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Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Chapter 1 – An Introduction to Environmental Science
Chapter 2 – Environmental Ethics and Economics: Values and Choices
Chapter 3 – Environmental Policy: Decision Making and Problem Solving
What is Environmental Science?
Experimental Design (independent vs. dependent variables)
V.I. C. Economic Impacts (Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability)
 Pg. 634-644
I.V. G. Global Economics
 Globalization Pg. 633-635, 639-646
 World Bank Pg. 334, 388, 394
 Tragedy of the Commons Pg. 12, 659
 Relevant laws and treaties Pg. 674-676, S6-S10
V. B. 1. Energy Consumption
 History Industrial Revolution Pg. 72, 511
 Exponential growth Pg. 16-17, 116, 691
 Energy crisis Pg. 372-379
IV. D. 4. Land conservation options
 Preservation Pg. 233-236, S6
 Remediation Pg. 619-620
 Mitigation Pg. 265-267, 636-638
 Restoration Pg. 266-268
 Also conservation, reclamation
Unit 2: Basic Chemistry and Energy Concepts
Chapter 4 – From Chemistry to Energy to Life
Chapter 5 – Environmental Systems and Ecosystem Ecology (Pages 173-197)
V. A. Energy Concepts
 energy forms Pg. 44-47
 power; units Pg. 414-418, S2
 conservation Pg. 403-405
 Laws of Thermodynamics Pg. 41-42
II. B. Energy Flow (Photosynthesis and cellular respiration) Pg. 54-57, 62-63
II. E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles (Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water, conservation of
matter) Pg. 59-63
Unit 3: Ecology
Chapter 6 – Evolution, Biodiversity, and Population Ecology
Chapter 7 – Species Interactions and Community Ecology
Chapter 8 – Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
II. A. Ecosystem Structure
 biological populations and communities Pg. 58, 109-114
 ecological niches Pg. 91-94, 103
 interactions among species Pg. 103-104
 keystone species Pg. 76, 94-96, 100
 species diversity and edge effects Pg. 90-91
 major terrestrial and aquatic biomes Pg. 148-160, 169-182
II. B. Energy Flow (food webs and trophic levels; ecological pyramids) Pg. 59-61
II. C. Ecosystem Diversity
 biodiversity Pg. 79-81, 169, 170-177
 natural selection Pg. 83-85
 evolution Pg. 83-91
 ecosystem services Pg. 234-242
II. D. Natural Ecosystem Change
 climate shifts Pg. 86, 507-517, 536-537
 species movement Pg. 87-89, 191, 249-250, 268
 ecological succession Pg. 109-110
III. A. Population Biology Concepts
 population ecology Pg. 109-110
 carrying capacity; reproductive strategies Pg. 111-114
 survivorship Pg. 111-113, 126-132
VII. C. Loss of Biodiversity
 Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered and extinct species
Pg. 87-91, 190-194, 197-203, 231-232, 237-242, 249-250
 Maintenance through conservation Pg. 237, 239-243, 304-305
 Relevant laws and treaties Pg. 207-212, 235, 259-260, 298-299, 665-668, S8
Unit 4: Water
Chapter 9 – Freshwater Resources: Natural, Human Impact, and Conservation
Chapter 10 – Marine and Coastal Systems: Resources, Impacts, and Conservation
I. C. Global Water Resources and Use
 freshwater/saltwater Pg. 169, 316, 319-321, 326, 329-330, 332-333, 335-343
 ocean circulation Pg. 145-146
 agricultural, industrial, and domestic use Pg. 310-321
 surface and groundwater issues Pg. 178-182, 184, 319-321
 global problems Pg. 169, 316, 319-321, 326, 329-330, 332-333, 335-343, 542-564
 conservation Pg. 336-343
VI. A. 3. Water pollution
 types Pg. 544-570
 sources, causes, and effects Pg. 545-570
 cultural eutrophication Pg. 550-552
 groundwater pollution Pg. 554-557
 maintaining water quality; water purification Pg. 556-557
 sewage treatment/septic systems Pg. 565-566
 Clean Water Act and other relevant laws Pg. 557-558, 668
IV. F. Fishing
 fishing techniques Pg. 252-256
 overfishing Pg. 256-257, 263-265
 aquaculture Pg. 264-265
 relevant laws and treaties Pg. 264
V. E. Hydroelectric Power
 dams Pg. 420-421
 flood control Pg. 329-332, 344
 salmon Pg. 269-270
 silting Pg. 170, 420
 other impacts Pg. 181, 420-421
 NOTE: Dams as they relate to drinking water. Discuss pros and cons of dams in this unit – Will
revisit hydroelectric power in Unit 9.
Unit 5: The Atmosphere and Climate Change
Chapter 11 – Atmospheric Science and Air Pollution
Chapter 12 – Global Climate Change
I. B. the Atmosphere
 composition Pg. 53, 475-476
 structure Pg. 53, 475-476
 weather and climate Pg. 145-146, 475, 507-510, S19-S23
 atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect Pg. 145-148
 atmosphere–ocean interactions Pg. 145-148, S22
 ENSO Pg. S20-S21
I. A. Earth Science Concepts (seasons; solar intensity and latitude) Pg. 145
VI. A. 1. Air pollution
 sources—primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units Pg. 476-485
 smog Pg. 148, 481-484
 acid deposition—causes and effects Pg. 485-488
 heat islands and temperature inversions Pg. 483-484
 indoor air pollution Pg. 488-491
 remediation and reduction strategies Pg. 493-496
 Clean Air Act and other relevant laws Pg. 493-494, S8
VI. A. 2. Noise pollution (Sources; effects; control measures) Pg. 612-613
VII. A. Stratospheric Ozone
 formation of stratospheric ozone Pg. 53, 475-476
 ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of ozone depletion; strategies for reducing
ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties Pg. 527-529
VII. B. Global Warming
 Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect Pg. 53, 147, 507-508
 impacts and consequences of global warming Pg. 516-524
 reducing climate change Pg. 525-535
 relevant laws and treaties Pg. 532-535
Unit 6: Geology, Soil Science, and Fossil Fuels
Chapter 13 – Geology Topics (Pages 198-201)
Chapter 14 – Soil and Agriculture
Chapter 15 – Fossil Fuels, Their Impacts, and Energy Conservation
I.A. Earth Science Concepts
 geologic time scale Pg. 8, 83, 86
 plate tectonics Pg. 86, 351-353
 earthquakes Pg. 86, 364-369
 volcanism Pg. 86, 364, S55
I. D. Soil and Soil Dynamics
 rock cycle Pg. 357-360
 formation; composition Pg. 290, 351-352
 physical and chemical properties; main soil types Pg. 290
 erosion and other soil problems Pg. 288-290, 304-305
 soil conservation Pg. 304-310
IV. A. Agriculture
 1. irrigation Pg. 281
 sustainable agriculture Pg. 269-309
IV. C. Rangelands
 overgrazing Pg.231-232
 desertification Pg. 289-291
 rangeland management Pg. 231-232
 federal rangelands Pg. 233-236
IV. E. Mining
 mineral formation Pg. 353-356
 extraction Pg. 357-361
 global reserves Pg. 361-364
 relevant laws and treaties Pg. 364-369
V. B. Energy Consumption
 2. Present global energy use Pg. 376-379, S2
 3. Future energy needs Pg. Pg. 432-436
V. C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use
 formation of coal, oil, and natural gas Pg. 385-388
 extraction/purification methods Pg. 361, 376-377
 world reserves and global demand Pg. 372-374, 376-377, S56-S57
 environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources Pg. 376-381
Unit 7: Human Population Growth, Agriculture, and Land Use
Chapter 16 – Human Population
Chapter 17 – Agriculture, Biotechnology, and the Future of Food
Chapter 18 – Resource Management, Forestry, Land Use, and Protected Areas
III. B. Human Population
 1. Human population dynamics
 Historical population sizes Pg. 111-113, 120, 123-130
 distribution Pg. 111-113, S6
 fertility rates Pg. 124-130 S45
 growth rates and doubling times Pg. 124-130 S44
 demographic transition Pg. 131-132, 134-135
 age-structure diagrams Pg. 111-113, 132
 2. Population size
 Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies Pg. 131-137
3. Impacts of population growth
 Hunger Pg. 137, 279-280, 287-299
 disease Pg. 137, 443-444
 economic effects; resource use Pg. 124, 137
 habitat destruction Pg. 137, 249-250
IV. A. Agriculture
 1. Feeding a growing population
 Human nutritional requirements Pg. 279
 types of agriculture Pg. 283-283
 Green Revolution Pg. 284-285
 genetic engineering and crop production Pg. 285
 deforestation Pg. 223-226
 2. Controlling pests
 Types of pesticides Pg. 296-300
 costs and benefits of pesticide use Pg. 296-297
 integrated pest management Pg. 300-301
 relevant laws Pg. 298-299, S7
IV. B. Forestry
 Tree plantations Pg. 219-220
 old growth forests Pg. 219
 forest fires Pg. 222-223
 forest management Pg. 226-231
 national forests Pg. 233-236
IV. C. Rangelands
 Deforestation Pg. 231-232
IV. D. Other land use
 3. Public and federal lands
 Management Pg. 662-663, S8
 wilderness areas Pg. 236-237, S8
 national parks Pg. 233-236
 wildlife refuges Pg. 210-211
 forests Pg. 30, 220, 224
 wetlands Pg. 181-182, 265-267
IV. D. 5. Sustainable land-use strategies Pg. 226-240, 242-243
Unit 8: Toxicology and Waste Management
Chapter 19 – Environmental Health and Toxicology
Chapter 20 – Waste Management
VI Pollution Types
A. 4. Solid waste
 Types Pg. 576-579
 disposal Pg. 580-596
 reduction Pg. 590-600
B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
 1. Hazards to human health
 Environmental risk analysis Pg. 442-453
 acute and chronic effects Pg. 443-457
 dose-response relationships Pg. 458-459
 air pollutants Pg. 479-488
 smoking and other risks Pg. 466-467
 2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment
 Types of hazardous waste Pg. 453-458
treatment/disposal of hazardous waste Pg. 590-596
cleanup of contaminated sites Pg. 596
biomagnification Pg. 458-459
relevant laws Pg. 595-596
Unit 9: Energy Alternatives
Chapter 21 – Conventional Energy Alternatives
Chapter 22 – New Renewable Energy Alternatives
V. D. Nuclear Energy
 Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental
advantages/disadvantages Pg. 389-396
 safety issues; radiation and human health Pg. 395-396
 radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion Pg. 396
V. E. Hydroelectric Power
 Dams Pg. 420-421
 flood control Pg. 329-332, 344
 salmon Pg. 269-270
 silting Pg.170, 420
 other impacts Pg. 181, 420-421
V. F. Energy Conservation
 Energy efficiency Pg. 400-436
 CAFE standards Pg. 405-406
 hybrid electric vehicles Pg. 406-407
 mass transit Pg. 435, 615-619
V. G. Renewable Energy
 Solar energy Pg. 414-419, 632
 solar electricity Pg. 417-419, S60-S61
 hydrogen fuel cells Pg. 430-432
 biomass Pg. 424-426
 wind energy Pg. 421-423, 436, S62
 small-scale hydroelectric Pg. 420
 ocean waves and tidal energy Pg. 420-421
 geothermal Pg. 427-430
 environmental advantages/disadvantages Pg. 413-431
V. C. Synfuels Pg. 388
Unit 10: Sustainable Solutions
Chapter 23 – Urbanization and Creating Livable Cities
Chapter 24 – Sustainable Solutions
IV. D. Other Land Use
 1. Urban land development
 Planned development Pg. 605-621
 suburban sprawl Pg. 605-611
 urbanization 605-615, 622-626
 2. Transportation infrastructure
 Federal highway system Pg. 615-619
 canals and channels Pg. 332-334
 roadless areas Pg. 221
 ecosystem impacts Pg. 221, 615-620
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