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Institut für Gravitationsforschung
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic
"AETHER CONTROL via an understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
As of: February 2007
Dipl. - Engineer (FH) Eberhard Zentgraf
Electrical Engineer
Institute for Gravitation Research
E. Zentgraf, J. Meidhof, L Lemons
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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1.0. Cause of the investigations
2.0. Installation of experiment
3.0. Implementation of test series
3.1. Reproduction of Andersen and Telos Research results
and execution of IGF test series with visible effects
3.2. Elimination of environmental influences and mechanical influences
3.3. Repeated tests after error elimination
3.4. View of the magnetic leakage field of a toroidal core coil
3.5. Proof of a relatively high magnetic flow density, caused by magnetic
leakage fields
3.6. Remarks pertaining the laser beam
4.0. Result: Observed effects can be explained through conventional
5.0. Possible source of error
6.0. Equipment
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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1.0. Cause of investigations
Rick Andersen published in Feb. 1998 a theory about "AETHER
CONTROL via an understanding OF ORTHOGONAL FIELDS“.
Rick Andersen stated , the flow of a high pulsed current by a toroidal
core would, caused by the magnetic field within the toroidal core (
assuming that the magnetic field lines are completely inside of the
toroidal core), can affect an existing aether outside the toroid, thus
producing a gravitation-like force.
In May 1999 the "Telos Research“ build an experimental structure based
on Rick Andersons theory and confirmed Andersons statement that a
steel nail (without magnetic field outside of the single-aperture core) or a
small light weight sheet of paper would be moved, a laser beam
Both links are no longer active.
Original contents of the text within these a.m. links can be found under
Andersen and Telos Research on our homepage.
Follow link for a Spanish translation of Rick Andersens theory
At first Andersens considerations appeared reasonable. As described by
Telos Research, we examined if force caused by an influence of an
aether field would affect a steel nail a light piece of paper or a laser
beam or if conventional physics could explain the effect.
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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2.0. Structure of the experiment
While manufacturing the toroidal core we closely oriented ourselves on
the coils illustrated by Telos Research. We used two commercial ferrite
core coils with extreme small leakage fields. On the larger toroidal core
(outer diameter 43.5 mm) we had 63 windings, wire size of 1, 0 mm Cu
coated wire, and the smaller toroidal core (outer diameter 33.5 mm) had
30 windings with a wire size of 1.5 mm Cu coded wire. (see Fig. 1).
Fig.1: Toroidal coil combination L1, L2.
Coil apparently seems smaller due to the yardstick in the foreground.
Measurements with a RCL meter resulted in following electrical values:
smaller coil L1
larger coil L2
Inductance Ohm
Inductance Ohm
Coil combination
Inductance Ohm
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100 cycles
53,0 µH
per second
1 kHz
59,0 µH
10 kHz
58,9 µH
100 kHz
58,2 µH
26,2 mH
24,9 mH
23,1 mH
26,2 mH
52,0 µH
58,3 µH
58,1 µH
57,5 µH
As pulse voltage sources we tested different capacitor combinations (see
Fig. 2)
Fig. 2: Testing different capacitor combinations
In the process of the test series we preferred to use the condenser
battery (black electrolytic capacitors) seen in fig. 2 below with an overall
capacity of 4800 µF and maximum DC voltage by 400 V. In some
measurements series the condensers were loaded without problems to
500 V. Charged by means of alternate current and rectifier .
In order to protect the experimenter against dangerous contact current,
the capacitors bank was built into an isolating housing (see Abb. 3 and
Abb. 4).
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Abb. 3: Installation of capacitor bank into an isolated housing
Abb. 4: Alternate current (left), by means of a
electric rectifier (in the isolated housing right, together with the capacitor
bank ) loading the condensers to a max. of 500 V.
During discharging the capacitors bank (discharge current has only two
toroidal coils) an extremely high current flows for a few milliseconds, in
which the electricity in the condensers is reduced. No conventional
switches can be used to safely switch the current on and off. The
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Therefore we manufactured (a primitive looking but extremely well
working) circuit-breaker out of two copper sheet contacts mounted on an
insolated wood grasps, (see fig. 5 and fig.6). Switching the contact area
from right to left was done by means of using the wood grasp with
appropriate muscle power and speed to press it on to the left part.
Fig. 5: Two new copper sheet contacts (power switch)
Fig. 6: Copper sheet contacts (power switch) after approx.50 times used
as switch
In fig. 1 to fig. 6 equipment and components were interconnected to
following electrical structure (see fig. 7).
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Fig. 7: Load and discharge current circle
3.0. Implementation of test series
3.1. Reproduction of Andersen and Telos Research results
and execution of IGF test series and visible effects
During our first attempt we fastened a pin ( steel with plastic head,
weight 85 mg) to a paper strip, placing the pin axially within the two coils.
As soon as force was executed on the pin it started to visibly swing
together with the paper strip. (see fig. 8 and fig.9). The acryl glass
housing protected the structure from air draft .
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Fig. 8: A match is fastened to the paper strip, on the left camera to
register movements of pin/match and paper stripe
Fig. 9: Side view of fig. 8
Using the steel pin as sample, the pin and the paper strip to which the
pin was fastened, showed strong and violent oscillations for several
seconds while unloading the capacitor bank (4800 µF, loaded on 400V)
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Repeated tests brought always the same, clear and visible results. Using
a match as alternate sample , only a very small swing of the systems
match-paper strip appeared visible. In this of the repetition only one part
showed a light swing..
These observations correspond with Andersen and Telos Research data.
During the discharge process however we observed that the blue and
black parallel leads of the toroidal core moved shortly quite strong.
Obvious the jolt movements of the two wires (caused by mutual magnetic
influence during the high discharge current impulse) within the acryl
glass housing produced air movements , which again could have brought
the system paper sample to swing.
3.2. Elimination of environmental influences and mechanical
First the experimental setup was placed on a solid granite tile placed on
the buildings foundation to prevent vibrations, (which can occur using a
laboratory table ). The electric lines were no longer in parallel order.
They were placed away from each other along the sides of the
experimental setup using strong textile tape, glued on to the granite tile,
reducing substantially the jolt movements of the lines during discharging.
The toroidal core was glued, together with a wood underlayer to the
granite tile. The paper strip fastened to a small wood frame, alternately
all other samples (see fig. 10 and fig. 11). The assembly was protected
by the acryl glass housing against air movements within the laboratory.
The movements of the samples and paper strips were registered with a
camera (see fig. 12 and fig. 13).
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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Fig. 10: Pin (with head), paper stripe fastened on wood frame.
Fig. 11: used samples, from left: steel pin (without head) m = 66mg;
steel pin (with head) m = 85 mg; steel nail m = 301 mg;
steel nail m = 1437 mg; match; piece of copper wire.
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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Fig. 12: Structure on granite tile, lines glued together
Fig. 13: Side view of fig. 10
3.3. Repeated tests after error elimination
After completing o. m. changes , the match showed no movements
during or after discharge despite numerous attempts. The sample piece
of a copper wire (see fig. 11) showed also no movements. The steel pin
however showed intense oscillations a few seconds long, caused by
discharging. Obviously that the soft movements of the match, (see point
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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3.1.) was caused by a strong jolt of the supply cables which
consecutively caused air turbulences.
The jolts of the supply cables were reduced so far down to eliminate an
affect on the match. At this point it was obvious that the power
transmission impact on the sample was probably of magnetic nature, as
only the steel needle reacted. The match and the copper piece showed
no reaction. Telos Research describes an experiment in which a light
paper peace , placed on a toroidol core combination was moved upward
and fell down right beside the coil combination. We reproduced this
effect. A paper peace placed exactly centrically on our toroidal coil , was
slightly moved as consequence of the discharge process and shifted to
the edge of the coil combination (see fig. 14) So far we were not able to
suppress the jolt of the supply cables completely during discharge.
These jolts surely affected the toroidal coil combination (not visible with
bare eyes ) followed by mechanical movements which changed the
position of the light paper peace. To avoid the mechanical movement of
the coils, we put over the coil combination a small plastic box to prevent
contact with the coils. The paper plate was placed on the plastic box
centrically above the coils (see fig. 15 and fig. 16).
Fig. 14: Paper piece moved from center to the side
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Fig. 15: Plastic box still is apart from the coil combination
Fig 16: Coil combination under/in the plastic box,
paper peace lies centrically over the coil combination
Discharging the condenser battery (after numerous test) no movements
of the paper peace was observed. Obvious that the prior detected
movements of the paper peace ( placed directly on the toroidal coil
combination), was solely of mechanical nature because the jolting of the
supply lines could not totally be suppressed during discharge thus
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transporting mechanically on to the toriodal core combination and the
paper plate .
3.5. Proof of a relatively high magnetic flow density, caused
through magnetic leakage fields
After our previous knowledge it was certain , that the movements of the
samples were not caused by an influence of the aether. They were
purely of mechanical nature (for all samples) and magnetic nature (e.g.
for steel needles). Magnetic influences were observed closer to
determine the dimension of the magnetic sizes. First we examined
further attempts of Telos Research, by testing whether and how far steel
needles and steel nails were hurled out of the toroidal coil combination
(see fig. 17).
Fig.. 17: Steel needle looking out of the toroidal coil combination
First a paper plate was inserted in to the coil to prevent steel needles
and steel nails, used as samples, to be jammed between the copper
windings of the coil. After numerous attempts we noticed that each
discharge of the condenser battery, the steel samples would always
move from the large coil toward the small coil, also by reversing the
discharge current direction. The movements were proportional to the
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current charged onto the capacitor. The condenser capacity stayed at
4800 µF. Another criterion was the weight of the steel samples and how
far they would be hurled and moved. The pin (without head) m = 66 mg
was hurled, up to 30 cm, the steel nail, m = 1437 mg (see fig. 11) moved
only some mm pro discharge. Due to these effects it was obvious,
that magnetic leakage fields outside of the toroidal core of both coils
moved the steel needles and steel nails. Rick Andersen idealization, that
all magnet field lines concentrate within the toroidal core without any
exception is unrealistic. Daily practice in handling toroidal coils and
toroidal core transformers showed magnetic leakage fields outside the
toroidal core in the range of 1 per thousand up to 1 per cent of the main
magnetic field within the ring. Fact is, that reversing the discharge of the
current direction did not caus reversing the direction of the steel needles
and steel nails. They always move toward the larger flux density. This is
the reason, why the iron core of an electric relay always moves in the
same direction independent from the current direction in the coil. The
observed movements were always from the larger to the smaller coil.
The smaller toroidal coil had a much larger magnetic flux density of the
magnetic leakage field, as the larger coil. During measurements of the
magnetic leakage fields a problem emerged: The discharge of the
capacitor battery takes place in a fraction of one second. Measuring
equipment of high standards such as a (Teslameter, F. W. Bell, Series
9950) could not seize the strength of the magnetic leakage fields within
such a short time (see also fig. 19). Therefore we considered an
alternative method to determine the range of the leakage fields. In place
of the capacitor battery of 4800 µF, partially charged up to 500 V and
current availability of only seconds, a conventional motor vehicle battery
(12 V, 36 Ah) was used. The battery supplied for several seconds high
currents in the range of 100 A giving the Tesla meter sufficient time to
measure the magnetic flux density. (see circuit diagram fig. 18).
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Fig. 18: Circuit diagram to determine the order of magnitude of the
magnetic leakage fields
To measure the expected high currents, a clamp-on ampere meter was
used displaying the size of the electric current on a conventional circuit
analyzer (see fig. 20).
Fig. 19: Teslameter, F. W. Bell, Series 9950; in calibration phase of
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Fig. 20: Motor vehicle battery, cclamp on ampere meter, coupled
Measuring the flux density of the magnetic leakage fields:
Fig. 21 represents the positions where the flux density of the magnetic
leakage fields was measured.
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Fig. 21: Crosscut of the toroidal core combination and marking of
two measuring points
Fig. 22 shows the top point of the measuring probe diving into the coil
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Fig. 22: Measurement of the leakage fields of the two toroidal coils
Results of the measurements of the magnetic leakage fields:
Average values of the accomplished measurement series at measuring
points see fig. 21 above.
smaller toroidal coil
larger toroidal coil
magn. Flux density B [ mT ]
4,3 mT
0,5 mT
Reversing the polarity of the current flow direction resulted only in
reversing the algebraic sign of the magnetic leakage fields.
The current flowed until the Tesla meter had recorded the measured
values safely (usually approx.. 3 to 4 seconds) avoiding that the lines
and the copper windings of the toroidal coil would immediately heat up.
Measurements proved, that in the smaller toroidal coil a magnetic
leakage field was actually measured, which had a nine time higher
leakage field as the larger coil compared with earth's magnetic field of
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approx. 40 µT, the leakage field in the smaller toroidal coil was larger by
the factor of 100 .
The idealized view as assumed by Rick Anderson , that a toroidal coil
can not produce a leakage field is out of question.
The two leakage fields (4.3 mT and 0.5 mT) were measured with 12 V
voltage and a "constant current“ (duration: 3 to 4 seconds) of
approximately 100 A. The 66 mg steel needle moved approx. 2 cm with
power switched on.
The toroidal coil battery of 4800 µF as current supply and voltage in the
range of 400 V to 500 V the 66 mg –steel needle was hurled up to 30 cm
far away (see point 3,5.).
The magnetic leakage fields, produced by discharging the 4800 µF
condenser battery, had to be much larger than those measured with 12 V
and 100 A.
3.6. Remarks pertaining the laser beam
An investigation, whether a laser beam, led by the coil combination was
affected in any way (as stated by Telos Research), was not executed.
All photographs of needles and other samples, taken with an electronic
camera,(s. o.) had disturbances during discharge of the condenser
battery. Pictures were blurred with short disturbing strips and insignificant
change of picture size.
closing the circuit-breaker caused a strong electric arc during discharge
of the condenser battery, melting some parts of the copper contacts (see
fig. 6). Electric arcs disturb electronic devices, which consequently
resulted in bad quality photographs taken with electronic cameras. Due
to these disturbances there is really no meaningful statement possible.
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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4.0. Result: Observed effects explained by conventional physics
All effects that we and Telos Research observed and described by Rick
Andersen were either of mechanical or electromagnetic origin. There is
no influence of a surrounding aether to explain the observed effects.
5.0. Possible source of error
Errors were uncovered during test series, which led to believe that
unexplainable physical influences would cause the observed effects.
They had been :
o parallel line tracings (if fastened insufficient) moved considerably
due to there mutual magnetic influence.
o transmitting vibrations on the toroidal core to trigger the light paper
piece to fall down
o -air movements produced swinging motions on the hung up paper
strip samples.
o -air draft in laboratory can also cause movements and requires
o -also high-quality toroidal coils produce magnetic leakage fields,
able to hurl (with sufficient high discharge current)steel pins up to
30 cm far away.
o iron/steel objects moves always in direction of the larger magnetic
flux density, independent of the polarity of the magnetic field and
the current caused by the magnet field.
o Electric arcs (e.g. in the form of discharge sparks) produce
electromagnetic disturbances affecting electronic devices.
o Taking pictures with an electronic camera during such disturbance
is rather useless, disturbed pictures are of no significance.
6.0. Equipment
Equipment type:
RCL meter
F. W. Bell
PM 6304
Series 9950
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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Flux valve
12 V – KFZ battery
Current pliers
Digital circuit analyzer
Source of alternating
F. W. Bell
Cartec dynamic
Waldaschaff, 01 March 2007
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Eberhard Zentgraf
PAA 99-1908
i 410
VC 820
SE 2666-9U
Responsible: L. Lemons
Results of experiments performed by the IGF on the topic "AETHER CONTROL via on understanding OF ORTHOGONAL
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