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Food grown meat expensive drank goat milk and wine bread was napkin and food
clothes were made from woman used bark for brown flowers bright colors used loom for fabric
family life houses small wealthy ppl many room girls married young men older
religion polytheistic worshiped and sacrificed
recreation took serious wanted ot please the gods men only can compete women dice marble checkers
men go to theater to see plays children play dolls and rattles
ancient Greece science ppl gods in control of the oceans and planets first got teaching from Babylon
Aristotle observed the animals they were in to mathematics
economy was large because next to ocean that brought more ppl too Greece
Montez and Carl
Odysseus land of troy main character gone for 20 years end of journey Odysseus only one left alive out
of 108 ppl calypso kept him with her for 7 years on an island
greece egypt italy assyria babylonia
alies greeece athen sparta enemy persia
italy allites rom enemies greece
assyeria eliies persia
enemies mesoptamia
babylonia allies chhaldea enemies assyria
carthage allies tyrians
enemies phoenicians
egypt allies hittites enemy israel
mespotamia ellies egypt enemies
rome aliies italy enemies greece
trojan war happened because the prince of troy took someone named helen who was the most beautiful
woman in the world helen was married to king menelaus telphus had to find achillies and tell him
where troy was trojan war was started by the apple
12 titans gaea oruanos first 3 children were hekatoncheries 100 hands and 50 heads
gaea mother of 12 titans ernyes and gigantes
ouranos god of sky father al 12 titans castrated by his children blood created gigantes and ernyes
crunos father of zzeus married rhea over thrown by zeus clever brightest strongest
rhea opis flow earth gossess mother of zeus
iapetus wound no responsipilites conspiracy planner
oceanus ogenus river ocean god of the sea married tethys river encircled earth
hyperion he wacthes from above god of sun married theia father of the kids who are gods of moon and
themis divine law goddess of law and order zeus's advisor about the law
thea sight prophecy goddess of sight and shining light of thhe sky goddess of gems hyperions sister and
mnemosyne goddess of memory and language
phobe bright goddess of intellect married kolos
kios axis of heaven theroy that god of heaven castrated his fathre with 5 others
thetis goddess of fresh water sister and wife of oceanus
krios great lord son is atlas
ccreation mythology chaos had 4 children gaea tartarus eros erebus
hades went tofreenthe cyclops who gave gifts zeus lighting and hades invisiplity and posiden the trident
hades ruler of death posiden god of sea and zeus god of the skies
trojan war achilles son of pelus and thetis
odysseus king of ethica and son of laertes and anticleia
diomedes greatest warrior next to achillies
ajax ousin of achiillies and commited sucide
ajax the lesser no relation to ajax the greater
philocetetes friend of hercules given bows and arrows after the died bit by water snake
neoptolemus son of achillies cheated on and killed by his wife
telemachus didnt meet his father tell he was 19 and he was disguised as a begger
hector eldest son of priam and hecuba killed by achillies
paris fiirst wife was a nymph oenone killed by philcetetetes by an arrow dipped in venom
helenus was brother and advisor of paris death was unknown
aenus was saved by apollo fell in battle or given immortality
sarpedin and glaucus were cousins sapedon killed by patroedus
memnin and turnus memnkn killed by achillies turnus killed by aeneas
cassandra prophesized that troy would fall in 10 years and it did
the greek brought trojan horse and left the greek soldiers came out and massacred everyone
gratn and lucas
fates and graces the graces are beautiful daughters of zeus aglila euphrosen fallio the grace wove
material for aphrodetes robe
fates wove 3 women lived in the under world and decide ppl fate shared the eye and considered
goddesses of the under world
brayden and sean
zeus and hera zeus was the king of the gods and made sure gods and humans kept promises and was the
thunder god symbols thunder bolt in the hand bull had zeus married to hera and had 4 children with her
442 mistresses in total and 99 children son of cronus and rhea attacked cronus and slashed hiss stomach
atlas only titan not locked up had to carry world on shoulders
lucas and gage
posiden and hades posiden god of the water and sea love affair with his sister god of horse and symbol
was the trident
hades was zeeus brother hades got the under world and there was a three dog to guard the underworld
hestia and athena
hestia often seen in a vail was a virgin eldest daughter of rhhea and cronus goddess of hearth immune
to aphrodite
athena goddesof wisom peace warfare startegy handicrafts and reason daughter of zeus`
johna jon
ares and apollo apollo god of the sun young beardless man asccoiate with a bow and arrow son of zeus
fought for troy in the trojan war son named acepius could raise the dead but then zeus killed him
ares god of war strong impulsive and bloodthirsty
aphrodite was the goddess of love hermes messenger of gods guided souls to the underworld
max and cameron
arttemis was loyal to leto
hephaestus was rejected by his mom and he sent a chair to her and she got stuck aphrodite was cheating
on him by ares misformed footonly god to be considered ugly
helios persphone and demeter
helios god of the sun drove chairot to the land hesperides phaeton attempted to ride his fatehr chariot
persephone was the queen of the under world innocent maiden
demeter was the goddess of agriculture