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Anatomical Difference between Men
and Woman
• Height:
The average man is 15cm taller
than the average woman
• Weight:
The average man is 15% heavier
than the average woman
• Body Mass:
Men have a higher muscle mass
• Reproductive
• Women have denser bones than men
• Men have denser, stronger bones, tendons
and ligaments
• Women have a larger hip section than men
• Men have a larger waist in comparison to their
• Men have a broader shoulders
• Male skull is different shape then females
• Men have a more pronounced Adams Apple
due to larger vocal cords
Can you Spot the difference
• The female pelvis features a wider pelvic cavity
which is necessary when giving birth
• The female pelvis is broader , larger and more
oval compared to the males taller, narrower and
more compact
BMI – Body Mass Index
• Is a number calculated from a individuals body
weight in relation to their height. It does not
measure body fat directly but correlates well with
methods of body fat measurement.
• It is a screening tool to identify weight problems for
• Note: Athletes with high muscle mass may register
as very high BMI score this is due the fact that the
scale does not distinguish between body fat and
muscle mass. It uses overall body weight as a
Weight Status
Body Fat Percentage
• Both male and female have essential and nonessential stored fat
• Women have a higher amount of essential stored
fat (skin, breast, genitals)
• 40% of overall body fat is essential body fat
• Men have a lower amount of essential stored fat –
20% of body fat is essential body
• Fat distribution is different in men and women
• Women also have a lower centre of gravity
Essential Fat
Fat Distribution
Centre of Gravity
Back, Chest , Abdomen
Arms, Thighs, Buttocks
Muscle Mass
Men generally have a greater total muscle mass based
on weight
Men and women have equal number of muscle fibres
Male muscle fibres are larger – due to hormonal
differences in the body
Hormone which feeds muscle growth is lower in females
therefore the adaptation to training is less in females
Men usually have an advantage in strength, speed,
power over women
• Men and women have different levels of
certain hormones
• Men produce a higher concentration of
androgens while women have a higher
concentration of oestrogens.
• The male associated hormone is Testosterone
• The female associated hormone is Oestrogen
• Men have more bodily hair than women
Testosterone – is higher in Men
• Men have higher levels of testosterone in their
• Testosterone – causes muscle growth (eg
during puberty in boys)
• Factor in women’s response to training; the
muscle doesn’t grow as fast as it would with
the same training load in men.
Oestrogen – is higher in Women
Strength of soft tissue and muscle function
Laxity in joints and ligaments
Increase in flexibility
Increase in hyperextension of joints
contributing to over laxative joints and
• Found to decrease collagen tension
• Acts as an anaesthetic for the central nervous
Study :ACL Injury higher prevalence in woman –
Women have significantly higher rate of ACL tears
than men do
• Women have wider hips therefore more
flexible hips leading to more rotation
• Findings: Increased susceptibility to ACL injury
in women during the menstrual cycle during
the ovulation phase found higher rate of
injury during this period.
• Hormonal differences during Menstrual Cycle
• Increase in oestrogen , relaxin , progesterone
which in turn
• Affect soft tissue strength
• Diminish collagen tension
• Anesthetise the central nervous system
Organ Size - Heart
– Larger hearts – Men have +- 80% heart than
– 10% higher red blood cell count and 40% more
blood volume than a woman
– 10 % Higher haemoglobin
– Larger clotting agents such as vitamin k, pro
thrombin and platelets leading to faster healing
– Greater oxygen carrying capacity
Lung Size
– Larger Tracheae
– Larger branching bronchi
– Increased lung volume per body mass
– The cardiorespiratory system of men is on average
39% bigger than that of a woman and the
consumption of oxygen of women is 17% less on
Brain Size
• Typically men have a larger brain size than
• Men have a larger amount of muscle mass and
need more neurons to control their increase
body size .
• Men and women perceive pain differently
• Men and women react differently to stress
25% Bigger
Increased cardiac output therefore
takes less effort to pump out a
volume of blood
Larger amounts of oxygen
distributed to muscle
Slower to fatigue
11 -12 % Bigger
Increased neurons to increased
muscle mass, a need for a larger
brain to bring about activation
Larger Trachae and
Increased trachea and bronchi
allowing increase in lung volume
And Greater Oxygen capacity
• Men have a larger brain
• Women have four times as many brain cells connecting the right and left side of
their brain
• Main rely on the left side of their brain to solve one problem at a time
• Women have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore
greater us of their right brain therefore woman can solve one or more problems
at a time
• This difference explains why men approach problem solving from more task
orientated perspective and women typically solve problems more creatively
• Men and women approach problems with similar goals but different
• Communication: Women tend to communicate more effectively than men, men
are more task orientated, talk less and are more isolated
• Sensitivity : Women have an enhanced physical alarm response to danger or
• Memory Women have an enhanced ability to recall
memories that have strong emotional components
• Men tend to recall events in terms of using strategies
• Stress: Women tend to stay calm while men react to
the fight or fight syndrome this is rooted in hormonal
• During stress oxytocin is released in both male and
females, however estrogen tends to enhance
oxytocin and testosterone tends to supress is.
Oxytocin results in calming and nurturing feelings
• Pain: women and men perceive pain differently
• Emotions women are typically more in touch with
their feelings
Muscle Strength
• Males possess greater strength for all muscle groups
• On average women score 50% lower for upper body
strength and 30%
• Women do not have weaker muscles
• A woman can generate the same amount of force per
cross sectional area
• N.B. Strength difference is equal to total muscle to
• Women will respond similarly to an exercise
programme when it comes to proportional strength
Muscle Endurance/Stamina /Energy Level
• V02 max is total volume of oxygen one can consume each
• Typically 40% greater in men
• Female performance times typically 10% less in world
track records
• Men have a larger heart – cardiac output is higher and
voz2 max is higher
• Men have a higher amount of haemoglobin to carry
oxygen in comparison to women
• Metabolism in men is higher when muscle mass is higher
• Body fat% is lower in male than female
• Anaerobic energy production shows virtually no
difference in men and women
Flexibility and Agility/Speed
• Flexibility
• Women have more flexibility than their male
• Increased levels of oestrogen , relaxin make the
ligaments more elasticated and lax
• Joint stability can be affected due to increased hyper
flexibility in ligaments surrounding joints
• Speed : Increased muscle mass contributes to
increased speed in men
• Agility: quickness and swiftness
• Men are generally quicker, faster and more agile than
• Stronger bigger muscles allow for ability to accelerate
and decelerate faster
• Too much muscle mass can inhibit agility and reaction
• On average men have a faster reaction time than
• Lower Centre of gravity
• In women allow for greater distribution of weight
towards the hips and thighs proving greater range of
joint action here.
• The greater height of a man provides advantage in
delivering distance in events such as shot put, javelin,
basketball shooting and other throwing events
• The higher centre of gravity of men provides and advantage
in take off during jumping events
• The wider hip of women also result in gravity being lower
than men's producing greater range of motion on the joint,
however stride length will be shorter and trajectory in
horizontal jumps will be shorter , vertical jumps will be
• Range of joint motion and flexibility is greater in women
than men
• Increase coordination of women is much better than that of
men which makes them a lesser injury risk in technical
events such as jumps, hurdles
• Because men have broader shoulders than women and
woman have broader hips than men the angles of the
tendons attachment and muscle alignment are
• The wider the hips the more the muscle will lose the
efficiency of muscle pull, resulting in an increased
injury risk
• Women develop psychological stress faster than men
during competition
• Woman are much easier to motivate than men and are
more enthusiastic
• Woman lose the fear of losing faster than men and will
gain the hope of success much faster
• Women are easier motivated by their own
achievements than men
• Womens emotional patterns change during
• Women have greater patience
• Women are more conscientious
Implications and Conclusion for training women and men
• Women have less strength , endurance and speed the
effectiveness in biomechanical and muscular activity of
woman is also less in men
• Women are more emotionally advanced than men but show
increased sensitivity during menstruation
• Women have excellent elasticity, flexibility and coordination
• When training both men and women the training load
should be 2/3 of that the training load for men, phasing
them in over longer periods than men
• Strength training must be applied more gradually for women
than men
• Women finish adolescent growth spurt earlier so can start
strength training earlier
• Be aware of physiological constraints between men and