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Unit 3 Study Guide – AP World History
Compare the Silk, Sea, and Tran-Sahara Routes/Roads.
Explain economic, social, and cultural consequences of the Silk Road
Compare the travels of Marco Polo to those of Ibn Battuta.
Describe the animal that made Trans-Saharan trade possible.
Describe why and how the Silk Road acted as a “relay” trade.
Describe the “Golden Age” of China and which dynasties are found during this period.
Describe the theory, practice, and results of the Chinese tribute system.
Describe the religion of Ibn Battuta and how it played a role in his travels.
Describe which West African kingdoms interacted with other parts of Afroeurasia and which major empire
controlled West Africa.
Describe the significance of foot binding and what it symbolized.
Describe how female roles change during the Song dynasty.
Describe the emergence of Neo-Confucianism and what its influence meant for Daoism and Buddhism.
Describe the relationships of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan to Chinese influence in the premodern period.
Describe why urbanization occurred at a faster pace during this time period.
Describe some causes and effects of the Tang/Song economic revolution.
What was China’s most enduring/intense interaction with outsiders?
Explain causes for a Chinese population boom from 1000-1200.
Describe why many Chinese opposed Buddhist incursion.
Define the following:
o Neo-Confucianism
o Hangzhou
o Footbinding
o Hangul
o Bushido
o Samurai
o Emporer Wendi
o An Lushan Rebellion