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7th Grade Science
Name: __________________________________
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Unit: Water’s Cycles and
Lesson: WCP 15
Homeroom: __________________________
OBJECTIVES: By the end of today’s lesson, you will be able to…
□ SWBAT demonstrate mastery of unit aims (so far!)
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word from the word bank.
relative humidity
air mass
1. White, fluffy clouds with a flat bottom are called _____________________ clouds.
2. Warm air can hold ______________ water vapor than cold air.
3. Heat that is transferred though touch is called __________________________________.
4. __________________________________ is the amount of water vapor in the air
compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that can possibly be in the air.
5. Thin, feathery clouds are called __________________ clouds.
6. When heat is transferred through movement and circulation is called
7. A large piece of air that has the same temperature and moisture is called an
8. _________________________ is the amount of water vapor in the air.
9. The location where two air masses meet is called a _____________________.
10. The sun sends energy and heat to Earth through ____________________________.
1. Atmosphere- a mixture of gasses that surrounds Earth.
2. Air Pressure- the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface
3. Troposphere- the lowest layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature decreases at a
constant rate as altitude increases.
4. Stratosphere- the layer of the atmosphere that is above the troposphere and in which
temperature increases as altitude increases.
5. Mesosphere- the layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere
and in which temperature decreases as altitude increases.
6. Thermosphere- the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as
altitude increases.
Layers of the Atmosphere
1. The ________________________ is closest to
Earth. As you go up, temperature in the
troposphere goes _____________.
2. The ________________________ is above the
troposphere. As you go up, the temperature in the
stratosphere goes __________.
3. The ________________________ is above the
stratosphere. As you go up, the temperature in the
mesosphere goes _________.
4. The ________________________ is the outermost layer of the atmosphere. As you go up,
the temperature in the thermosphere goes ___________.
Temperature Changes
As you go up, temperature goes ___________________
As you go up, temperature goes ___________________
As you go up, temperature goes ___________________
As you go up, temperature goes ___________________
Air Pressure
As Altitude Increases, Air Pressure Decreases
1. The atmosphere is held around the earth by __________________.
a. Gravity pulls gas molecules in the atmosphere towards the Earth’s
________________. This causes _________________________.
2. Air pressure is the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface.
a. Air pressure is the ____________________ at Earth’s __________________
because more air is on top of you.
b. If you climb up a high mountain, the air pressure will ______________________
because ________________________________________________________.
Heating the Atmosphere
7. Radiation- the transfer of energy through ____________.
8. Thermal conduction- the transfer of _____________ though ____________________.
9. Convection- the transfer of ____________ by the circulation or
_________________________ of a liquid or gas.
Directions: Describe the processes
of convection, conduction, and
radiation that are happening in the
picture to the left.
Water in the Air
10. Humidity- the amount of ____________________________ in the air.
11. Relative Humidity- the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the
___________________ amount of water that the air can hold.
12. Clouds- a collection of millions of small _____________________________ or ice crystals
suspended in the air, which forms when the air is cooled and condensation occurs.
Picture it!
13. Cumulus Clouds- puffy, white clouds that tend to have flat bottoms.
Picture it!
14. Stratus Clouds- clouds that form in layers. They cover a large area of
the sky and often block out the sun.
Picture it!
15. Cirrus Clouds- thin, feathery, whit clouds found high up in the sky.
Relative Humidity
1. To calculate relative humidity, use the equation below:
Relative Humidity =
amount of water actually in the air
Maximum amount of water the air can hold
2. There are two things that can change relative humidity:
a. The _______________ of ___________________________ in the air
i. If water vapor is added to the air, the relative humidity will
ii. If water vapor is taken out of the air, the relative humidity will
b. The ___________________________ of the air
i. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air
Relative Humidity = amount of water actually in the air
Maximum amount of water the air can hold
When the bottom number gets larger, and the top number stays the same, t he percentage will
10 = _______%
Top number stays the same
Bottom number gets bigger
10 = ________%
When the bottom number gets bigger, what happens to the relative humidity (what happens to the
It goes up
It goes down
When the temperature outside increases (gets hotter), it can hold more water. In math, this is
shown by the bottom number getting bigger.
If the top number stays the same, what will always happen to the percentage if the bottom number
gets bigger?
We Do:
On Saturday morning it was cold outside. There was 10 grams of water vapor per cubic meter. At
this cold temperature, the maximum amount of vapor the air can hold is 10 grams.
What is the relative humidity in the morning?
By Saturday afternoon it had warmed up. There were still 10 grams of water vapor per cubic meter
but now the air can hold 20 grams of water
What is the relative humidity in the afternoon?
What happened to the relative humidity from the morning to the afternoon?
Why did the relative humidity change?
You Do:
Monday afternoon it was pretty warm. There was 5 grams of water vapor per cubic meter. The
maximum amount of vapor the air can hold is 10 grams.
What is the relative humidity in the afternoon?
After the sun set, the temperature dropped. There were still 5 grams of water vapor per cubic meter
but now the air can hold 5 grams of water
What is the relative humidity after the sun set?
What happened to the relative humidity from the afternoon to the evening?
Why did the relative humidity change?
7th Grade Science
Name: ______________________________
Date: September 20, 2016
Homeroom: _____________________
Unit: Water’s Cycles and
Lesson: WCP 15
Strive Due Date:
_______/5 = ________%
Layers of the Atmosphere
Directions: Write the layers of the atmosphere in order from closest to the Earth outward. Then,
describe what happens to the temperature as altitude increases in each layer
As altitude increases, temperature…
Heating the Atmosphere
Directions: For each term below, write a definition and an extension. The extension can be a
picture or an example.
Picture or Example
Relative Humidity
Friday morning it was cold outside. There was 10 grams of water vapor per cubic meter. At this
cold temperature, the maximum amount of vapor the air can hold is 10 grams.
What is the relative humidity in the morning?
By Saturday afternoon it had warmed up. There were still 10 grams of water vapor per cub ic meter
but now the air can hold 20 grams of water
What is the relative humidity in the afternoon?
What happened to the relative humidity from the morning to the afternoon?
Why did the relative humidity change?