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Parallel Structure in Sentences
Parallel structure in a sentence involves using the same form of words to show that two or more ideas are
similar or have the same degree of importance.
1. With words and phrases
• with the ‘ing’ form of words:
The mixture required stirring, titrating, and measuring.
• with the ‘to’ form of the verb (the infinitive):
It was necessary to remove the embryos from the capsules, to transfer them to sea water
and to estimate the degree of stress.
Note: you can either use the preposition ‘to’ before all the verbs, or you can put it before the first verb only:
It was necessary to remove the embryos from the capsules, transfer them to sea water and
estimate the degree of stress.
• with the ‘...ed’ form of the verb (the past participle):
The data were collated, analysed and then compared with previous data.
Not Parallel:
*The specimens began drying out and to lose elasticity.
The specimens began to dry out and to lose elasticity.
The specimens began drying out and losing elasticity.
2. With Clauses
Not Parallel:
*Smith’s (1998) research indicates that young animals require high protein diets, and not to
release them too soon after weaning.
Smith’s (1998) research indicates that young animals require high protein diets and that they
should not be released too soon after weaning.
Not Parallel:
*The study recommends adopting the primary intervention and that the secondary
intervention be revised.
The study recommends that the primary intervention be adopted and that the secondary
intervention be revised.
3. When making Lists
This is one of the most common areas where writers make mistakes. You need to make sure that all of the
listed items read on from the head phrase.
Not Parallel:
*Ploughing has several purposes:
it buries surface weeds;
facilitates the breakdown of organic matter; and
soil aeration is improved.
Ploughing has several purposes:
it buries surface weeds;
it facilitates the breakdown of organic matter; and
it improves soil aeration.