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We use the Passive Voice when the focus is on the action...
... because: It is not important }
It is obvious
It is unknown
who or what performs the action
Form of the passive:
Subject + form of “to be” + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)
It is important to put the form of the verb “to be” in the correct tense! It has to be in the same
tense as in the active sentence.
When you rewrite active sentences in passive voice, keep in mind that:
• the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
• the form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
• the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence
(or is dropped)
Some examples:
Present Simple / Present Continuous:
Jeroen helps Paige to find her bike.
Jeroen is helping Paige to find her bike. -->
Past Simple / Past Continuous
Somebody took my bike!
Somebody was taking my bike!
Present Perfect / Past Perfect
Somebody has stolen my bike!
I had rented the bike from the university. -->
Paige will report the theft to the police.
Paige is helped (by Jeroen) to find her bike.
Paige is being helped (by Jeroen) to find her bike.
My bike was taken by somebody. (a thief?)
My bike was being taken by somebody (a thief?)
My bike has been stolen.
The bike had been rented from the university.
--> The theft will be reported to the police. (by Paige)
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