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BIOL 103 Practice for Midterm Exam 3 1. Good sources of beta-­‐carotene include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Apricots b. Cantaloupe c. Whole grain pasta d. Carrots e. Tomatoes 2. Which water-­‐soluble vitamin plays an important role in formation of collagen? a. Riboflavin b. Thiamin c. Folate d. Biotin e. Vitamin C 3. Which of the vitamin is primarily responsible for blood clotting? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin K e. Vitamin D 4. The body needs _____________ to synthesize fatty acids. a. Riboflavin b. Niacin c. Thamin d. Vitamin B6 e. Cobalamin 5. Which of the following is NOT associated with vitamin A toxicity? a. Hypercalcemia b. Teratogen c. Discoloration of skin d. Double vision e. All of the above are associated with vitamin A toxicity. 6. Overall, water is somewhere between _____ % of a person’s body weight. a. 15 and 20 b. 25 and 45 c. 30 and 50 d. 45 and 75 e. 75 and 90 7. Which two minerals make up the complex hydroxyapatite? a. Calcium and potassium b. Phosphorous and calcium c. Potassium and phosphorous d. Calcium and magnesium e. Magnesium and Potassium 8. Which mineral participates with over 300 types of enzyme driven reactions, including those in DNA and protein synthesis, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and ATP production? a. Calcium b. Boron c. Magnesium d. Chloride e. Manganese 9. Which mineral does NOT have a role in immune function? a. Selenium b. Copper c. Chromium d. Iron e. All of the above minerals have a role in immune function. 10. Chronic deficiency of which mineral interferes with immune function, and predisposes a person to Keshan disease? a. Magnesium b. Chromium c. Fluoride d. Manganese e. Selenium 11. Which supplement poses a danger of increasing blood alkalinity, which directly influences blood pressure? a. Creatine b. Coenzyme Q10 c. Sodium bicarbonate d. Homocysteine e. Pyruvate 12. Athletes with a high percentage of slow-­‐twitch muscle fibers typically make better a. Sprinters b. Long-­‐distance Marathoners c. Weight-­‐lifters d. Volleyball players e. Golf players 13. During a marathon, approximately 98% of your muscles’ needs are met by the…. a. ATP-­‐CP energy system b. Oxygen-­‐energy system c. Lactic acid energy system d. Mitochondria energy system e. Muscle-­‐cell rejuvenation energy system 14. True or False? Endurance training enhances the body’s use of fat as fuel. 15. True or False. Carbohydrate loading for events lasting less than 60 minutes provides little benefit. Answer Keys: 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. E 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. True 15. True 
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