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What is rejuvenation?
Ageing is something that starts the day
you are born! The skin is exposed to a
variety of forces, that damage it. The Sun,
wind, smoke, dust and pollutants can affect
the skin and cause number of undesirable
changes. Skin laxity, wrinkling, change in
texture, pigmentations, make the skin look
dull, lusterless and aged. Long term effects
of gravity, make the skin hang. The fullness
and projection of the face changes into
sagging flaccid folds. These are unpleasant
changes and many of them can be avoided
or delayed for some years.
In ancient times Amrut was churned out of
the sea and it was to give us immortality and
eternal youth and beauty. Our quest to this
goal continues. A massive amount of
research is going on to identify the various
changes that result into old age. White hair,
loss of hair, wrinkles, nasolabial folds,
double chin, shriveled neck skin, beaked
nose, blotchy skin are all hall marks of
ageing. The exercise to reverse these
changes is called Rejuvenation.
Reduction of wrinkles, even skin tone, well
hydrated and smooth, plump skin will
dramatically improve the superficial
appearance. Anatomical corrections as
surgical face lift will help further.
There are many non surgical solutions to get
better looking skin. Lasers, Radiofrequency,
Ultrasound, Dermabrasions, Salt abrasion,
Chemical peels together or separately can
help. They can be combined to enhance the
effect of a surgical face lift.
Surgical Face Lift
Skin laxity, deep folds on the face, jowls, marionette lines,
hooded eyelids, drooping eyebrows, wrinkled turkey
gobblers neck with vertical bands can be corrected at
once by means of surgery, in simple terms is called a Face
lift. It consists of lifting and relocating tissues of the face to
their youthful position. The procedure is performed under
general or regional anaesthesia.
A well placed incision is taken in the hairline running in
front of the ear, in the skin fold, going back behind the ear.
The face lift involves removal of excess lax skin of the face.
The wrinkled, dark skin of the eyelids is trimmed away.
The eye bags in the lower lid can be corrected at this
procedure. The scars are very well hidden and concealed.
The face will look, swollen, puffy, bruised for upto a week
to ten days post procedure. You may find it difficult to eat
as the tissues are pulled and your muscles may not work
very efficiently for some time.
For Men and Women the procedure will vary to take care
of beard area or the side burns. Facelift surgery is a skillful
operation. The surgeons skill and aesthetic sense are very
important for a successful outcome.
Please Check with Dr. Shrirang Pandit for the personalised
post surgery care advised.
Discover a superior solution
to decrease wrinkles, Improve
skin complexion, Reduce
irregularities and Provide a
Healthier, Younger Looking
You, All in one session.
Fractional Radio-frequency:
Fractora achieves full-scale treatment depths
with tunable fractional energy to improve
superficial skin tone problems (photo
damage) to deep textural concerns (wrinkles,
acne scarring and skin contraction). Fractora
skin treatment is a fractional rejuvenation and
resurfacing treatment that reduces wrinkles to
slow the effects of aging. Fractora can be used
on areas that can benefit from skin renewal.
The most commonly treated areas include:
lower eyelid, upper eyelid, smile lines,
forehead, cheeks, mouth and neck. Face and
body areas that exhibit wrinkles, discoloration
or acne scarring are suitable for treatment.
Non Surgical Radio-frequency Facelift:
Co2 laser resurfacing:
Forma uses radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin
contraction in the deep layers of your skin. Radio-frequency
energy will stimulate the formation of new collagen and
improve skin elasticity for long-lasting improvement of your
skin’s appearance. A.C.E. (Acquire, Control, Extend)
technology uses radio-frequency energy to target deep layers
of the skin, with no area being under or over treated. This
ensures maximum and consistent results.
The active Fx Fractional CO2 laser skin
Forma is suitable for all skin types and is appropriate for
individuals seeking a non-invasive and a natural looking
approach to improvements in skin irregularities. Patients have
reported that their skin feels smoother and more defined with
less wrinkles. It is recommended that weekly or two weekly
sessions are performed over a six to twelve week period.
Individuals with mild laxity may be treated in fewer sessions with
more weeks between each treatment. Scheduling will be based
on a medical pre-evaluation.
Forma can be used in combination with most other laser
treatments, facials, injectables and/or filler. Please speak to
Dr. Sharvari Pandit, Your dermatologist when considering
Forma with other treatments.
Many Forma patients will combine Forma with Fractora
Resurfacing and Photofacial for a treatment series called
FracTotal Facial. FracTotal Facial is the ultimate skin renovation
treatment that addresses all in-demand facial concerns
including skin laxity, uneven skin tone, uneven skin texture,
wrinkles and pigmentation.
Active Fx is the latest advanced laser
technology for treating brown spots, wrinkles
and skin laxity.
The high energy laser beam interacts with
skin surface and causes the upper layer to
peel off. This generates the new skin
Immediate skin tightening
• Long lasting results
• Reduction in Wrinkles and lines
• Softening of deeper frown lines
• Improvement in skin tone and texture
Stimulus to new collagen formation.
The improvements continue to happen upto
few months after the treatment.
Downtime: The skin will start peeling after 2
days and will continue to peel for 4-5 days. In
about one week you can wear your make up.
Sun Protection is the critical part of treatment
pre and post skin resurfacing laser.
PRP rejuvenation:
Platelet rich plasma is a concentrate of
platelets from your own blood. It has a
capacity to modify collagen rebuilding and
restoring youth and volume of ageing face.
It can be used in multiple ways as through
injections of micro needles, with a filler for
volume repair or can be used topically with a
laser resurfacing. It’s called the "Vampire face
lift" as it uses ur own blood cells to heal and
reshape your facial contours most naturally.
IPL Photofacial:
Chemical rejuvenation:
Fat grafts & Fillers:
Skin peels or chemical peels are
medicines that are applied to your
skin by a trained doctor, for particular
indications. They are specialised for
pigmentation problems, anti ageing,
wrinkles, smoker's complexion,
chronic sun damage etc.
Loss of fat from cheeks and other areas of face
results in volume loss and wrinkling. The face starts
looking old & aged. The youthful appearance can
be regained by adding volume to the sunken
areas. It can be done either with your own fats as
far grafting or with artificial hyaluronic acid fillers.
Antiageing peels:
• Miami
• Retinol
• Yellow peel
The intense pulse light is used to reduce
diffuse red and brown spots of sun damaged
ageing skin.
Insta results and no downtime. It’s a very
quick treatment session and painless. IPL
energy is absorbed only by the unwanted
melanin, raising the temperature to cause
shattering of the pigment. Deeper level
damaged blood vessels are treated at the
same time. Photofacial helps with flushing,
facial redness, broken capillaries, brown
spots / age spots sun-induced freckles on the
hands, chest, and face also reduction of fine
wrinkles and pore appearance
These are a few internationally used
skin rejuvenation systems for ageing
and associated pigmentations. The
mode of action of these is exfoliation
and thus a few are associated with
long time to recovery. Obvious
peeling and redness of face can
happen before great results are seen.
• Cosmelan
You can also opt for lunchtime peels,
though they are very mild and
superficial without downtime, give
only a subtle benefit.
With increasing age, the Hyaluronic acid content
of skin reduces and makes it dull. Juverderm™
Voluma™ allergen, Inc. USA like fillers can lift up
the deep wrinkles and folds to give your skin its
natural glow.
• Long lasting results.
• Lip rejuvenation.
• Smooth Natural looking results.
• Give your beauty the lift it deserves!
This is one of the most sorted after cosmetic
procedure worldwide and one of the safest for
wrinkle reduction. BOTOX™ received its
cosmetic FDA clearance for wrinkle treatment in
2002. Botulinum Toxin Type BOTOX™ is a
protein complex produced by the bacterium
Clostridium botulinum. Small dose of this when
injected into the muscle blocks the chemical
acetylcholine and relaxes the muscle. It is used in
a medical setting as an injectable form of sterile,
purified botulinum toxin. As the muscle relaxes,
the skin over it is relaxed and the wrinkle
smoothes, reduces or sometimes disappears.
The action of botox starts 3-4 days after injection
and may last as long as 5-6 months maximum.
Treatment areas are, Frown or Worry Lines,
Periorbital Wrinkles (Crow’s Feet), Bunny Lines,
Brow Lift, Brow Asymmetry, Drooping Mouth
Corners, Reduction of Masseter (Jaw) Muscle
Enlargement, Vertical Lip Wrinkles, Platysma
Stranding (Neck Banding)
• Non surgical • No anaesthesia • Great results
without downtime.
Home care:
We shall guide you about a preventive
anti ageing routine in the form of
antioxidants, vitamin supplements,
sunscreens, intense hydrating creams
& topically acting age reversing
Ageing is a continuos process and
thus its prevention and reversal is a
continuous process too!!!
Kamalja, 3rd Floor, 1306, Shivajinagar, Argade Heights Lane,
Opp. Levis Showroom, J M road, Pune, India 411005.
Ph. Clinic: 020 2553 4849, 020 2553 1856 |
Working hours: Monday to Saturday 9 am to 7.30 pm (by appointment only)