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Pressure, Forces and Motion
A&B: Ch. 4 (p. 93-114)
CD Tutorials: Pressure Gradients,
Coriolis, Forces & Winds
1. Review: What is
2. Horizontal Pressure
3. Depicting Pressure
a. Constant Height Charts
b. Constant Pressure Charts
4. Newton’s 2nd Law
5. Forces & Winds
a. Pressure Gradient Force
b. Coriolis Force
→ Geostrophic Wind
→ Gradient Wind
c. Friction Force
6. Anticyclones & Cyclones
G109: Weather and Climate
Review: What is Pressure?
• Pressure = Force / Area
• Atmospheric Pressure: weight of air above an area
• “Weight above” decreases steadily with height
∴Pressure decreases steadily with height
• Can be used to “measure” height in the atmosphere
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Review: The Ideal Gas Law
The Ideal Gas Law:
P = ρ T Rd
abs. temperature
spec. gas constant
for dry air
[Pa = kg m-1 s-2]
[kg m-3]
287 [J kg-1 K-1]
If Pressure (P) is constant
ƒ Increased T → Decreased Density → Increased Volume
ƒ Decreased T → Increased Density → Decreased Volume
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Horizontal Pressure Gradients
When surface under one air column is heated
the air column expands, following:
P = ρ Rd T
Example: Two columns of air with equal ρ, P,
and T
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Horizontal Pressure Gradients
After heating and expansion of right-hand column:
Height at which 500 mb pressure is reached is now
At 5640 m the pressure in the warm column is now
OR: The height of 500 mb level
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Horizontal Pressure Gradients
Gradual poleward decrease in mean
ƒ Denser air at higher latitude
ƒ More rapid decrease of pressure with height
ƒ Horizontal changes in pressure
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Horizontal Pressure Gradients
As a result of horizontal temperature
ƒ A given pressure (e.g. 500 mb) occurs at different
ƒ At a given height (e.g. 5640 m) in the atmosphere,
(If no air is flowing away or into the air
column, the surface pressure does not vary
horizontally … yet)
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Horizontal Pressure Gradients
With a horizontal pressure gradient aloft
(created by T differences), air can start to
flow from
→The weight of the entire air column (surface
pressure) changes as well, because of the air
→There are now
the surface and at height
• These give rise to
→ Pressure differences cause
→ Pressure differences occur because of
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Depicting Horizontal Pressure Variation
Pressure varies
ƒ Spatial & temporal patterns
ƒ Need a way to depict variations
Two types of charts or maps
ƒ At sea-level, show horizontal variation of pressure
as isobars
= pressure variation at
ƒ For a given level of pressure (e.g. 500 mb), show
at what height this occurs, as contours of
= height variation of
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Depicting Horizontal Pressure Variation
Shows variations of pressure at the surface
Altitude corrections: all pressures are corrected
to same level (usually sea level)
• Prevents mountainous areas from appearing
with lower pressure because of height
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Depicting Horizontal Pressure Variation
Shows variation of height along an Isobaric
Surface, i.e., the height at which a certain
pressure occurs
• Isobaric Surface: a surface of constant
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Acceleration of an air parcel is equal to the
ƒ Acceleration: change of velocity over (unit) time
• i.e., a change in
ƒ Net force: vector sum of all component forces
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Forces in the atmosphere (the most
important ones):
ƒ Pressure Gradient Force: FPG
• Driving force – affects speed and direction
• Accelerates air from High to Low pressure
ƒ Coriolis Force: FC
• Deflecting force – affects direction only
ƒ Friction Force: Ff
• Retarding force – affects speed only
• Friction Increases with increasing wind speed
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Pressure Gradient Force (FPG)
Force resulting from the horizontal difference
in pressure
ƒ Proportional to
ƒ i.e., depends on
FPG goes from
ƒ At right angles to the isobars
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Pressure Gradient Force (FPG)
The closer the isobars, the stronger the
pressure gradient and thus the FPG
∆P change in PRESSURE
1008 1004 1000
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Pressure Gradient Force (FPG)
Can set a stationary air parcel in motion
Mostly responsible for the
If FPG were the only force, winds
ƒ Air would move at
But the earth rotates →
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Coriolis Effect
Coriolis effect:
An unaccelerating object moves in a straight
line (due to balanced forces)
Because of Earth’s rotation, a “straight line
motion” on Earth as viewed from (e.g.)
another planet, leaves a curved trace on
Earth: the motion appears to be accelerated
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Coriolis Force (FC)
Apparent acceleration
accounted for by
apparent force: Coriolis
force FC
Northern Hemisphere:
Southern Hemisphere:
(clockwise rotation)
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Coriolis Force (FC)
FC (on Earth) dependent on:
ƒ Strongest
twisting motion at
ƒ No twisting
motion at the
ƒ FC increases
Velocity: proportional to velocity.
ƒ FC increases with
… the greater
the distance traveled per unit time the greater the
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Coriolis Force (FC)
Always at right angles to the direction of air
Affects only the
Affected by
ƒ Stronger the wind speed the greater the force
Strongest at the
and weakest at the
FC = 2 ν Ω sin φ
ƒ ν - wind speed
ƒ Ω - earth's angular rate of spin (constant )
ƒ φ - latitude
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Geostrophic Wind
Wind aloft (above a few km) above the effects
of friction
• Assume evenly spaced, and straight isobars
→ Idealized model (an approximation of winds
balances the
and directs the airflow
• FPG = FC
• Net force = 0
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Geostrophic Wind
Wind flows in a
Proportional to the pressure gradient force
ƒ steep gradient strong winds; weak gradient light
With back to wind, Low is
(in northern hemisphere)
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Gradient Wind
→ A second idealized model of winds aloft
• Above the level of frictional influence wind,
with isobars that are curved
• Wind blows at
but with
therefore has
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Gradient Wind
Above the level of frictional influence wind,
when isobars are NOT parallel
Wind blows
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Troughs and Ridges
In upper atmosphere pressure height variations are
distributed as a series of ridges and troughs:
Ridge: elongated zone of
pressure, extending
toward the pole: associated with
Trough: elongated zone of
pressure, extending
toward the equator: associated with
ƒ Greatest surface instability (T-storms) is usually
ahead of (to the right of) the 500 mb trough
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Friction Force (Ff)
As we move toward the surface (away from aloft)
friction slows down the movement of air
Roughness of the surface retards the airflow
ƒ Wind speed reduced
• Impacts Coriolis force (FC) –
• Pressure gradient force (FPG) is not affected →
Wind crosses isobars
Angle depends on friction
ƒ Smooth ocean:
• Slight angle: 10-20o
ƒ Rough terrain:
• Greatest angle: 45o
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Anticyclones and Cyclones
Anticyclone: enclosed area of
with circular isobars or height contours
Northern Hemisphere
ƒ Winds rotate
as FPG is outward and FC
deflects to right
NH surface
Southern Hemisphere
ƒ Winds rotate
as FPG is
outward and FC deflects
to left
SH surface
NH upper atm
SH upper atm
Near surface: wind is not parallel to isobars but
Upper atmosphere: flow is parallel to isobars
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion
Anticyclones and Cyclones
Cyclone: enclosed area of Low pressure,
with circular isobars or height contours
Northern Hemisphere
ƒ Winds rotate
as FPG is
inward and FC deflects to
Southern Hemisphere
ƒ Winds rotate
as FPG is inward and FC
deflects to left
NH surface
SH surface
NH upper atm
SH upper atm
Near surface: wind is not parallel to isobars but
Upper atmosphere: flow is parallel to isobars
G109: Weather and Climate
10: Pressure & Motion