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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
Chapter 4 Notes
Section 1:
A. Geographic Setting
a. About 6 billion people live on the earth. Their ways of
life make up a complex pattern of learned customs,
beliefs, and actions.
B. Introduction
a. Culture is ____________________________________
_________________________________. It includes: 
i. the way in which people meet their needs 
ii. ____________ 
iii. government 
iv. language 
v. ________________ 
vi. art 
vii. literature 
viii. music
C. Making a Living
a. Cultures are shaped by the various ways groups of
people ____________________________ 
b. Beginning at least 10,000 years ago, ___________ was
the earliest form of economic activity. 
c. As people started to specialize, or do one kind of work,
they traded goods and services. 
d. _________________________________________ grew
where trade routes crossed.
e. Agriculture
i. Today about half of the world’s people still make
their living __________________ 
f. There are two ways to classify agriculture–_________
Chapter 4: Page 1
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
Traditional agriculture, or ________________,
depends heavily on human labor, animal power,
and basic farm tools. Traditional farmers usually
grow just enough food for themselves. 
ii. In commercial agriculture, food crops and animals
are produced chiefly for sale.
g. Industry
i. _______________________________________
is called an industry. 
ii. ________________________________________
_______________ known as developed, or
industrialized, countries. 
iii. Developing countries–those where people meet
their needs in much the same way their ancestors
did–often do not have modern technology,
industries, money, resources, and skilled workers
needed for __________________
D. Population Growth and Distribution
a. The world’s population is about 6 billion and growing
rapidly. 
b. Scientists estimate that by the year 2010 it will be about
7 billion; and by 2025, more than 8.0 billion.
c. Growth Rates
d. ______________________________________________
___________________________________________. 
e. Population growth rate is largely based ____________
__________, the difference of which is known as the
natural growth rate. 
f. When the two rates are more or less equal, a country has
reached what is called zero population growth. 
g. This situation exists in some highly industrialized
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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
h. In less industrialized countries, rapid population growth
presents many challenges, including… 
i. ________________________________________
______________________________________ 
ii. ________________________________________
i. Population Distribution
i. The ___________________, or the population
pattern, of the world shows that the continents are
not evenly populated. 
ii. Most people live where the soil is fertile, water is
available, and the climate is favorable for growing
crops and raising animals.
j. Population Density
i. Population density–______________________
widely from country to country. 
1. For example, Canada has a population density
of about 9 people per square mile, while
Bangladesh has about 2,454 people per
square mile.
E. Environmental Challenges
a. The environment is a source of many challenges as a
result of natural occurrences and people’s actions.
b. Environmental Uncertainties
i. ________________________________________
___________________________________ 
ii. They can result in damage or loss of property, as
well as loss of life. 
iii. Weather is often the cause of environmental
hazards, including... 
1. ___________–powerful, whirling windstorms
that are the most violent of all storms. 
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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
2. hurricanes–__________________________ Notes:
iv. More tornadoes occur annually in ___________
_________–an area of land about 460 miles long
and 400 miles wide extending from northern Texas
through Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri–than in
any other place on earth. 
v. Earthquakes are another kind of environmental
hazard. 
1. Earthquakes occurring primarily under the
ocean can result in __________, or huge
ocean waves. 
vi. Eruptions of volcanoes and lava flows are severe
environmental hazards.
c. Pollution
i. A serious environmental problem today is
__________–that affects the air, the water, and the
land. 
1. Most air pollution is caused by burning
_________________. 
2. The most harmful result of air pollution is its
effect on ________________. 
ii. Air pollution can also destroy plants and animals
and erode the surfaces of buildings.
iii. Water pollution harms all living things and is
caused by oil spills, industrial dumping of waste
products, and untreated sewage. 
iv. Soil pollution, __________________________,
damages the thin layer of fertile soil that covers a
large portion of the earth’s land. 
1. Solid wastes are a major form of land
pollution. 
2. _____________________________________
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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
F. Attempts at Cleanup
a. People have developed different ways to control
pollution, such as… 
i. _____________________________________. 
ii. removing chemicals from the wastes dumped into
water. 
iii. _____________________________________. 
iv. using organic farming methods. 
v. recycling.
b. Attempts at Regulation
i. National and local governments in many countries
have taken steps to control pollution. 
1. Laws have been passed that limit the harmful
materials that automobiles and industries can
put into the environment. 
2. Funds have been established to conduct
research into ways of controlling pollution.
Section 2
G. Introduction
a. ______________________________________________
___________________________________________. 
b. From the beginning of time, people developed different
ways of expressing their cultures.
H. Cultural Origins
a. Over the centuries, many cultures have become
_______________ by... 
i. building cities. 
ii. developing writing systems. 
iii. achieving varying kinds of development in the
arts, sciences, government, and business.
Chapter 4: Page 5
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
I. Learning From the Past
a. Before the rise of civilizations, people focused their
attention on meeting ________________ and did not
leave many ____________________. 
b. _____________ is studying the written information
about a people’s past to learn what, how, and why things
happened. 
c. ______________________________________________
d. Archaeologists study the sites where people once lived,
looking for evidence left by these people. 
i. _______________–objects that were made or
used by people–give hints about the way people
lived before written history.
J. Culture Hearths
a. Four ___________________________ made special
contributions to world cultures. 
b. These civilizations developed in areas of the world
known today as ___________________________. 
c. These areas are known as culture hearths, or
d. These culture hearths shared common geographic
features: 
i. Each location was characterized by a ______
climate and fertile lands. 
ii. Each civilization was near a major_________. 
iii. In each, the people discovered ways to make use
of these good conditions.
e. Cultural Change
i. Cultures are changed by… 
1. internal influences, such as _________ and
_____________. 
2. outside influences–cultural diffusion, or ___
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Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
f. Cultural Contacts
i. _________________ are two age-old activities
that have encouraged cultural contacts among
different groups of people. 
ii. As a culture developed better ways of moving
over land and water, its trade increased. 
iii. Many times people _____________, or made a
permanent move to live in another place. 
1. _____________________________________
g. Cultural Barriers
i. __________________, such as huge deserts, high
mountains, dense rain forests, and unknown ocean
waters, have sometimes restricted the movement
of goods and ideas between cultures. 
ii. People have also created cultural barriers because
of beliefs or a lack of understanding that leads to
fear or mistrust. 
1. Today, cultural exchange is increasing as the
barriers posed by ____________________
_______________ gradually disappear,
because of increasing technology.
K. Far-reaching Changes
a. ______________________________________________
___________________________________________ 
b. The European countries’ Age of Discovery encouraged
________________________. 
c. The Industrial Revolution led to great changes in the
economies of many countries because goods could be
produced _______________________. 
i. This also led to social changes as people _______
d. Historians have labeled periods when great ideas are
stressed. 
Chapter 4: Page 7
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
The Age of Classical Greece is known for its
democratic ideas of government and for its great
achievements in _________. 
The _________________, meaning rebirth,
involved a great search for knowledge in the arts,
the sciences, and education. 
Sometimes, such as during the age of nationalism,
the _________________ led to revolutions or
complete changes in government in short periods
of time.
Section 3
L. Introduction
a. Geographers often divide the planet into areas called
_____________________. 
b. These culture regions may not have clear boundaries.
For this reason geographers with varying viewpoints
may use different ways to decide the number of culture
regions and the countries included in each.
M. Governments
a. Political scientists are people who study governments,
or _________________________. 
b. The kind of government a society has reflects the values
of a culture. 
i. Democracy, in which the people of a country vote
for their leaders_________________________
_____________________________________. 
ii. Authoritarian governments allow the power of the
_______________ to be more important than
individual ______________.
iii. A government in which one leader has full power
over a country is a ________________. 
iv. A constitutional monarchy has monarchs and an
Chapter 4: Page 8
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
N. Social Groups
a. ________________ are people who study people’s
relationships to one another in groups. 
b. Sociologists use certain measures to determine how well
a society meets its needs, including… 
i. ____________________. 
ii. life expectancy. 
iii. literacy rate. 
iv. the standard of living–____________________
O. Economic Systems
a. A country’s economic system is the way in which the
people of the country __________________________
__________________________________________. 
i. The value of all goods and services produced
annually by the citizens, working inside or outside
the country, is the ___________________ (GNP).
ii. The ___________________ (GDP) covers all
annual production within a country, including
output by both foreign and domestic concerns
operating in that country. 
b. Per capita income _____________________________
__________________________________________. 
i. GNP, GDP, and per capita income help classify
countries as developed or developing countries.
c. Governments that value individual freedom often have
economic systems based on ______________, where
private businesses operate with little interference from
government. 
i. An economic system based on free enterprise is
called ___________________. 
Chapter 4: Page 9
Name: _______________________________ Date: _________ Block: _________
Authoritarian governments often use an economic Notes:
system called _______________, in which the
government decides how resources will be used
and how businesses will be run.
P. Language and Religion
a. Anthropologists are scientists who study cultures by
considering factors such as language and religion. 
b. Languages spoken in a culture region often belong to the
same language family, or ________________________
_______________________. 
c. Religion is ____________________________________
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