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Mid-Latitude Cyclones
and Fronts
Lecture 8
October 28, 2009
Review from last week
• If we apply some perturbation to a system, how
will that system be affected?
– Stable: System returns to original state
– Unstable: System continues to move away from
original state
– Neutral: System remains steady after perturbed
• Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
– Air parcel must be unsaturated
– Rate of adiabatic heating or cooling = ~10°C / 1 km
• Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate
– Air parcel is saturated
– Rate of adiabatic heating or cooling = 6.5°C per 1km
Absolute Stability
• The atmosphere is
absolutely stable when
the environmental lapse
rate (ELR) is less than the
– A saturated OR
unsaturated parcel
will be cooler than
the surrounding
environment and will
sink, if raised
– Inversion layers are
always stable
Absolute Instability
• The atmosphere is
absolutely unstable
when the ELR is greater
than the DALR
– An unsaturated OR
saturated parcel will
always be warmer
than the surrounding
environment and will
continue to ascend, if
Conditional Instability
• The atmosphere is
conditionally unstable
when the ELR is greater
than the MALR but less
than the DALR
– An unsaturated parcel
will be cooler and will
sink, if raised
– A saturated parcel will
be warmer and will
continue to ascend, if
Rising Air
• Consider an air parcel rising
through the atmosphere
– The parcel expands as it rises
– The expansion, or work done
on the parcel causes the
temperature to decrease
• As the parcel rises, humidity
increases and reaches
100%, leading to the
formation of cloud droplets
by condensation
Rising Air
• If the cloud is sufficiently
deep or long lived,
precipitation develops.
• The upward motions
generating clouds and
precipitation can be
produced by:
– Convection in unstable air
– Convergence of air near a
cloud base
– Lifting of air by fronts
– Lifting over elevated
Lifting by Convection
• As the earth is heated by
the sun, thermals (bubbles
of hot air) rise upward from
the surface
• The thermal cools as it rises,
losing some of its buoyancy
(its ability to rise)
• The vertical extent of the
cloud is largely determined
by the stability of the
Lifting by Convection
• A deep stable layer
restricts continued
vertical growth
• A deep unstable layer
will likely lead to
development of rainproducing clouds
• These clouds are more
vertically developed
than clouds developed
by convergence lifting
Lifting by Convergence
• Convergence exists
when there is a
horizontal net inflow
into a region
• When air converges
along the surface, it is
forced to rise
Lifting by Convergence
• Large scale convergence can lift air hundreds
of kilometers across
• Vertical motions associated with convergence
are generally much weaker than ones due to
• Generally, clouds developed by convergence
are less vertically developed
Lifting due to Topography
• This type of lifting occurs
when air is confronted by a
sudden increase in the
vertical topography of the
– When air comes across a
mountain, it is lifted up and
over, cooling as it is rising
• The type of cloud formed is
dependent upon the
moisture content and
stability of the air
Lifting due to Topography
Lifting Along Frontal Boundaries
• Will discuss origin more in detail today
and as we begin to discuss cyclones and
Moving on to mid-latitude cyclones and fronts…
Background on Cyclones
•A cyclone is: An area of low
pressure around which the
winds flow counter-clockwise
in the northern hemisphere,
and clockwise in the southern
• Hurricane (tropical cyclone)
• Mid-latitude cyclone
• Today, we’ll focus on midlatitude, or extra-tropical
cyclones, which have a life
cycle and frontal structures.
Hurricanes, which we’ll talk
about later, have no fronts.
Background on Cyclones
Midlatitude cyclones are crucial in maintaining a
temperature equilibrium on our planet. This is
because in the northern hemisphere . . .
• . . . They advect warm air northward
• . . . And they advect cold air southward
• This helps maintain the radiative equilibrium on
our planet!
Background on Cyclones
• We already know that
friction near the surface
causes convergence into a
low pressure center and
that flow is
counterclockwise around
the low in the N.
• So we end up with the cold
air moving south and east
and the warm air moving
north and west
• Likewise, lifting by
convergence forces parcels
upward so we get clouds
and precipitation in the
vicinity of the low pressure
Background on Cyclones . . .
The figure to the right
represents a typical
midlatitude cyclone:
• Cold, dry air is advected
eastward behind the cold
• Warm, moist air is
advected north behind
the warm front
• The fronts move in the
direction the “teeth” point
Background on Fronts
• Definition - boundary, transition zone between
two different air masses
• The two air masses have different densities.
Frequently, they are characterized by different
temperatures and moisture contents
• Front has horizontal and vertical extent
• Frontal boundary/zone can be 1-100 km wide
• Types of synoptic-scale fronts:
stationary fronts
cold fronts
warm fronts
occluded fronts
Warm Front
• A transition zone where a warm air mass
replaces a cold air mass
• Drawn as a red line with red semi-circles
pointing in the direction of the front’s
Warm Front
• Again, warm air is less dense than cold air.
• As the warm air moves north, it slides up the
gently sloping warm front.
• Because warm fronts have a less steep slope than
cold fronts, the precipitation associated with warm
fronts is more “stratiform” (less convective), but
generally covers a greater area.
Common Characteristics Associated with
Warm Fronts
Before Passing
While Passing
After Passing
Cool-cold, slowly
Steady rise
Warmer, then
Usually falling
Leveling off
Slight rise, followed
by fall
Clearing with
Light to moderate
rain, snow, sleet or
Drizzle or none
Usually none,
sometimes light
rain in showers
Poor, but
Fair in haze
Dew Point
Steady rise
Rise, then steady
Cold Fronts
• A transition zone where a cold air mass
replaces a warm air mass
• Drawn as a blue line with blue triangles
pointing in the direction of the front’s
Cold Fronts
•Cold air is more dense than warm air.
• As the dense, cold air moves into the warm air region, it forces
the warm air to rapidly rise just ahead of the cold front.
• This results in deeper clouds and precipitation than we saw with
a warm front. The clouds that form can be convective and can be
associated with more intense precipitation and thunderstorms
• Often, the precipitation along a cold front is a very narrow line of
Common Characteristics Associated with
Cold Fronts
Before Passing
While Passing
After Passing
Gusty; shifting
Sudden drop
Steadily dropping
Falling steadily
Minimum, then
sharp rise
Rising steadily
Increasing: Cirrus,
Short periods of
Heavy rains,
sometimes with
hail, thunder,
Showers, then
Fair to poor in haze Poor, followed by
Good, except in
Dew Point
High; remains
Sharp drop
Occluded Fronts
• A region where a
faster moving cold
front has caught up to
a slower moving warm
• Generally occurs
near the end of the life
of a cyclone
• Drawn with a purple
line with alternating
semicircles and
Cold Occlusion (The type most
associated with mid-latitude
• Cold front "lifts" the warm
front up and over the very
cold air
• Associated weather is similar
to a warm front as the
occluded front approaches
• Once the front has passed,
the associated weather is
similar to a cold front
• Vertical structure is often
difficult to observe
Warm Occlusion
• Cold air behind cold
front is not dense
enough to lift cold air
ahead of warm front
• Cold front rides up and
over the warm front
• Upper-level cold front
reached station before
surface warm occlusion
Stationary Front
• Front is stalled
• No movement of the temperature gradient
• But, there is still convergence of winds,
and forcing for ascent (and often
precipitation) in the vicinity of a stationary
• Drawn as alternating segments of red
semicircles and blue triangles, pointing in
opposite directions
How to Locate a Cyclone
1. Find the region of
lowest sea level
2. Find the center of the
cyclonic (counterclockwise) circulation
How to Locate a Cyclone
1. Find the region of
lowest sea level
2. Find the center of the
cyclonic (counterclockwise) circulation
How to Locate a Front
We know that we need to look for low pressure
and a boundary of cold and warm air.
To pinpoint the parts of our cyclone, look for
specifics in the observation maps
• Find the center of cyclonic rotation
• Find the large temperature gradients
• Identify regions of wind shifts
• Identify the type of temperature advection
• Look for kinks in the isobars
Polar Front Theory - Development and
Evolution of a Wave Cyclone
Also, referred to as Norwegian Cyclone Model
• The wave cyclone (often called a
frontal wave) develops along the
polar front
• When a large temperature gradient
exists across the polar front - the
atmosphere contains a large amount
of Available Potential Energy
(Remember the greater the temperature
difference on the Skew-T corresponded to a large
Convective Available Potential Energy)
NCM cont.
• Northward moving warm air
and southward moving cold
air are forced around each
other, forming a bend in the
temperature gradient (b). This
forms the warm front and the
cold front. Now with a
counter-clockwise spin, winds
converge at the newly formed
low pressure minimum at the
center of rotation.
NCM cont.
• (c)- A fully-developed "wave
cyclone" is seen 12-24 hours from
its inception. It consists of:
– a warm front moving to the northeast
– a cold front moving to the southeast
– region between warm and cold fronts
is the "warm sector"
– central low pressure (low, which is
deepening with time)
– wide-spread precip. ahead of the warm
– narrow band of precip. along the cold
– Wind speeds continue to get stronger
as the low deepens
– The production of clouds and precip.
also generates energy for the storm as
Latent Heat is released
NCM cont.
(d) - As the cold front
moves swiftly eastward,
the systems starts to
– Storm is most intense at
this stage
– have an occluded front
trailing out from the
surface low
– triple point/occlusion - is
where the cold, warm,
and occluded fronts all
Final Stage
(e) - the warm sector
diminishes in size as the
systems further occludes.
– The storm has used most all of
its energy and dissipates
– cloud/precip production has
– The warm sector air has been
lifted upward
– The cold air is at the surface stable situation.
• The temperature
contrast which drove this
whole situation from the
surface perspective is no
longer near the center of
the wave of low pressure
Another view
Weather associated with a typical late fall to
early spring mid-latitude cyclone
Figure courtesy of Jon Martin
Precipitation Around a Cyclone and its Fronts
To the right is a major cyclone
that affected the central U.S. on
November 10, 1998.
Around the cold front, the
precipitation is more intense, but
there is less areal coverage.
North of the warm front, the
precipitation distribution is more
“stratiform”: Widespread and
less intense.
Precipitation Around a Cyclone and its Fronts
Again, in this radar and surface
pressure distribution from
December 1, 2006, the
precipitation along the cold front
is much more compact and
North of the warm front, the
precipitation is much more
Also note the kink in the isobars
along the cold front!
Coming next week…
• We have all seen cyclones on weather maps,
but how do we know if it will strengthen or
weaken? The key to cyclone development is
in the upper level flow