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Chapter 11 Lecture
a strategic approach
randall d. knight
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Chapter 11 Work
Chapter Goal: To develop a more complete understanding
of energy and its conservation.
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Slide 11-2
Chapter 11 Preview
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Slide 11-3
Chapter 11 Preview
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Slide 11-3
Chapter 11 Preview
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Chapter 11 Preview
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Chapter 11 Preview
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Chapter 11 Preview
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Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
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Reading Question 11.1
The statement K = W is called the
A. Law of conservation of energy.
B. Work-kinetic energy theorem.
C. Kinetic energy equation.
D. Weight-kinetic energy theorem.
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Slide 11-10
Reading Question 11.1
The statement K = W is called the
A. Law of conservation of energy.
B. Work-kinetic energy theorem.
C. Kinetic energy equation.
D. Weight-kinetic energy theorem.
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Slide 11-11
Reading Question 11.2
The transfer of energy to a system by
the application of a force is called
A. Dot product.
B. Power.
C. Work.
D. Watt.
E. Energy transformations.
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Slide 11-12
Reading Question 11.2
The transfer of energy to a system by
the application of a force is called
A. Dot product.
B. Power.
C. Work.
D. Watt.
E. Energy transformations.
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Slide 11-13
Reading Question 11.3
A vector has magnitude C. Then the dot
product of the vector with itself,
A. 0.
B. C/2.
C. C.
D. 2C.
E. C2.
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Reading Question 11.3
A vector has magnitude C. Then the dot
product of the vector with itself,
A. 0.
B. C/2.
C. C.
D. 2C.
E. C2.
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Slide 11-15
Reading Question 11.4
The work done by a dissipative force
like friction, Wdiss, is
A. Always zero.
B. Always positive.
C. Always negative.
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Reading Question 11.4
The work done by a dissipative force
like friction, Wdiss, is
A. Always zero.
B. Always positive.
C. Always negative.
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Reading Question 11.5
Light bulbs are typically rated in terms of
their watts. The watt W is a measure of
A. The change in the bulb’s potential energy.
B. The energy consumed.
C. The force exerted on the bulb holder.
D. The power dissipated.
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Reading Question 11.5
Light bulbs are typically rated in terms of
their watts. The watt W is a measure of
A. The change in the bulb’s potential energy.
B. The energy consumed.
C. The force exerted on the bulb holder.
D. The power dissipated.
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Chapter 11 Content, Examples, and
QuickCheck Questions
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The Basic Energy Model
W > 0: The environment does work on the system and
the system’s energy increases.
W < 0: The system does work on the environment and
the system’s energy decreases.
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The Basic Energy Model
 The energy of a system is a sum of its kinetic energy
K, its potential energy U, and its thermal energy Eth.
 The change in system energy is:
1. Energy can be transferred to or from a system by
doing work W on the system. This process changes
the energy of the system: Esys = W.
2. Energy can be transformed within the system among
K, U, and Eth. These processes don’t change the
energy of the system: Esys = 0.
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QuickCheck 11.1
A skier is gliding down a slope at a constant speed.
What energy transformation is taking place?
K  Ug
Ug  K
Eth  K
Ug  Eth
K  Eth
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QuickCheck 11.1
A skier is gliding down a slope at a constant speed.
What energy transformation is taking place?
K  Ug
Ug  K
Eth  K
Ug  Eth
K  Eth
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Work and Kinetic Energy
 The word “work” has a
very specific meaning in
 Work is energy transferred
to or from a body or
system by the application
of force.
 This pitcher is increasing
the ball’s kinetic energy by
doing work on it.
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Work and Kinetic Energy
 Consider a force acting on
a particle which moves
along the s-axis.
 The force component Fs
causes the particle to
speed up or slow down,
transferring energy to or
from the particle.
 The force does work on the particle:
 The units of work are N m, where 1 N m = 1 kg m2/s2 = 1 J.
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The Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
 The net force is the vector sum of all the forces
acting on a particle
 The net work is the sum Wnet = Wi, where Wi is the
work done by each force .
 The net work done on a particle causes the particle’s
kinetic energy to change.
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An Analogy with the Impulse-Momentum Theorem
 The impulse-momentum
theorem is:
 The work-kinetic energy
theorem is:
 Impulse and work are both
the area under a force graph,
but it’s very important to know
what the horizontal axis is!
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QuickCheck 11.2
A tow rope pulls a skier up the slope at constant speed.
What energy transfer (or transfers) is taking place?
W  Ug
W  Eth
Both A and B.
Both A and C.
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QuickCheck 11.2
A tow rope pulls a skier up the slope at constant speed.
What energy transfer (or transfers) is taking place?
W  Ug
W  Eth
Both A and B.
Both A and C.
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Work Done by a Constant Force
 A force acts with a constant
strength and in a constant
direction as a particle moves
along a straight line through a
displacement .
 The work done by this force is:
 Here  is the angle
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makes relative to
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Example 11.1 Pulling a Suitcase
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Example 11.1 Pulling a Suitcase
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QuickCheck 11.3
A crane lowers a girder into place at constant speed.
Consider the work Wg done by gravity and the work
WT done by the tension in the cable. Which is true?
Wg > 0 and WT > 0
Wg > 0 and WT < 0
Wg < 0 and WT > 0
Wg < 0 and WT < 0
Wg = 0 and WT = 0
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QuickCheck 11.3
A crane lowers a girder into place at constant speed.
Consider the work Wg done by gravity and the work
WT done by the tension in the cable. Which is true?
Wg > 0 and WT > 0
Wg > 0 and WT < 0
Wg < 0 and WT > 0
Wg < 0 and WT < 0
Wg = 0 and WT = 0
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The downward force of gravity is in the
direction of motion  positive work.
The upward tension is in the direction
opposite the motion  negative work.
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Tactics: Calculating the Work Done by a
Constant Force
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Tactics: Calculating the Work Done by a
Constant Force
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Tactics: Calculating the Work Done by a
Constant Force
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QuickCheck 11.4
Robert pushes the box to the
left at constant speed. In doing
so, Robert does ______ work
on the box.
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QuickCheck 11.4
Robert pushes the box to the
left at constant speed. In doing
so, Robert does ______ work
on the box.
Force is in the direction of displacement  positive work
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QuickCheck 11.5
A constant force pushes a particle through a
. In which of these three cases does
the force do negative work?
Both A and B.
Both A and C.
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QuickCheck 11.5
A constant force pushes a particle through a
. In which of these three cases does
the force do negative work?
Both A and B.
Both A and C.
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Slide 11-42
Example 11.2 Work During a Rocket Launch
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Example 11.2 Work During a Rocket Launch
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Example 11.2 Work During a Rocket Launch
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Example 11.2 Work During a Rocket Launch
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QuickCheck 11.6
Which force below does the most work? All three
displacements are the same.
The 10 N force.
The 8 N force
The 6 N force.
They all do the same work.
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sin60 = 0.87
cos60 = 0.50
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QuickCheck 11.6
Which force below does the most work? All three
displacements are the same.
The 10 N force.
The 8 N force
The 6 N force.
They all do the same work.
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sin60 = 0.87
cos60 = 0.50
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QuickCheck 11.7
A light plastic cart and a heavy
steel cart are both pushed with
the same force for a distance
of 1.0 m, starting from rest.
After the force is removed, the
kinetic energy of the light
plastic cart is ________ that of
the heavy steel cart.
greater than
equal to
less than
Can’t say. It depends on how big the force is.
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QuickCheck 11.7
A light plastic cart and a heavy
steel cart are both pushed with
the same force for a distance
of 1.0 m, starting from rest.
After the force is removed, the
kinetic energy of the light
plastic cart is ________ that of
the heavy steel cart.
greater than
Same force, same distance  same work done
equal to
Same work  change of kinetic energy
less than
Can’t say. It depends on how big the force is.
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Slide 11-50
Force Perpendicular to the Direction of Motion
 The figure shows a particle
moving in uniform circular
 At every point in the motion,
Fs, the component of the
force parallel to the
instantaneous displacement,
is zero.
 The particle’s speed, and hence its kinetic energy,
doesn’t change, so W = K = 0.
 A force everywhere perpendicular to the motion
does no work.
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QuickCheck 11.8
A car on a level road turns a
quarter circle ccw. You learned
in Chapter 8 that static friction
causes the centripetal
acceleration. The work done
by static friction is _____.
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QuickCheck 11.8
A car on a level road turns a
quarter circle ccw. You learned
in Chapter 8 that static friction
causes the centripetal
acceleration. The work done
by static friction is _____.
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Slide 11-53
The Dot Product of Two Vectors
 The figure shows two
vectors, and , with angle
 between them.
 The dot product of
is defined as:
 The dot product is also called the scalar product,
because the value is a scalar.
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The Dot Product of Two Vectors
 The dot product
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as  ranges from 0 to 180.
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Example 11.3 Calculating a Dot Product
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The Dot Product Using Components
the dot product is the sum of the products
of the components:
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Example 11.4 Calculating a Dot Product
Using Components
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Work Done by a Constant Force
 A force acts with a
constant strength and
in a constant direction
as a particle moves along
a straight line through a
 The work done by this
force is:
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Example 11.5 Calculating Work Using the
Dot Product
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Example 11.5 Calculating Work Using the
Dot Product
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The Work Done by a Variable Force
To calculate the work done on an object by a force
that either changes in magnitude or direction as the
object moves, we use the following:
We must evaluate the integral either geometrically,
by finding the area under the curve, or by actually
doing the integration.
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Example 11.6 Using Work to Find the Speed
of a Car
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Example 11.6 Using Work to Find the Speed
of a Car
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Example 11.6 Using Work to Find the Speed
of a Car
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Example 11.6 Using Work to Find the Speed
of a Car
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Conservative Forces
 The figure shows a particle
that can move from A to B
along either path 1 or path
2 while a force is exerted
on it.
 If there is a potential energy
associated with the force,
this is a conservative force.
 The work done by as the
particle moves from A to B
is independent of the path
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Nonconservative Forces
 The figure is a bird’s-eye view
of two particles sliding across
a surface.
 The friction does negative
work: Wfric = kmgs.
 The work done by friction
depends on s, the distance
 This is not independent of
the path followed.
 A force for which the work is not independent of the
path is called a nonconservative force.
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Mechanical Energy
 Consider a system of objects interacting via both
conservative forces and nonconservative forces.
 The change in mechanical energy of the system is
equal to the work done by the nonconservative forces:
 Mechanical energy isn’t
always conserved.
 As the space shuttle lands,
mechanical energy is being
transformed into thermal
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Example 11.8 Using Work and Potential Energy
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Example 11.8 Using Work and Potential Energy
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Example 11.8 Using Work and Potential Energy
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Finding Force from Potential Energy
 The figure shows an object moving
through a small displacement
s while being acted on by a
conservative force .
 The work done over this
displacement is:
 Because is a conservative force, the object’s potential
energy changes by U = −W = −FsΔs over this
displacement, so that:
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Finding Force from Potential Energy
 In the limit s  0, we
find that the force at
position s is:
 The force on the object is the negative of the
derivative of the potential energy with respect to
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Slide 11-74
Finding Force from Potential Energy
 Figure (a) shows the
potential-energy diagram
for an object at height y.
 The force on the object
is (FG)y = mg.
 Figure (b) shows the
corresponding F-versus-y
 At each point, the value
of F is equal to the
negative of the slope
of the U-versus-y graph.
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Finding Force from Potential Energy
 Figure (a) is a more general
potential energy diagram.
 Figure (b) is the
corresponding F-versus-x
 Where the slope of U
is negative, the force is
 Where the slope of U is
positive, the force is negative.
 At the equilibrium points,
the force is zero.
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QuickCheck 11.9
A particle moves along the
x-axis with the potential
energy shown. At x = 4 m,
the x-component of the
force on the particle is
–4 N.
–2 N.
0 N.
2 N.
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Slide 11-77
QuickCheck 11.9
A particle moves along the
x-axis with the potential
energy shown. At x = 4 m,
the x-component of the
force on the particle is
–4 N.
–2 N.
0 N.
2 N.
4 N.
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Slide 11-78
Thermal Energy
 Figure (a) shows a mass
M moving with velocity vobj
with macroscopic kinetic
energy Kmacro = ½ Mvobj2.
 Figure (b) is a microphysics
view of the same object.
 The total kinetic energy of
all the atoms is Kmicro.
 The total potential energy
of all the atoms is Umicro.
 The thermal energy of the
system is:
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Dissipative Forces
As two objects slide against
each other, atomic interactions
at the boundary transform the
kinetic energy Kmacro into thermal
energy in both objects.
K  Eth
Kinetic friction is a
dissipative force.
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Dissipative Forces
 The figure shows a box
being pulled at a constant
speed across a horizontal
surface with friction.
 Both the surface and the
box are getting warmer
as it slides.
 Dissipative forces always increase the thermal energy;
they never decrease it.
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Example 11.9 Calculating the Increase in
Thermal Energy
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Conservation of Energy
For a system with both internal interaction forces and
external forces, the energy equation is:
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Slide 11-83
Conservation of Energy
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The Basic Energy Model
For a system with both internal interaction forces and
external forces, Esys, the total energy of the system,
changes only if external forces transfer energy in or
out of the system.
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The Basic Energy Model
When a system is isolated, Esys, the total energy of the
system, is constant.
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Energy Bar Charts
We may express the conservation of energy concept
as an energy equation.
We may also represent this equation graphically with
an energy bar chart.
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QuickCheck 11.10
How much work is done
by the environment in the
process represented by
the energy bar chart?
–2 J
–1 J
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QuickCheck 11.10
How much work is done
by the environment in the
process represented by
the energy bar chart?
–2 J
–1 J
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The system started with 5 J but ends with 4 J.
1 J must have been transferred from the system
to the environment as work.
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Problem-Solving Strategy: Solving Energy
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Problem-Solving Strategy: Solving Energy
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Example 11.10 Energy Bar Chart I
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Example 11.10 Energy Bar Chart I
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Example 11.11 Energy Bar Chart Il
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Example 11.11 Energy Bar Chart Il
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Example 11.12 Energy Bar Chart Ill
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Example 11.12 Energy Bar Chart Ill
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 The rate at which energy is transferred or transformed
is called the power P.
 The SI unit of power is the
watt, which is defined as:
Highly trained athletes have a tremendous
power output.
1 watt = 1 W = 1 J/s
 The English unit of power
is the horsepower, hp.
1 hp = 746 W
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Example 11.13 Choosing a Motor
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Example 11.13 Choosing a Motor
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Examples of Power
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 When energy is transferred by a force doing work,
power is the rate of doing work: P = dW/dt.
 If the particle moves at velocity while acted on by
force , the power delivered to the particle is:
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Slide 11-102
QuickCheck 11.11
Four students run up the stairs in the time shown.
Which student has the largest power output?
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Slide 11-103
QuickCheck 11.11
Four students run up the stairs in the time shown.
Which student has the largest power output?
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Slide 11-104
Example 11.14 Power Output of a Motor
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Example 11.14 Power Output of a Motor
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Chapter 11 Summary Slides
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General Principles
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General Principles
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General Principles
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Slide 11-110
Important Concepts
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Important Concepts
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Important Concepts
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Important Concepts
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