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Mobile Offline First for inclusive
data that spans the data divide
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Constraints with modern web-based applications
Applications in the old days
We have come a long
way since the client
server days in which
applications were
installed on each
computer. No access to
the network, meant no
access to the application
Applications over the web
Web based applications have changed application
design for government introducing 3(+) tiered
No/poor access to the internet means no/poor access
to the application in the current state.
Constraints with current
application architectures
1. Latency or poor
internet gives a bad
user experience:
2. The data architecture is
closely related to the
application server
design: data silos
Web clients
Application / Web servers
Result of application architecture
Data Silos
New application architecture pattern
New application design approach
Offline First Design Approach
Separate the application
into two distinct
1. Data objects together
with the business rules
relating to the specific
data object
2. Business processes that
tie the data objects
Web clients
services Data
Data cloud, sync gateway, services
Self Aware Data Objects [SDO]
(Micro – data – applications)
• The key to the approach is that
(most) applications can be remodelled as a set of atomic data
• Declaratively using xml (or json) to
define the SDO. (Relational
databases are not suitable)
• With javascript and html renderers
to interpret and execute the SDO as
a micro application.
SDO wrapper
In global SDO
View models
with business
Json schema
to validate
Data model
New NoSQL database technology
is a pre-requisite for the architecture
1. NoSQL database architecture
stores data as documents
2. Data in the document stored as
hierarchies and arrays
3. Inbuilt local datastores and
automatic replication and version
control enable offline work out of
the box
4. Open source and commercial
5. Relational databases not suitable
Document centric data modelling
Local data store with replication
provides for decentralised data
Database cluster with replication
provides for global data cloud
Core of the new application architecture pattern
SDO Essentials:
Define and render the SDO
SDO declaratively
• business rules
• data models
• user interfaces
for editing and
• Schemas for
1. Html and javascript
templates to view
and edit objects
2. Data objects stored
in single json
document in a
generic format that
is applied to all
data objects
SDO definition objects:
Template in XML
SDO definition objects:
Datamodel in XML
SDO Essentials:
SDO data objects
Data objects stored in single json document
• Wrapper (derived from the atom rss feed model)
• Data model (sequenced for history)
• With a universal uuid key to allow global data access
and referencing
• And a global category referencing the registry of
data objects
• Links to link to other data objects and therefore
create a network of data objects
SDO Example:
Budget object – Non edit view
SDO Example:
Budget object – Edit view
SDO Benefits:
Enable offline work
Data objects stored in couchdb / couchbase are replicated
automatically to all the ‘designated’ devices
• The edit / view models are stored in the database as well
and replicated seamlessly
• Because all the business logic is contained in the SDO view
and data models (and schema) it can be executed anywhere
• Synchronisation processor can pre-process any new arriving
document to verify eligibility and access rights to edit the
• Data may be encrypted within the document without
affecting the wrapper and therefore the ability to manage
the document
SDO Benefits:
Enable data integration
Data objects stored in database are defined in terms
of the global data registry
• The objective is to define data objects and data
models globally, and share these objects between
applications and users
• Assemble new applications using global data
objects. Inherit and extend where appropriate
• Or import / export from these data objects using
API to the data
New application architecture pattern in practice
GIZ Harmonization of M&E Data
• This project is a prototype implementation of the
architecture needed to manage a single data cloud
• DPME (Ministerial Data Centre) is the department
that is driving this initiative
• Consists of a Data Registry prototype to register
users, organisations, applications and SDOs
• Provision for users to adopt SDO, and make data
from SDOs available to other users
• API to add data to the data cloud
DEA Working for Water integration to
• One of the examples of the Harmonisation project
• A set of 20 SDOs have been defined for the EPWP3
reporting system
• Working for Water data is captured on client server
style applications into SQL servers. Databases backed
up and shipped to DEA
• Using the API data objects are migrated into the
EPWP3 couchbase cloud
DEA data integrated, by default
available offline on mobile or laptop
DEA data integrated, by default
available offline on mobile or laptop
• EPWP3 reporting
system has mobile
offline component
• Register participants
• Biometrically enabled
• Foundation for a
government wide
beneficiary master
Willem van der Westhuizen, Kwantu Information Technology