Download Maintaining Your Sod - Brookmeade Sod Farm

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Maintaining Your Sod for
Years to Come
Fertilizer and Lime
There are many differem brands of lawn fertilizer. It is imponanl
remember to apply the right time of Ihe year.
A Word About Disease
Thrf type la!I fescues are resistant 10 mosl diseases, but are
affected by a disease Imown as "brolll1 patch". It occurs during
hot, humid weather when nighl time temperalures stay above
70'. If you notice spouy brown patches under these conditions,
consull your local garden center.
• Use the SOD method of application. Fertilize in Seplember,
OClOber and December.
• Apply anolher application of fertilizer containing crabgrass
comrollhe end of March. Asecond application of crabgrass
Tall Fescue Sod reqUires 4 hours of direct sunlight every day to
maintain heallhy growth. As trees grow, pruning of lower limbs
will help provide the lllrf'vith necessary sunlight and air.
Sod Farm
control is usually necessary.
• Virginia soil needs lime every year. Apply 50lbs. /1000 sq. feel
of lawn or in accordance with soil tcst recommendation.
• Asoiltesl is recommended every 3 years. Test kits are
available at local garden centers, or lake a sample imo your
local Southern Stales.
More on Watering
• Grass needs 1 1/2 inches of w..ter per week, more around trees.
• Roots foUow water! Thorough, less frequemwatering is besl
for healthy planl growth. Frequent shallow walering results in
shallow roots.
Controlling Weeds
To maintain dIe weed free quality for your sod, usc of chemical
herbicides may be necessary from time to time. Consult your
local garden ceDier for the right produci for your needs.
Good maintenance programs described in this brochure ,viii
reduce your need for herbicides,
Crabgrass is always a problem in Virginia. II is produced each
year from the seed of last year's plants. The seeds come from
anywhere and everywhere, so il is necessary to !reat each year even if you dido'l have problems last year, The besl way to
control crabgrass is to prevent the seeds from successfuUy
germinating; therefore it is imponant to apply the control at the
proper stage of gennination. In our area, the best time 10 apply
the cmbgrass control is when the forsythia is fuUy bloomed.
Products for this purpose are labeled as "Pre-Emergence
Crabgrass Control"
Repairing Damaged Areas
• Prevent thimting by removing leaves and evergreen needles in
the fall.
• Areas damaged by physical means can be re-sodded or
over seeded.
Installation and Care of
Turf Type Tall Fescue
• In case of chentically damaged areas (oil spill, etc.) consult
• Seed 10 match your sod can be purchased from us, plant seed
in September.
, Our own, ....
\~Q4th Anpa BfeTJd://
Sod Is Cool- 50% of tlte sun's heat striking the sluface of
the carLll is eliminated in a sod lawn through transpiration,
Sod also reduces sunlight glare.
Sod Is Qlllel- I'i'hen tested sod surpassed a he'd''Y,
felt-padded carpel in iL' ability to quiet dIe 10\\ 'md high
frequencies most anno}ing 10 the human ear.
Sod Is Ecological - Sod pre,ents soil erosion from eidler
lIind or waler, thereby helping soil relain its valuable waler
and mineral comenl. Dust stabilization value is reUected in
indoor comfon and decreasing cleaning problems.
Sod Is Safe and IJealtby - Asod play area prmides a
cushion which reduces the shock and potential injury to
players. 2000 sq. ft of sod produces enough o,)];en for a
family of four.
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