personality Unit
Olds, James
Neuroscience Unit
Learning Unit
Personality- behavior is based on situational influences,
did the Marshmallow test, self/emotional regulation
Rewards system in the brain
Bull video clip
Classical Conditioning, Dogs, generalization,
discrimination, extinction, stimulus, response,
spontaneous recover, UCS, UCR, CS, CR, neutral
stimulus, digestion research
Memory storage in temporal lobe (wrong)
Latane, Bibb
Lazarus, Richard
Locke, John
Loftus, Elizabeth
Lorenz, Konrad
Marcia, James
Maslow, Abraham
Masters and Johnson
McClelland, David
Mesmer, Franz
Milgram, Stanley
Miller, George
Pavlov, Ivan
Penfield, Wilder
Piaget, Jean
Biology of a Memory
Cognition Unit
Cognitive Development
Development Unit
Memory Construction, Misinformation Effect, Source
Imprinting and Critical Periods, innate behaviors;
evolutionary perspective
Identity Diffusion, Identity Foreclosure, Identity
Moratorium, Identity Achievement
Humanism, Hierarchy of Needs, Self Actualization, Self
Sexual response cycle (excitement, plateau, orgasm,
Achievement Motivation, developed scoring system for
Obedience Study, Norms
Memory, short term memory 7+/-2
Cognitive development, assimilation v. accommodation,
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal
operations, schemas, conservation, object permanence,
animism, hierarchical classification, abstract reasoning
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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Ramachandran, Vilayanur
Rescorla, Robert
Rogers, Carl
Rorschach, Herman
Ross, Lee
Rotter, Julian
Schachter, Stanley
Seligman, Martin
Seyle, Hans
Sherif, Muzafer
Topic and Unit
Intro Unit
Sensation & Perception
Learning Unit
Personality Unit
Abnormal Unit
Personality Assessment
Intelligence and Testing Unit
Personality Unit
Attribution Theory
Social Psych Unit
Social Cognitive
Personality Unit
Emotion Unit
Social Cognitive
Learning Unit
Personality Unit
Stress Independent Study
Social Psych Unit
Skinner, B.F.
Learning Unit
Cognition Unit
Spearman, Charles
Defining Intelligence
Intelligence Unit
Epilepsy Surgery
Neuroscience Unit
Intelligence Unit
Social Psych Unit
Sperry, Roger
Sternberg, Robert
Szasz, Thomas
Labeling People Mentally Ill
Abnormal Unit
Key Info
Described levels of consciousness in his “cave”
Phantom limb sensations
Cognitive connection to learning
Humanism, Real vs. Ideal Self, Client-Centered Therapy,
Unconditional Positive Regard
Inkblot projective test
Fundamental Attribution Error, Dispositional vs.
Situational Factors
Locus of control, internal and external
Schacter-Singer Theory of emotion, two-factor theory of
emotion: generalized arousal and appraisal
Learned helplessness; also known for his research on
optimism, biological preparedness
Stress-GAS-alarm, resistance, exhaustion
Informational Social Influence
Operant conditioning, operant chamber, schedules of
reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative
reinforcement, primary reinforcement, secondary
reinforcement, shaping, generalization, discrimination,
extinction, theory of language development
G Factor-Intelligence, S-Factors, factor analysis
Nobel prize winner- split brain research
Triarchic theory of love and intelligence- Love: (intimacy,
passion, commitment) intelligence: (creative, analytic,
and practical)
“there is no such thing as mental illness” It allows for
labeling- “you have problems with living”
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Important People In Psychological Science Quick Reference Chart
Last, First Name
Terman, Lewis
Topic and Unit
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence Unit
Key Info
Intelligence- Revised Binet-Simon (Mental/Chronological
x 100) IQ formula
Thorndike, Edward
Learning Unit
Defining Intelligence
Intelligence Unit
Intro Unit
Learning Unit
Color Vision
Sensation and Perception Unit
Learning Unit
Hunger Motivation
Motivation Unit
Learning Unit
Sensation and Perception Unit
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence Unit
Occipital Lobe and Vision
Sensation and Perception Unit
Neuroscience Unit
Sensation and Perception Unit
Law of Effect, Cats, Puzzle Boxes, Basis for Operant
Conditioning Theory of Skinner
7 Primary Mental Abilities
First to criticize Spearman’s 2 Factor Theory
Structuralism- Wundt’s student
Thurstone, Louis
Titchener, Edward
Tolman, Edward
Von Helmholz, Herman
Wagner, Allan
Washburn, AL
Watson, John
Weber, Ersnst
Wechsler, David
Weisel, Tortsen
Wernicke, Karl
Wertheimer, Max
Wolpe, Joseph
Wundt, Wilhelm
Yerkes, Robert
Zimabardo, Philip
Abnormal Unit
Thinking and Language
Cognition Unit
Intro Unit
Motivation and Emotion Unit
The Power of the Situation
Social Psych Unit
Latent Learning and Cognitive Maps
Young-Helmholtz- Trichromatic Theory of Color Vision
Cross reference with Robert Rescorla
Cognitive connection to learning
Stomach pang theory of hunger
Cross reference with Walter Cannon
Classic Conditioning, Little Albert, advertising
Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
WAIS,WISC, verbal and nonverbal tests
Visual cortex, visual processing, specialized cells,
“Feature Detectors”
Understanding Language, left hemisphere, temporal lobe
Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization (closure,
proximity, similarity, continuity, figure ground,
Systematic Desensitization
Linguistic Determinism
First Psych Lab, introspection, structuralism
Intelligence- chimps v humans, eugenics, YerkesDodson- arousal to performance
Stanford Prison Study, Shyness, Discovering Psych
Series, Power of the Situation, most recent- heroes
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