* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Air Pressure and Wind pgs. D52-D63 Chapter 10 Lesson 6 1. wind Air that moves horizontally and just over the ground. The flow of air 2. convection cell A part of the atmosphere where air moves in a circular pattern because of unequal heating and cooling. Also, it is a pattern of air rising, sinking, and blowing horizontally = 3. sea breeze A wind that blows from the sea to the land 4. land breeze Air blown from land toward the water. 5. Coriolis effect Makes the wind curve to the right in the Northern Hemisphere Causes winds to blow to curve to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. 6. Winds that effect the United States. prevailing westerlies United States is here West East California to North Carolina these winds blow from the west to the east they effect the United States and us (North Carolinians) effects places located between 30 N and 60 N (latitude and longitude of the United States) Why are they important? they carry the warm, waters and winds to the western coasts of continents very variable (changing) and produce stormy weather 7. What can get in the way of the prevailing westerlies? Mountains Cities/buildings Trees/forests Which way do you think prevailing easterlies blow? 8. isobar A line on a map connecting places with equal air pressure 9. air pressure As elevation increases, air pressure decreases. As you get higher in altitude, air pressure decreases. 10. updraft Air that rises Review: humidity Amount of moisture in the air Relative humidity is a comparison between how much water vapor is in the air and how much the air can hold. When temperatures vary from location to location, which weather condition plays a role in creating winds when it also changes? A) humidity B) air pressure C) cloud over D) precipitation What causes differences in air pressure? A) clouds B) lightning C) pollution D) temperature A student observes the changes in the pressure and temperature in a region, as shown in the table. Time Pressure (millibar) Temperatur e (F) 9 a.m. 996 87 10 a.m. 992 88 11 a.m. 990 89 12 p.m. 985 92 What is the most appropriate prediction about the approaching weather for this region? A) calm B) cold C) fair D) stormy The diagram represents the atmospheric conditions at a certain location. Up Left Right Down Cold Air High Pressure Warm Air Low Pressure X In which direction will the wind most likely blow from point X? A) down B) left C) right D) up