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This Study Guide
What is the difference between magma and lava?
Name the five characteristics a mineral must have.
What is luster? Give some examples of different lusters.
Name and define some of the ways/test you run in order to identify a mineral.
Minerals form from the crystallization of ____________________________ and the crystallization of _________________________________.
Explain how and where large and small crystals form.
What are some uses of minerals?
Be able to calculate the density of a mineral. Know the formula and the lab procedure needed. If the mineral has a mass of 50 grams and
you put it in a graduated cylinder with 50 mL of water. The water level rises to 100 mL. What is the density?
Be able to calculate Specific Gravity Problems.
A. A mineral has a water weight of 35 grams and an air weight of 50 grams. What is the specific gravity of the mineral?
B. The air weight of a mineral is found to be 84 grams. The difference between the two weights is 12 grams. What
is the specific gravity of the mineral?
What is the difference between coarse grained, fine grained, and glassy igneous rocks? Give an example of each type.
To classify a rock, geologists use what three properties?
Name some agents of erosion that break down existing rocks on Earth.
Describe the 4 processes that create a sedimentary rock.
Name the three types (classifications) of sedimentary rocks and give examples of each.
How are metamorphic rocks classified?
What is the difference between a foliated metamorphic rock and a nonfoliated metamorphic rock? Give an example
of each.
Be able to name three examples of each rock type (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic).
What are some uses for common rocks?
Describe the rock cycle.
What is relative time (age)?
Write an example of relative time (age).
What is absolute time (age)?
Write an example of absolute time (age).
What is an index fossil? What kind of time does it help geologist tell?
What type of rock do most fossils occur in?
What is the Law of Superposition? What kind of time does it help geologists figure out?
Be able to identify which layers of rock come first on a picture like this…… use the entrance/exit tickets we did in class!
What is an intrusion?
What is an extrusion?
Is there an igneous intrusion or extrusion in the diagram above?
What is an unconformity? Is there any in the diagram above?
HALF LIFE – complete the following question. Show all of your work!!!
Element X has a half life of 50 days. If the original sample of Element X contained 750 grams, how much is left after 250 days?
Know information about the eras, examples:
the age of the reptiles
the era with the least amount of periods
the era that tigers (mammals) belong to
the era that with the shortest time
the current era is
****these are just some examples****
Finish this statement… An Era is broken up into different ______________ and a period is broken into ______________.