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Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Test Review
Test on: _______________
1. What is a product?
__A product is what is produced in a chemical reaction. __________________
2. What is a reactant?
__A reactant is something that goes into a chemical reaction_____________
3. What is an autotroph?
__An autotroph is an organism that makes its own food.______ ___
4. What is a heterotroph?
__A heterotroph must get its food from another organism (it is a consumer).__ __
1. What is the main organelle used in photosynthesis?_Chloroplast______
2. What is the ultimate SOURCE of energy in photosynthesis?_SUN________
3. What are the reactants in photosynthesis? Write the common name and the
chemical formula.
___CO2 (carbon dioxide), H20 (water), presence of sunlight___________
4. What are the products of photosynthesis? Write the common name and the
chemical formula.
___C6H12O6 (glucose/sugar), O2 (oxygen)______ _________
5. Why are the products important? (i.e. – what do they do for the rest of the
ecosystem and us)
____They provide energy to the rest of the consumers in the ecosystem in the
form of sugar and also help provide oxygen to the atmosphere._______ ____
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Test Review
Test on: _______________
6. If there was an aquatic plant hanging out in the sunlight and bubbles appeared
on the leaves, how could you explain to someone why the bubbles are there
(think products)?
___Plants make oxygen in photosynthesis so the bubbles would be filled with
oxygen on the leaves of an aquatic plant_____
7. What are some factors that could slow or affect photosynthesis?
__Amount of water, temperatue, light intensity, and concentration of carbon
8. Which color of the spectrum is reflected to give color to plants and which
colors are absorbed for light energy?
____Green is reflected which is why the plant looks green and the colors that are
absorbed for energy are red, orange, yellow, blue and violet._________ ___
8. Write the full equation for photosynthesis.
__ 6C02 + 6H20 + sunlight  C6H12O6 + 6O2 _________
Cellular Respiration
1. What is the main organelle used in cellular respiration?_Mitochondria_______
2. What are the reactants in cellular respiration? Write the common name and
the chemical formula.
________ C6H12O6 (glucose/sugar), O2 (oxygen)_______________________
3. What are the products in cellular respiration? Write the common name and
the chemical formula.
____ CO2 (carbon dioxide), H20 (water), ATP (energy)_______________________
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Test Review
Test on: _______________
4. What is the ultimate goal of cellular respiration?
__To convert chemical energy in glucose into ATP__________
5. If the mitochondria are harmed will animals be able to carry out full aerobic
__No, animal cells need the mitochondria to finish the Krebs Cycle and the
Electron Transport Chain portion of cellular respiration. _____________
6. Does a decrease in temperature increase or decrease the rate (how fast it
occurs) of cellular respiration?
____A decrease in temperature would also decrease the rate of cellular
6. Write the full equation for cellular respiration.
____ C6H12O6 + 6O2  6C02 + 6H20 + ATP ENERGY________________________
Aerobic Respiration vs. Anaerobic Respiration
1. Does aerobic respiration include oxygen?__YES_________________________
2. Does anaerobic respiration include oxygen?____NO____________________
3. Does aerobic or anaerobic respiration produce more ATP?___Aerobic_______
4. After glycolysis, what is the process called that occurs in anaerobic respiration?
5. What are two organisms that could produce alcohol as a bi-product in
__Bacteria and yeast______________________________________
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Test Review
Test on: _______________
Compare and Contrast Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. Are photosynthesis and cellular respiration cyclical? How so?
____YES. The products of photosynthesis end up becoming the reactants for
cellular respiration. The products from cellular respiration end up becoming the
reactants for photosynthesis.__________________________________
2. In both photosynthesis and cellular respiration, where is energy actually stored
to be broken apart and used?
__IN THE CHEMICAL BONDS!!!_______________________________