Download Zhou (Chou) Dynasty (1027 B.C. - 256 B.C.)

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Zhou (Chou) Dynasty
(1027 B.C. - 256 B.C.)
by Ava, Jadyn, Kadin, Nels, and Rodrigo
Economic Status by Jadyn Gorham
Question: What proof is there that the ideas practiced by the dynasty (Zhou)
affected the economic system?
There were three main ideas practiced in the Zhou Dynasty. The first was
Confucianism, where it was taught that people should keep practicing common
morals and learn their place in the world. The second was Daoism/Taoism, where
it was taught that people should just go with the flow (hippies!) and let fate make
the decisions. Lastly, they believed in the Mandate of Heaven, which stated that
one family had the right to rule China. If a family was overthrown, they believed it
was because the Mandate of Heaven had expired for them and was bestowed on
a new family.
Economic Status (cont.) by Jadyn Gorham
The Zhou Dynasty was sometimes called the “Iron Age.” Iron was a subject for
happiness for the Zhou Dynasty, as it led to the rise of new weapons and farming
tools. Surpluses of organic food products followed the iron farming tools.
Merchants rejoiced when the sales of iron, food, and even silk surged.
Silk was popular then, too. It was a breathable fabric that kept the wearer warm
in the winter and cool in the summer, and led to the inspiration of the Silk Road. It
was something everyone wanted, and therefore traded with them just to get it.
Economic Status (cont.) by Jadyn Gorham
Although most of the population then were farmers, people found new jobs in
more artistic pursuits. More people had their funerals or any regular events very
lavishly decorated with jade ornaments and such. People also made pottery and
calligraphy. Large-scale irrigation and water based projects were launched as well.
One other job that was flourishing was teaching in the two schools of thought
known as Confucianism and Daoism/Taoism. The focus in this dynasty was mainly
to follow in the ways of peace.
Economic Status (cont.) by Jadyn Gorham
In conclusion, there is subtle proof that the ideas practiced by the dynasty
affected the economy.
After researching the Zhou Dynasty’s economy, people can come away knowing
that they were generally peaceful. They were more interested in art, they taught
Confucianism and Daoism/Taoism more, and they were also more involved in
trading with other places. The main ideas of Confucianism and Daoism are
basically to live in peace with fate and others. Therefore, you can see that while
the effects of their beliefs on the economy were slight, they are certainly there.
Social/economic classes
Emperor- ruler and most honored man in the dynasty
Nobles- have their places as honors, wealthy landowners, and own farmers
Warriors- lived in small houses/cottages
Peasants- lived on farms or family compounds
Slaves- lived under the order of nobles or their owners.
By Kadin
How did there social classes determine their jobs.
There social classes determined their job by the amount of people, land, and
expensive goods (gold, silver) they own. Sometimes people can become a noble by
the emperor choosing them to be a tax collectors.
Emperor- leader owns all the land- loses leadership after death or overthrown.
Nobles- own farmers and farming land
Peasants- owned by farmers, farmland, and do other household work.
Slaves- do what they're told, and if they don't they get killed.
By kadin
What is the main idea of the dynasty? By Kadin
The dynasty ran on trade. They traded goods such as sugars, spices, salt,
porcelain, slaves, and other luxury goods. They bartered goods such as cotton,
slaves, ivory, bronze, silver, and gold.
Did the people affect how
the government worked?
By Nels Motley
Answer. Nels
Not really because the people of that time were pretty nice. It was a time of great culture and philosophy.
The 100 schools of thought were started and started the different religions such Confucianism, Taoism,
and other religions. There were great advances in art such as Jade craving and bronze casting was
greatly improved. Iron was introduced and there were great water control projects that greatly improved
the crops. Ox drawn plows were invented and great nine story tower was built. The people did many great
things, the government not so much.
Continued Nels
The government was not to good but they weren’t all bad. They forced millions of people to work on the
Great Wall but they did make some cool things. There were great government buildings that were built
and the tallest building a nine story tower and tons of watch towers. There were great government
buildings made. There leaders did give the rule of areas to family members that constantly fought for
power. It was not the best government.
How did the political of the dynasty affect people in
different social classes (Rodrigo)
The political was a bad idea because from 8th century on the longest
reigning dynasty of Chinese history.It was found during the early 11th
century BCE and found at the End. In the mid 3rd century BCE.
The Zhou political (Rodrigo
The western Zhou period (1045-770 according to
written account. The Kings of the Zhou tribe who
was called Zhou Wu attacked the last King of the
Shang Dynasty and became the first Zhou
emperor.The Dynasty said to have been initially
strong the ruling clan’s named was Ji .
What were Zhou’s politics like (Rodrigo)
The political system of the Western Zhou was characterized by the
establishment of the numerous regional states mainly in east China.
Arts and technology (Ava)
They got all of their tools from iron. Iron tools also beat bronze tools, because they
were cheaper and better for war. They made blades, luxury weapons and bells
from iron. It became important for everyday life.
How stuff we use today is like what the used (Ava)
The kite was invented in the Zhou dynasty, it was created by Kungshu Pan. The
kite was invented for entertaining, fishing and messaging. They began creating
waterways, drainage, dikes and dams.
Kadin’s bibliography
Christian Violatti “Zhou dynasty” Ancient History Encyclopedia
Ceylon Congreve “China History of” Encyclopedia Chicago
No Author "Zhou Dynasty" AP World history 101
Jadyn Gorham’s bibliography
<No Author. “Mandate of Heaven.” Choson Korea. No city. Korea Society.
-kingdom/the-mandate-of-heaven. 2013.>
<Berling, Judith A. “Focus on Asian Studies.” No city.
sm.htm Fall 1982.>
<Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Zhou Dynasty.” Encyclopedia
Britannica. No city. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2015.>
The Zhou Dynasty, Confucius, and China’s Philosophic Traditions." Asia for
Educators. Columbia University, 2009. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"Ancient History Encyclopedia." Asia for Educators. Ancient History, 2009. Web. 8
Dec. 2015. <>
Bibliographies (Nels)
Young, Grace.’’Zhou Dynasty”. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia, 14 NOV.
2014 web.11 Dec. 2015.
“The Zhou dynasty”. Columbia University., 15 Oct. 2008
web. 11 Dec. 2015.
Ziolatti Cristan. “Zhou dynasty” Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History, 3
January 2014 web. 12 Dec. 2015.
The end!!!