Download Manifold Constructed from Two Tetrahedron: Figure Eight

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Manifold Constructed from Two
Tetrahedron: Figure Eight Knot
Jacob Clark
[email protected]
Interestingly enough, this manifold is homeomorphic to the figure eight knot
A mathematical knot is somewhat different from what one would usually
consider a knot, i.e of as a piece of string with free ends.
The knots in mathematics are always considered to be closed loops.
Formally, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean
space, R3, considered up to continuous deformations.
First, some definitions:
is a continuous function with a continuous inverse.
preserves the properties of the topological space.
a topological space that on a small enough scale, it resembles the
Euclidean space of a specific dimension, called the dimension of the
We shall concern ourselves with the notion of a 3-manifold, or a
manifold that is locally homeomorphic to some shape in R3
To check this, we have to verify several conditions.
Conditions for a Manifold
Now, to show this is a manifold, we must check the 3 conditions, that an
open ball surrounds every point in the structure.
So, we must check
Points in the Faces
Points on the Edges
How many Vertices?
There is one vertex
Points on the faces
Points on the Edges
Neighborhood around Vertex
Boundary of neighborhood around
For something to be a manifold, the vertex must have a neighborhood that is
homeomorphic to the open ball in R3, so bounded by a sphere!
Thus, the Complex is not a manifold, if the vertex is included.
But, if we remove the vertex, if we can find a place where our dihedral
angles are 60 degrees, we have a manifold.
What of the Figure Eight Knot?
Let's call our possible manifold M – v.
Want to show M − v is homeomorphic to S3 − L, where L is the figure-eight knot.
Lets prove this result:
To begin,
Begin with this cell complex K1
Recall a Cell complex is a topological
space made up of cells
Obtained from giving edges
orientation and adding two
Clearly, this cell complex is made
up of 0 cells and 1 cells
Namely, Vertices and edges
To continue, we attach to this cell complex four 2 cells
Lets call this K2
I now claim that S3 – K2 is homeomorphic to two 3-balls.
To prove this easily, let us first show that there is a homeomorphism
between S3 – K1 and the complement of the cell below, denoted K11
So, there is such a homomorphism.
This homeomorphism takes the 2 cells in K2 to the following 2 cells
Thus, S3 – K2 is homeomorphic to the complement of the plane above.
Which is two open 3 balls.
Claim proven!
Now, looking at the open 3 balls as the interior of two 3 cells
K2 extends to a cell complex K3 for S3
We still do not have a manifold yet.
To get those nice 60 degree angles, we will observe the tetrahedron in the
ball model.
The Ball model for Hyperbolic space is the inside of a ball, with one point
at infinity.
Visualization of Figure Eight Knot
Mark Lackenby
Hyperbolic Manifolds
William P. Thurston
The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds