Download Scouts Rule The Galaxy Patch Requirements

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Scouts Rule the Galaxy Patch Requirements
Depending on the age of your scouts, some of these ideas might be more appealing than others. Choose three of the
tasks below to complete and then you have earned your patch. Of course these are just guidelines, and if you want to
substitute out any activities for something else, please feel free to do so! As long as the girls are having fun, that is what
Task 1: Make your own galaxy
Using supplies of your choice create a galaxy. Discuss what things go in a galaxy, including stars, planets, and
asteroids. Add a space ship if you’d like. Make sure to give your galaxy a name, and you can name all the stars too. We
suggest using a shoebox for display, and suggested items for the galaxy include cotton balls, Styrofoam balls,
inexpensive plastic bracelets (for rings around planets), crystals for meteors, etc. Get creative and have fun! This
website is an excellent source of information on galaxies:
Task 2: Locate the International Space Station (ISS)
The ISS can be seen with the naked eye almost every evening/night. This website shows you where you can find it: but also check out the app on any smart phone. Look for the Sputnik! App (free) which will list
every possible sighting in your area up to a week in advance. The girls will love showing their parents and friends as well
once they learn how to spot it. No telescope required!
Task 3: Make a printable Star Wars gift box
Note: These are not a Coral Patches product, but they are so cute that we wanted to include this as an option.
Task 4: Identify at least three constellations
Download the SkyView App (free) on a smartphone which will show you where all the constellations are at any given
moment. Identify a few key planets, the sun, moon, etc. Have each girl point them out and choose a favorite. Have girls
draw those constellations on paper, and then they can try to find the same constellation outside under the stars.
Task 5: Learn about planets
This is ideal if you have 8-12 girls. Make a list of planets so that your list matches the number of girls in your troop. Let’s
assume you have 12. Before the meeting, choose the 8 planets (or 9 if you still consider Pluto a planet) plus the sun, the
moon, and Jupiter’s largest moon. Print pictures of each thing out on paper in a fairly large size. Locate facts about each
planet and print them out separately. Mix the facts up in a basket. At the meeting, have each girl choose a planet when
they arrive and they can pin it to their shirt. Have the girls attempt to put themselves in order. While in order, read each
fact aloud and then if each girl thinks the fact belongs to her planet, she raises her hand. Then tape the facts to the
planets they are wearing. Girls learn so much and get really excited when the fact is about them.
Task 6: Watch a Star Wars movie of your choice
This doesn’t take any additional explanation. =)
May The Force
be With You!