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The truth about the Roman Army - ANSWERS
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The following are true or false questions which can be answered from the displays in the museum. Please
circle true or false for each question. If the answer is false write the true answer in the space provided.
1. Auxiliary soldiers wore plate armour and had an oval shaped shield.
Auxiliary soldiers wear chain mail not plate armour
2. If you were from Britain you would have been able to serve as a legionary soldier.
Men from the provinces, like Britain, served as Auxiliaries.
3. Calvary soldiers were garrisoned at Vindolanda.
4. The Hamian archers were from Gaul.
The Hamian archers were from Syria.
5. A practice sword was 10 times heavier than a metal gladius.
The wooden practice sword is only twice as heavy as the metal gladius.
6. A centurion was in charge of 100 men.
A centurion was in charge of 80 men.
7. The name of the frontier before the building of Hadrian's Wall was the Stanegate.
8. Hadrian's full name was Publius Julius Hadrianus.
It is Publius Aelius Hadrianus.
9. The name of the fort in-between Vindolanda and Magna was Aesica.
10. Julius Caesar invaded Britain in AD 43.
Julius Caesar invaded in 55 and 54 BC, Claudius invaded in AD 43.
11. The building of Hadrian's Wall started in 123BC.
The building of Hadrian’s Wall began in AD 122.
12. Roman soldiers were taught to read and write Latin.