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The teaching and research mission of the Food Science and Engineering MSc program is consistent with the
mission of our faculty and aims objectives and targets with respect to:
 developing educational programs, increasing efficiency and quality of teaching, learning and evaluation;
 increasing interest of BSc graduates to improve the professional skills and research by engaging in
educational and research activities (training as members of research teams of projects), further
education through the doctoral program;
 development and modernization of infrastructure for education and research by attracting structural
funds under the national plan for research, development and innovation and international projects;
 increase the competitiveness of local traditional school in food science and engineering, increase the
prestige and visibility of our academic community by recognized by mainstream publications, attending
prestigious events, patents, awards, representations in prestigious professional associations and
technology platforms, in representative committees and commissions for higher education and research;
 continuous training of students and teaching staff in accordance with the latest trends from Europe by
promoting programs Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Cost etc.;
 to promote academic ethical principles and professional ethics;
 technology transfer and implementation of research results into production in accordance with the
requirements and current trends in food science and engineering, agriculture and biotechnology, which
promotes the production of functional foods, assuring food security and food safety, and environmental
Professional skills:
 Using and managing of advanced technology in food industry;
 Identifying and applying research methods in the field of food science and technology, specific
equipment for food industry and biotechnology;
 Managing nutritional processing systems;
 Managing the innovative technologies for recovery of by-products, waste treatment and
environmental protection;
 Designing and promoting of food products and implementing strategies on nutrition;
 Identification and implementation of research strategies.
Transversal skills
 Forming and developing of abilities for team leadership and critical thinking;
 Developing entrepreneurial skills, participatory skills in RD teams and applied management;
 Amplifying the process of developing the independent activities, especially related to research and
development and lifelong learning according to the principles of ethics and professional deontology.
The existing educational infrastructure of the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, by implementing
RESPIA project (2007-2013 Regional Operational Programme, Priority 3 - Improving social infrastructure,
DMI 3.4 - Rehabilitation, modernization, development and equipping of pre-university, undergraduate and
infrastructure for continuous professional training, SE/22/3/3.4/199/19.06.2009) allows professional training
based on highly specialized educational programs. The RESPIA infrastructure is consistent with the new
techniques and a technology in those sectors of the food industry reconstructed and refurbished in recent
years, but also facilitates different approaches of applied research topics in line with the current requirements
of food science and engineering.
Food Products Control, Authenticity and Safety (FPCAF) master degree program it was designed as a
professional master and is addressed especially to graduates that have a bachelor in Food Science and
This form of training meets the needs of the labour market which in recent years calls for food quality
professionals who have expertise in safety and quality management systems, quality auditing, to take the
responsibilities associated with expertise, quality and safety management both in production, distribution and
Agencies for Food Safety established in response to the food safety as a priority in the European space, calls
for well-trained graduates able to assess hazards associated with improper food consumption and train
producers and consumers on the measures to be taken to prevent or minimize risk in order to reduce the
number of foodborne illnesses.
Considering the importance of safety in food industry, food service and tourism and biotechnology is
necessary to train specialists in this field, and the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering has the human
and material resources for their training.
In general, specialization FPCAF responds to social needs by delivering well-trained graduates who can take
managerial responsibility for safety management within complex processes or working in research, pursuing
a continuous training also aimed at attracting graduates master to the training offered by the doctoral
This master program offers to master students the opportunity to participate in certification programs
organised in collaboration with TUV Thuringen for: responsible for food safety - ISO 22000, Internal Auditor ISO 19011 and ISO 9001; practical training with TUV Karpat representatives.
Food Products Control, Authenticity and Safety master study program aims to:
 Create a pole of higher education and research for Food Products Control, Authenticity and Safety,
aligned to national and European strategies;
 Train the human resources at the national level, specialized in this field for professional activities and
research skills for doctoral studies.
 Ensure all the necessary conditions for participation in international networks and programs of
training and research in science and engineering related to food safety and food control expertise.
The increasing interest for functional food production in the European community leads to the necessity to
form new specialists that posses the mechanisms of nutritional research and also human alimentation goods
production that are optimal from a nutritional point of view.
Certifying food safety as a priority in the European area requires graduates that are very well prepared, able
to correlate the biochemical characteristics of food with their nutritional effect and knowing the importance of
alimentation and of the nutritional qualities of food in the health status of the population.
The educational and research mission of the Nutrition study is to form specialist in the nutrition field, in
dietetics, alimentary behaviour and food safety, with applications in the food industry, in catering, school and
social canteens, in order to ensure the food quality and to promote a healthy diet among population.
The Nutrition master program answers to the social need for well-trained graduates that could assume
managerial responsibilities for food nutritional qualities in complex technological processes or that are able to
work in research teams. This study program offers to the master students a continuous learning process that
focuses on their channelling towards the PhD program that our doctoral school offers.
Specific objectives of the Nutrition master program sights:
Achievement of the professional competences sighted by the master study program;
Acquirement of the research competences at a professional level or in order to follow a PhD
Specialist relationship with the economic environment (practice, collaboration, research);
Development of the interest in preparing a specialist with real knowledge in approaching
biochemical aspects of food science;
Achievement of nutritional data base utilization and development of the interest in nutritional needs
correlation with the nutritional needs of the specific targeted categories;
Knowledge about the factors that influence the consumption and dietary preferences of the
consumers and their role.
Professional competences
 Evaluation, research and acquirement of advanced elements about human nutrition;
 Elaboration of specific nutritional and dietary solution for different diseases and different target
 Nutritional improvement of goods production for human alimentation;
 Implementation and monitoring of European policies and strategies concerning food safety and
 Applied psycho-nutritional counselling;
 Amplifying the ability to carry out research activities, manage research and educational/training
Transversal competences
 Carry out complex professional duties with autonomy and professional independence;
 Development of interpersonal communication abilities and their development;
 Learning process self-control, training needs identification and the reflexive analyse of their own
The Natural Resources Biotechnology master study program was designed and is organized to complement
the educational offer of Food Science and Engineering Faculty, on the structure of the Bologna plan so it
provides formative programs continuity and obtaining professional and research skills for the graduates of
the specialization related to Biotechnology, Food Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering and
Management, Applied Engineering Sciences.
Considering the University's development strategy "Dunărea de Jos" Galati, the institutional policy of Food
Science and Engineering Faculty aims to increase the quality of academic programs and the involvement of
academic community in formative research, development and innovation in national and international
projects. By doing so, the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering Galati wants to maintain itself among
the elite faculties for biotechnology education, and that is why it combines the tradition of an educational
program with nationally recognized outcomes, as well as with modern curricula offer adapted to market
requirements. The master study program the Natural Resources Biotechnology meets all these objectives,
being compatible in structure to similar programs run in universities in Europe.
Conceived as a study program designed to provide educational programs for a master of research, it has a
flexible structure that meets the requirements of dynamic master study programs, while having a strong
component of deepening knowledge in an advanced form. Thus, by running it, the Natural Resources
Biotechnology master's program aims to:
 Creating a pole of higher education and research for applied biotechnology in food science and
engineering , environmental protection and health insurance aligned with the European and national
 Training of human resources at the national level , specializing in modern biotechnology for
professional activities and research skills for doctoral studies;
 Modernization of teaching and training and their correlation with those in the European area of
higher education and research excellence;
 Deepening multidisciplinary university research and the creation of a national network of elite training
and research nuclei within the universities in the country;
 Providing the necessary conditions for participation in international networks and programs of
training and research in biotechnology resources.
The master study program is compatible with other master's programs in biotechnology conducted at
European level in universities with which the faculty of Food Science and Engineering is currently carrying
out exchanges (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Cost, Iseki Food) and beneficial partnerships for students and
the academic community.
Master study program in Engineering and Management in catering and agro-tourism offers specific elements
and opportunities in agreement with the national qualifications index and contributes to defining a manager
profile of catering and agro-tourism units from the country and abroad.
The study program mission is to prepare specialists in tourism industry (including agro-tourism branch) and
catering, their reorganization being an economic prerogative in Romania, country that has an important
touristic potential. This reorganization is required by tourism tendencies in Europe and by the tourism
situation in Romania compared with the European.
 Starting a new direction in the educational process that anticipates an interdisciplinary connection
between technological knowledge in tourism and catering, food science, management and marketing
 Knowledge, competences and cognitive abilities of the graduate from Master IMAPA program.
The acquired competences of the professional master graduates from Engineering and Management in
catering and agro-tourism:
 Creative and innovative use of technologies and techniques in catering and agro-tourism units;
 Technological or investments projects elaboration and implementation based on the technical and
managerial knowledge associated to the catering and agro-tourism field. Monitoring and
implementation of the European policies and strategies concerning food safety and security in
 Technical and managerial improvement of goods and services production in catering and agrotourism units;
 Evaluation of the technological and marketing innovation strategies in catering and agro-tourism
 Acquiring competences for research activities, research programs management and professional
Teaching and research mission of the study program is developed in line with the mission of the department
faculty and the organizer and general objectives and specific aims.
The basic mission of the study program quality control and environmental expertise is training specialists to
understand and apply knowledge in the field of environmental science in the socio-economic activities
requiring such specialists.
The main objective of the program is training and development of highly qualified human resources in the
field of environmental science, subdomain environmental quality control and expertise.
Strategic Objectives
 Creating a pole of higher education and research environment engineering strategies aligned to national
and European;
 Training of human resources at the national level, specializing in the field for professional activity and
research skills for doctoral studies;
 Upgrading teaching and training and their correlation with the European area of higher education and
research excellence;
 Deepening multidisciplinary university research and the creation of a national network of research and
training centres of elite universities in the country;
 Ensuring conditions of participation in international networks and programs of training and research in
the field of environmental engineering;
Specific objectives of the program are:
 deepen the knowledge on the management of the environment;
 deepen the knowledge and skills in specific managers exercise control and expertise of the environment;
 strengthen knowledge and skills for planning, organizing, conducting and conducting complex
environmental monitoring;
 diversification, consolidation and intensification of training human resources policy and environmental
 skills training for quality management of sewage and degraded soils;
 knowledge of the requirements and procedures for effective management of treatment and recycling
 knowledge of legal instruments, systems and environmental management mechanisms within the United
Nations, European Union, regionally or in some developed countries and ways of international
 deepen the knowledge on the organization and functioning of the European institutions, as well as
management skills training activities and expertise of environmental quality control.
Educational infrastructure required these courses is provided by the Department "Aquaculture,
Environmental Science and Cadastre" infrastructure related research through the Research Centre "Ecology
and Aquatic bio resources exploitation" (EEBA), pilot station, recirculating aquaculture systems and the
Center Biotechnology Research. The Department has laboratories equipped to provide education and
scientific research in the field, the level of excellence, and required computing processing and dissemination
of results and enable professional training of all masters, after a special education program and address a
large range of applied research topics in line with the current requirements of environmental science.
Professional competences
 Identifying the mechanisms, processes and effects of anthropogenic or natural actions that
determine and influence the environmental pollution;
 The choice of control methods and expertise of environmental status;
 Interpretation of environment by analysing the environmental parameters characteristics (abiotic and
 Design and implementation of plans, strategies and environmental policies at different levels in the
private and government structures;
 Design, evaluation and implementation of multidisciplinary research activities in the field of
environmental science;
 Management and resolution of environmental problems through the implementation of specific
environmental projects. The use of ICT in environmental science issues.
Transversal competences
 Professional and administrative responsibilities arising from the job, including compliance with ethical
and professional conduct.
 Effective use of team skills, fostering synergies and solidarity responsibilities.
 Use effective methods and techniques for lifelong learning, for training and continuing professional