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1. What is the political philosophy which subordinates the individual completely to the state?
2. Name two recent political movements based upon this political philosophy.
3. What were the most fundamental differences between these two movements?
4. What did fascists want to substitute for the individual?
5. What did fascists despise most about liberal, bourgeois society?
6. What solution did fascism provide for worker alienation?
7. What did fascists promote as an alternative to western rationalism?
8. How did fascists make their appeals to the common man?
9. What characteristics did fascists advocate in a leader?
10. From what segment of society did fascists mainly draw support?
11. What did common citizens expect from their fascist leaders?
12. Why did members of the upper class generally support fascist leaders?
13. Why did fascists and capitalists often collaborate?
14. What kinds of problems did Italy experience after World War I?
15. Why were both Italian and German post-war democracies weak?
16. Why did Italians like Benito Mussolini refer to World War I as a mutilated victory?
17. Two two cities along the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia which Italy had hoped to gain as spoils.
18. Name the Italian who seized Fiume in 1919. Why was the Italian government displeased?
19. Name the socialist newspaper which Mussolini edited before World War I.
20. Why was he expelled from the Italian socialist party? When did he form the fascist party?
21. Name Mussolini’s fascist paramilitary force. What was its function?
22. When did Mussolini become the legal Prime Minister of Italy?
23. In what sense was his so-called March on Rome a sham?
24. Name the Italian king who appointed Mussolini Prime Minister.
25. Name the socialist murdered by fascists in 1924. What impact did this murder have on Mussolini?
26. Name a common political slogan used by Mussolini and his fascists.
27. What similar political slogan was later used by Hitler?
28. How were fascist ideas inculcated in the young?
29. What reforms did Italian fascists make in the workplace?
30. Name Mussolini's campaign to make Italy agriculturally self-sufficient. Was it successful?
31. Why did Pope Pius XI make an agreement with Mussolini? Give the name of this agreement.
32. Name Germany’s new democratic government after World War I. Name its first leader.
33. Name the revolutionary communists who staged an abortive uprising in Berlin after World War I.
34. Name the two most important leaders of this communist group.
35. Who did Friedrich Ebert call upon to crush them? What happened to the group's leaders?
36. Name the unsuccessful attempt to topple the Weimar Republic soon after its formation.
37. What economic problem caused the temporary collapse of Germany's currency in the early 1920's?
38. Why did France and Belgium seize German assets in the Ruhr? Why did the effort fail?
39. How did Gustav Stresemann restore European confidence in Germany's economy?
40. Name the plan which reduced German reparations payments in the mid-1920's.
29 – RR - 1
41. Why did fascism lose much popular appeal from 1924 to 1929? Why did it revive in 1929?
42. What did Adolf Hitler call the German politicians who had agreed to the Armistice of 1918?
43. Give the official name of the German Nazi party.
44. Who was Hitler’s fascist role model?
45. Where did Hitler try but fail to establish a fascist state?
46. How long did he spend in prison? What did he accomplish while there?
47. How did he resolve to make his next attempt at seizing power?
48. What group did Hitler target as Germany’s supreme internal enemy?
49. When did Hitler finally achieve political power? Who was President of the Weimar Republic then?
50. What official title did Hitler hold in 1933?
51. What event of February 1933 helped Hitler to gain dictatorial power in Germany?
52. Name the law which established Hitler as dictator of Germany.
53. When did Hitler become sole and supreme ruler of Germany?
54. What was Hitler's informal title? Give Mussolini’s informal title.
55. Name Hitler’s minister of propaganda.
56. Name the grassroots paramilitary force which had helped Hitler to power. Name its leader.
57. Name the elite, ultra-loyal paramilitary force drawn from this larger organization. Name its leader.
58. What is the 1934 purge of the SA generally called?
59. How was Nazism inculculated in Germany’s youth?
60. Where were the Nazi party's most spectacular political rallies of the 1930’s held? Who designed them?
61. Who filmed them? Name her documentary film of the 1934 rally.
62. What was the first German concentration camp? Who was sent there?
63. What was the pretext for Kristallnacht in November 1938?
64. Name the Nazi security service and its leader.
65. Name the fascist dictator of Spain in the 1930’s.
66. What occurred in Russia immediately after the Great War’s end?
67. What role did Leon Trotsky play in the Bolsheviks' victory?
68. Name the harsh economic policy which Lenin adopted during this time?
69. Name the policy which replaced it in the early 1920's. How was it different?
70. Name the Bolsheviks' counterrevolutionary police force and its founder.
71. Who eventually succeeded Lenin? When did he come to power?
72. What was his plan for the rapid modernization of the USSR?
73. Who were the prime targets of Stalin's purges in the 1930's?
74. Why did Hitler's enemies not block his provocations in the 1930's?
75. What term is generally used to describe their futile attempts to placate him?
76. Name three European territories which Hitler annexed before the outbreak of World War II.
77. Name the mineral rich region of Czechoslovakia which Hitler coveted. Why did he say he wanted it?
78. Name the conference where he acquired this region. Who agreed to the annexation?
79. Name the agreement which set the stage for World War II. Why was it useful to Hitler?
80. What event sparked World War II? Why did this event surprise Hitler?
29 – RR - 2
1. totalitarianism
2. fascism and communism
3. fascism is extremist right-wing (conservative), communism is extremist left-wing (liberal)
4. the community with its common ties of geography and culture
5. its materialism and rationalism
6. it sought to integrate every worker into the community
7. will, blood, native soil, feeling, raw emotion, motherhood, community, heroism
8. through the emotions, not the intellect
9. strength, decisiveness, vision, virility, confidence
10. the lower middle classes
11. protection from capitalists and Marxists, employment, prosperity, direction
12. because of their fear of communism, which posed a danger to them and their property
13. fascists needed capitalists' support and products, capitalists needed protection from communists
14. food shortages, massive unemployment and violent strikes
15. there were too many competing political parties, forcing formation of temporary coalitions
16. because they had suffered in the war but had received almost nothing (no territory) in return
17. Fiume and Trieste
18. Gabriele D’Annunzio, it was embarrassed for an individual had succeeded where it had failed
19. Avanti (Forward)
20. because he began urging Italy's participation in World War I, 1919
21. the Black Shirts, to fight unionists, socialists, democrats and communists in the streets
22. 1922
23. he became Prime Minister legally before the March but wanted it thought he had taken power by force
24. Victor Emmanuel III
25. Giacomo Matteotti, the incident almost toppled him from power
26. “Believe! Obey! Fight!”
27. Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer (One People, One Empire, One Leader)
28. through fascist youth organizations and through indoctrination in the schools
29. unions and strikes were prohibited, workers and employers were united in corporations
30. the Battle of Grain, yes (but Italian grain proved more expensive than imports)
31. he was a conservative fearful of liberalism and communism, the Lateran Accords
32. the Weimar Republic, Friedrich Ebert
33. the Spartacists
34. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
35. the Free Corps (Freikorps), they were murdered
36. the Kapp Putsch
37. runaway hyperinflaltion
38. because Germany had ceased making reparations payments, Ruhr workers refused to work
39. he renewed reparations payments, reduced expenditures, raised taxes and reformed the currency
40. the Dawes Plan
29 – RR - 3
41. because of returning economic prosperity, because of the Great Depression
42. the November Criminals
43. the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)
44. Benito Mussolini (the inventor of fascism)
45. Bavaria, through the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923
46. he dictated the first part of the text of his book Mein Kampf to Rudolf Hess
47. he resolved to come to power in a legal manner
48. Germany’s Jews (although they made up barely 1% of the population)
49. January 30 of 1933, Paul von Hindenburg (hero of the Great War)
50. Chancellor (Reichskanzler)
51. the burning of the Reichstag (February, 1933)
52. the Enabling Act of March 1933
53. upon the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (August, 1934)
54. Der Führer; Il Duce (The Leader)
55. Joseph Goebbels
56. the SA (Sturmabteilung) or Brown Shirts, Ernst Röhm
57. the SS (Schutzstaffel), Heinrich Himmler
58. the Night of the Long Knives
59. through the Hitler Youth (HJ for boys, BDM for girls) and through the schools
60. at Nuremberg, Hitler's architect Albert Speer
61. Leni Riefenstahl, The Triumph of the Will
62. Dachau outside Munich, the Nazi's political opponents
63. the murder of a German diplomat, Ernst vom Rath, in Paris by a Jew
64. the SD (Sicherheitsdienst), Reinhard Heydrich
65. Francisco Franco
66. a civil war between communist Reds and anti-communist White Russians
67. he developed the Red Army, which eventually prevailed over the White Russians
68. war communism
69. the New Economic Policy (NEP), it allowed some private enterprise (capitalism)
70. the Cheka, Feliks Dzerzhinski
71. Stalin (Josef Dzhugashvili), 1929
72. through Five-Year Plans (industry) and collectivization (agriculture)
73. the Old Bolsheviks and army officers
74. because they feared setting off another world war
75. appeasement
76. the Rhineland, Austria and Czechoslovakia
77. the Sudetenland, to bring its ethnic German population home to the Reich
78. the Munich Conference, Neville Chamberlain of Britain and Édouard Daladier of France
79. the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, it guaranteed there would be no Eastern Front
80. the German invasion of Poland, his enemies had not tried to stop him previously
29 – RR - 4