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Foods for Health: Building
Healthy Kids and Families
Developing Bodies and Minds
Habits formed in childhood often become the foundation for those in adulthood. Because of this, it is important
that children develop healthful habits when it comes to eating and physical activity. Children are not born
knowing what to eat or that active play on most days of the week is a better choice than playing video games.
Parents, caregivers, and teachers can be great role models by showing children the best ways to develop their
muscles, bones and minds by incorporating physical activity and healthful eating into their daily lives. Use this
resource to help your children (and you!) develop lifelong habits to stay healthy today and beyond.
Building Brainpower
The Benefits of Breakfast
Did you know that breakfast is one of the best ways to
fuel kids’ brains for school? Several studies suggest that
eating breakfast may help children do better in school by
improving memory, alertness, concentration, problemsolving ability, test scores and school attendance. Adult
breakfast skippers, take note—eating breakfast may help
boost your brainpower too. Research suggests that
eating breakfast can help you manage your weight and
provide energy to keep you going from morning to night.
One type of unsaturated fat is omega-3, which is critical
for brain development early in life. Infants get this fat
from their mother’s breast milk. Recently omega-3s
Breakfast is a great opportunity to get the nutrients your
have been added to certain infant formulas and some
family needs. Whole-grain cereals, fat-free and low-fat
baby and toddler foods. They may be added as the
milk, soymilk, yogurt, fruit, berries and 100 percent fruit
omega-3 fat, DHA or as oils such as canola oil. Certain
juice provide fiber, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C and
fish are also high in omega-3 fats, and when prepared
many other nutrients you need to get the day started off
healthfully it is a great food for parents and kids alike.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends
Facts on Fat
that pregnant women and children avoid eating fish that
have high mercury levels such as tilefish, king
Dietary fat is a needed nutrient for an overall healthful
lifestyle. Certain types of unsaturated fats are particularly
important for children’s proper growth and development.
mackerel, shark and swordfish. Common seafood that
is low in mercury and high in omega-3s include shrimp,
canned light tuna, salmon, pollock and catfish.
These types of fat help maintain healthy skin and support
other systems in the body. They can be found in foods
Omega-3 fats have also been added to foods including
like avocados, almonds and vegetable oils.
eggs, margarine, juice, milk and breads.
For more information visit us at
Building Healthy Bodies
infants can consume iron from foods
such as iron-fortified cereals, infant
Bone Up on Bone Health
Healthy bones help set the foundation for
a healthful and active life. You can
establish good bone health early in life
with foods rich in calcium like dairy (milk,
yogurt, cheese), tofu, soymilk, salmon,
spinach and fortified orange juice. Vitamin
D and calcium work together in our body
formulas and infant meats. Once a child
is ready to eat more advanced family
foods, iron can be provided through
foods such as beans, eggs, iron-fortified
cereals, lean red meat, fish and whole
grains. Eating foods high in vitamin C,
like fruits and vegetables, can help the
body absorb iron more efficiently.
to support and maintain bone health.
Stay in Motion
Vitamin D is found in foods like egg yolks,
Everyone in the family should make an
fatty fish (salmon, tuna, herring),
effort to move their body daily. Physical
mushrooms, milk and certain fortified
activity is one of the best things you can
cereals. Did you know that the best
do for your health, and it also can be
source of vitamin D is the sun? You can
very enjoyable! Recent guidelines state
get enough vitamin D by spending 5-30
that children should get at least one
minutes in the sun twice a week without
hour or more of physical activity every
sunscreen. Physical activity is also a key
day. Choose fun activities that the
component that can help you and your
whole family can enjoy. Take daily
family build strong bones.
walks or bike rides. Remember, children
Insights on Iron
model after the people they look up to!
Iron is needed to carry oxygen to all cells
Variety is the Spice of Life
in the body. When you don’t have enough
It may take multiple introductions of a
iron, some of your muscles and organs
new food to get a child to like the taste.
may not get enough oxygen, and this may
Teaching kids to enjoy many different
leave you feeling tired and weary. In the
foods – especially fruits, vegetables,
early stages of life, it is especially
and dairy – is an important part of a
important that an infant gets enough iron
good diet. One of the best ways to
to support brain development. The best
encourage a picky eater to broaden
sources of iron for nursing infants include
their taste buds is to involve them in
breast milk and iron-fortified infant
preparing family meals.
formulas. After four to six months of age,
The International Food Information Council Foundation
Learn more about building healthy kids
and families by watching our ―Foods for
Health: Building Healthy Kids and
Families‖ video with Nutrition expert and
author, David Grotto, RD.
For fun games, recipes and information
visit the ―Healthy Kids and Families‖
section at:
International Food Information Council Foundation • 1100 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 430 • Washington, DC 20036
Tips To Keep You Moving
Are you yawning and dozing
through your day at work or
school? Here are some tips to
keep you going strong all day
Start with Breakfast.
Breakfast fills you up and gets
you going. Low-fat yogurt with
berries, whole-wheat toast with
peanut butter and whole-grain
waffles are quick and easy
Snack smart. Snacks are a
great way to refuel. Choose
snacks from different food
groups: pita bread with
hummus, a glass of low-fat
milk or soymilk or an apple or
celery sticks with peanut
butter. Be adventurous—any
fruit or veggie makes a good
Go with the grains, fruits and
veggies. These foods give you
energy along with lots of
nutrition for your body and
brain. Whole wheat bread or
bagels go great with raw fruits
and veggies like peppers,
zucchini or tomatoes, or start
your day off with a whole-grain
cereal topped with a banana.
Don’t go without eating. Your
body needs a steady supply of
fuel to keep up with the
demands of the day. Eat
regular meals and snacks. If
you’re too busy to stop, then
snack smart! Grab a banana, a
mixed fruit and nuts granola
bar or low-fat yogurt.