Download Bacterial shapes • Bacillus-‐ rod shape • Coccus

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Bacterial shapes •  Bacillus-­‐ rod shape •  Coccus-­‐ spherical shape •  Spillium-­‐ spiral shape Bacterial arrangements •  diplo-­‐ two •  staphlo-­‐ grape-­‐like clusters •  strepto-­‐ chains Bacterial Reproduction Process is called Binary Fission (asexual) Bacterial reproduction continued •  Endospores-­‐ remain dormant for months/years till favorable conditions for growth •  Conjugation-­‐ bacteria exchange genetic material Harmful bacteria •  Clostridium tetani •  Salmonella •  Shigella •  Escherichia coli •  Clostridium botulium •  Group A Streptococcus Beneficial bacteria •  Probiotic bacteria •  Sulfur eating bacteria •  Nylon eating bacteria •  Plastic eating bacteria •  Clostridium botulium What do you think of when you see the word Protist? Protist video What new things did you learn about protists from this video? Classification of Protists 1.  Animallike (heterotrophic) commonly called Protozoans 2.  Plantlike (autotrophic) commonly called algae 3.  Funguslike (heterotrophic, external digestion) Examples of Protozoans Amoeba Paramecium Euglena Unicellular Plan-­‐like Protists Dinoflagellates Brown algae known as Kelp Volvox Air bladder Spirogrya Blade Water mold Fungus-­‐like Protists Mildew Beneficial Protists •  Phytoplankton-­‐ producers found near the surface of the ocean. •  Performs 1/2 of the photosynthesis performed on Earth. •  Produce most of the oxygen through photosynthesis. •  Rich in vitamin C & Iron. •  Chemicals treat ulcers, blood pressure, arthritis, etc. •  Thickening agent in ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, candy bars, carrageenan,etc. •  Make plastics, waxes, deodorant, paints, etc, • Agar nutrient to grow bacteria in petri dishes. Harmful Protists •  Plasmodium-­‐ causes Malaria, carried by Anophele mosquito •  Entamoeba-­‐ caused Amebic Dysentery •  Algae blooms-­‐ population explosion of algae because of poplution, ex. red tide 
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