Download Cranial nerves (pp. 259-262): Brain Anatomy – Sheep Brain (pp 259

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Cranial nerves (pp. 259-262):
I. Olfactory
II. Optic
III. Oculomotor
IV. Trochlear
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducens
VII. Facial
VIII. Vestibulocochlear (auditory)
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
movement of eyeball, pupil size
movement of eyeball
chewing, mouth & facial sensation
movement of eyeball
facial expression, taste, salivation, tears
hearing & equilibrium
swallowing, taste, salivation
Visceral sensation & muscle movement
(Heart rate, peristalysis)
Swallowing, head & neck movements
Swallowing, speech, head & neck
*These nerves have PRIMARILY motor function. However each nerve also has a small sensory component
as proprioceptors (stretch receptors) in the muscles relay information back to CNS via these nerves.
Brain Anatomy – Sheep Brain (pp 259-264):
Cerebrum (cerebral hemispheres)
Gyrus (folds)
Sulcus (grooves)
Longitudinal fissure
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Olfactory bulb/nerve CN I
Vermis (cerebellum)
Arbor vitae (cerebellum)
Medulla oblongata
Optic nerve CN II
Optic chiasma
Optic tract
Mammillary bodies (part of hypothalamus)
Occulomotor nerve CN III
Trochlear nerve CN IV
Trigeminal nerve CN V
Spinal cord
Pineal gland
Superior colliculus
Inferior colliculus
Corpora quadrigemina
Cerebral cortex (gray matter)
Cerebral medulla (white matter)
Lateral ventricles
3rd ventricle
Central cerebral (mesencephalic) aqueduct
4th ventricle
Central canal
Circle of Willis (arterial circle)
Corpus callosum
Genu of corpus callosum
Splenium of corpus callosum
Intermediate mass (of thalamus)
Thalamic nuclei
Septum pellucidum
Brain Anatomy – Human Model (pp 247-258):
Telencephalon (end brain):
Cerebrum = cerebral cortex
Lobes: frontal (1), parietal (2), temporal (4) and occipital (3)
Sulci & Fissures of cerebrum (grooves)
Longitudinal cerebral fissure (sulcus) = midsagittal
Central sulcus (5) divides frontal & parietal lobes
Lateral sulcus divides temporal lobe from frontal & parietal lobes
Transverse fissure between cerebrum & cerebellum
Gyri of cerebrum (ridges between sulci)
Precentral gyrus (6) (primary motor area)
Postcentral gyrus (7) (primary sensory area)
Superior temporal gyrus (primary auditory area & auditory association area)
Olfactory bulb (8)
Anterior Commissure (9)
Corpus callosum (10)
Septum pellucidum (11)
Fornix (12)
Posterior Commissure (13)
Lateral ventricle (16)
Diencephalon (interbrain):
Thalamus (19)
Intermediate mass of thalamus
Hypothalamus (21)
Pineal body (23)
Mammillary bodies - left mammillary body (24)
Pituitary gland or hypophysis (25)
Infundibulum (pituitary stalk)
Choroid plexus (17 & 26)
Caudate nucleus (27)
Mesencephalon (midbrain):
Corpora quadragemina (31)
Cerebral peduncle (33)
Cerebral aquaduct (34)
Metencephalon (afterbrain)
Cerebellum (35)
Vermis (a)
Arbor vitae (d)
Fourth ventricle (e)
Pons (36)
Myencephalon (Brain most like spinal cord)
Medulla oblongata (37)
Keyed to 3B models
Spinal cord model (pp 270-271):
White matter or white substance (5, 30-33)
Gray matter
-ventral horn (1, 36)
-dorsal horn (2, 38)
-lateral horn (3, 37)
Anterior medial fissure (25)
Central canal (4)
Dorsal root ganglia (14, 19)
Dorsal root (8, 18)
Ventral root (9, 17)
Denticulate ligament (10, 15)
Dura mater (12, 9)
Arachnoid [mater] (11, 11)
Pia mater (13, 24)
Spinal nerve (15)
Sleeve of meninges (16, 20)
Eye model
Eye muscles
Superior (I), inferior (II), medial (III) & lateral (IV) rectus
inferior (VI) & superior (VII) oblique
Sclerocornea (A)
Cornea (1)
Sclera (2)
Uvea (B)
Iris (3)
Ciliary muscle (4)
Choroid membrane (6)
Tunica interna bulbi (C)
Retina (9)
Yellow spot & fovea centralis (13)
Blind spot (14) & lens (15)
Ear model
External ear (A)
Pinna or auricle (1)
External auditory meatus (2)
Tympanic membrane (3)
Middle ear (B)
Eustachian tube (7)
Ossicles: malleus (hammer-8), incus (anvil-9), stapes (stirrup-11)
Inner ear (C)
Round window (14)
Semicircular canals; lateral (15), anterior (16), posterior (17)
Cochlea (18)
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