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May 15, 1951 w. D. cANNoN 2,552,884 OSCILLOSCOPE SYSTEM Filed Jan. 21, 1947 5 Sheets-Sheet 1 œ2míj6a.ä0, INVENTOR w. ucANNoN AT EY May l5, 1951 2,552,884 W. D. CANNON OSCILLOSCOPE SYSTEM Fíle‘d Jan. 21, 1947 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 FIG. 2 A R4 .n _L _` C5 Y i7"“ R5 _ , _ _Ref _T' Rl SC |. Re C3 _ I]- T9 25v3\ I 92I 23 «V2 l SYNCHRONIZING :t 24 souRcE Rf? i ". I 2| - " ‘22 _à ___ _ I' i ‘ ' I To v ¿I f lzvEFLEc'rloNA :1i PLATES l ~Ct2 I I «' - _ - -f- --x // . l I 1 A A ¿i __ L . _ ___ ~ .-l2" I3 MAQ/*_* :PCS Cs lL 1| To DEFLEcTloN PLATES sYNcHRoNlzlNG . soqRcE . l I INVENTOR W. D. CAN NON BMSQRMÀM„ ATTO NEY ` May 15,1951 w. D. CANNON 2,552,884 oscILLoscoPE SYSTEM med Jan. 21, m47 5 Sheefs-Sheet 3 FIG. 4 Vila TO DE FLECTI ON PLATES 28\ _ .L ._ _ sYNcHRoNlzING _ PICKUP F. m. 5 INVENTOR W. DLCAN NON BY May 15, 1951 w. D‘ CAN NoN 2,552,884 OSCILLOSCOPE SYSTEM : Filed Jan. 21, 1947 TO I 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 DISCHARGE - CIRCUIT TO OSCILLOSCOPE Ct . PLATES -l n _ '_m INVENTQR W.D,CANNON @_„ZK mano . L - .51| May 15, 1951 ' w. D. CANNON 2,552,884 OSCILLOSCOPE SYSTEM ATTOFZ EY Patented May 15, 1951 2,552,884 UNITED STATS ENT OFFICE 2,552,884 OSCILLOSCOPE SYSTEM William D. Cannon, Metuchen, N. J., assigner to The Western Union Telegraph Company, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York I Application lÍanuary 21, 1947, Serial No. '723,232 28 Claims. (Cl. 315-29) l 2 This invention relates to improvements in os Other and further objects of the invention re side in the several unique circuit combinations of cilloscope systems and in particular to oscillo scopes intended for viewing high frequency elec cathode ray tube, time base circuit, discharge cir trical phenomena either periodic or transient in cuit and signal amplifier which together provide nature. 5 an oscilloscopio device of great utility for the ob Practical oscilloscope devices of the cathode servation of very rapid periodic and transient ray type in general comprise four essential ele phenomena. ments, and these may be supplemented by addin Oscilloscope time bases usually consist of a con tional elements designed to serve special purposes. denser charging circuit designed to provide a The four essential parts are the cathode ray tube With its associated power supplies, a time base, or sweep circuit, for the purpose of moving the cathode ray beam across the screen of the tube in the forward direction, a discharge circuit for the purpose of returning the beam to the start ing point, and an amplifier designed to amplify and control the Volume-of the signal current or other phenomena under observation. This in vention relates particularly to the time base cir cuit, the discharge circuit, and the signal ampli saw-tooth type of Wave in which a gradually ris ing voltage during charge is applied to the hori Zontal plates of the oscilloscope to deflect the beam on its forward trace, while the more rapid discharge voltage serves to return the trace to its starting point. To secure distortionless delinea tion of the Wave shape on the screen, the outlines of this saw-tooth Wave should be as nearly linear as possible and this is achieved ordinarily by charging and discharging the condenser at a con 20 stant current rate. fier. One of the objects of the invention is to pro vide an oscillograph time base of the constant current type employing negative feedback to per mit linear delineations at high frequencies and at very high beam velocities. For delineating very high frequencies, the velocity of the beam and con sequently the charging current of the condenser become proportionately very high. The relation ship between condenser capacity and charging 25 current is given by Another object is to provide a time base which 2K =charging current in milliamperes (l) 100e may be easily and positively synchronized with the signal under observation and in which the Where beam velocity is independent of the synchroniz 30 V=volts per micro-second ing potential. C=capacitance in Mufarads A further object is to- provide a time base op erable at large ratios between the applied fre At very high frequencies if the individual waves quency and the sweep repetition. rate. are to be adequately extended on the screen, volt A still further object is to provide a time base 35 ages varying at rates of several thousand volts per in which the repetition rate is independent of the micro-second are required. From Equation 1 applied voltage. ì Y above, the charge or discharge of a condenser as small as 25 ,LL/lf. at the rate of 6000 volts per micro-second requires a constant current of 150 Still another object is to provide a time base which utilizes a substantial percentage of the ap plied voltage. Another object is to provide a time base in which the forward and return traces are both substantially linear and may be used simultane ously for delineating the same signal. _ A further object of the invention is to provide a signal ampliñer for use in connection with either the signal or sweep deflection plates of the oscilloscope which will transmit very wide fre quency bands substantially free of frequency or phase distortion. Another object is to provide a signal amplifier possessing high gain and high voltage output, freedom from transient distortion, and which permits easy adjustment of its amplifying char acteristics. 40 milliamperes. Hence the importance of keeping the condenser at a 10W value is evident, the mini mum capacitance becoming that of the elements ci the regulating vacuum tubes themselves in addition to the capacitances of the associated i circuit elements and wiring. Since tube capaci ties are quite significant in this frequency range, a charging circuit should be chosen which per mits the use of the smaller sizes of vacuum tubes and circuit elements and so positions them that 50 the ñnal composite capacity is as small as pos sible. This specification illustrates a number of such constant current charging circuits in which an impedance consisting of resistance or inductance, 65 or both, in series with the space path of a triode ‘2,552,884 3 4 vacuum tube, or other tube triode connected, and a source of D. C. potential regulate the charging current to a small sweep condenser. By the unique choice of circuits the spurious capacities beam, a time base circuit is connected to the plates 'I via condenser C6 and comprises a sweep condenser Ct arranged to be charged through a charging circuit including the battery I0, a tube which lie in parallel to the sweep condenser are minimized so that in certain of the circuits when the sweep condenser has been reduced to zero, the residual capacity may be reduced to as low triode connected, having a plate II, grid I2, and cathode I3), the inductance L1, and the resist ance Rk. The inductance L1 when not required V1 (which may be a triode or other type of tube may be short-circuited by the switch I4 as indi using standard vacuum tubes and cathode ray 10 cated. Associated with the grid circuit of the tube are the series condenser Cg and the grid leak tubes it has been possible to view satisfactorily resistance Rg. The time constant of this combi frequencies of 150 megacycles and higher. This nation should be such that the voltage drop impedance provides negative feedback via a con across Cg does not Vary appreciably throughout denser in the grid circuit. The series impedance itself together with the large negative feedback 15 the time base cycle for the lowest repetition fre quency considered. which it produces serve to hold the condenser To discharge the condenser Ct and return the charging current to a remark-ably constant rate. cathode ray beam to the starting point a discharg The several embodiments of the invention can ing circuit of conventional type is provided which best be understood by reference to the accom panying drawings in which: 20 comprises the gas tube V2 (provided with _plate I5, grid I6 and cathode I‘I), a 'resistor Rs Afor reg Fig. 1 illustrates a complete‘oscilloscope system ulating the discharge current and to protect the embracing a conventional type of oscilloscope gas tube, a self-bias resistor R2 with bil-.passing tube, a time base system illustrative of the in condenser C4, and a regulating grid leak resist vention, a conventional discharge circuit, and a ance R1. The self-bias resistance Rz is adjusted signal amplifier possessing certain of the special to provide negative bias to the grid I6 such that characteristics of the invention; the tube will break ldown at the predetermined Fig. 2 illustrates a novel combination of time maximum voltage across the condenser Ct. For base circuit and loliscl'iarge circuit; purposes of synchronizing the sweep circuit with Fig. 3 illustrates a 'second novel combination 30 the signal under observation, the grid circuit of of time base circuit and discharge circuit; the discharge tube is appropriately lassociated Fig. 4 illustrates a third novel combination of with the signal circuit which as illustratedV in time base circuit and discharge circuit, especially this case consists of a variable connection SC 'to useful for very high frequency applications; the self-bias resistor 51 of the output tube Vs Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the types of traces ob of the signal amplifier. This circuit may include tained on the oscilloscope screen at .diñerent fre the isolating elements C3 and Re. The signal quencies when using the time base circuits of the amplifier .does not enter further into the opera invention ; tion of the sweep circuit and consideration of this Fig. 7 represents a further improvement in device will be deferred until 'after the various time base circuits designed to produce exceptional embodiments of the time base circuits have been linearity in the charging rate; explained. Figs. 8, 9 and 10 are simpliiied figures provided In Fig. 1 the charging circuit for the condenser for use 'in connection with the explanation of the Cl provides a substantially constant iiow ‘of cur theory of the signal amplifier illustrated in Fig. 1; rent to the condenser under control of th'e'vari Fig. 11 gives a frequency characteristic of the able resistor Rk. That this charging current is improved amplifier; substantially constant may be ‘proved by 'comput Fig. 12 illustrates another version of the high ing the value of the 'current at a few points in frequency amplifier; the charging cycle. An expression .for‘the Ycharg Figs. 13 and 14 are simplified figures useful in ing current may be derived as follows: development of the theory of the ampliñer of In the condenser charging circuit of Fig. 1, 50 Fig. 12; and Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate typical responses of as 25 auf. or even lower. With these circuits, and the oscilloscope system to high frequency tran sient waves. In order to explain the operation of -the inven tion, reference will nrst >be made to Fig. '1. The ñgure includes a cathode ray oscilloscope >‘tube I, which may be of conventional type kbut when used for high frequencies should be of a design in tended for use at these frequencies. The tube possesses the usual elements consisting of the cathode 2, grid 3 for controlling the intensity of the beam, focusing electrodes 4 and 5, -a pair of vertical deiiection plates 6, and a pair of horizon tal deflection plates 1. II‘he tube receives the requisite operating potentials from a vpotentiom eter 8 connected to any suitable source of supply. A ñlter 9, which may be of the resistance-ca pacity type as shown, is included in series with the where, Eb: the total applied voltage. ep, ek, and et are volt-ages across the elements as indicated in the figure :at any instant of the charging cycle. .If it be assumed for the time being ‘that the current is substantially constant for a `given value of Re, the plate voltage ep can be represented approximately by the equation (3) where, K is the plate impedance and u is the;am plification constant of the tube, both .derived from the Ep, Ip, Eg family of curves for the .particular tube and approximate current being-considered. This expression is derived from >Equation 49, intensity control grid for the purpose of prevent page 394 of the Principles of Electrical Engineer ing modulation of the beam intensity by either 70 ing Series, Applied Electronics; prepared fby the signal or sweep voltages which, at the high Massachusetts Institute of Technology and pub frequencies under consideration, may occur as a lished by John Wiley -& Sons, New York. result of the transfer of voltages 'through the ca -pacity of the tube and wiring. -`For providing the .horizontal .deflection of >the 75 Also, by inspection, 2,552,884 5 ‘since Èc vremitir-1s constant throughout the time 6 constant. Charging currën't'w'il'l continue to flow until the voltage across Ci has reached a specified desired value, in the case of the example previ ously mentioned, 200 Volts. At this instant the gas tube V2 by virtueof the adjustment of >its biasing elements R2 and C4 becomes conductive to initiate the discharge of the condenser Ct and hence to return the cathode ray beam to its start ` lp-ïf+o+1>ßk ing point. ‘The cycle then repeats itself under The constant voltage drop Ec across `Cg is ñxed 10 control of the synchronizing potential. by the maximum value of et and is taken at the The charging current is maintained at an un instant the condenser «Cr reaches its full charge usually constant rate by virtue of the negative and starts discharging. At this point in the cycle, , feedback through the network comprising the the grid tends to become positive and hence by resistor Rk, and the condenser Cg and resistor permitting the ñow of grid current short-circuits 15 Rg in combination which as previously pointed the grid leak Rg. eg therefore drops to zero. out should possess a relatively high time constant. Hence, when et: the maximum value of et, eg=0, Rapid variations in the current are effectively and Ec=ÍpRlc. smoothed out by this means. IgThis effect may be From (5) above, furthered by means of the inductance L1 which 20 is located in series with the charging circuit and may be introduced by opening the switch |14, base cycle. Y ` Substituting (3) and (4) in (2) thereby increasing the negative feedback and (7) To compute an example of the charging cur rent, assume Eb=40û volts, er (max.) :200 volts, R1¢=50,000 ohms, p.=30, and K=8,000. Then from (7), E¢=172~5 volts and from (6), ip=3.45 mils for ef=200 volts 3.51 mils for er=100 volts hence- giving an increased linearity. The charging circuit comprising the tube V1 with associated circuit elements is suitable for charging a sweep condenser at a constant rate up to very high frequencies. However, the gas tube discharging circuit illustrated in Fig. 1, be cause of its deionization rate, becomes unsatis 30 factory at repetition rates in excess of about 30,000 cycles. In the next adjacent range of frequencies, certain types of multi-vibrator cir cuits employing hard tubes are satisfactory. Figs. 2, 3 and 4 illustrate three classes of multi The non-linearity in this case is only i 1.7% from vibrator discharging circuits, on the left hand the mean value, even when the sweep voltage side of the lines A-A, operating in cooperation reaches 50% of the applied voltage. If the value with a constant current charging circuit located of K and Il do not correspond exactly to ip as cal on the right hand side of the lines A-A. In culated, other values can be assumed until K and these ñgures elements homologous with the ele ,L correspond to ip as expressed by the family of 40 ments of Fig. l are designated by like symbols. tube data curves. In Fig. 2 a charging circuit analogous to that of The performance in regard to linearity'can be Fig. 1 is illustrated but instead of the triode tube appreciably improved, particularly for small a triode-connected pentode tube is employed and values of Rx, by including an inductance Li in the resistance R”1<, to permit use of standard series with the charging »circuit by opening the parts and for convenience of adjustment, is 3.57 mils for er: 0 volts switch I4. An inductance of appropriate value along with the resistor Rk in series with the charging circuit provides Áa higher impedance to the variable component of the charging current and hence an enhanced negative feedback which 50 divided into three parts. In addition to anode I l, control grid I2 and cathode I3, the tube V1 con tains screen grid l2’ and suppressor grid I2". The resistance R”k, as shown, includes the fixed elements I8 and I9 and the potentiometer 20. together serve to largely suppress the variable The sweep condenser Ct now comprises primarily component of the charging current. The value of charging current is :controlled by Rk as before. This arrangement including the inductance is ad vantageous and convenient where the sweep fre the condenser Cn associated with the discharging circuit but in addition includes the stray wiring capacities indicated by the condenser Ctz shown in dotted lines. Remaining elements of the charging circuit are identical with the analogous quency need be varied over narrow ranges only, in which case switching means for varying the in ductance is unnecessary. In operation, assuming that the gas tube V2 is non-conducting and the switch Id is closed, cur rent flows from the battery I0 through the space path of tube V1 and the resistor Rk to charge the ‘condenser Cr. Starting at the point in the cycle when Cn has just been discharged and et equals zero, the development of the voltage et serves to deñect the cathode ray beam across the screen. Then ep will have a maximum value and eg will have an appropriate negative value as de termined by the I_R drop across Rk. A charging current will then flow, whose magnitude may be regulated by adjustment of Rr. As et increases, the plate voltage ep decreases, but by virtue of the feedback through the condenser Cg the negative value of the grid voltage eg will decrease propor elements of Fig. 1. ‘ The discharge function in Fig. 2 is provided by the multi-vibrator circuit comprising the tubes vV'2 and V3 which may forconvenience be en closed in a common envelope as indicated. Tube V'z contains the control grid 22, anode 23 and the cathode 2i which may also be common to tube V3. Tube V3 contains the control grid 24 and anode 25. The two tubes V'2 and V3 are alternately conductive so that the sweep con denser Ct may be charged while tube V’z is non conductive and may be discharged when this tube Ibecomes conductive. The second tube serves primarily to cause the tube V’2 to alternate between the non-conducting and conducting con ditions. Anode potential is supplied to anode 23 of tube V’z via the constant current charging tube Vi from the potential source comprising the tionately so that the charging current z'p remains 75 potentiometer R4 and condenser C5. Potential' 2,552,884 7. 8 to `the anode 25 of tube V3 is supplied from the of condenser Ci; while the potentiometer R1 con same -source via the resistor R5. trols the discharge rate of condenser C2. The repetition rate of the time base circuit of Fig. 2 is only slightly affected by the D. C. supply voltage. Hence a convenient method of The anode of tube V'z is coupled to the grid of tube V3 by the sweep condenser Ct while the coupling in the re verse direction between the two tubes is provided by the condenser C2. A grid leak resistance R7 is -provided for tube V3. This resistance ,must be of relatively low value since it is included in series with the sweep condenser Cei. The grid leak resistance for the tube V ’2 includes the re sistor Re and the potentiometer R1 which is ganged for operation in unison with the variable portion 20 of the charging current regulating controlling the beam velocity and the length of the sweep on the screen is supplied by adjust ing the D. C. plate voltage by means of the Do tentiometer R4. This method is particularly serviceable when no amplifier is used in connec tion with the time base. A further advantage of this independence of the supply Voltage lies in improved steadiness of the screen pattern and greater stability of synchronization even for large resistance R'k. Operation of multi-vibrator' circuits are Well 15 ratios of signal frequency to repetition rate. Synchronization of the time base with the understood by those skilled in the art. 1t should signal under observation may be accomplished suffice in the present case to point out the princi pal actions in the cooperative functioning of the tubes V’z and V3, along with the charging current by injection of the synchronizing voltage into the input circuit of tube V3 in any convenient tube Vi, which provide an essentially linear for 20 manner. Only an exceedingly small amount of energy is required. In fact, actual connection ward trace for the cathode ray ibeam followed by to the vertical deiiecting source or amplifier is a rapid return trace. Operation of this circuit usually unnecessary as suñicient energy to lock organization is essentially as follows. Consider the time base securely into synchronism for long the instant in the cycle when condenser Cri has periods of time is picked up when the synchro just been discharged and begins to receive a nizing lead is placed in proximity to the . positive charge through tube Vi. At this instant vertical deflecting source or amplifier. When a tube V3 is conducting but tube V’2 is non-»con Vertical deflection amplifier is used, the method ducting due to a negative charge on condenser shown in Fig. l of obtaining the synchronizing Cz remaining from the »previous cycle. A con stant current now flows through tube Vi to 30 voltage by means of the voltage drop across a small resistance or impedance, such as 5l, lo charge condenser Cu at a uniform rate to accom cated in the cathode circuit of the last stage is plish thedefiection of the cathode ray beam satisfactory. La this way the synchronizing con across the screen. At the same time the negative trol potentiometer can be so arranged as to have charge on condenser C2 is leaking off via the resistances R1 and Rg and the space path of the . negligible effect on the amplifier characteristics even when the amplifier is designed for the high tube V3 until, at the end of the deflection, when est frequency. condenser Cu has attained its maximum voltage rl‘he time base circuits herein described pro the grid of tube V’2 becomes positive and the duce output voltages of ample magnitude for tube starts to conduct. At this instant a nega tive potential is passed via condenser Cm to the 40 the deflection of the cathode ray beam in most work. However, if needed, an amplifier of the grid of tube V3 to cause it to become non-con type shown in Fig. 1 but of smaller gain may be ducting and this action in turn sends a positive introduced between the time base generator and charge through condenser C2 to the grid of tube the deflection plates. In the circuits shown in V’g. These latter actions are cumulative in driv ing the grid of tube V’z positive at a very rapid - Figs. l and 2 and in the subsequent figures as well, one side of the sweep condenser is ground rate to permit current to flow through this ed. This may require that supplemental center tube to discharge Cn and thus return the cathode ing means for the deflection plates 1 of the oscil ray beam to the starting' point. As current losco-pe tube be added. Such arrangements may ceases to flow in condenser Cn, tube Vs be be of conventional types well known in the art. comes conducting at the same cumulative rate to again charge C2 negatively and interrupt the current now through the tube V’2. The cycle now repeats itself to start a second deflection of the cathode ray beam. Synchronization of the applied signal may be accomplished by connecting the grid 2d of tube Additionally, supplemental amplifiers if provided between the time base generator and the deflec tion plates may be of the phase inverting type arranged to transfer the sweep impulses from the grounded circuit to the ungrounded or center grounded deflection plates. ' Vs to a suitable point in the signal circuit via The usual precautions necessary in high `fre the isolating elements Re and C3 and conductor quency work in respect to shielding and avoid SC, as in Fig. l‘. ance of wiring and other stray capacities should The upper frequency limit for which the cir GO be observed in the design and operation of these cuit of Fig. 2 may be employed is determined by high frequency time base circuits. Further, best the minimum capacitance of condenser ACn but results will be obtained from an oscilloscope tube proper functioning of the multi-vibrator device which has a small spot and is particularly de places the minimum value for this condenser signed for high frequency use. This may in at approximately 5 fici. The repetition rate is volve relatively small physical sizes, short leads controlled by condenser Cu and C2 in combina and separated terminals. An internal shield for tion which preferably are ganged to a common the tube is desirable. To prevent undesirable control. Condensers for this service are usually modulation of the intensity of the beam by the of fixed types controlled by multi-point switches sweep or signal voltages, the filter section 9 is so that the capacity steps are inconveniently 70 indicated in series with the intensity control grid large. For the intervals between steps the ve 3 of the cathode ray tube I in Fig. 1. As an addi locity of the forward trace may be controlled tional precaution, sometimes desirable, the in by the tapered double potentiometer containtensity and focusing elements 3, 4 and 5, may ing resistances Ri and 2li. ït is evident that be by-passed to the cathode or to ground by the `potentiometer 2G controls the charging rate 75 means of small condensers connected at the 2,552,884 tube base pins. These precautions are particu larly desirable at the higher frequencies. 10 the circuit of Fig. 3 is the same as in Fig. 2. The capacity or” the sweep condenser Ct may be re duced to zero leaving only stray wiring and tube of the circuit of Fig. 2 is determined by the size capacities as the minimum. This minimum with of the condenser Cu which while serving as an the type of tubes indicated may be of the order element of the sweep condenser Ct also per of 25 ,fi/Lf. This circuit is somewhat superior to forms an essential function >in the operation of that of Fig. 2 .and may be used at frequencies the multi-vibrator and because of the latter may extending to approximately 20 megacycles. not be reduced below a certain limit. Fig. 3 A time base circuit somewhatmore specialized overcomes this limitation through the choice of 10 in character which may be built for observing a somewhat diiïerent circuit which relieves this frequencies to at least as high as 150 megacycles condenser of its multi-vibrator function. In is illustrated in Fig. 4. This circuit is very sim this figure a charging circuit identical with that ilar to that oí Fig. 3 and its method of operation of Fig. 2 charges the sweep condenser Cr. The is identical, but in order to reach higher fre discharge function is accomplished by a multi 15 quencies the tubes chosen are types which will vibrator circuit which is identical with that of carry higher current but without increased capac Fig. 2 except that the voltage transfer from ity to ground, and the circuit elements chosen the anode-cathode circuit of tube V’z to the grid are almost all of the fixed type in order to avoid 24 of tube V3 is accomplished by means of the the larger ground capacities which accompany self-bias` resistor R2 and the condenser C1. The 20 the variable types. A limitation of this circuit time constant of the condenser C7 and the grid as shown, therefore, is that the elements may not leak R1 Should be suñiciently large to prevent be adjusted in order to vary the frequency range variations in grid potential during the period covered. The system may be built with Variable of the longest repetition rate used. elements for use at other than the highest fre Operation of the circuit of Fig. 3 is essentially 25 quencies. similar to that previously outlined in connection All three tubes used in this circuit are prefer with Fig. 2, differing only in certain minor re ably of the pentode type and selected further for spects. This mode of operation will be described the low capacity of the elements to ground. The as a series of steps .as follows: tube V1 contains anode ll, control grid i2, cath As previously noted, the upper frequency limit For the starting condition: Y 1. Condenser Ct has just discharged and is ready to receive a positive charge via tube V1. 2. Tube V’z is non-conducting due to a nega tive charge remaining on condenser C2 from the previous cycle. 30 ode I3, and scr-een grid i2', all connected as shown, but the suppressor grid i2” in the par ticular tube shown (GAGT) preferably remains disconnected. The tube V”2 includes anode 23, grid 22 and cathode 2l, and also the screen grid 22’ and suppressor grid 22” triode connected as indicated. The tube V”3 is also triode connected 3. Tube V3 is conducting. 4. The grid of tube V3 is at cathode potential.and contains the anode 25, cathode 2l, control For the charging condition: grid 24, screen grid 2d’ and suppressor grid 24". 1. A constant current flows through tube V1 In the charging circuit for the condenser Ct to charge condenser Ct to thereby deflect the 40 an inductor L1 replaces the resistor Bk. An induc cathode ray beam. tor L2 is addedV in series with the battery supply 2. The negative charge on condenser C2 is leak ing off via resistors R1 and Re and the space path of tube V3. Condition `at completion of charge: 1. The negative charge on condenser Cz hasV leaked oiî until the grid of tube V’a retains only a small negative potential. ' 2. Tube V’z starts to conduct. 3. Passage of current through tube V’z and resistor R2 rapidly renders the cathode of tube Va positive with respect to its grid (in vie-w of ' condenser C7) so that tube Vs becomes non conducting. 4. As current through tube V3 diminishes, a heavy positive charge passes through condenser circuit of tube V”s and an inductor Ls is vadded in the grid leak circuit of tube V”2. These induct ances have been found to contribute appreciably to linearity of both the forward and return traces. In the operation of ‘this circuit the return trace is suiiìciently linear that it» may be satisfactorilyw used for viewing purposes and, because of its high velocity, especially high frequencies may be delin cated. Both traces Vof vthe sweep circuit may be used torprovide simultaneously on vthe screen a long section covering a number of Cycles of sig nal during the forward -trace together with .a spread out section covering a smaller'nurnber of cycles cf signal during the- more rapid return trace. Velocity ratios of l to 3 are convenient for this purpose. If desired, either trace may be C2 to the grid of tube V’2. 5. Conditions l and 4 above cause tube V’z to blanlred out by means or blanking out circuits become rapidly conductive to discharge condenser well known to those skilled in this art, thus per C1; via the space path of tube V'z and the resistor 60 mitting observation of a single trace. ` Rz. As in the case of‘Fig. ,3, the condenser Ct may For the discharging condition: . l. The declining potential across the discharg» ing condenser Ct returns the cathode ray beam to its starting point. 2. As the discharge rate of condenser Ct declines, the IR drop across resistor R2 declines ‘ and the cathode of tube V3 becomes less positive with respect to its grid. 3. Current starts to Jflow through tube V3. , be reduced so as to provide a minimum capacity made up solely of the capacity ofY tube V”2 together with the capacity of the wiring and oscilloscope plates. For the same reason the con denser Cg should be maintained as small as pos sible. A ñlter circuit comprising theinductor 26 shunted by the resistor 2ï in conjunction with stray wiring capacities as indicated is desirable in order to prevent signal or other frequencies picked up at the oscilloscope tube from reacting 4. A negative charge passes via condenser C2 to the grid of tube V'z t0 render that tube non _ on the time ‘oase circuit. f conductive. Velocities corresponding vto voltage variations 5. Condenser Ct again begins to charge. of 7,000 volts per microsecond are readily ob Control of the repetition rate .and velocity for 75 tainable with the ciruit of Figli. Voltage varia iafaözgesc 1,12 .~ employ fratios >of ¿signal _; frequency ;to;.1repetition .: tions i at least .as .high . .as L9,000 . volts Aper _micro rate of theordenof severalithundred, or.;by._using high velocitiesnat low repetition-:rates verysfshort creasing the plate voltageand. at the same time transientsmaybe spreadiout .as muchas desired. `making appropriate vadjustments in Re and L2. 4Depending upon the type of oscilloscope tube and Us it is possible '.alsoftoadjustthe sWeepî frequency l.toa-.rate much higher. than'thesignal frequency. :theaccelerating voltage used, this latter figure .This‘feature has particular utility in` the viewing .corresponds to a Velocity approaching 1,500. miles of very short but vslovvly periodic transients. perzsecond for the cathode ray beam. across the :second can be obtained for Yshort .periodsby in Hence the transient itself may be Well> spreadbut voscilloscope screen` For the higher velocities, care must be taken to reduce the wiring and l0 Y. on the screen but theinterveningidle. period ex eluded. vAll Vof the foregoingmay be :accom Ashielding capacitances to a minimum. . plished while using either the forward or return >A low impedance input circuit is desirable for .the-tube V'fa. .Sufficient voltage for synchroniz ing 'purposes may be obtained by merely bringing `traces or both, and .With complete absenceofm stability or flicker. vThe-single tube charging circuits for thetime the. input loop circuit 28 into the vicinity of the ' '.signalcircuit. Regulation of the time base cir cuit over a limited frequency range may be ac basesystenisoflî‘igs. 1 to 4 provide sufficient linearity for all ordinary oscilloscopio Work. However, when 4a greater- degree of linearityis ...complished'by-variationof the resistor R2 and .the condenser Cv. As previously noted, these :variable elements lie; at groundpotential so that needed for oscilloscopio use or fors-any othery con »stant current application, the- linearity may' ‘be yfurther improved by the introduction of a sec ond tube V’1 in series »with the tube '-Vl ¿nf-Figs. 144. This portion of the circuit will nowï-be as indicated in Fig. 7. The secondy tube is provided Atheir .presence does not introduce shunting ca pacity nor does .the handling introduce disturb ing variations in frequency. ’The values of the various elements used in the time base circuits of Figs. l to 4 are depend- í ent-inpon the range of frequency under observa tion. ,Howeven in order that adequate informa tionmay be conveyed for the practice of the in with resistor R’g and condenser C’g correspond ing to the like elements Rg and Cg of the first tube. The cathode impedance Rk is common to both tubes and, as before, may include induct ance. I have discovered that the presence of vention, suggested values for each of the ñgures are specified in the following table of preferred the second tube will compound the stabilizing negative feedback effect of the ñrst tube, in fact, values. .It isunderstood that all of these values are subject to variation'and that "substitutions it can be proved that for the same Rk the non `may 'be made inthe Atype of vacuum'tubes. linearity can be reducedv by a factor of ,i+1 if a _ .5 mcg. 10U-200 ohms. 50,000 ohms... 50,000 ohms... 50,000 ohms. 30,000 ohms... 30,000 ohms. ._ 7,500 ohms. _ >2,000 ohms.. >2,000 ohms. . .............. __ 500 ohms .... ._ 1 25,000 ohms. _ _ 25,000 Ohms. _ _ GAB? _______ _. GAB? _______ _. meg _______ ._ . 5 me 6 6F8-G ______ . _ second identical tube is inserted in series with To illustrate'the order of linearity which may 'be'obtained with the time base circuits previously 60 they tube V1 as indicated inlilig. 7. For use in connection with an oscilloscopeat described when operating at high frequencies, high frequencies amplifiers capable of amplify the oscillograms of Figs. 5 and 6 have been in cluded. Fig. 5 represents a distorted Wave at a ing Very Wide frequency bands with negligible distortion are necessary in connection with the frequency of 40 megacycles. As will be noted, three cycles of the Wave are delineated by the 65 signal deflection plates and less frequently also ‘forward trace for each cycle delineated by the in connection with the horizontal deflection plates. To meet these requirements an amplifier V‘more rapid return trace. Fig. 6 illustrates the has been devised which possesses substantially forward and return traces of a sine wave at 125 megacycles. l constant amplifica-tion and linear phase shift over A remarkable feature of these time base cir 70 a band of frequencies having a Width of seven niegacycles or greater. In this specification at cuits is their stability, freedom from disturbing tentîon will be givenY particularly to an amplifier variations and the firmness or tenacity of syn of this class designed to amplify a band of y_fre chronizm of the sweep function with-the applied quencies ranging from the neighborhood of .one vrsignal. 'This property-greatly augments the util “ity of the device, e. g. it is readily possible to 75 cycle up to seven megacycles. However,`by the 2,552,884 13 14 same methods the amplifier may be arranged to accommodate a band of frequencies of like for the stage will be uniformly increased for the entire band. In the present case R’c is about width located at frequencies very much higher in twice as large as Re to permit an approximate the spectrum. doubling of the output voltage. This increase In order to explain the particular advantages (Il in output, however, does notV necessarily result of the amplifier of this invention it will be neces in any appreciable increase in gain because any sary to examine briefly present practices in the ' improvement in this direction will have been ab design of broad band amplifiers for operation at sorbed by the negative feedback. Advantages of high frequencies. Fig. 8 shows the equivalent the amplifier are, rather, that high voltage out circuit of a resistance-capacitance coupled am puts may be obtained uniform over a very wide pliñer stage at high frequencies where the ele ment and wiring capacitances become important. band of frequencies, providedan adequate input v Equivalent total capacitances to ground include larger voltages are vailable inasmuch as the prod_ uct of band width and output voltage is a design constant for a particular amplifier tube. Other significant advantages are that since the correct voltage is applied. three components; Cg', wiring to ground; Cpk, plate to cathode; and Cgk, grid to cathode. The resistor Re represents the necessary interstage coupling or load impedance. At high frequen For bands of lesser width, ing networks are at ground potential and do not shunt the signal circuits, it is possible to use cies the coupling impedance as a whole degen erates into a composite shunting capacitance order to obtain a fiat frequency characteristic, more complex networks, as desired, to meet any requirement. For example, the networks may be arranged to be adjustable for the separate cor rection of amplitude and phase and to correct for both high and low or for intermediate frequencies. Further, as is weil known, the negative feedback ` to lower the low frequency output voltage to the which accompanies thn use of the cathode net same degree by reducing the coupling resistance works increases the stability of the amplifier and reduces the tendency to transient oscillation in whose impedance diminishes with increasing fre quency, with consequent falling off in voltage output to the succeeding stage. With the high frequency output thus limited it is customary in to a value which approximates the shunting re actance at the upper frequency cut 01T. With the networks. The vertical deflection amplifier shown with in a wide band amplifier will be of the order of 30 the cathode ray oscilloscope in Fig. 1 possesses an exceptionally fiat response from one cycle to 1000 ohms, and with the plate current relatively about seven megacycles, and good transient re fixed it is seen that a limit is quickly reached to sponse. These two requirements are somewhat the available output voltage for the stage. incompatible and usually cannot be met at the Hence in wide band amplifiers it is necessary to accept low voltage outputs and low gains per 35 same time without sacrifice of some band width. The best transient response requires that the stage. This loss in gain may be recovered to frequency response fall on’ gradually at the up some degree by the introduction of inductances per end of the frequency band, whereas an am which tune to the capacities so as to present plifier which has a ñat frequency response to the a more favorable coupling impedance. However, ordinary pentode tubes this coupling impedance such inductances occupy positions in the circuit having high impedance with respect to ground 40 ‘ and as they contribute further shunting capacity highest possible frequency and then falls off rapidly, will 'have an inferior transient response. Curves showing the relation between frequency they quickly become self-limiting in their bene ñts. An amplifier designed according to these principles is disclosed in Patent No. 2,370,399. The present amplifier greatly improves upon the former practice in that it actually achieves response and transient response are given in-a an effective reduction of the tube element ca valid for high frequenciesf pacities to> ground, rather than a compensation, The three stage amplifier of Fig. 1 uses nega tive feedback over the last two stages and indi vidual feedback in each of the three stages. In the ñrst stage only individual feedback was nec essary since in view of the low signal level, dis tortion was small. With such a design difficulties are avoided due to instability and in the making of adjustments for various response conditions. The individual feedback for each stage was ac complished by the use of networks in the cath ode circuit of each tube which permits the fre so that the high frequency coupling impedance remains large and the low frequency coupling impedance may accordingly be raised to a high value. This improvement is accomplished through the introduction of impedance networks in the cathode circuits of the tubes where they are essentially at ground potential and do not shunt the signal circuits. These networks pro duce cathode feedback to cause a considerable redistribution of the circuit values. With cathode feedback, the corresponding equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 9, the three capacitances nowv Ibeing separated by the re spective cathode impedances Zk, and Re being paper, “Picture Transmission by Submarine Cable,” by J . W. Milnor7 A. I. E. E. Transactions, 1941, pp. 105-08, Fig. 3. Although applied to low frequencies, the curves of the paper are equally quency and phase characteristics to be readily controlled at any part of the frequency rangeby means of simple adjustment of these networks. Before describing the amplifier in greater de tail a discussion of the effect of this type of feed increased to a new‘value R’c. Actually each of these new capacitances is an equivalent capaci 05 back upon the inter-element capacities will be undertaken. A tance evaluated for the particular tube condi Referring again to Fig. 8, the effect of each of tions, and include the effects of space charge and the capacitances Cgf, Spk, and Cgk on the frequency feed back through the inter-element capaci characteristic will be examined separately. The tances. With the shunting capacities thus re stage gain (complex) for the Cg' portion of the duced the coupling resistance can be increased total shunting capacity at frequency ,f is `> ` until it is again equal to the shunting reactance (accompanied if necessary by an increase in the @_il'ßß 4 plate voltage supply so as to maintain rated plate ETH/„iacp . (8) current) with an accompanying increase in avail where gm is the mutual conductance for the able output voltage. Hence the output voltage 75 2,552,884 l5 16 ‘With cathode feedback, Fig. 9, the correspond stage gain vis ducing the gain of the stage which in theory may be treated more or less separately. It is further evident that, under specified conditions, negative feedback may be introduced into the amplifier without loss in gain. These conditions are: (a) The elements C’k and R’k of the cath ode networks must bear the relationship to Cpk, If Zk is assumed to be a resistor R’k and a con Cgf and Cgi; when considered alone as expressed denser C’k in parallel, as in Fig. 10. in Equations l1, 18 and 21, and, (b) the plate gmR’c 10 resistance Re of Fig. 8 must be increased to R’c n 1+Í°"__R'¢Cg’ Ñ (10) in Fig. 9 by the factor indicated in Equations 1 _i. gmß_l£__ 13. 1+jwR/kC/Íc Calculation of C’k for practical conditions from Equations 11, 18, and 21 give values of ca 15 pacitance many times larger for Equation «1l than for Equation 18 or 21. Hence the value of (l1) C’k is principally determined by Cgf. This is be cause due to the cathode feedback the tube ele ment capacities are in effect reduced and ycon 20 sequently the required capacity in shunt with R’k to compensate for the effects of Cpk and Cgk on the frequency and phase characteristics (12) of the stage are rendered much smaller in value than the corresponding capacity required to com Hence the importance of keep ing Cgf, which is made up principally of wiring and stray capacitances, to a minimum is evident. then The composite value of C’k, must compromise @Q_ gmRc somewhat from that determined from the indi E_l-i-jwRcCgf (14) 30 vidual Equations 11, 18, and 21 along with modi ñcation of Rc in accordance with Equation 13, Equation 14 is the same as Equation 8; hence to provide the same gain as without feedback and under the conditions of Equations 11 and 13 the it is not possible to obtain all of the indicated gain is identical for no feedback and for cath improvement. However, the final capacity is ode feedback. 35 Astill quite small in value `and so allows consid Similarly, for the capacitance Cpk in Fig. 8, erable opportunity of modifying the frequency @__ gmRc . and phase characteristics by further modifica E_1+jwR.c„, (1") tions in the Zk networks. and letting 25 pensate for Cgf. and in Fig. 9, the corresponding gain is, EÜ- _lâ-œ-~ l l gmR C (gm‘ì'jwopk) +jmR/ccpk (1e) From the foregoing, it can be seen that a net 40 work Zk in the cathode circuit of the various stages has .important properties in modifying the lfrequency and phase characteristics of an ampli When Zk is a condenser and resistor in parallel fier. Increasing or decreasing the composite value of C’k gives respectively a gradually rising as before, or falling characteristic with frequency. gmRt. 45 The networks Zi: lcan have many forms. 'I'hey may be simple frequency or phase regulating net works as shown in Fig. 1 or they may be filter sections or transmission lines with or without 50 reflections to modify the frequency and phase characteristics. More complicated networks can be added to Zk to affect the characteristics in a particular region. The frequency character istic can be ‘made as flat as desired over the use 55 ful range usually by simple adjustments, or the phase characteristics can be readily modif-led. In making these adjustments in Zk, the network. can be made as complicated as one wishes with out adding the harmful additional capacitances 60 to Cg', Cpk, or Cgk that would result if complex networks were introduced into the plate or grid circuits. Particular emphasis should again be placed For the capacitance Cgk, by a similar method upon the property of the amplifier of Fig. it can be shown that the gains of Figs. 8 and 9 1 in providing high voltage output for an ex 65 are again identical when we make tremely wide band frequencies. The amplifier of Patent 2,370,399 has already been referred to. The practice of improving the linearity of ampli fiers by means of negative feedback is also com 70 mon, but in the past so far as I am aware this expedient has always been accompanied -by a substantial reduction in gain and in Voltage out From the foregoing it is evident that in the put. This is in contrast to the amplifier of Fig. amplifier of Fig. 8 each of the shunting ca 1«~which not only avoids the addition of shunt pacitances Cpk, Cgf and Cgk has a share in re 75 ing capacities,v but through the use of cathode 2,552,884 17 of relatively simple form, each designed to cover` feedback causes an effective reduction in inter-> a separate portion of the frequency range han--> nal tube capacities to further reduce the losses dled by the amplifier. The tube V4 impedance, at the upper frequency end of the range. The> principal shunting capacity remaining is that. of network comprises inductor 63, resistor 64 and the inter-stage wiring to ground and the effect the condensers 65 and 66. For the intermediate of this capacity on the amplifier frequency and tube V5, condenser 61 only is provided as a cath ode network. In the output stage the parallel phase characteristic, up to the limiting frequency of the amplifier, may be conveniently compen connected resistor 68 and inductor 69 in series sated by design and adjustment of the compen with condenser 16 is provided. A circuit includ sating networks located in the cathode circuit. 10 ing condenser 15 and resistance 16 connect the With the shunting capacities minimized the plate anode of tube V6 to thecathode of tube V5 to load impedance may be increased to at least permit negative feedback over these last two'l twice the value indicated by customary design stages. In the output stage of the amplifier, a practice, so that reduction in output caused by so-called series peaking network comprising in the negative feedback can be compensated. By 15 ductor 'Il and condenser 12 and a shunt peaking increasing the voltage of the battery supply network including inductor 13 and condenser 14 source this impedance may be still further in creased to provide very substantial increases in are provided. These networks serve to sustain the upper end of the frequency characteristic of output while retaining constant attenuation and the amplifier. linear phase shift over the entire frequency band. 20 The plate coupling resistors for each stage are ‘ In Fig. 1 an amplifier is indicated only in the in all cases much larger than would be provided circuitof the vertical deflection plates. Ordi on the basisv of the usual design formulae for narily an amplifier is not required in the hori wide band resistance coupled amplifiers thereby zontal deiiection plates inasmuch as the time providing substantially increased voltage output base circuit itself produces substantial output 25 for each stage. Likewise, the high impedance voltage. However, if an amplifier is required in output circuit for the ñnal stage serves to pro this circuit it may to advantage be of the type vide a large voltage to drive the oscilloscope illustrated. This is particularly true in such ap plates. The peaking networks used in the out plications as circular sweeps where the charac put stage are provided principally to compensate teristics of both deflection circuits Vshould be 30 the input capacitance of the oscilloscope tube identical in respect to both attenuation and since it is not possible to effectively compensate phase shift. 'I’here are also advantages of this capacitance by means of the cathode net economy and simplicity if the amplifier equip works. The usual care in minimizing wiring ment of the oscilloscope is limited to the one capacities and in isolating the rather large cou 35 pling condensers should be followed in the de type. A detailed description of the amplifier of Fig. sign of this amplifier for high frequencies. ` 1 follows: In order to provide substantial gain In the ñgure, no means for adjusting gain has" three stages employing tubes V4, V5 and V6 are been illustrated. One means for doing this illustrated. These tubes may be conveniently of without adding harmful shunting capacities is the types 6AC'1 for the first two stages and 6AG’1 40 to adjustably connect the input conductor 62 to for the output stage. However, other equivalent the cathode resistor of a preceding cathode fol types of tubes may be substituted if desired. lower stage. The three tubes possess, respectively, cathodes The frequency characteristic of the amplifier 36, 40 and 56, anodes 3l, 4I and 5|, control grids is illustrated in Fig. 11. It will be noted that 32, 42 and 52, screen grids 33, 43 and 53, and the gain is substantially constant from approxi suppressor grids 34, 44 and 54. Input potentials mately one cycle to 7 megacycles where a gradual are supplied to grid 32 of the first stage of the downward slope is provided. Irregularities tend amplifier over conductor 62. The three tubes to occur at the very lowest frequencies unless are »provided respectively with plate coupling im substantially perfect regulation is provided in pedances 35, 45 and 55 and grid resistors 36, 46 50 the anode voltage supply. and 56. The tubes also are supplied with self bias resistors 31, 41 and 51, respectively. De coupling filters 38, 48 and >58 are provided for A frequency response which falls off at the rate ' shown in Fig. 11 will possess a somewhat inferior " transient response. ' For distortionless amplifi- ` cation of transients somewhat greater slope w the screen grid circuits of the three tubes re spectively while a similar filter 39 is provided for 55 should be provided. Fig. 15 illustrates a tran-V the plate circuit of the initial stage. As a means sient response oscillogram when a wave front of ‘ of preventing inter-stage feedback either at low approximately .1 mierosecond was applied to the ' or high frequencies a large condenser 6| shunted input of the amplifier. It will be noted that the by a small non-inductive condenser is inserted wave front is steep and free of oscillations. The l across the plate voltage supply circuit. Con 60 central timing wave in the figure has a frequency denser 45 couples the anode of tube V4 to the grid of 1.05 megacycles. of tube V5 while condenser 59 similarly couples In Fig. 16 is shown a similar transient response> tube V5 to tube Vs. Potentials for synchroniz oscillogram when the networks were adjusted so ing the oscilloscope sweep circuit may be readily that the frequency characteristic has approxi tapped to points on the grid-cathode resistor 36 mately 2 db amplitude rise at the upper end of « of tube V4, or preferably may be obtained as the frequency response curve. The oscillations shown from a cathode resistor such as 51v for following the wave indicate that both amplitude ; tube Vs. ' and phase distortion are present. Compensating impedances which are prefer 70 _In the amplifier illustrated in Fig. 1, numerical 1 ably adjustable in some degree shunt the self values are given for the various elements. It J bias resistors of each of the three tubes to pro- " should be understood that these are for a particu vide selective negative feedback. These im lar case, that is, an amplifier possessing the broad pedances may be relatively simple or may con-V band characteristic illustrated in Fig. 11. ’Other sist of ~complex networks but asillustrated are 75 combinations of elements may produce the samef 2552581814 i9 20 approximate result. The values given, therefore, andthe tap on R”k. are merely illustrative and intended only to serve as a guide in the construction of such amplifying devices. As. indicated in the frequency characteristic of is indicated in Fig. 1_4. If RW;l is returned :to ground, it should b_e noted that there is no vin-v crease in the> time >constant R"gC, due tothe in troduction ofv cathode feedback. To illustrate the incorporation of this method, of low frequency compensation into an amplifier' such as' that disclosed in Fig. 1 `whichv is provided` Fig. 11, the amplifier of Fig. 1 provides faithful amplification down to a frequency of approxi mately one cycle. This low frequency ûdelity is method. of connection; also with high frequency compensation, Fig. 12 has been provided. This amplifier corresponds essentially tothe final twol stages of the ampl-iñer of Fig. 1 including tubes V5 and V6. Circuit ele ments bearing like designations in the two figures; a consequence of the negative feedback employed, aided further by the choice of values for the de coupling network 33 of the plate circuit of tube Yi. Further expedients for improving the low frequency range of this amplifier may readily be introduced. An amplifier of the same general character as that of Fig. 1 is illustrated in Fig. 12> which possesses both high frequency and low frequency compensation. An approach to the method of low frequency compensation will be illustrated in connection with Figs. 13 and 14. Referring to Fig. 13, a single stage amplifier is have they same significance but it should be un ; derstood that the numerical values of these ele mentsmay differ from those given in Fig. l. In Fig. 12 the grid resistor-.46 of tube V5 connects to a variable tap 46' on the cathode resistor 41 after the manner illustrated in Fig. 14, while the entire resistance is shunted by a high frequency compensating network Ni. Similarly, the grid re sistor 5G of tube Ve is connected at tap 56’ to the cathode resistor 51v which is'in turn shunted by the network N2. The cathoderesistorsill and 5,1 schematically shown as a vacuum tube with an ode, cathode and control grid elements and hav ing a mutual conductance gm. The circuit ele ments include a cathode resistor R”k, a grid re sistor RX’g, a grid condenser C, appropriate anode and grid batteries, and a plate resistor R”c through which the plate current Ip flows. By the are now of larger value than would be used for> considerations of high frequency compensation alone. The large amount of negative feedback which follows tendsk to reduce the gain per stage o_ver the entire frequency range. However, this method shown previously, it can be shown that the relationship between output voltage En and the input voltage E may be represented by the 30 is vagain compensated byA increasing the plate cir. following expression: cuit resistor 45 and 5_5 by the factor (,1-i-gmR”k), while the plate supply voltage should beiincreased @lqgm Rl l e Ril c accordingly. It is apparent, therefore, that the (22) E ._ R Il g ( 1 m R Il C amplifier of Fig. l2, incorporates both high fre quency and low frequency compensation to pro or, expressed in operational form for transientre videV anY exceptionally wide bandwidth along with a high order of amplification. sponse. While the specific amplifier examples illustrated Eo-gmR/rgRl/c. p1 l p+R".C<1+g..Rf/k> in Figs. 1 and 12 were designed' for the ampli ñcation of wide frequency bands extending, from near zero frequency up to.7 megacyclesvor‘higher. their use is also envisaged for amplifying bands (23) where 12:71», and 1 is the Heaviside Operator. Solving, E0 gmRHgRl/c. _Iï t of corresponding width but having boundary fre. quencies located at very much higher positions 1 45 in the spectrum. The conversion `from alow pass Without E_]__f_gm1ìllk feedback, R”k=0, e R/lgC(1_|_gmR/lk) and the transient re to sponse becomes principally by changing the character of the cathode networks and; the interstate coupling cir' E>-gmR :Re Ruso (25') corresponding amplifier is accomplished cuits, including the capacitances Cgi, Cpii and'Cgk, 50 from low pass to band pass varieties after the Where R. is. the appropriate value of plate load resistance a band pass to R"k=0. Hence, when negative feedback is added the time con stant R”gC is increased by the factor (1+gmR"k) with a corresponding many fold increase in gain i at the very low frequencies where the response is manner familiar to designers of filter and like network structures. In general the band pass design may be obtained from the low pass design by substituting resonant'circuits for the coils'and anti-resonant circuits for, the condensers, all tuned to the center of the- desired band. Such amplifiers are serviceable also for many purposes normally deficient. The amplifier characteris other than the one illustrated, for example, vas tic is thus extended linearly to a value nearer to video amplifiers, and as intermediate amplifiers' zero frequency. As in the case for high frequency response, the wide band gain can usually be re 60 in micro-waveI applications. Likewisethe constant current charging circuit stored to the original before feedback was added described in connection with oscilloscope time by increasing the plate resistor by the factor bases has multiple uses in the supply of constant current to circuits of rapidly varying impedance, That is when R”c= (1+gmR”k) R in the equations 65 or in suppressing rapid fluctuations, such as ripples, in. a supply source. above, the gain becomes equal for both cases. If It should now be apparent that this invention it is desired to omit the grid biasing battery R”g provides the two essential.` and cooperating ele may be tapped at R9 along R”k at a point which ments for the operation of cathode ray oscillo will avoid the excessive grid bias that-occurs when a large value of Rf’k is used. The increase in 70 scopes in the observation of both periodic and transient phenomena requiring. faithful» time constant is then amplification over very wide frequency bands and 1+gmR”k . primaD _Rn 'C (26) where R9 is the part of R”ii between the cathode oscilloscopio delineation at extremely high beam velocities. By means of;v amplifiers designed` ac. cording to the inventiona.very'widev variety of attacca?. 211i electrical phenomena maybe' applied .at 'high' 22 necting said grid and cathode and a condenser~ voltage and without distortion tothe signal de connected in shunt to .both said resistor and im iiection plates of an oscilloscope. In combination pedance. . therewith the unique time base circuits, particu 8. A system for providing a constant ñow of larly those of Figs. 3 and 4, provide ample beam 5 direct current to a rapidly varying load compris velocity for the detailed delineation of these ing a space discharge device including an anode, phenomena on the oscilloscope screen. ' i cathode, and control grid, a source of current in series with said load and the space path of said ticular embodiments, these specific illustrationsspace discharge device, an impedance connect are for the purpose ofrconveying adequate in 10 ed in series with said load and adjacent to said formation for the practice of the invention. It cathode, and negative feedback means for main should be understood that the invention may be taining constancy of said current iiow including practiced in divergent methods and is not at all a resistor connecting said grid and cathode and to be restricted to the specific embodiments il-a condenser shunting both said resistor and im lustrated, but is to be limited onlyby the scope _ 15 pedance, the time constant of said resistor and of the claims. . . condenser in combination exceeding the period What is claimed is: of the average of said load variations. 9. In a sweep circuit for the deflection plates l. In an oscilloscope system, a sweep condenser, of a cathode ray oscilloscope having a sweep con a circuit for cyclically charging said condenser, ' and means for rendering constant the charging 20 denser connected in parallel to said plates and a charging circuit for said sweep condenser rate> of said condenser 'comprising a negativeY adapted to provide a rising voltage during feedback circuit having a time constant llonger While the inventionY has been Ydisclosed in par- ’ than the cyclic period. charge; the improvements which comprises means for rendering constant the rate of rise of 2. In an oscilloscope system, a sweep condenser, a circuit for cyclically charging said condenser, 25 said voltage including a constant current circuit in series with said condenser, said constant cur means for rendering constant the charging rate v rent circuit comprising in series connection a of said condenser comprising a negative feed source of direct current, a vacuum tube having at back circuit having a time constant longer than least an anode, a cathode, and a control grid, an thev cyclic period, and means for discharging 30 impedance connected in circuit adjacent to said said condenser at a constant rate. cathode, a grid resistor connecting said grid to 3. A condenser, means for supplying a definite said cathode, and a grid condenser connected in charge to said condenser, and means for render shunt to said grid resistor and said impedance, ing constant the charging rate of said condenser ‘ said grid resistor and grid condenser having a comprising a negative feedback circuit having a time constant longer than the charging period. time constant longer than the period of chargel 4. In an oscilloscope system, a sweep condenser, a charging circuit forcharging said condenser to of said sweep condenser, and a discharging cir cuit for said condenser. 10. In a sweep circuit for the deflection plates a predetermined voltage, and means for render ing constant the voltage rise across `said con of a cathode ray oscilloscope having a sweep con denser during charge comprising a negative 40 denser connected in parallel to said plates‘and a charging circuit for said sweep condenser provid feedback circuit having a time constant longer ing a rising voltage during the 4charging cycle; than the charging period. the improvement which comprises means for >5. A system for providing a constant flow of rendering constant the rate of rise of said voltage direct current to a load circuit, which comprises a space discharge device including an anode, 45 cathode, and control grid, a» source of`V currentA in'series with said load and the space path of ' said space discharge device, an impedance con including a constant current circuit in series with said condenser which comprises in series connec n_ected in series with said load and adjacent to trol grid, an impedance connected in circuit ad tion a source of direct current, a vacuum tube „ having at least an anode, a cathode, and a con said-cathode, and negative feedback means for V50 jacent to said cathode, a grid resistor connecting said grid to said cathode, and a grid condenser maintaining constancy of said current ñoW in cluding a resistor connecting said grid and cath connected in shunt to said grid resistor and said ,Y ode and a condenser connected in shunt to both impedance, said grid resistor and grid condenser having a time constant longer than the periodof 6. A system for providing a constant flow of 155 charge of said condenser, and discharging means ' for said condenser including a multivibrator1 de direct current to a rapidly varying'load'com- ' v1ce comprising two vacuum tubes Veach vhaving prising a space discharge device including at' anodes and control grids, condensers intercon least an anode, cathode, and control grid, Va source necting respectively the anode of each tube to ,_ of ‘current in series with said load and the space path of said space discharge device, an induct 60 the control grid of the other, one of' saidI con-v densers serving as said sweep condenser. ance connected in series with said load and ad l1. In aV sweep circuit forV the deflection Yplates jacent to said cathode,- and negative feedback of a cathode ray oscilloscope having a sweep 'con-means for maintaining constancy of said cur said resistor and impedance. denser connected in .parallel to said plates anda rent'iiow including a resistor connecting _said grid and cathode anda condenser connectedîin 65 circuit for cyclically charging said’ sweep _con-' ._ denser; the improvement which comprises means ‘f shunt to both said resistor and' impedance. ` ' for rendering constant the rate of rise of -voltage ’7. A system for providing a constant flow of across said condenser during charge including a' C constant current circuit in series with said con cathode, and control grid having the space path 70 denser which comprises in series connection a source of direct current, a vacuum tube having ' of said space discharge device rin series with said at least an anode, -a cathode, and a control grid, ,` source, an impedance connected in series with an impedance connected in circuit adiacentïto " said load and adjacent to saidV cathode,A and .neg- " direct current from ‘a variable source comprising 1 a Vspace discharge device including an anode, ative- feedback means for maintaining~ constancy . of *said current flow -includingawesistor‘con said toV said cathode, ’ cathode, a grid ' a grid resistor '- condenser connecting connected saidl grid ' in " mariages-4t 23" 24 shuntrto sai'd grid resistor and said impedance, andídischarging saidîcondenser., both. of s'ai’dicir#V and al. discharging. circuiti~ for» said' sweep.' con denser including at least one space dischargeides-vice also having-.anA anode, a cathode, anda con trolpgrid.»,. ant impedance' connected;v in circuit ad cuits including?A negative: feedback means’ having. jacent. to. said? last'fmenti'oned‘ cathode. a. grid: resistor connectingy said last-mentioned grid,- to. saidlast mentionedzcathode; anda grid condenser' connected in shunt' to said grid resistor‘and said time; constants' of. the: same order: as the cyclicl' period. 17. In. an oscilloscope system, a sweep con-- denser, separate circuitsv for cyclically> charging> and discharging said' condenser, and meansf'or.v rendering- contant thercharging rateïof said con denser,”` comprising a negative feedback circuity impedance, said grid resistors andgrid condens 181; having; a» time constant. longer than the cyclic' ers: for; each tube respectively` having time con period, and additional means for: rendering con-v stants.- longer- than theA period of the. phenomena stant the discharge rate> of said condenser. under.' observation on the oscilloscope screen. 18. In lan oscilloscope system, a sweepl con 12”. In a sweep.> circuit for the deilectionfplates,denser, a circuit for cyclically charging-.and dis of a: cathode .ray oscilloscope having a- sweepvcon denserrconnected'in parallel. tosaid plates. and a. charging circuit for said sweepAv condenser adapted-to»provide’al voltage rising to'a maximum at.the.-end of charge; the improvements’ which comprisesmeans for rendering` constant the rate - of risefof said voltage including a- constant cur rent circuit in series with said condenser which comprises in series connection a source of direct current, alvacuum tube having at least an anode, arcath‘ode, and a control grid, an impedancecon nectedë in circuit adjacent to said‘ cathode, a grid resistor connecting said grid to said cathode, and agrid condenser connected in shunt to said grid resistor. and said impedance, said. grid resistor and. grid condenserV having a time constant longer than the period of the. phenomena under observa~ tion` on- the» oscilloscope screen, said- maximum chargez voltage being` at least 50 per cent of the voltagefofr the-source. 13É In a sweep' circuit fory the horizontal de- . flection plates of aV cathode ray oscilloscope hav ing a sweep condenser connected in parallel to said plates and a charging circuit for said sweep condenser adapted to provide a rising deflection voltage; the improvements which comprises' means. for rendering constant the rate of rise of saidvoltage including a constant current circuit. in serieswith. said condenser which comprises a source of direct current having a voltage not larger than twice the final deflection voltage. 14. In an oscilloscope system, a sweep con denser, a circuit for cyclically charging said.. sweep condenser, means for rendering constant the charging rate of said sweep condenser com prising a negative feedback circuit having a timev constant longer than the cyclic period,` and meansfor discharging said sweep condenser com» prising; a pair of alternately conductive vacuum tubes, each tube including at least an anode and control grid, condensers joining the anode of> each tube to the grid of the other, respectively,y one of'said condensers and said sweep condenser being-- common.. l5.A In an oscilloscope system, a sweep con denser, a circuit for cyclically charging saidv sweep condenser, means for rendering constant the charging rate of said sweep condenser com prising a negative feedback circuit having a time contsant longer than the cyclic period, and means for discharging said sweep condenser comprising v chargingv said 'sweep condenser, meansrfor rendeltf ing constant the charging rate of said sweep con»v denser comprising in series therewith aniimped ance and. aiìrst space Vdischarge device`y including a cathodenand. control grid», a> grid resistory con»V nected betweensaid` cathode :andgrid, and aconf denser'` connected'between said grid and: the end of said'impedance distant from said cathode„saidl grid resistor and condenser havingv a timeë con-f stant- at least-asA long as thecharging cycleffor the ~ sweep condenser, and means for‘dischargingsaidf sweepcondenser comprising a. second and third; space discharge device 'eachhaving at least.- an; anode, cathode-- and control grid, said; cathodesi being connected to» one vend' of a common cathode: resistor, grid resistorsjoining the- grids> and ca» thodes of each‘tuberespectively, said second space discharge- device- in combinationv vvith-y said> ca thode resistor being adapted .to'shunt said: sweep condenser, a. condenser` joining» the grid of the> secondA to» the» anode-’of the third‘discharge de vice. and a grid.A condenser joining the grid of the third spaceidischa-rge device to the distant end.> of said. cathode. resistor, the grid condenser and.. grid resistor for the-,third space dischargefdevice. Y having, a. timeV constant atleast as. long- as- theì sweepcondenserv charging cycle. 19. In an oscilloscope system, a, sweep con-- denser, a circuit for. cyclically charging and' dis charging-said.sweep-condenser, means for render-' ing; contsant the'chargingrate ofv said sweep4 con denser comprising> in series therewith an indue-f» tance and a first. space discharge device includ-v ingacathodeland control grid, agrid-resistor con# nected. between `said cathode and grid, _ and ' a. con-Á . denser connected between said grid and the end of said inductance distant fromsaid cathode, said grid;y resistor and- condenser having a time con stantat- least as.- long. as the charging cycle for the sweep condenser, and- means-'for discharging. f said sweep4 condenser at alinear rate comprising a second andthird- space disch-arge> device each, having at least» an anode, cathode and controll grid,v said cathodes being connected to one- end` of, a.. common cathode resistor, an inductance joining, the grid and cathode'of said second‘space discharge device,v a gridv resistor joining -the grid and, cathode of saidy third space discharge de-. vice,.said,second» space discharge device in combi-f» nation with. said» cathode resistor being adapted to. shunt. said sweepy condenser; a condenser joining theY grid- of the _secondf to the anode; of. thethirddischarge device anda grid condenser and control grid, said cathodes being joined to joiningthe. grid» ofthe: third space discharge de gether to one end of a common resistor, a con-I vicev to the distant end of said cathode resistor, denser connecting the anode of one tube to the 70 the, grid. condenser and grid'. resistor >for the vthird grid of the other, said sweep‘condenser joining space discharge device having. a. time constant. the anode of the. other tube to the other end atleast as.A long as the. sweep- condenser charg a pair of alternately conductive vacuum tubes, each tube including at least an anode, cathode of said common resistor. 16. In an oscilloscope. system, a. sweep con ing. cycle. 20... In. an. oscilloscopev system, a»V sweep com; denser, separate circuits for cyclically charging. 75 denser, a. circuit. for cyclically charging.. andadis-> , '#25 52,552,884 "'26 charging said sweep condenser at a controllable and a source of' voltage, ’means for discharging repetition rate, means for rendering constant the charging rate of said sweep- condenserncomp'ris ing >in, series therewith Aav variable impedance vand said condenser includingin shunt thereto the space path of'said second space discharge de vice, and'means comprising said third space dis a first space discharge device including a cathode charge device for rendering said second space dis -and control grid, agrid resistor-connectedbe charge device conductive,` said third space dis charge device having anv element also connected tween said cathode and grid, and a Vcondenser connected between vsaid grid andthe end of said impedance distant from said'V cathode, Vtoi said source of voltage and means for deter- « inating the charge applied to lthe sweep con denser after a‘predetermined time interval com prising a variable grid resistor joining the grid means for rendering constant the charging rate of-said condenser, and means for discharging said condenser at a controllable repetition rate, both of said means including negative feedback cir mining said maximum voltage` independently of said grid resistor» and condenser having. a 10 the charging repetition> rate comprising means for varying the voltage of said source. n l l , time constant at least as long as the charging 24. InV an oscilloscope system for continuously ‘cycle for the sweep condenser,_ and means for ' discharging said sweep condenser comprising a observing a repeated signal, a sweep condenser, second space discharge device, an'anode, and a circuits for _cyclically/»charging and discharging cathode and control grid, and means for term :15 said condenser, saidlcharging circuit including " and cathode of said second space discharge device, said second space discharge device being adapted 20 cuits having time constants of the same order as to shunt said sweep condenser, said repetition the period of said repetition rate, the periods of rate thus being controlled jointly by said variable . said repetition rate and of said signals having a impedance and said variable grid resistor. ratio of not less than 50. 21. In combination in an oscilloscope system, 25. In an oscilloscope system for continuously a first space discharge device, a second and a 25 observing a repeated signal, a sweep condenser, third space discharge device each having an circuits for cyclically charging and discharging anode, cathode and grid, Ya variable sweep con said condenser, said charging circuit including denser, a circuit for cyclically charging and dis means for rendering constant the charging rate charging said sweep condenser at a controllable ' of said condenser, and means for discharging said repetition rate, means for rendering constant the 30 condenser at a controllable repetition rate, both charging rate of said sweep condenser compris of said means including negative feedback cir ing in series therewith a variable resistor, the cuits having time constants of the same order as space path of said first space discharge device and Y the period of said repetition rate, the periods of a source of voltage, means for discharg said repetition rate’and of said signals having a ing said sweep condenser including in shunt ratio of not less than 100. , thereto the space path of said second space dis 26. In an oscilloscope system, a pair of vacuum charge device, a second _resistor connecting the tubes each of which has, at least, an anode, cathode and grid of said second space discharge cathode, and control grid, a sweep condenser, a circuit for cyclically charging said sweep con device, said latter device being subject to the control of said third space discharge device, a 40 denser which includes in series therewith, in second Variable condenser joining the grid of order, an impedance and the space paths of said said second to the anode of said third space dis ' pair of vacuum tubes, grid resistors connected charge device, and means for varying said repeti between the grids and cathodes of each of said tion rate comprising means for jointly control tubes, and negative feedback means for rendering ling the capacitance of said two variable con 45 constant the charging rate of said sweep con densers in combination with means for jointly denser which comprises grid condensers con controlling said two variable resistors. l nected from the end of said impedance distant 22. In combination in an oscilloscope system, from said tubes to the grid _of each tube respec a ñrst space discharge device, a second space dis tively, the grid resistor and grid condenser com . charge device, a third space discharge device, a bination for each tube having a time constant of the same order as the cyclic period. sweep condenser, a circuit for cyclically charging said condenser to a predetermined maximum 27. A system for providing a constant flow of voltage, means for rendering constant the charg direct current to a variable load circuit, which ing rate of said condenser comprising in series comprises a pair of vacuum tubes each of which therewith an impedance, the space path of said has, at least, an anode, cathode and control grid first space discharge device and a source of volt and an impedance, a source of current in series age, means for discharging said condenser in with said load, and, in order, the space paths of cluding in shunt thereto the space path of said said pair of Vacuum tubes and said impedance, grid resistors connecting the grid and cathode second space discharge device, and means com prising said third space discharge device for of each tube, and means for maintaining con rendering said second space discharge device stancy of said current flow which comprises nega conductive, said third space discharge device hav tive feedback condensers connected between the distant end of said impedance and the grid of ing an element also connected to said source of voltage, and means. for predetermining said each tube respectively, the condenser and resist maximum voltage comprising means for varying 65 ance in combination for each tube having time the voltage of said source. constants of the same order as the variations in load. 23. In combination, a first space discharge de 28. A system for providing a constant iiow of vice, a second space discharge device, a third direct current to a load circuit, which comprises space discharge device, a condenser, a cir cuit for cyclically charging said condenser to 70 a pair of vacuum tubes each having, at least, an a desired maximum voltage at a controllable anode, cathode and control grid and an im-Y` repetition rate, means for rendering constant pedance, a source of current in series with said the charging rate of said condenser com load, and, in order, the space paths of said pair prising in series therewith an impedance, the of vacuum tubes and said impedance, grid re space path of said ñrst space discharge device 75 sistors connecting the grid and cathode of each 2,5525884 27 Y. tube,A and> means` for mainißainirig` constancyv of said,Í currentVv flow which> comprisesl condensers conneçtìed¿- between the.»dista,nt~end ofV said. im.- _ .pedajnce vand: the gridrof,.e2u4:h»tuberespectively.y WILLIAMD< CANNON. _A Y _Y 5 l REFERENCESCITEU The following. references arefof record-'in the me 01.13115; vparent; Number 2,085,100 ` 2,174,234 2,180,365 Name Date 2,394,891 Bowie» __________ __ Feb.- 12; 1946 2;4O'Z~,8984v Norgaard _______ __ Sept; 17», 1946 2,452,213 10 Knowles-eil ali-___--- June >29,1937 Name. 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