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Unit 9- The Civil War Era
Concepts: Conflict & Change
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas):
 People tend to justify their actions based on ideals and principles.
 Societies resolve conflicts through legal procedures, force, and/or compromise
 Decisions in the past influence the present.
 People who live in different locations may have different values, goals, and lifestyles.
 Leadership can play a significant role in the outcome of war.
Essential Questions:
 What was the primary cause of the Civil War?
 To what extent did differing opinions on slavery, as well as the institution’s expansion, become a
deciding factor in secession?
 Which events in the mid-1800s kept the nation together and which pulled it apart?
 How did specific events of the Civil War affect the outcome?
What role did geography play in the Civil War?
What impact did political and military leadership have on the outcome of the war?
How did the political actions of President Lincoln affect the outcome of the war?
Student Friendly Understanding of the TEKS
 1A – I can identify the Civil War.
 1B – I can put events in chronological order.
 1C – I can explain why the period from1861 to 1865 is important.
 7A – I can analyze how tariffs affected different regions of the U.S. before the Civil War.
 7B – I can compare how slaves and free blacks were affected by politics, society, and the economy.
 7C – I can analyze how slavery had different effects in each region.
 7D – I can identify and compare the effects of compromises before the Civil War, and the people who
made them.
 8A – I can explain the importance of leaders and heroes during the Civil War.
 8B – I can explain the causes and major events of the Civil War.
 8C – I can analyze and compare how the speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis talked
about liberty, equality, union, and government.
 10A – I can locate important places and regions in the 1800’s.
 10B – I can compare the physical and human characteristics of places and regions of the United States.
 10C – I can analyze how the people and geography combine to affect historical events.
 17B – I can explain the different interpretations of the Constitution concerning states’ rights.
 18C – I can evaluate the impact of Supreme Court cases on life in the U.S.
 22A – I can analyze the leadership qualities of elected and appointed leaders.
 22B – I can describe the contributions of key political, social, and military leaders.
Academic Vocabulary:
 Sectionalism
 Emancipate
Unit 9 – The Civil War Era 2014-15
Language of Instruction:
 Secession
Total War
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Unit 9- The Civil War Era
Concepts: Conflict & Change
History Strands
The student will:
understand traditional historical points
of reference in U.S. history through
and be able to:
(8.1A) identify the major eras and events in U.S. history through
1877, including …sectionalism, [and] Civil War, and …describe their
causes and effects
(8.1B) apply absolute and relative chronology through the
sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods
(8.1C) explain the significance of the following dates: 1861-1865,
Civil War
(8.7A) analyze the impact of tariff policies on sections of the United
States before the Civil War
understand how political, economic,
and social factors led to the growth of
sectionalism and the Civil War
(8.7B) compare the effects of political, economic, and social factors
on slaves and free blacks
(8.7C) analyze the impact of slavery on different sections of the
United States
(8.7D) identify the provisions and compare the effects of
congressional conflicts and compromises prior to the Civil War,
including the roles of John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun, Henry
Clay, and Daniel Webster
(8.8A) explain the roles played by significant individuals during the
Civil War, including Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee,
and Abraham Lincoln, and heroes such as congressional Medal of
Honor recipients William Carney and Philip Bazaar
understand individuals, issues, and
events of the Civil War
(8.8B) explain the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,
states' rights, and slavery, and significant events of the Civil War,
including the firing on Fort Sumter; the battles of Antietam,
Gettysburg, and Vicksburg; the announcement of the Emancipation
Proclamation; Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House; and the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln
(8.8C) analyze Abraham Lincoln's ideas about liberty, equality,
union, and government as contained in his first and second
inaugural addresses and the Gettysburg Address and contrast them
with the ideas contained in Jefferson Davis's inaugural address
Unit 9 – The Civil War Era 2014-15
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Unit 9- The Civil War Era
Concepts: Conflict & Change
Geography and Culture Strands
The student will:
understand the location and
characteristics of places and regions
of the United States, past and present
and be able to:
(8.10A) locate places and regions of importance in the United States
during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
(8.10B) compare places and regions of the United States in terms of
physical and human characteristics
(8.10C) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors
on major historical and contemporary events in the United States
understand the relationship between
the arts and the times during which
they were created
(8.26A) describe developments in art, music, and literature that are
unique to American culture such as … “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
…and other cultural activities in the history of the United States
Economy, Science, and Technology Strands
The student will:
and be able to:
understand why various sections of
the United States developed different
patterns of economic activity
(8.12D) analyze the causes and effects of economic differences among
different regions of the United States at selected times in U.S. history
Government and Citizenship Strands
The student will:
and be able to:
understand the dynamic nature of
the powers of the national
government and state governments
in a federal system
(8.17B) explain constitutional issues arising over the issues of states’
rights, including the Nullification Crisis and the Civil War
understand the impact of landmark
Supreme Court cases
(8.18C) evaluate the impact of selected landmark Supreme Court
decisions, including Dred Scott v. Sanford, on life in the United States
understand the importance of
effective leadership in a
constitutional republic
Unit 9 – The Civil War Era 2014-15
(8.22A) analyze the leadership qualities of elected and appointed
leaders of the United States such as… Abraham Lincoln
(8.22B) describe the contributions of significant political, social, and
military leaders of the United States such as Frederick Douglass,
[and]...Stonewall Jackson…
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