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EPFL - Section de Mathématiques
Algebra for Digital Communication
Prof. E. Bayer Fluckiger
Sections de Systèmes de Communications et Physique
Winter semester 2006-2007
Test 2
Thursday, 1st February 2007
13h15 - 15h00
Nom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prénom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
/25 points
/25 points
/25 points
/25 points
Total / 100
Exercise 1 (english, 25 points)
(1) (a) Find all solutions x ∈ Z of the system of congruences
x ≡ 0 (mod 3),
x ≡ 3 (mod 4),
x ≡ −1 (mod 5).
(b) Why does there exist an isomorphism
Z/60Z −→ Z/3Z × Z/4Z × Z/5Z,
and how can it be described? Determine ϕ−1 (0, 3, 4).
(2) Consider Z/180Z.
(a) How many different ways are there to write Z/180Z as a product of cyclic
Z/180Z ∼
= Z/m1 Z × · · · × Z/mr Z
with m1 ≤ · · · ≤ mr ?
(b) For (Z/180Z)∗ proceed as in (a), i.e. find all r-tuplets (m1 , . . . , mr ) with
m1 ≤ · · · ≤ mr such that
(Z/180Z)∗ ∼
= Z/m1 Z × · · · × Z/mr Z.
Exercice 1 (français, 25 points)
(1) (a) Trouver toutes les solutions x ∈ Z du système de congruences
x ≡ 0 (mod 3),
x ≡ 3 (mod 4),
x ≡ −1 (mod 5).
(b) Pourquoi existe-t-il un isomorphisme
Z/60Z −→ Z/3Z × Z/4Z × Z/5Z,
et comment le décrire? Déterminer ϕ−1 (0, 3, 4).
(2) Considérons le groupe Z/180Z.
(a) De combien de manières différentes peut-on écrire Z/180Z comme produit de groupes cycliques ? En d’autres termes, trouver (avec justification) le nombre de r-uplets (m1 , ..., mr ), avec m1 ≤ ... ≤ mr , tels qu’on
ait un isomorphisme
Z/180Z ∼
= Z/m1 Z × · · · × Z/mr Z.
(b) Même question pour (Z/180Z)∗ . Autrement dit, trouver tous les r-uplets
(m1 , ..., mr ), avec m1 ≤ ... ≤ mr , tels qu’il existe un isomorphisme
(Z/180Z)∗ ∼
= Z/m1 Z × · · · × Z/mr Z.
Solution 1
(1) (a) We employ the first method given in the script of the lecture. Set a1 := 0,
a2 := 3 and a3 := −1. Furthermore let m1 := 3, m2 := 4 and m3 := 5.
We calculate
k1 := m2 m3 = 20,
k2 := m1 m3 := 15 and k3 := m1 m2 = 12.
Now for i = 1, 2, 3 we need to find ri ∈ Z with ki ri ≡ 1 (mod mi ). Since
k1 ≡ 2 (mod m1 ), k2 ≡ 3 (mod m2 ) and k3 ≡ 2 (mod m3 ), we easily
find r1 := 2, r2 := 3 and r3 := 3. Set
x1 := r1 k1 = 40,
x2 := r2 k2 = 45 and x3 := r3 k3 = 36.
x := a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3
= 0 · 40 + 3 · 45 − 1 · 36
= 135 − 36 = 99
is a solution of the given system of congruences. As 3· 4· 5 = 60 it follows
that {99 + 60k | k ∈ Z} is the set of all solutions (see also part (b)).
(b) The isomorphism exists, since
gcd(3, 4) = gcd(3, 5) = gcd(4, 5) = 1.
This means that we can apply the Chinese remainder theorem (theorem
6.2 from the script) to get the isomorphism
Z/60Z −→ Z/3Z × Z/4Z × Z/5Z,
[x]60 7−→ ([x]3 , [x]4 , [x]5 ).
Now by part (a) we have
ϕ−1 ([0]3 , [3]4 , [4]5 ) = ϕ−1 ([0]3 , [3]4 , [−1]5 ) = [99]60 .
(2) (a) The prime decomposition of 180 is 2·2·3·3·5. By the Chinese remainder
theorem we need to find tuples (m1 , . . . , mr ) with mi ≥ 2, gcd(mi , mj ) =
1 for i 6= j, and m1 · · · mr = 180. In this case we have
Z/180Z ∼
= Z/m1 Z × · · · × Z/mr Z.
Any tuple that does not satisfy the above conditions will not give an
isomorphism. For example if m1 · · · mr 6= 180, then the group on the
right side in (i) does not have the right order. If on the other hand
m1 · · · mr = 180 but gcd(mi , mj ) > 1 for some i 6= j, then every element
in Z/mi Z × Z/mj Z has order < mi · mj . Hence every element in the
group on the right side in (i) has order < m1 · · · mr = 180.
Without loss of generality we can assume that m1 ≤ · · · ≤ mr . But the
only such tuples are
(9, 20),
(5, 36),
(4, 45) and (4, 5, 9).
(b) From part (a) we see know that
Z/180Z ∼
= Z/4Z × Z/5Z × Z/9Z.
(Z/180Z)∗ ∼
= (Z/4Z)∗ × (Z/5Z)∗ × (Z/9Z)∗ .
Now we must have (Z/4Z)∗ ∼
= Z/2Z, and since Z/5Z is a field we get
∗ ∼
(Z/5Z) = Z/4Z. Consider the element [2]9 ∈ (Z/9Z)∗ . It has neither
order 2 nor 3 so it must have order 6. Therefore (Z/9Z)∗ is cyclic and
we obtain (Z/9Z)∗ ∼
= Z/6Z. Altogether this results in
(Z/180Z)∗ ∼
= Z/2Z × Z/4Z × Z/6Z.
Since gcd(2, 4) = gcd(2, 6) = gcd(4, 6) = 2 > 1, we see that is is impossible to write (Z/180Z)∗ as a product of less than 3 cyclic factors. We
can only use Z/6Z ∼
= Z/2Z × Z/3Z to obtain
(Z/180Z)∗ ∼
= Z/2Z × Z/2Z × Z/3Z × Z/4Z.
Hence the only possible tuples are
(2, 4, 6),
(2, 2, 12) and (2, 2, 3, 4).
Exercise 2 (english, 25 points)
(1) Consider the polynomials f := X 2 − 3X + 2, g := X 3 − 3X 2 + X − 3 and
q := X 2 − 7X + 12 in Z[X], and let
(a) R1 := Q[X]/(q),
(b) R2 := F2 [X]/(q), where q denotes the image of q in F2 [X].
For i = 1, 2 determine whether the images of f and g in Ri lie in the group
of units (Ri )∗ ?
(2) Let K be a field, and let n ∈ N. Consider the ring R := K[X]/(X n ).
(a) Show that R is a K-vector space.
(b) Give a basis B = {v1 , . . . , vm } of R as a K-vector space and prove that
B really is a basis.
(c) Conclude that the dimension of R as a vector space over K is n.
Exercice 2 (français, 25 points)
(1) Considérons les polynômes suivants: f := X 2 −3X +2, g := X 3 −3X 2 +X −3
et q := X 2 − 7X + 12. Ce sont des éléments de Z[X]. Soient
(a) R1 := Q[X]/(q),
(b) R2 := F2 [X]/(q), où q désigne l’image de q dans F2 [X].
Pour i = 1, 2, déterminer si les images de f et de g dans Ri sont des unités.
(2) Soit K un corps, et n ∈ N. Considérons l’anneau R := K[X]/(X n ).
(a) Montrer que R est un K-espace vectoriel.
(b) Donner (en justifiant) une base B = {v1 , . . . , vm } de R en tant que Kespace vectoriel.
(c) Conclure que la dimension de R comme K-espace vectoriel est n.
Solution 2
(1) It is easy to see that f = (X −1)(X −2) and q = (X −3)(X −4). Furthermore
by a bit of trial-and-error we see that g has the root 3, and simple polynomial
division gives us g = (X − 3)(X 2 + 1).
(a) We consider R1 := Q[X]/(q). Since
g · (X − 4) = (X 2 + 1) · q ≡ 0
(mod q),
we see that the image of g in R1 is a zero-divisor and can therefore not
be a unit.
Now since gcd(f, q) = 1 in Q[X], there exist by Bezout’s identity polynomials r, s ∈ Q[X] with rf + sq = 1. Hence
rf = 1 − sq ≡ 0
(mod q),
which shows that the image of f in R1 is a unit.
(b) Now we consider R2 := F2 [X]/(q). We denote the two elements of F2
by 0 and 1. Denote by f and g are the images of f and g in F2 [X]
respectively. If we take into account that X 2 + 1 = (X − 1)2 in F2 [X] we
f = X(X − 1),
g = (X − 1)3
and q = X(X − 1).
This shows that
f ≡ 0
(mod q),
and therefore the image of f in R2 is not a unit. Furthermore
g · X = (X − 1)2 · q ≡ 0
(mod q),
which means that the image of g in R2 is a zero-divisor and hence not a
(2) (a) proof. Let m = X n ∈ K[X]. Since R is a ring, it is by definition an
additive group. So it only remains to show, that
K × R −→ R,
(λ, [f ]m ) 7−→ λ[f ]m := [λf ]m ,
satisfies the properties of a scalar multiplication. Let λ, µ ∈ K and
f, g ∈ K[X]. Then
(λµ)[f ]m = [λµf ]m = λ[µf ]m = λ(µ[f ]m ),
1[f ]m = [1f ]m = [f ]m ,
λ([f ]m + [g]m ) = λ[f + g]m = [λf + λg]m
= [λf ]m + [λg]m = λ[f ]m + λ[g]m ,
(λ + µ)[f ]m = [(λ + µ)f ]m = [λf + µf ]m
= [λf ]m + [µf ]m = λ[f ]m + µ[f ]m ,
which shows that (ii) actually defines a scalar multiplication. Hence R
is a K-vector space.
(b) We claim that B := {1, [X]m , [X 2 ]m , . . . , [X n−1 ]m } is a basis of R as a
K-vector space.
proof. Since [X n ]m = 0, and since every polynomial of degree ≥ n is
congruent modulo m to a polynomial of degree < n, it follows that B
generates R as a K-vector space. It remains to show, that the elements
of B are linearly independent. Let λ0 , . . . , λn−1 ∈ K with
λ0 + λ1 [X]m + λ2 [X 2 ]m + · · · + λn−1 [X n−1 ]m = 0.
On other words
P := λ0 + λ1 X + λ2 X 2 + · · · + λn−1 X n−1 ≡ 0
(mod (m)).
This means that X n divides P in K[X]. Since deg(P ) < deg(X n ) we
must therefore have P = 0, i.e. λ0 = · · · = λn−1 = 0. Hence the elements
of B are linearly independent and form a K-basis of R.
(c) proof. Since the cardinality of the basis B = {1, [X]m , . . . , [X n−1 ]m } is
n, it follows that the dimension of R as a K-vector space is n.
Exercise 3 (english, 25 points)
(1) Find a polynomial P ∈ F2 [X] such that K := F2 [X]/(P ) is a field with 8
elements. Explain why you chose such P .
(2) Determine all the roots of P in K.
(3) Denote by α the image of X in K, i.e. K = F2 (α). Let ϕ : K → K be an
isomorphism of fields.
(a) Prove that ϕ(y) = y for all y ∈ F2 ⊂ K.
(b) Show that ϕ(α) is a root of P .
(4) Let β be any root of P in K. Show that there exists a unique isomorphism
of fields ψ : K → K with ψ(α) = β.
(5) Conclude that there are exactly three field isomorphisms K → K.
(6) Does there exist a subfield L ⊂ K such that L ∼
= F4 ? Justify your answer.
Exercice 3 (français, 25 points)
(1) Trouver un polynôme P ∈ F2 [X] tel que K := F2 [X]/(P ) soit un corps à 8
éléments. Expliquer le choix de P .
(2) Déterminer toutes les racines de P dans K.
(3) Notons α l’image de X dans K. En particulier, K = F2 (α). Soit ϕ : K → K
un isomorphisme de corps.
(a) Montrer que ϕ(y) = y pour tout y ∈ F2 ⊂ K.
(b) Montrer que ϕ(α) est une racine de P .
(4) Soit β une racine quelconque de P dans K. Montrer qu’il existe un unique
isomorphisme de corps ψ : K → K, avec ψ(α) = β.
(5) Conclure qu’il y a exactement trois isomorphismes de corps K → K.
(6) Existe-t-il un sous-corps L ⊂ K tel que L ∼
= F4 ? Justifier votre réponse.
Solution 3
(1) We claim that for P = X 3 + X + 1 ∈ F2 [X] the ring K := F2 [X]/(P ) is a
field with 8 elements.
proof. Since the polynomial P does not have any root in F2 , it is irreducible
in F2 [X]. Hence K is a field, and by proposition 8.1 from the script of the
lecture K has 8 elements.
(2) If α is the image of X in K, then all elements of K are given by
{0, 1, α, α + 1, α2 , α2 + 1, α2 + α, α2 + α + 1}.
Now either by testing all the elements of K, or by looking at the multiplication table of K, we find that the set of roots of P in K is given by
{α, α2 , α2 + α}.
(3) (a) proof. Since ϕ is a field isomorphism it is in particular a homomorphism
of rings. Hence ϕ(0) = 0 and ϕ(1) = 1 by definition. The claim follows
from the fact that F2 = {0, 1}.
(b) proof. By the properties of a ring homomorphism we obtain
(ϕ(α))3 +ϕ(α)+1 = ϕ(α3 )+ϕ(α)+ϕ(1) = ϕ(α3 +α+1) = ϕ(0) = 0.
Hence ϕ(α) is also a root of P .
(4) proof. Every element of K can be written as λ2 α2 + λ1 α1 + λ0 with unique
λ0 , λ1 , λ2 ∈ F2 . Hence we can define a map
K −→ K,
λ2 α2 + λ1 α1 + λ0 7−→ λ2 β 2 + λ1 β1 + λ0 .
Obviously ψ(0) = 0 and ψ(1) = 1. Let µ0 , µ1 , µ2 ∈ F2 , and set x := λ2 α2 +
λ1 α + λ0 and y := µ2 α2 + µ1 α + µ0 . Then
ψ(x + y) = ψ (λ2 + µ2 )α2 + (λ1 + µ1 )α + (λ0 + µ0 )
= (λ2 + µ2 )β 2 + (λ1 + µ1 )β + (λ0 + µ0 )
= (λ2 β 2 + λ1 β + λ0 ) + (µ2 β 2 + µ1 β + µ0 )
= ψ(x) + ψ(y),
ψ(xy) = ψ (λ2 µ2 + λ2 µ0 + λ1 µ1 + λ0 µ2 )α2
+(λ2 µ2 + λ2 µ1 + λ1 µ2 + λ1 µ+ λ1 µ1 )α
+(λ2 µ1 + λ1 µ2 + λ0 µ0 )
= (λ2 µ2 + λ2 µ0 + λ1 µ1 + λ0 µ2 )β 2
+(λ2 µ2 + λ2 µ1 + λ1 µ2 + λ1 µ+ λ1 µ1 )β
+(λ2 µ1 + λ1 µ2 + λ0 µ0 )
= (λ2 β 2 + λ1 β + λ0 0(µ2 β 2 + µ1 β + µ0 )
= ψ(x)ψ(y),
where the equality ψ(xy) = ψ(x)ψ(y) follows from the fact that β is a root
of P . Hence ψ is a ring homomorphism. Since ψ is a homomorphism of
fields, it must be injective. Furthermore since K is finite, ψ must also be
It remains to show that ψ is unique. So let ψ 0 : K → K be another isomorphism of fields with ψ 0 (α) = β = ψ(α). Then also ψ 0 (α2 ) = β 2 = ψ(α2 ).
Naturally ψ 0 (1) = 1 = ψ(1). Since K is a vector space of dimension 3 over
F2 with basis {1, α, α2 }, and since ψ 0 and ψ can also be considered as vector
space homomorphism, it follows that ψ 0 (x) = ψ(x) for all x ∈ K. Hence
ψ 0 = ψ.
(5) proof. Every isomorphism of fields K → K sends α to a root of P , and there
are exactly three roots of P in K. By part (4) there exists for every root β
of P a unique field isomorphism ψ : K → K with ψ(α) = β. Thus there are
exactly three isomorphism of fields K → K.
(6) We claim that there does not exist a subfield L ⊂ K with L ∼
= F4 .
proof. Since the multiplicative group of a subfield L ⊂ K must be a subgroup
of the multiplicative group of K, and since the order of K ∗ is 7, the subfield
L either has the multiplicative group K ∗ or {1}. Hence we must have L = K
or L ∼
= F2 .
Exercise 4 (english, 25 points)
(1) Consider the polynomial ring Z[X].
(a) Let P (X), Q(X) ∈ Z[X] be polynomials. Prove: If P (X) divides Q(X),
Then P (X d ) divides Q(X d ) for all d ∈ N.
Hint: Write Q(X) = P (X)R(X) with some R(X) ∈ Z[X].
(b) Show that X − 1 divides X m − 1 for all m ∈ N.
(c) Let m, n ∈ N with m ≤ n. Deduce from (a) and (b) that X m − 1 divides
X n − 1 if m divides n.
(2) Let p be a prime number, and let m, n ∈ N with m ≤ n.
(a) Use (1).(c) to show that pm − 1 divides pn − 1 if m divides n.
(b) Prove that X p −1 − 1 divides X p −1 − 1 in Z[X] if m divides n by using
(2).(a) and (1).(c).
(3) For a prime number p and m, n ∈ N, we want to show that Fpn contains a
field with pm elements if and only if m divides n.
(a) Let m divide n. Prove that Fpn contains a subfield K with pm elements.
Hint: Define K to be the set of roots in Fpn of the polynomial X p − X.
Why do all the roots of this polynomial lie in Fpn ?
(b) Let Fpn contain a subfield K with pm elements. Show that m divides n.
Hint: Recall that Fpn is a vector space over K.
Exercice 4 (français, 25 points)
(1) Considérons l’anneau Z[X].
(a) Soient P (X), Q(X) ∈ Z[X] des polynômes. Montrer que, si P (X) divise
Q(X), alors P (X d ) divise Q(X d ) pour tout d ∈ N.
Indication: Ecrire Q(X) = P (X)R(X) avec R(X) ∈ Z[X].
(b) Montrer que X − 1 divise X m − 1 pour tout m ∈ N.
(c) Soient m, n ∈ N avec m ≤ n. Déduire de (a) et (b) que X m − 1 divise
X n − 1 si m divise n.
(2) Soit p un nombre premier, et m, n ∈ N deux entiers tels que m ≤ n.
(a) Utiliser (1).(c) pour montrer que pm − 1 divise pn − 1 si m divise n.
(b) Montrer que X p −1 − 1 divise X p −1 − 1 dans Z[X] si m divise n, en
utilisant (2).(a) et (1).(c).
(3) Soit p premier et m, n ∈ N. On veut montrer que Fpn contient un corps à pm
élements si et seulement si m divise n.
(a) Supposons que m divise n. Montrer que Fpn contient un sous-corps K à
pm élements.
Indication: Définir K comme l’ensemble des racines dans Fpn du polym
nôme X p − X. Pourquoi ce polynôme a-t-il toutes ses racines dans
Fpn ?
(b) Supposons que Fpn contienne un sous-corps K à pm élements. Montrer
que m divise n.
Indication: Fpn est un K-espace vectoriel.
Solution 4
(1) (a) proof. As P (X) divides Q(X) there exists an R(X) ∈ Z[X] with Q(X) =
P (X)R(X). But obviously this equality stays an equality if we replace
X by X d , i.e. we have Q(X d ) = P (X d )R(X d ). Hence P (X d ) divides
Q(X d ).
(b) We show by induction on m that
X m − 1 = (X − 1)(X m−1 + X m−2 + · · · + 1).
proof. If m = 1, the claim is trivial. So let m > 1. By Euclidian division
we obtain
X m − 1 = X m−1 (X − 1) + (X m−1 − 1).
The induction hypothesis claims (X m−1 − 1) = (X − 1)(X m−2 + · · · + 1).
Altogether we obtain
X m − 1 = (X − 1)X m−1 + (X − 1)(X m−2 + · · · + 1)
= (X − 1)(X m−1 + X m−2 + · · · + 1).
(c) proof. If m divides n, then there exists a d ∈ N with n = dm. We know
by (1).(b) that X − 1 divides X d − 1. It follows from (1).(a) that X m − 1
divides X dm − 1 = X n − 1.
(2) (a) proof. By (1).(c) there exists some R(X) ∈ Z[X] such that X n − 1 =
(X m − 1)R(X) in Z[X]. This equality still holds if we replace X by p,
i.e. pn − 1 = (pm − 1)R(p). Hence pm − 1 divides pn − 1.
(b) proof. Since pm − 1 divides pm − 1 by (2).(a), it follows from (1).(c) that
X p −1 − 1 divides X p −1 − 1.
(3) (a) proof. From the lecture we know that Fpn can be regarded as the set of
all roots of the polynomial X p − X = X(X p −1 − 1). Since by (2).(b)
X p −1 − 1 divides X p −1 − 1, it follows that X p − X divides X p − X.
Now since X p − X is a product of linear factors in Fpn [X], the same
must be true for X p − X. This means that Fpn contains all the roots
of the polynomial X p − X. Let K ⊂ Fpn the subset of all the roots of
X p − X. Then the cardinality of K is pm .
Obviously 0, 1 ∈ K. Now let a, b ∈ K. Then (a + b)p = ap + bp , since Fpn
has characteristic p. Hence by simple induction we obtain (a + b)p =
ap + bp = a + b. This shows that also a + b lies in K. Furthermore
from ap = a and bp = b it follows that (ab)p = ap bp = ab. Hence ab
lies in K as well.
Let a ∈ K. Then −a = [p − 1]p a. As [p − 1]p ∈ Fp ⊂ K, and since we
have already shown that K contains products of two elements in K, it
follows that also −a ∈ K. Consider again an arbitrary p and an a ∈ K
with a 6= 0. Then (a−1 )p = (ap )−1 = a−1 , which shows that K contains
the multiplicative inverse of all its nonzero elements. We conclude that
K is a field.
(b) proof. If Fpn contains a subfield K with pm elements, then of course
Fpn is a K-vector space. Let d be the dimension of Fpn over K. Then
there exists a basis {v1 , . . . , vd } of Fpn over K. This means that for every
element x ∈ Fpn there exists a unique vector (λ1 , . . . , λd ) ∈ K d such that
x = λ1 v1 + . . . λd vd . Also if (λ1 , . . . , λd ) ∈ K d is arbitrary then naturally
λ1 x1 + · · · + λd vd ∈ Fpn . In other words we have an isomorphism of
K-vector spaces Fpn ∼
= K d . Now K d has exactly (pm )d = pmd elements.
Since Fpn and K d are finite they must both have the same cardinality.
Hence pn = pmd which implies n = md, i.e. m divides n.