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Earth and Space Science OGT Review
1. How have all elements (except hydrogen and helium) been formed?
A. The core of the Earth continues to cool, producing elements with larger atomic numbers than one and two.
B. Nuclear fusion in the cores of stars produces elements by combining the nuclei of smaller atoms.
C. Fission, which can be used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants, is responsible for the production of
larger elements than hydrogen and helium.
D. Greenhouse gases react to form elements like carbon and nitrogen since they absorb infrared radiation given off
by the Earth.
E. None of the above
2. How do stars like our Sun get their energy?
A. Decomposition of hydrogen and helium
D. Double replacement reactions that are
B. Fission
exothermic (release a lot of energy)
C. Fusion
3. What is the Big Bang?
A. The beginning of the universe, where all matter and energy was created in an instant.
B. The reason why the universe is expanding, causing redshift when you look at the spectra of most galaxies.
C. The reason why there is cosmic microwave background radiation detected in the universe.
D. All of the above
E. Options A and B only
F. Options A and C only
G. Options B and C only
4. How is the movement of the Earth around the Sun determined?
A. The Earth moves around the Sun in an ellipse (flattened circle).
B. The Earth has forward motion. It is moving fast enough to overcome the gravitational pull of the Sun.
C. The Sun has gravity. This causes the Earth to orbit the Sun, instead of floating out into space.
D. The Earth’s gravity keeps the Sun close to it because the Earth has more gravitational pull than the Sun.
E. None of the above
F. Options A and B only
G. Options A, B, and C only
H. Options B, C, and D only
5. How do the oceans affect the land and atmosphere?
A. Oceans have currents, due to unequal distribution of heat, that cause warm and cold waters to circulate through
the ocean. This causes areas surrounding the oceans to be either warmer or cooled by the waters.
B. The salt in the ocean can cause temperatures to rise or fall at unpredicted rates.
C. The atmosphere is affected by the ocean because of the weather patterns the ocean can cause, such as
precipitation forming from warm waters.
D. Water near land always means that rich soil is on the shore.
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
G. Options A and B only
H. Options A and C only
6. What is the theory of plate tectonics?
A. It is a theory stating that the Earth’s lithosphere floats on top of a liquid asthenosphere in pieces.
B. It is a theory stating that the crust of the Earth is constantly still.
C. It is a theory stating that pieces of the Earth’s crust frequently shift, causing events such as hurricanes and
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
F. Options A and C only
G. Options B and C only
7. What is the proposed driving force for plate tectonics?
A. Conduction, the transfer of energy through an object (like a metal spoon being heated by hot soup), causes the
outer core of the Earth to heat the lithosphere, causing it to move.
B. Radiation, the transfer of energy through space in the form of waves, heats the mantle.
C. Convection currents within the mantle cause the plates on top of the mantle to move slowly. This occurs as the
hottest parts of the mantle rise and then cool, sinking downward.
D. Each plate has a magnetic field which aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field slowly. As the plates align, they
collide, causing events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and geysers.
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
G. Options B and D
H. Options A and C
I. Options A and B
8. What theory explains why we have earthquakes, volcanoes, and mid-ocean ridges?
A. The Theory of Endosymbiosis
D. The Heliocentric Theory
B. The Theory of Evolution
E. The Geocentric Theory
C. The Theory of Plate Tectonics
F. The Atomic Theory
9. Draw a picture representing the formation of a volcano.
10. List three pieces of evidence for sea-floor spreading and continental drift. (There are more than 3)
Magnetic reversals
Radiometric dating
Distribution of fossils
Hot spots
Earthquake patterns
11. What is radiometric dating?
A. Using radio waves to determine the age of a material, such as a fossil or a rock
B. Using electrolytes, in conjunction with half-lives, to determine the age of a material
C. Dating an artifact by subjecting it to radiation such as gamma rays or alpha particles
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
F. Options A and C
G. Options B and C
Give two examples of new ideas that have changed over many years due to contributions from many scientists.
Answers will vary. (Geocentric theory and heliocentric theory. Atomic theory. Theory of plate tectonics.
Spontaneous generation and biogenesis.)
Why do tornadoes occur frequently in the middle of the continental United States?
Warm, moist air from the south collides with cold, dry air from the north. This is a perfect recipe for tornadoes.
Which of the following best describes lake effect snow?
A. Warm, moist air collides with cold, dry air, producing precipitation and a cyclone.
B. Snow produced from the collision of warm, dry air and cold, wet air above a lake.
C. The low salinity from a lake causes an increase in evaporation, which creates more clouds, and more
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
F. Options B and C
G. Options A and C
H. Options A and B
Which of the following best describes the greenhouse effect?
A. Certain gases absorb radiation originally given off by the Sun, causing it to remain trapped in the Earth’s
B. When radiation enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it all becomes trapped, increasing global warming.
C. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are produced due to the increasing
temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
D. Greenhouse gases cause radiation from the Sun to reflect off of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Draw a picture representing the greenhouse effect.
17. Scientists believe that forces in Earth’s mantle move Earth’s crustal plates. What do the
arrows in the diagram represent?
A. ocean currents
C. convection currents
B. gravity
D. wind patterns
18. The early development of the theory of plate tectonics was supported by which of these observations?
A. matching fossils on the continents of Africa and South America
B. glacier deposits far from existing continental glaciers
C. thick sediment layers at the mouths of rivers
D. sudden volcanic activity of long-dormant volcanoes
19. What type of energy from the oceans is responsible for weather patterns?
A. electrical
C. mechanical
B. magnetic
D. thermal
The Hawaiian Islands are riding on the Pacific Plate as it moves northwestward.
They are being formed as the plate moves over a hot spot in the mantle.
Where is the next volcano likely to form?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
21. When examining the red shift of galaxies outside our own, every galaxy appears to be moving away from
the observer. This observation supports the Big Bang Theory because it indicates that
A. our galaxy is not moving.
B. the universe is expanding.
C. most galaxies have the same mass.
D. Earth is at the center of the universe.
22. Our solar system is thought to have formed from a nebula of dust and gas. Most of this nebula condensed to
form the sun.
What is primarily responsible for causing these materials to condense?
A. electrical attraction between charged dust particles
B. gravitational pull of nebula materials on each other
C. heat released by nuclear fusion at the center of the nebula
D. chemical reactions between hydrogen and other nebula gases
23. The following diagram shows a cross-section of the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Which area is likely the oldest crust?
A. 1
C. 3
B. 2
D. 4
24. Which property of a star can be determined most directly from its color?
A. mass
C. precise age
B. diameter
D. surface temperature
25. Identify two savings that result from recycling aluminum cans and explain one ecological benefit of each.
Answers will vary
Two savings that result from recycling aluminum cans are the reduced need to mine aluminum and the reduced
amount of waste from aluminum cans. By reducing the need to mine aluminum, companies do not have to dig
into the earth to find more aluminum for more aluminum cans. By reducing the amount of waste, landfills will
not be as cluttered.
26. In Aristotle’s treatise On Meteorology, he stated that:
“The same parts of the Earth are not always moist or dry, but they change accordingly as rivers come into
existence and dry up. And so the relation of land to sea changes too and a place does not always remain land
or sea throughout all time, but where there was dry land there comes to be sea, and where there is now sea,
there one day comes to be dry land. …”
Aristotle was referring to the
A. depletion of natural resources.
C. relationship between latitude and climate.
B. cyclic nature of Earth processes.
D. effects of humans on biogeochemical cycles.
27. What evidence has been used to support the theory of plate tectonics?
A. The Grand Canyon runs in the same direction as the mid-Atlantic ridge.
B. There are deserts in the western parts of North and South America.
C. The same fossil species are found in South America and Africa.
D. Glacial till covers parts of North America and Asia.
28. Astronomers have formulated many models of the solar system over time. Ptolemy’s early geocentric model
gave way to Copernicus’ heliocentric model on which the modern solar system model is based. Which
statement best describes why models of the early Ptolemy solar system were replaced by the Copernican
A. Computers are better able to develop scientific models than humans are.
B. A more precise age has been established for the formation of the solar system.
C. More direct observations have enabled scientists to change solar system models.
D. Scientists established that a different set of laws govern the motion of our solar system than govern the
motion of other solar systems.
29. Methane (CH4) from Ohio’s Rose Valley coal mine has successfully been used to power fuel cells. Since
the fuel used in these cells is not burned, using methane from the mine will help to
A. increase the concentration of atmospheric ozone.
B. reduce public demand for alternative fuel sources.
C. increase public awareness of global warming issues.
D. reduce pollutants commonly associated with fossil fuel combustion.
30. The cross-section below shows the orientation of rock layers in a given area.
What geologic event most likely caused the folding and faulting of these layers?
A. tectonic activity
C. magnetic reversal
B. glacial advance
D. seafloor spreading
31. The cross-section below shows a series of rock layers that have been found in all of these landmasses: South
America, Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica.
Alfred Wegener’s analysis of the similarities in these layers led to the conclusion that
A. continental plates float on top of a molten mantle.
B. in undisturbed rock sequences, the oldest fossils will be on the bottom.
C. these five landmasses were once joined together in a single landmass.
D. magnetic anomalies are preserved in rocks formed at mid-oceanic spreading centers.
32. James Hutton (1726 – 1797) is often referred to as the father of modern geology. His detailed observations
and theories about Earth processes opposed the accepted theories of his time. One of his contributions was
the development of what he called “the great geological cycle.” Hutton theorized that most rocks were
igneous in origin. The igneous rocks could then change into sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. The chart
below shows locations of several rock types and the minerals they contain.
What evidence from the chart could be used to support Hutton’s theory that most rocks are igneous in
A. Igneous rocks are only found in Germany.
B. Sedimentary rocks are found in both North America and England.
C. The rocks found in the table are made up of many of the same minerals.
D. The rocks found in the table are different types of rocks from different locations.
33. Most geologists accept radiometric dating techniques as valid because
A. radioactive elements decay at a constant and measurable rate.
B. all radioactive elements used for dating purposes have the same decay rate.
C. elements used for radiometric dating have both radioactive and non-radioactive isotopes.
D. non-radioactive isotopes decay at the same rate as radioactive isotopes.
34. Geologists installed tiltmeters in a tectonically active area. Tiltmeters can detect very small changes in the
slope (tilt) of Earth’s surface. These changes result from the upward movement of magma beneath Earth’s
What event could be predicted by monitoring these changes?
A. a potential volcanic eruption
B. reversal of Earth’s magnetic field
C. a change in the composition of Earth’s crust
D. decreased thermal energy transfer within Earth
35. According to some theories, Earth’s sun is approximately 5 billion years old. After about 10 billion years,
this type of star runs out of fuel. The hydrogen in the core becomes depleted and cannot be fused to form
helium. The graphs below illustrate the chemical changes that occur inside a star at specific times.
Using the information provided, what is the hydrogen/helium content inside a star that is the approximate
age of our sun?
A. The hydrogen content decreases as it reaches the outer edge of the star.
B. The helium content is higher at the outer portion of the star than it is in the core of the star.
C. The hydrogen content is higher at the center of the star and then decreases towards the outer edge of the
D. The helium content is greatest at the center of the star and then decreases towards the outer edge of the
36. In the 1600s, Danish scientist Nicholas Steno studied the relative positions of sedimentary rocks. He
determined that sedimentary rocks typically form layer on top of layer so, if undisturbed, the bottom layer of
sedimentary rock is the oldest. Today, this idea is known as the Law of Superposition. This law is one way
to estimate the relative ages of sedimentary rocks. The diagram below is a geologic cross-section from Ohio.
How could the Law of Superposition be applied correctly to this cross-section?
A. The youngest sedimentary layer was deposited by glaciers.
B. The layers in this cross-section are all igneous, so it will not work.
C. The sedimentary layer in this cross-section is close to 5,200 years old.
D. The youngest sedimentary layer can be found at the very bottom of the cross-section.
37. Many scientists hypothesize that a cloud of interstellar dust, gas and ice collapsed to form a nebula from
which our Sun and planets formed. What factor is responsible for causing most of this interstellar material to
condense, forming our Sun?
A. magnetic attraction
C. dissipation of gases
B. ultraviolet radiation
D. gravitational attraction
38. In some areas, magma chambers exist close to Earth’s surface. Water seeping into the ground becomes
heated by the rock overlying these magma chambers.
What is most likely to occur when the heated water under pressure rises back toward the surface through
fractured rock?
A. plate subduction
C. volcanic eruption
B. geyser formation
D. earthquake activity
39. Scientists have hypothesized for years that Earth’s continents once formed a single landmass that broke
apart and became the continents as we know them today. The model below shows the landmasses
(Gondwanaland) as they started to break apart to form South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and
What evidence best supports the model proposed above?
A. Igneous rocks have been found on all the continents.
B. Similar fossils have been found in parts of Africa and South America.
C. Australia has marsupial species that are not found on other continents.
D. Indications of sea level changes have been recorded on all the continents.
Use the tables to answer question 40.
40. Which isotope from Table A is the only one with applications for dating Holocene materials?
A. carbon 14
B. rubidium 87
C. uranium 238
D. potassium 40
41. An oceanographer is traveling from the west toward the east on the Atlantic Ocean. She collects rock
samples from the seafloor every 5 kilometers. The oceanographer stops when she determines that the rock
samples are getting progressively younger as she moves toward the east.
What conclusion is best supported by this data?
A. She is traveling toward a mid-ocean ridge.
B. She is traveling toward a deep-ocean trench.
C. She is traveling away from an underwater volcano.
D. She is traveling away from a hot spot in the crust.
42. An astronomer investigating a star determines that the light wavelengths she observes are longer than those
expected to be emitted by the star.
What can be concluded about the motion of the star relative to Earth’s position?
A. The star is moving closer to Earth.
D. The star is accelerating at the same speed as
B. The star is moving away from Earth.
C. The star is accelerating faster than Earth.
Use the diagram below to answer question 43.
43. In which area of the diagram above is a geyser most likely to form?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
44. An earth science teacher places four pieces of carpet padding, representing sedimentary layers, between two
large book ends, as shown in Figure 1. She then pushes the book ends toward each other, as shown in Figure
What geologic process has the teacher demonstrated?
A. folding
C. convection
B. faulting
D. divergence
45. The White Cliffs of Dover are made of a white sedimentary stone called chalk, which was formed when
shells and skeletons of small marine organisms were deposited in a thick layer.
An examination of the Cliffs of Dover from top to bottom would show a change from
A. younger fossils to older fossils.
B. simple fossils to complex fossils.
C. igneous rock to sedimentary rock.
D. marine organisms to land organisms.