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Chapter 9
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Nutritional Requirements: Components
of A Healthy Diet
• Your body relies on food to provide chemical compounds called nutrients.
They must be obtained from food or supplements because
– Your body cannot produce them or your body cannot make them in
sufficient quantities to maintain health.
• During digestion, the food you eat is broken down into nutrients that are
small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Essential Nutrients are:
*Fats (Lipids)
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Fuel Potential: Kilocalories
Kilocalorie is a measurement of the amount of
energy that food provides
• 1 Kcalorie = amount of heat it takes to raise the
temperature of 1 liter of fluid 1 degree of
• Popularly known in the media and on food labels
as a calorie.
• 1000 calories = 1 kcalorie.
• Energy nutrients differ in calorie content.
• Vitamins, minerals, and water provide no energy.
• 3 macronutrients are “energy yielding”
– Fat = 9 calories per gram
– Protein = 4 calories per gram
– Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram
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The Digestive Process
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• Forms muscle, bone, blood, enzymes, hormones and cell membrane.
– Twenty common amino acids
• Nine essential amino acids.
• Eleven nonessential amino acids
– Complete proteins supply amino acids all in adequate amounts.
• Meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, soy
– Incomplete proteins lack some essential amino acids.
• Legumes, grains, vegetables, seeds
• Combinations of plant proteins can yield complete proteins.
– Recommended amount
• 0.8 gram per kilogram of body weight
• 10-35% of total calorie intake
– Average is 15-16%
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• Lipids are a group of substances that are not soluble in
– They help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
– They cushion and insulate your organs.
– They add flavor and tenderness to foods.
– They are the most concentrated energy source in the
diet (9 calories per gram).
– Lipids supply your body with energy both during rest,
light activity, and during sleep.
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Recommended Fat Intake
• Should make up between 25 and 35% of total calories.
• Trans fat intake should be kept to an absolute minimum.
• Saturated fats: Less than 7% of calories, or less than 16 g
(about 140 calories) for a 2,000-calorie per day diet.
• Omega-6 fatty acids: About 14–17 g per day for men and
about 11–12 g per day for women.
• Omega-3 fatty acids: About 1.6 g per day for men and about
1.1 g per day for women.
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• The body’s universal energy source
• There are two categories of carbohydrates: Simple & Complex.
1) Simple (Monosaccharides & Disaccharides: Constructed
from just one or two sugar molecules.
– This means they are more easily digested.
– Glucose, fructose (fruit sugar), galactose, maltose, sucrose (table
sugar), lactose (milk sugar).
The average U.S. adult consumes an estimated 76.7 pounds of added
sugars each year.
• Your body is unable to distinguish between natural sugars and added
– Chemically, they are the same.
– It’s better to choose foods with naturally occurring sugars that provide
other nutrients and vitamins.
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2) Complex:
• These are made up of chains of multiple sugar molecules.
• They take longer to digest.
• Often called starches, except for
– glycogen, a storage form of glucose in animal tissues,
– fiber, a non-digestible component of plants.
– Grains – wheat, rye, rice, oats, barley, and millet
– Legumes – dry beans, peas, and lentils
– Tubers – potatoes and yams
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Whole Grains
• Unrefined grains, or whole grains, include
three parts: bran, germ, endosperm.
– Examples include rolled oats, popcorn,
brown rice, whole wheat, rye, and
• The bran and germ contain vitamins,
minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and
– These help maintain body functions and
may reduce risk of certain diseases.
• Refined grains include only the endosperm,
removing fiber and some nutrients.
– Examples include white bread, most
pasta, white rice, most baked goods.
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Fiber—A Closer Look
• Types of fiber:
– Dietary fiber: nondigestible
carbohydrate that is present naturally
• Soluble (viscous) fiber
• Insoluble fiber
– Functional fiber: nondigestible
carbohydrate that has been isolated or
– Total fiber is the sum of both
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Fiber Facts
• A non-digestible complex carbohydrate that aids in
– Softens and provides bulk for feces.
– Helps promote bowel regularity.
– Can aid in weight management.
– Lowers blood cholesterol (heart health).
– Slows the transit of food through the intestinal tract,
promoting a more gradual release of glucose into the
blood (blood glucose control).
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• Choose foods that have a whole grain as the first item on the
ingredient list on the food label
– Whole wheat, whole rye, whole oats, oatmeal, whole-grain
corn, brown rice, popcorn, barley, etc.
 Recommended intake
◦ 38 grams for adult men
◦ 25 grams for adult women
(Persons 50 years and older should consume 30 grams (men)
and 21 grams (women) daily).
• You can increase the amount of fiber in your diet by eating:
- whole-wheat pasta
- high fiber (5 grams or more) breakfast cereals
- whole unpeeled fruits
- beans
- raw vegetables
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An Ideal Source of Energy
• Glycemic index:
– Indicates type of carbohydrate in food
– A quick rise in glucose and insulin levels
produces a high glycemic index
– Difficult to base food choices on glycemic
• Choose variety of vegetables
• Limit foods high in added sugars
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Recommended Carbohydrate Intake
• Average American – 200-300 grams
• 130 grams needed to meet the body’s
requirements for essential carbohydrates
• Adults – 45-65% of total daily calories or 225325 grams.
• WHO –recommends a limit of 5-15% of total
calories from added sugars.
• USDA – recommends about 8 teaspoons per
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Recommended Grams Per Day
Based on a 2000 Cal Per Day
• Fats: 30% of calories per day
– 2000 X 30% = 600 calories
600/9 cal/per/gram = 67 grams per day
• Proteins: 15% of calories per day
– 2000 X 15% = 300 calories
300/4 calories per gram = 75 grams per day
• Carbohydrates: 55% of calories per day
– 2000 X 55% =1100 calories
1100/4 calories per gram = 275 grams per day
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– They regulate body processes such as blood-cell production, nerve
function, digestion, skin and bone maintenance.
– They help chemical reactions take place.
• Thirteen vitamins:
– Four Fat Soluble: A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat and can be stored in the
body’s fatty tissues..
– Nine Water Soluble: C and 8 B-complex vitamins. Thiamin (B1),
Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Folate, B-12, Biotin and
Pantothenic acid dissolve in water, and excess amounts are generally
excreted from the body in urine.
– Human body does not manufacture most vitamins
– Abundant in fruits, vegetables and grains
– Vitamin D can be manufactured in your skin with adequate sun exposure
exposure (5–30 minutes between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.).
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Facts about Vitamins
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• Helps to regulate body functions, adjust fluid balance,
aid in growth, maintenance of body tissues, aid in
muscle contraction and nerve transmission, Provide
structure for bones and teeth, and a catalyst for energy
• 17 essential minerals.
– Major minerals - 100 milligrams or more.
• calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur,
potassium and chloride.
– Trace minerals –are needed by the body daily,
typically in amounts less than 10 milligrams.
• Cobalt, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese,
molybdenum, selenium, chromium
and zinc.
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• Serves as a lubricant, provides moisture to tissues (i.e. skin), nutrient
digestion, absorption, regulates body temperature, transportation (carries
wastes out of the body), contributes to a feeling of fullness, is the medium in
which most chemical reactions take place.
• Composed of about 50-60% water
• Can live up to 50 days without food, but only a few days without water.
– Food provides about 19% of adults’ water intake.
– Beverages provide the remaining 81%.
• Most adults can maintain adequate intake through consuming watercontaining foods and drinking 9 (2.2 liters) to 13 cups (3 liters) of beverages
– Some people may need additional water.
– (
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• Compounds in food that help protect the body
from harmful molecules called free radicals.
– Free radicals start chain reactions that can
damage cells.
– Environmental factors can contribute to free
radical production.
– Free radical damage has been linked to
• Cancer
• Heart disease
• Alzheimer’s dementia
• Parkinson’s disease
• Arthritis
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• Naturally occurring plant substances thought to have
disease-preventing qualities and health-promoting properties.
– Not considered essential nutrients.
• Sources include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and
grains, providing
– Carotenoids (tomatoes, carrots, and kale)
– Flavenoids (berries, black and green tea, soy)
– Organosulfur compounds (broccoli, cauliflower, garlic and
onions) boosts the cancer-fighting immune cells
• Supplements have not proved to be beneficial.
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Nutritional Guidelines:
Planning Your Diet
• A variety of tools are designed to
– Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
– Dietary Guidelines for Americans
– MyPlate (formerly MyPyramid)
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Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
• Standards for nutrient intakes in order to
prevent deficiencies
– Set of values used for recommended
intakes and maximum safe intakes
• Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)
• Adequate Intake (AI)
• Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
– Daily Values: the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration uses these for food labels
• Based on a 2000-calorie diet
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Dietary Guidelines for Americans
• Designed to encourage improved nutrition
and physical activity
• General guidelines:
– Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve
and sustain a healthy weight
– Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and
• Energy balance is the key to weight
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Dietary Guidelines for Americans
• Foods and food components to reduce:
– Reduce daily sodium intake
– Limit intake of fat and dietary cholesterol
– Reduce the intake of energy from solid fats
and added sugars
– Limit the consumption of foods that contain
refined grains
– Consume alcohol in moderation
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Dietary Guidelines for Americans
• Foods and nutrients to increase:
– Eat more fruits and vegetables; eat a variety of vegetables
– Consume at least half of all grains as whole grains
– Increase intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
– Choose a variety of protein foods
– Use oils to replace solid fats where possible
– Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber,
calcium, and vitamin D
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Leading Sources of Calories in the
American Diet
1. Regular soft drinks (7.1% of total calories)
2. Cake, sweet rolls, doughnuts, pastries (3.6%)
3. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, meat loaf (3.1%)
4. Pizza (3.1%)
5. Potato chips, corn chips, popcorn (2.9%)
6. Rice (2.7%)
7. Rolls, buns, English muffins, bagels (2.7%)
8. Cheese or cheese spread (2.6%)
9. Beer (2.6%)
10. French fries, fried potatoes (2.2%)
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• Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a
fast food restaurant.
• In 1972, we spent 3 billion a year on
fast food - today we spend more
than 110 billion.
• McDonald's feeds more than 46
million people a day - more than the
entire population of Spain
• French fries are the most eaten
vegetable in America.
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Eat Smart While Eating Out
• Make simple choices when eating out to make a difference in
nutrition, weight, and health.
– Try the vegetarian option.
– Choose chicken, turkey, or fish instead of beef or pork.
– Order your burger or sub without cheese.
– Order the smallest size available, or cut the portion in half.
– Order a side salad instead of fries.
– Drink low-fat milk, a bottle of water, or a diet soda instead of
a regular soda or milkshake.
– Skip dessert or order a piece of fresh fruit instead.
– Stop eating when you’re full.
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The USDA's MyPlate
– Personalization
– Daily physical
– Moderation
– Proportionality
– Variety
– Gradual
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USDA Food Patterns
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Serving Sizes
• Grains - 1 slice of bread,1 small muffin (2.5
diameter), 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal flakes
• Vegetable – 1 cup raw leafy vegetables, 1/2
cup cooked or raw vegetables, 1/2 cup of
vegetable juice
• Fruit – ½ cup fresh, canned, or frozen fruit,
1/2 cup 100% fruit juice,1 small whole fruit,
1/4 cup dried fruit, 3/4 cup fruit juice
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Serving Sizes
• Milk/Dairy -1 cup milk or yogurt,1/2 cup
ricotta cheese,1.5 oz natural cheese,2
oz. Processed cheese.
• Meat and Beans – 1 ounce cooked lean
meat,.1/4 cup cooked dry beans or tofu,
1 egg, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, ½
ounce nuts or seeds
• Oils
• Discretionary Calories, solid fats, and
added sugars
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Estimating Serving Sizes
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Assignment-Diet Monitoring
• Monitoring your diet for 3 days
Food Group
Serving size
● Go to
Complete and print your personal recommended
requirements based on your lifestyle.
Summarize each day with: Did you meet the food
guide pyramid requirements? If no, which group(s)
did you lack and what types of specific foods can you
eat to meet the requirements.
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• Reasons
• Types:
Partial vegetarians
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• A food plan for
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin D
How Do Nutrition Guidelines Vary for Different Groups?
• Children, teens, college students, adults, and mature adults have
different nutrient needs.
– Physical changes with aging affect how the body digests food,
absorbs nutrients, and excretes water.
• Men generally require more calories than women.
– Men's nutrient needs don't change much over a lifetime.
– Women's nutrient needs change with life events, such as
menstruation, conception, and pregnancy.
• Athletes may have increased nutrition needs.
– Carbohydrates, fats, protein, and water are needed in adequate
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Global Nutrition Transitions
• Nutrition transition
– The quality and quantity of our diet is changing with
• Increased availability of cheap food
• Urbanization
• Increased sedentary activities
• Increases in fats and sugars are implicated in
cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes
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Personal Plan: Making Informed
Choices About Food
• Reading food labels
• Understanding dietary supplements
– Can be dangerous when taken in excess
– Not authorized or tested by the FDA
– Not a substitute for a healthy diet
– People who benefit from supplements:
• Women capable of getting pregnant—folic acid
• People over 50—vitamin B-12
• Smokers—vitamin C
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Reading Food Labels
• Use the Nutrition Facts panel to learn
– Recommended serving sizes
– Number of servings per package
– Calories and calories from fat
– Amounts of macronutrients, sodium,
and fiber
– Amounts of saturated fats and trans fats
– Percent Daily Value (% DV): The
percentage of a serving the food would
contribute to daily needs based on a
2,000-calorie diet.
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Food Safety
• Foodborne disease affect 76 million Americans each year.
• Also known as food poisoning.
• Illness caused by pathogenic microorganisms consumed through food
or beverages.
• Animal protein foods (poultry, eggs), sponges, dish towels, cutting
boards, wooden utensils, and human hands are common hosts for
foodborne bacteria.
– Campylobacter
– Salmonella
– E. coli
• Effects can include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and death.
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Foodborne Illness: Prevention at Home
• Clean. Wash your hands, utensils, and cutting boards with
warm water and soap before and after contact with raw red
meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs.
• Separate. Use different cutting boards for raw meat and
foods that won’t be cooked.
• Cook. Use a food thermometer to make sure that meat you
are cooking is cooked to a temperature that is safe for
• Chill. Refrigerate leftover food within two hours at a
temperature of 40°F.
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Organic Foods
Organic = a designation applied to
foods grown and produced according
to strict guidelines limiting the use of
pesticides, nonorganic ingredients,
hormones, antibiotics, genetic
engineering, irradiation, and other
Organic foods tend to have lower
levels of pesticide residues than
conventionally grown crops
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labels is
what to
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Highest in Pesticides
Bell Peppers
Grapes (imported)
Red Raspberries
Lowest in Pesticides
Corn (sweet)
Peas (sweet)
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Genetically Modified Foods
• Involves altering the characteristics of a plant, animal or
microorganism by adding, rearranging, or replacing genes in
the DNA.
• Benefits- improved yields, increased disease resistance,
improved nutritional content, lower prices and less pesticide
• Gene manipulation could elevate levels of naturally occurring
toxins or allergens, permanently change the gene pool,
reduce biodiversity and produce pesticide resistant insects.
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Irradiated Foods—A Technique of
• Food irradiation = treatment of
foods with gamma rays, X rays, or
high-voltage electrons to kill
potentially harmful pathogens and
increase shelf life
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Chapter Twelve
Food Allergies and Intolerances
• Food allergy: An adverse reaction of the body’s
immune system to a food or food component.
– About 12 million people in the U.S. have a food
– Symptoms include swelling of the lips or throat,
digestive upset, skin hives, breathing problems, and
anaphylaxis (the most severe response that causes
most of the symptoms within minutes of exposure).
• Anaphylaxis can progress to anaphylactic shock,
which is usually fatal.
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Food Allergies and Intolerances
• Eight foods cause more than 90% of all food allergies:
milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish,
– Food labels are required to identify these products.
• Food intolerances are adverse food reactions that
don’t involve the immune system.
– Reactions generally develop over a prolonged time.
– The most common is lactose intolerance, the
inability to properly digest the milk sugar lactose.
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Improve Nutritional Health
• Think smart when making choices.
• Shop smart when money is tight (legumes, canned tuna,
lean meats, poultry and fish, whole grains, frozen
vegetables, fresh and frozen fruits).
• Put a plan into action.
– Be realistic.
– Be sensible.
– Be adventurous.
– Be flexible.
– Be active.
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Group Work
• Construct a one day meal plan for your assigned fast
food group.
• Your meals need to follow the USDA recommended
nutrient requirements.
- < 2000 kcal/day
- 30% fat (600 kcal or 67 g)
- 15% protein (300 kcal or 75g)
- 55% carbohydrates (1100 kcal or 275 g)
- Choose My Plate (6 oz. of grains, 1.5 cups of fruit,
2.5 cups of vegetables, 5.5 servings of protein, 3
cups of dairy).
- Tally the total nutrient intake for the entire day.
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