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[email protected]
+1 503-752-8638
Research Interests: Social learning, cultural transmission, egalitarianism, social
bonding, play, anthropology of childhood, hunter-gatherers, Africa
PhD (ABD), 2012, Anthropology, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA
MA, Anthropology, 2006, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
BA, Psychobiology (with Honors), 2002, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
Published Manuscripts
Hewlett, B. S, Fouts, H. N., Boyette, A. H. & Hewlett, B. L. (2011) Social learning
among Congo Basin hunter-gatherers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 366: 1168-1178.
Alfaro, J. W. L., Matthews, L., Boyette, A. H., Macfarlan, S. J., Phillips, K. A., Falótico, T.,
Ottoni, E., Verderane, M., Izar, P., Schulte, M., Melin, A., Fedigan, L., Janson, C. and
Alfaro, M. E. (2011). Anointing variation across wild capuchin populations: a
review of material preferences, bout frequency and anointing sociality in Cebus
and Sapajus. American Journal of Primatology.
Book Chapters
Hewlett, Barry and Adam H. Boyette (In Press). Commentary: Play in HunterGatherers. In Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development: From Research
to Practice and Policy. Narvaez, D., Panksepp, J., Schore, A., & Gleason, T. (Eds.).
New York: Oxford University Press.
Hewlett, Barry S., Hillary N. Fouts, Adam H. Boyette, and Bonnie L. Hewlett (2012)
Social learning among Congo Basin hunter-gatherers. In Culture Evolves. Andrew
Whiten, Robert A. Hinde, Christopher B. Stringer, and Kevin N. Laland (Eds.)
Oxford University press.
Submitted Manuscripts
Boyette, Adam Howell (N.d.) An Ethology of Social Learning During Middle
Childhood among Aka Foragers and Ngandu Farmers of the Central African
House, Bailey R., Joan B. Silk, Joseph Henrich, H. Clark Barrett, Brooke Scelza, Adam
Boyette, Barry Hewlett, and Stephen Laurence (N.d.) Cross-cultural diversity in the
ontogeny of prosocial behavior.
Scott, Isabel M, Steven C Josephson, Adam Boyette, Mhairi Gibson, Barry Hewlett,
Mark Jamieson, William Jankowiak, P Lynne Honey, Zejun Huang, Ben G Purzycki,
John Shaver, Richard Sosis, Lawrence S Sugiyama, Viren Swami, Doug Yu, Yangke
Zhao, and Ian S Penton-Voak (N.d.). Facial dimorphism preferences in a crosscultural sample: a test of evolutionary hypotheses.
Manuscripts In Prep
Boyette, Adam Howell (N.d.) An observational study of cultural transmission during
childhood in two small-scale societies.
Boyette, Adam Howell, Ed H. Hagen, Barry S. Hewlett. (N.d.) The effects of cultural
[email protected]
+1 503-752-8638
norms and reputational concern on children’s daily sharing among huntergatherers and farmers in the Central Africa Republic.
Boyette, Adam Howell (N.d.) Physical contact and attachment among foragers:
implications for egalitarianism.
Boyette, Adam Howell (N.d.) The role of children’s play in human niche
construction: public policy implications.
Unpublished Manuscripts
Boyette, Adam Howell (2006) Parental Investment and Men’s Sexual Behavior: Life
history Theory and Reproductive Strategies in a Sample of American Men.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Washington State University.
Boyette, Adam Howell (2012) The nature of play among Aka forest foragers and
Ngandu farmers of the Central African Republic. Replacement Drama Project, A-02
Research Group Annual Report. Kobe Gakuin Universtiy, Kobe Japan.
Invited Talks, Conference Presentations, and Posters
2012 Boyette, Adam Howell, Elements of Social Learning Among Hunter-Gatherer
and Farmer Children in the Central African Republic. Poster, Human Evolution and
Human Development Symposium, The Center for Children and Families,
University of Notre Dame.
2012 Boyette, Adam Howell, Physical Contact and Egalitarianism Among Hunter
Gatherers and Farmers in the Central African Republic: An Ontogenetic Perspective,
Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical
Anthropologists, Portland, OR.
2011 Boyette, Adam Howell (Session Organizer), The Ontogeny of Resource Sharing
During Aka Forager Childhood: Tracing the Origins of Egalitarianism, Paper
presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
2011 Boyette, Adam Howell, The Nature of Play among Aka Forest Foragers and
Ngandu Farmers of the Central African Republic, Paper presentation, meeting of the
A02 Team of the Replacement Drama Project, Kobe, Japan.
2010 Boyette, Adam Howell, The Transmission of Culture During Childhood: Aka
Forest Foragers and Ngandu Farmers of CAR, Paper presentation, International
Conference on Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers, Montpellier, France.
2010 Boyette, Adam Howell, The Prominence of Other Children in Culture Learning
During Aka Forager Early through Late Childhood, Paper presentation, Integrated
annual meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research/Society for
Anthropological Sciences, Albuquerque, NM.
2010 Boyette, Adam Howell, Aka Childhood: Trends and Implications, Paper
presentation, Workshop on Recent Research among Congo Basin HunterGatherers and Farmers, Albuquerque, NM.
2009 Boyette, Adam Howell, “The Giving Environment” as Pedagogical Context: an
[email protected]
+1 503-752-8638
Empirical Account of Aka Forager Children’s Social Learning and What it Means for
the Transmission of Culture, Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
2009 Boyette, Adam Howell, Culture in Transmission: A Quantative Account of Daily
Learning among Aka Forest Forager Children from Middle to Late Childhood. Paper
presentation, Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society,
Fullerton, CA.
2009 Boyette, Adam Howell (Session Organizer), Learning Before Schooling: What
We Can Learn About Teaching from Traditional Education Practices. Paper
presention, Annual Northwestern Anthropological Conference, Newport, OR.
2008 Boyette, Adam Howell, Scaffolding for Cooperative Breeding Among Aka
Foragers. Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, San Francisco, CA.
2008 Boyette, Adam Howell, Male Reproductive Strategies: an Analysis of Rearing
Environment Effects on Paternal Investment. Paper presentation, Integrated
conference of the Society for Cross-cultural Research/Society for Anthropological
Sciences, New Orleans, LA.
2007 Boyette, Adam Howell, Rearing Environment and Male Sexual Behavior:
Evidence for Adaptive Response and Cultural Influence. Paper presentation, Annual
Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC.
2007 Boyette, Adam Howell, Rearing Environment and Male Sexual Behavior:
Evidence for Adaptive Response and Socialization. Paper presentation, Annual
Northwest Anthropological Conference, Pullman, WA.
2006 Boyette, Adam H., Sexuality and the Adapted Self: Parental Effects on
Personality and Reproductive Strategy. Paper presentation, Annual Northwest
Anthropological Conference, Seattle, WA.
2005 Boyette, Adam H. and John Q. Patton, Dictator Game Play and Colaitional
Cohesion in the Eduadorian Amazon: A Community by Community Analysis of
Strategic Generosity. Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Washington DC.
2005 Boyette, Adam H. and Shane Macfarlan, Misahualli: Field Observations of
Metropolitan Monkeys and Implications for Ecotourism and the Ecology of
Behavioral Traditions. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University.
2004 Boyette, Adam H. and Shane Macfarlan, Exploring the Conundrum of Altruism
Through Third Party Punishment Games. Department of Anthropology, Washington
State University.
Teaching Experience
2012 Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity, Washington State University, Vancouver
2011 Human Ecology and Adaptation, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia
2011 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Washington State University, Vancouver
2011 Intro to Physical Anthropology (Lab), Washington State University, Vancouver
2009 Cultural Ecology, Washington State University, Vancouver
2007 Sex, Evolution and Human Behavior, Washington State University, Vancouver
[email protected]
+1 503-752-8638
2007-2009, Extension Spring 2012, NSF IGERT Program in Evolutionary Modeling
2005 Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship
Grants and Awards
2011 Fulbright Program Visiting Graduate Student Lecturer, Hawassa University,
2010 WSU Vancouver Graduate Student Travel Grant, $608
2010 WSU Graduate Student Travel Grant, $254
2009 Society for Anthropological Sciences AAA Student Paper Prize, $200
2009 WSU Vancouver Graduate Student Travel Grant, $600
2009 WSU Vancouver Graduate Student Travel Grant, $360
2009 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Dissertation
Fieldwork Grant, $12,360
2011 Boyette, Adam Howell. Dance at Lobanje.
2007 Boyette, Jeffrey B. and Adam Howell Boyette, Dirs. Nature Capital:
Conservation, Tourism and the Primate’s Place.
Professional Memberships
American Anthropological Association (Since 2004)
Evolutionary Anthropology Society (AAA Section; Since 2004)
Society for Anthropological Sciences (Since 2006)
Lamda Alpha (Anthropology Honors Society, WSU Chapter, since 2006)
Elected Offices
Student Board Representative, Evolutionary Anthropology Society, 2009-2012
DiAka (CAR)
Sango (CAR)
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