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Thickened Fluids
Patient Information
Speech & Language Therapy
Author ID:
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Date Produced:
Review Date:
Thickened Fluids
SL 005
Thickened Fluids
March 2015
March 2017
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Why do I need to thicken my drinks?
You may have been told you have swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This means that
your swallowing muscles are not working properly and there is a risk of fluid going into
your lungs when you have a drink, which can lead to chest infections or aspiration
Thickened fluids move more slowly when you swallow and are easier to control in your
mouth. This makes it less likely for the drink to go down into your lungs
There are three different fluid consistencies that can be advised to help you swallow more
safely – stage 1, 2, and 3.
Who decided that it was needed?
The Speech and Language Therapist who will have assessed how well the swallowing
muscles are working.
What is syrup-thick (stage 1) consistency fluid?
Stage 1 consistency fluid should be prepared so that it:
 Can be drunk through a straw
 Can be drunk from a cup
 Leaves a thin coat on the back of a spoon.
What is custard-thick (stage 2) consistency fluid?
Stage 2 consistency fluid should be prepared so that it:
 Cannot be drunk through a straw
 Can be drunk from a cup
 Leaves a thick coat on the back of a spoon.
What is pudding/puree thick (stage 3) consistency fluid?
Stage 3 consistency fluid should be prepared so that it:
 Cannot be drunk through a straw
 Cannot be drunk from a cup
 Needs to be taken with a spoon.
You have been advised to thicken your drinks to _________ thick
(stage ____ ) consistency.
How do I thicken my drinks?
Drinks are thickened by adding thickening powder.
You will need to add thickener to your drinks and stir until the consistency is similar to the
given description.
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The amount of thickener needed will depend on the type of drink. There is also a guide to
the amount of thickener needed on the container.
* Remember to thicken sauces, soups and gravies to the same consistency as the rest of
your fluids. You can use the prescribed thickener or use corn flour to thicken sauces and
Where do I get thickening powder from?
You will be given some thickener to take home from hospital with you. Further tins of
thickener will then be available on repeat prescription from your GP. Please contact your
GP if you have any problems obtaining your thickener.
What about cleaning my teeth?
It is important to brush your teeth, tongue and gums at least twice a day; especially after
meals. Swallowing saliva containing bacteria from the mouth can lead to chest infections.
Put a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a toothbrush and brush your teeth in the
normal way. There is no need to rinse; remove any residue with the toothbrush.
What about my medication?
Remember, if you have been advised to thicken your drinks, this guidance applies to any
drink used to swallow medication. Some medications are available in syrup as well as
tablet form. Some can be crushed and mixed with food to make them easier to swallow. It
is essential that you ask your GP or pharmacist before changing how you take your
Your Speech and Language Therapist is: ___________________________
Telephone number: ___________________________
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Comments, Compliments or Complaints
The Patient Relations/PALS Department provides confidential on the spot advice, information
and support to patients, relatives, friends and carers.
Contact Us
Tel: 01942 822376 (Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm)
The Patient Relations/PALS Manager
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane
Wigan WN1 2NN
In addition to the Patient Relations/PALS Service, you can contact HELPline on 01942 822111.
This leaflet is also available in audio, large print, Braille and other languages upon request.
For more information call 01942 773106.
© Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner
Thickened Fluids
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