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Leonardo Escobar Mr. Kann APUSH The Affluent Society Chapter 30 Pages #790­#807 “The Economic Miracle” Pages #790­#793 1. Sources of Economic Growth Page #790 Economic success after WWII ● Government spending ○ Interstate highway system ● Baby Boomers generation (1946­1964) ○ Large population increase ○ With birth control pill ○ Created high consumer demand ○ Suburban Growth ■ 1950’s: Suburban population grew by 47% (helped for general growth throughout economy). ■ Led to purchases of homes and automobiles Industries affected by automobiles ● Housing oil, and rubber ○ Especially Texas 2. Rise of the Modern West​
Pages 790­791 Favorable Climate ● Growth of sunbelt ○ 15 state area from SC, through FL, to CA ○ Grew at a rate twice as fast as the frost belt/Northeast Unions ● Agree to “Escalator Clauses” ○ Automatic pay increases in line with CPI (determines inflation) ○ Strikes became less frequent ○ AFL and CIO​
merged into one union ○ Taft­Harley acts hurt unions ■ Outlawed “Closed shops” 3. The New Economics ​
Pages #791 ​
Keynesian Economics ● Possibility for govt to stabilize economy without intruding into private sector. ○ John Maynard Keynes: argued that US could stimulate economy to cure declines and prevent inflation. ○ Population soon believed it was possible for govt to maintain prosperity. ● Secretary of treasury George M. Humphrey worked to cease The Explosion of Science and Technology Pages #793­#798 People of Plenty Pages #798­807 credit and make money more available. ○ Economy used Keynesian tactic to recover from financial issue. Ending Poverty Through Economic Growth ● Economic growth helped create new outlook on general social issues. ○ Wanted limitation on rich fortunes and distribution of wealth to the poor. Ending Poverty Through Economic Growth ● Economic growth helped create new outlook on general social issues. ● 1930’s: Many citizens strived for elimination of poverty (wanted injustice to require redistribution of wealth). Capital and Labor Pages #791­#793 Corporate Consolidation ● ½ of Corporate income is going to over 500 firms (1/10 of 1% of # of corporations) ○ Consolidation occurring in agricultural economy ○ Mechanization reduced for labor necessities + workforce decline for 20 years after WWII. ■ 1960’s: Many U Limited Gains for Unorganized Workers ● Unorganized laborers achieved fewer success than workers who were organized and effective. ○ 1950’s: Huge quantities of workers ● successful from benefits of blue/ white collar jobs (results of organization) The “Postwar Contract” ● Good relations with labor unions and general employers ○ Factory workers/ laborers is obtaining increase in wages/ benefits ○ Unions refrained from raising issues (workplace control and voice of workers for planning production). National Labor Supporters Board ● Wanted labor relations to keep peace and effective health in US economy (keeping rights of worker neutral) ● ○ Late 1960’s: Several union workers is forming opposing organizations to increase value of their demands. Limited Gains for Unorganized Workers ● Unorganized laborers achieved fewer success than workers who were organized and effective ○ 1950’s: Huge quantities of workers is successful from benefits of blue/ white collar jobs (results of organization). 1. Medical Breakthroughs Pages #793­#794 ● Many before the 1950’s ○ Antiseptic solutions ○ Penicillin ○ Antibiotics ● 1954 John ​
Sulk Creates Polio Vaccine ○ Provides it to the nation for free ■ Saves many and improves quality of life DDT Pesticide ● Harmful to bugs ○ Not too much to Humans as seen in WWII ● Rachel Carsons ​
Silent Spring ​
1962 ○ Exemplified the harmful effects of pesticide 2. Bombs, Rockets, and Missiles Pages #796­#797 1952 ​
Hydrogen Bomb​
Test ● Much more powerful than atom bomb ● Soviet Union tested one the next year 3. The Space Program Pages #797­#798 The Space Program ● 1957 Soviet Union launched ​
Sputnik ○ First satellite launch ○ US responded by increasing science and education spending ● 1958 ​
was created ● April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin (Soviets) became first person in space 1. Postwar Electronic Research Page #794 Rise in Consumerism ● Consumer credit increased drastically in the 1950’s ○ Credit cards, store cards ● Car manufacturers produced newer and more stylish cars ● New appliances ○ Dishwashers ○ Garbage disposals ○ TV’s ● Disneyland TV ● 40 million TV’s in America by 1957 ○ More than refrigerators ● Advertising industry increases More white Collar jobs than blue collar jobs in 1950s UNIVAC ● First automatic US computer Universal Automatic Computer. ○ Used tape storage and performable for math calculations/ other functions more easily calculated than the human mind. 2. The Landscape and the Automobile Pages #799­800 Federal ​
Interstate highway​
act 1956 ● Created more than 40 thousand miles of highway ● Largest government works project ● Railroad industry was negatively affected ○ Trucks for shipping ● Hotel and Motel industry increase ● Growth of ​
fast food​
industry ○ McDonalds ● Further growth of Suburbs so they can get to work 3. The Suburban Nation Pages #800­801 ● Levittown ○ Cookie cutter houses built in Long island suburbs ○ African Americans couldn’t purchase houses ● “White flight” ○ Many White Americans moved into Middle­Class families ● Many women did not work ● Dr. Spock​
wrote ​
Baby and Childcare ○ Raising children should be child centered ● Cult of domesticity ○ Women should stay home and raise family The ​
beat Generation ● Authors that criticized the middle class Rock N’ Roll music ● Influenced by African American music ● Elvis Presley ○ Brought sexuality to the forefront of American society