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1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 3
States of Matter
Which of the following has air in it?
C. 5
B. 12.3%
an inflated balloon
a open cup
an inverted cup
2 What did students answer?
D. 9.1%
No. of students
A. 68.7%
a bottle with a lid
only the balloon
the balloon and the open cup
the balloon, the open cup and the closed bottle
Only 9.1% answered correctly
all of them have air
Class 3 students learn "Air is everywhere; it occupies empty space" We
asked this question to check whether children accept air as
something that exists and to check if they accept the fact that it is
Possible reason for choosing A: It seems children think that air
exists only where the effect of air is observable. In this case, the
expanded balloon shows the effect of air in it.
Possible reason for choosing B: The possible reason for
choosing this option may be that children carry the notion that air
around can fill up an upright cup but it cannot fill up an inverted cup or
a closed bottle.
Possible reason for choosing C: It appears that students are possibly
guessing while choosing this option. Some of these students might also think
that a closed vessel could contain air but an inverted container cannot.
Merely 9% students answered correctly.
! Often when the topic of air is discussed, the balloon is used as an example - therefore they probably
connect the two. They do not connect a balloon and air filled in it, in a fundamental way, which is a point
of concern.
Children think that air is a feeling (sensation) and do not realize that air is also matter. They tend to feel that it is transitory i.e. it
comes and goes. For instance, the wind from a fan or wind from trees. Sometimes it exists and sometimes it does not.
The fact – air is everywhere on the surface of earth – is an abstract concept at this level. “Air”, an invisible thing, being present everywhere might be an idea unacceptable to a child’s mind. Air can not be
felt to be present everywhere. Light (in the day time) can be felt everywhere. Children can be made to memorize that air is everywhere but they cannot be made to understand the concept of air by
merely mentioning the facts.
How do we handle this?
Provide more examples of air at different locations like air in the lungs, air in water bubbles, and moving air from the fan, from the trees etc. Flowing air causes papers, clothes or lighter objects to move/fly. This
can be used to demonstrate to children the effect air can have. Most importantly, teachers should explain the fact that even when air is stopped and can not be felt, it does exist.
Force due to air can be a useful tool to teach children about air. An injection syringe can be used, for example. Ask a child to place her finger tightly on the mouth of the syringe, and push the plunger in to force
the air out – the child feels the air pressing on her fingertips. Moving a large cardboard swiftly against the air can also make children feel the resistance offered by air. These activities show the presence of air.
Tell them about outer space where there is no air and where we can not breathe. Show the pictures of earth with spherical layer of atmosphere around and compare with the outer space and the moon. This
way possibly children will be able to compare air with no air situation. They will understand that air is another substance that makes the world around us
Ask other such questions to understand what children’s ideas are. For example – what makes trees move, what makes paper/clothes fly under a fan, why is the fan switched off before brooming a room etc. By
questioning their responses further, the teacher should help them form correct and comprehensive ideas about air.
Useful resources:
Websites: 1.
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science – Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann
Squires, Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 3
Scientific Literacy and Scientific Methods
The ability to recognize important attributes in the process of
definition or classification is an important scientific skill. This
question tests whether children are able to recognize the key
attribute of a “domestic animal”.
C. 13.5%
2 What did students answer?
D. 4.5%
Which of these is true of domesticated animals?
A. 35.5%
No. of students
B. 44.3%
They are friendly with men all the time and can never harm them.
B They are useful to man and so he takes care of them.
They are mostly animals from the forest which are kept in zoos.
They are animals who can only eat food cooked by man for them.
Only 44.3% answered correctly
44% of students answered Option B correctly, while 36% of
students believe that domestic animals can never harm human
beings (Option A).
Possible reason for choosing A: Children possibly think that pet
animals always behave in the way we want them to, and are always
friendly. It is probably in this sense that children think that pet animals
cannot harm human beings in any way.
Possible reason for choosing C: Children are possibly confusing
domestic animals with zoo animals.
Possible reason for choosing D: Children are possibly guessing randomly
while choosing this option.
3 Learnings
Students learn about domestic animals at school and they see different kinds of domestic animals in their daily life. If
children understand the main characteristic of domestic animals that separates them from other types of animals, they
should be able to answer this question. The wrong options may appear to be “true” to children because they contain some partial
truths about domestic animals. However, children are expected to discern that these are not true all the time, and are less important than the core idea
in Option B. But as the data indicates, clearly, over 50% of students are not clear about this. This indicates not just an issue with the concept of “domestic animals” but possibly with the approach to definition and
classification, of other terms, as well.
As students progress in learning science, precision in the use of terms, and clarity on attributes driving classification are very important. Children need to understand which generalizations are valid, and which are not. For
example, children need to understand that just because most domestic animals are friendly most of the time, doesn’t mean that they cannot harm man. Teachers should encourage critical thinking on these aspects.
How do we handle this?
Definitions should be used to represent the learning in a precise manner and not as a starting point to learn things. Try and introduce the concept first and introduce the definition only after students are
clear about the concept. The same holds true for classification in any area.
The goal should be to get students to group organisms based on certain common characteristics. For this particular case, take each option and understand why they are selecting it. And for each wrong idea,
try and give an example that challenges their classification. For example, for the option ‘They are friendly with men all the time and can never harm them.’, students might say that they selected it because
dogs are friendly to us and do not harm us. Ask them if this will be true even if they beat their dog. Will the dog not bite any other human being? They will themselves think about their ideas critically and
develop the necessary understanding once they face such conflicting experiences.
This approach can then be extended to other classifications like the classification of organisms into plants and animals or classification of substances based on physical properties.
Useful resources:
Websites: 1.
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Living Organisms - Form and Function
Science: Class 4
All living things can be grouped as PLANTS or ANIMALS.
Which of these in the list below are ANIMALS?
All are animals.
Lion and crocodile are animals.
Lion, man and crocodile are animals.
Lion, man, crocodile, fly and fish are animals.
D. 24.3%
A. 4.8%
When the classification of living organisms is introduced to children in class
3, they learn that all living organisms fall either in the animal kingdom or in
the plant kingdom. This question tests whether children can appreciate
that “animal” is a broader category of organisms from a scientific
perspective, than what common sense suggests.
2 What did students answer?
Merely 24.3% of students chose the correct answer and 53.8%
students believe that only lion and crocodile are animals.
No. of students
reason for choosing A: In all probability, students
B. 53.8%
choosing this option have committed a careless mistake of choosing
C. 16.5%
even grass as an animal.
Possible reason for choosing B: In discussions with students we
found that children go by common observation to identify a creature as
an animal. They tend to classify organisms based on their external
Only 24.3% answered correctly
characteristics that are easily perceivable. The most common response in
discussions with students was that an animal is a creature that has four legs and
lives on land. However, “animals” is a far broader category according to scientific
Possible reason for choosing C: Some children are able to appreciate that man is also an
animal. However they do not accept fly and fish as animals giving reasons like “an insect is too small and
it can fly” and “a fish lives in water”. It seems that the basic idea of scientific classification is not clear to students
who have chosen this option.
It is clear that students are displaying a “layman” approach by giving more importance to externally observable characteristics of animals, and ignoring the deeper scientific aspects they have learnt. This may
be happening as scientific distinctions like body structure, body temperature, and mode of reproduction are difficult to observe directly. It is also possible that students at this level find it difficult to
categorize one entity into two categories i.e. they may find it hard to understand that an insect can be an “insect” as well as an “animal”.
How do we handle this?
Biological classification has been developed after an extensive study of organisms all over our planet earth. The basis of this classification is subtle and it is developed in such a way that it
accommodates all species of organisms, and covers the vast diversity of life. Help students to appreciate that scientific classification is different and more sophisticated than common perception.
Organisms are put under one category because they have certain similarities. Sub-categories emerge from that category only because there are finer differences between organisms falling under
the same category. There are several organisms that are distinguished from each other based on characteristics like body structure and modes of reproduction. They form separate sub-categories.
Ask children to categorize different animals into categories like mammals, reptiles, insects etc. Ask children to reason out their answers and counter others’ ideas. The primary point in this debate
should be to recognize the “similarities” at the next higher level of classification in spite of specific “differences” between individual organisms. (e.g. though birds are unlike reptiles, both are
vertebrates). One common characteristic of animals is that all of them are organisms that can’t make their own food.
Use classification trees to help children visualize the previous point. Give children different kinds of exercises in the classification of living organisms.
Useful resources:
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann Squires,
Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 4
Living Organisms - Form & Function
A. 5.4%
In which of the following cases will the seeds germinate?
On dry cotton, placed inside the room
2 What did students answer?
B. 10%
Though around 47% answered D correctly, C was the most
common wrong answer, chosen by 36%.
No. of students
D. 46.7%
Possible reason for choosing A: Very few students are selecting this
option and they are probably just guessing.
C. 36.0%
On wet cotton, placed inside the refrigerator
Only 46.7% answered correctly
Possible reason for choosing B: Students selecting this option are
probably just focusing on the fact that water is being sprinkled on the seeds.
But they are ignoring the fact that the seeds are kept inside a refrigerator which
will not allow the seeds to grow.
Possible reason for choosing C: Students selecting this option are probably seeing
that the sun is present which they know is required for a plant to grow. They might be
relating that fact to this case where seeds are there instead of a plant. But what they seem to be
missing is that the cotton is dry and without water, the seeds won’t be able to grow.
On dry cotton, placed in the sunlight
On wet cotton, placed on the window sill
Students learn about how a plant grows - the fact that every plant
grows from seeds that they produce, as well as the importance of
various conditions like air and water which are required for this.
This question was designed to test if students are able to recognise
all the factors that help a seed to germinate.
3 Learnings
There are many concepts like the one being tested - factors affecting seed germination, which are taught to students. Typically these topics are taught in a theoretical manner in the classroom and students do very
few experiments on their own on these topics. This makes it difficult for students to internalize these concepts.
The most common wrong answer selected by students indicates that students are probably relating this process of seed germination to photosynthesis. Since both the processes are related to plants and growth,
they might be confused between them. And hence while identifying the factors responsible for seed germination, they may choose this option as the sun is predominantly shown here. They do not realize that light
is not the only factor that is required for the seeds to grow. Water is also important therefore the answer can only be option D (light is available in this case too as the seed is kept on a window sill).
It is possible that a small fraction of students are making a careless mistake in a hurry by ignoring one of the factors. They might be able to answer the same question if asked in a straightforward way - “Name the
factors required for the seeds to germinate.” But in this case, since they have to extract the information from the image, they fail to do so. This indicates the lack of a deeper understanding which could have come
by experimenting.
How do we handle this?
It is important that concepts like these are not just “explained” to students but are figured out by students on their own, with some help from the teacher. Though this is partly an abstract concept, in the
sense that students cannot see how water and sunlight makes the seed grow, they can definitely figure out the factors that allow the seeds to grow through simple experiments.
Concepts like these should be taught by allowing students to explore on their own. They can be given seeds and all other required materials. With the basic understanding of conducting an experiment, they
should be asked to find out what will help a seed to grow and what will prevent a seed from growing.
Detailed activities are available in the links in the “Useful resources” section.
Useful resources:
A good article that describes an open-ended experiment to check germination of radish and factors affecting its germination.
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
States of Matter
Science: Class 5
A. 8.6%
The same amount of water is poured into each of the containers
shown below, and they are left uncovered in a warm room. After a
day, which container will have the least amount of water left in it?
D. 39.1%
All will have the same
amount of water left.
No. of students
2 What did students answer?
We found that only 40% of students have chosen the correct
answer to this question. Nearly 40% of students believe that all three
containers will be left with the same amount of water.
C. 40.7% P
Possible reason for choosing A: Students are probably guessing while
choosing this option.
Possible reason for choosing B: Students are probably guessing while
Only 40.7% answered correctly
choosing this option.
Possible reason for choosing D: Students probably think that since there are
equal amounts of water in all three containers, equal amounts will evaporate. Data from
student responses on other questions also point to some other possibilities – Students
believe that evaporation takes place only in large water bodies like rivers, lakes and oceans, and
that no evaporation occurs from such containers. Some students believe that water evaporates only
when it is boiling at 100 deg. Celsius, and not otherwise.
It is important for a student of science to develop a spirit of scientific enquiry. This involves an interest in phenomena around us, and an attempt to explain the reasons for these phenomena.
Given the student responses, it appears that children do not appreciate the concept of rate of evaporation though they have plenty of opportunity to observe this in their daily life. Probably children have not
thought about questions like- Why does evaporation occur? Why does water from a container disappear faster at some times? Possibly, they do not make a connection between the “evaporation” they learn
in the context of the water cycle, and other contexts of evaporation. Thus evaporation is probably being learned as a “science textbook” thing rather than as a phenomenon seen in daily life. It is important that
teachers excite the curiosity of children in the world around them and give them the confidence to make their own attempts to understand the world around them.
B. 10.9%
Children are introduced to the concept of evaporation when they are in
class 4 in the context of the water-cycle. We asked this question to see if
children understand the process of evaporation in a general context
and whether they can appreciate the relation between the rate of
evaporation and the exposed surface area. Children are expected to
answer this question based on a general understanding of
evaporation from observations in daily life.
How do we handle this
Help children to relate evaporation to the various daily life processes they observe, like the drying of clothes, the drying of water spilt on a table etc. Help them see that drying and evaporation are
the same. Expose students to the idea that particles of water escape, during evaporation (though they may not grasp the idea fully at this time). Help them explore when evaporation occurs, and
how heat, surface area and other factors affect the rate at which water is lost.
Teachers need to explain that boiling is a special case of evaporation. During normal evaporation particles escape only from the surface, while during boiling, particles escape from the complete
volume of water.
In summary, it is important for students to appreciate evaporation from a daily life perspective, and help them to build scientific explanations for how the process works.
Useful resources:
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
Making Sense of Secondary Science – Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann
Squires, Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 5
Living Organisms – Form and Function
At which of these times would a plant be making its own food?
3 am
8 pm
At all times of the day and night.
Though around 44% of students answered A correctly, D was
most common wrong answer, chosen by around 35%.
No. of students
Possible reason for choosing B: Students selecting this option
are probably just looking at AM. They might be thinking that AM
means morning and PM means night. And while selecting between
options A and B, they might be choosing B thinking that the intensity of
B. 13.6%
sunlight is more in the afternoon.
Possible reason for choosing C: Students selecting this option seem to
Only 43.5% answered correctly
have not understood the question and are most probably guessing.
Possible reason for choosing D: Students selecting this option are probably
confused between the two processes - photosynthesis and plant respiration. They
probably think that the two processes are inseparable. They think that to maintain a balance
between the gases in the atmosphere, plants take in carbon dioxide all the time, as opposed to
animals who take in oxygen all the time. And since they know that carbon dioxide is used in the process
of photosynthesis, they probably extend this to conclude that plants make their food throughout the day and
the night, ignoring the fact that sunlight is also required for photosynthesis to take place.
D. 35.3%
A. 43.5%
9 am
2 What did students answer?
C. 6
Students learn about the basic process of photosynthesis right from
class 3. They learn about the raw materials required by plants to make
food as well as conditions under which they can make food. This
question was designed to test this very basic understanding of one of
the conditions - sunlight, required by plants to make their food.
Student responses to this and other questions related to photosynthesis and respiration indicate that students do not have a clear idea about these processes and the linkages between them. For example• Photosynthesis may be thought of as “respiration” in plants
• That respiration requires oxygen and is a process that releases energy from the consumed “food” is not clear
Based on student interviews, a study of textbooks and teacher interviews, we believe that students are taught about these important processes through “definitions” and in a piecemeal way. Several valid
questions that arise in children’s minds about these processes are not brought forth and addressed. As a result of this, children try to put the missing pieces together and end up with many misconceptions.
How do we handle this?
Students should understand the two life processes – photosynthesis and respiration. But it is important that they understand them in context of living organisms. Photosynthesis is specific to plants. But
when it comes to respiration, it is common to all living organisms. Therefore while teaching, it is important that respiration is not taught just in the context of animals.
Instead of teaching the definition of processes like photosynthesis and respiration, it is much more important to teach the underlying concept and the role of these processes in sustaining life. And therefore
it would help if definitions are given only after students have internalized these concepts. In fact students could be encouraged to come up with their own definitions, after grasping the concepts.
Allow students to experiment with different plants to find out the factors affecting photosynthesis. Simple experiments can be designed to make them see the role of sunlight or water in the process of
photosynthesis. A similar one can be designed to explain the process of respiration.
Useful resources:
The section on 'Plants, Photosynthesis and Respiration' at this link talks about a simple experiment that can be used to demonstrate that plants also respire.
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 6
Energy, Energy Transfer & Energy Conversion
Blankets made of wool protect us effectively from
cold because _______________________
wool is a hot material which generates heat and keep us warm.
the air trapped by the wool prevents body heat from leaving.
the air in the wool prevents the cold air outside from reaching us.
wool allows heat to enter through it but not to leave it.
2 What did students answer?
A. 37.5%
Only 35.3% of students answered B correctly, and 37.5% of
children believe that wool keeps us warm by generating heat.
Possible reason for choosing A: Students have observed fires and
other hot objects giving out heat and warmth. When they wear woolen
clothes they feel a similar warmth. This probably leads them to think that
B. 35.3%
wool generates heat. The fact is that wool is not a heat source.
Possible reason for choosing C: Possibly children think wool stops the
Only 35.3% answered correctly
movement of the “cold outside air” through the blanket and keeps us warm.
Although air transfer is poor in wool, it is not the primary reason for wool to keep us
Possible reason for choosing D: Students selecting this option possibly think that some heat
is coming to the body from outside and that heat is not able to go out of the woolen fabric. They
possibly do not recognize that the heat is generated by the human body itself.
C. 12.0%
D. 14.7%
In class 6, children learn about energy, heat transfer and conductivity.
They are taught that all materials can be classified on the basis of their
thermal conductivity. They are also taught how different kinds of
clothing suit us in different weather conditions. This question was
asked to check whether children understand how woolen clothes
keep us warm.
No. of students
It seems that students are stuck with the unscientific idea of “whatever keeps us warm generates heat”. In reality it is the human body that generates the heat and the woolen clothing prevents the heat from
going out. The structure of the wool is such that it traps the air inside it between its layers. Air being a bad conductor of heat, does not conduct the heat towards the outer layers of the woolen clothing.
A related difficulty some students seem to face is to think that wool prevents coldness from flowing into our body. They tend to think that if the outside atmosphere (or material in contact) is hot, then heat will
be transferred to our body and if the outside atmosphere (or material in contact) is cold then coldness will be transferred to our body. Logically this may be correct but according to the convention in science
there is no such thing as coldness. of the notion of coldness is faulty-it is only heat which flows, from a higher temperature to a lower temperature.
How do we handle this?
Key things to understand
Wool does not generate heat,
it simply prevents heat transfer.
How to do it?
Take two thermometers. Keep one in wool and one in the open. Show the students that the readings in both the thermometers are the same and thus wool does not generate heat.
Put some ice in wool and some ice in the open and demonstrate to children that the ice in the wool takes longer to melt.
Air is a bad conductor of heat.
Light a flame and tell children that the temperature of the outside zones of flame is 1800 deg C. We still do not get burnt even near the flame because air is a bad conductor of heat.
Connecting the pieces togetherIt’s not wool, but the trapped
air in the wool!
Compare the heat flow prevention in the outward direction by wool on the human body and the heat flow prevention in the inward direction on ice. Help children to understand that
the air trapped in the wool inhibits the transfer of heat.
Useful resources:
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science – Support material for teachers
by Rosalind Driver, Ann Squires, Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Living Organisms – Form and Function
Science: Class 6
Students learn about body movements in class 5 and class 6. They are
taught about the skeletal system, various types of joints and the
mechanism of their movements at these levels. This question was
designed to test if students can identify the hip joint in the skeleton
A. 2.4%
D. 5.7%
The figure of the human
skeleton is given.
2 What did students answer?
Which arrow points to
the hip joint?
C. 37.4%
No. of students
B. 53.7%
Just above half the students answered this question correctly.
37.4% students answered option C.
Possible reason for choosing A: Students selecting this option are
most probably guessing.
Only 53.7% answered correctly
Possible reason for choosing C: Students selecting this option are
probably confused between hips and buttocks. They might be thinking that
hips are on the back side of the body and hence are selecting option C.
Possible reason for choosing D: Students selecting this option are most probably
The question expects students to locate the position of hip in the human body and find out the hip joint based on that. However, the most common wrong answer given by students indicates that
students are not clear about what hips are and are probably confusing it with buttocks. They don't seem to understand that hips are located on the sides, below the waist and above the thighs where
as buttocks are located on the back side, below the waist and above the thighs. And this confusion might be making them think that the hip bone is in the buttocks, on the back side.
Students learn about various kinds of joints in the body like ball and socket joint, hinged joints etc. with examples. They study that the hip joint is a ball and socket type of joint. But they don't seem to
be relating that understanding with the structure in this case. If the understanding were to be there, they could have felt the type of joint in the body and answered the question. But it seems to be
missing and they seem to be learning such things like the structure and function in isolation to each other.
How do we handle this?
The general types of joint in the human body are ball and socket joint, pivotal joint, hinge joint and fixed joints. Let students understand not just the type of joints but even their functions by making
students move the various bones in their body. For example, ask them to move their legs and check in what all directions they can move it. And then related it to the types of joints they have studied.
Classifying this way will help them retain the understanding.
Use resources that can help demonstrate such topics in an animated fashion. (For more information check internet links in the 'Useful resources').
Useful resources:
Websites: •
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 7
States of Matter
A . 6.7%
What is the chemical formula for steam?
B. 15.6%
D. 68.9%
No. of students
C. 8.3%
It is a mixture, so it does not have a chemical formula.
2 What did students answer?
Only 15.6% students have answered the question correctly
whereas 68.9% students have answered that steam is a mixture
and does not have a chemical formula.
Possible reason for choosing A: Very few students have chosen
this option and this appears to be mainly random guesswork.
Chemical names remain the same when substances change their
physical form. When water turns into steam it is a physical change.
Water and steam are chemically the same substance. This question
was asked to check whether children appreciate that steam and
water are chemically the same thing.
Possible reason for choosing C: Very few students have chosen this
option and this appears to be mainly random guesswork.
Only 15.6% answered correctly
Possible reason for choosing D: From discussions with students, we come
to know that many students believe that water breaks down at a molecular level
when it changes to steam. The possible reason why they think in this manner is that
they cannot imagine water itself in a gaseous state. It is also possible that children are not
fully clear that “steam” is the same as “water vapour”.
3 Learnings
ASSET responses and student interviews reveal that students think that boiling breaks down the water molecule. Many students believe that water breaks down into atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
Some believe that hydrogen gas and oxygen gas (H2 and O2) are formed. Most probably they are seeing this combination of gases as a mixture and are therefore answering D. It is important for them to
know that water remains as H2O even after boiling.
Another point to note is that “H2O” is the “chemical name” for the substance “water” and if this substance changes its physical form from being a liquid to being a gas, its chemical name does not change.
Clearly, students do not appreciate the fact that here only the physical form of water is changing and this will not alter its chemical name or chemical formula.
How do we handle this?
Break a wooden stick, or bend a soft piece of aluminum in class (see other examples to use in Useful Resources: 1) and ask students - what kind of a change is this – physical or chemical? Ask them to
explain why and challenge their ideas on this. After this, tell them that a physical change is defined as a change in which the chemical structure is not altered.
Help with Visualization- Use thermocole balls of different colours and proper relative sizes to demonstrate chemical changes and physical changes. Show the formation of water by sticking balls of
hydrogen and oxygen. Make many such water molecule models and show the physical change of evaporation by spreading them apart and show condensation by bringing them closer. After this explain
how evaporation, condensation, melting, and boiling are also physical changes.
Tell students that the chemical name of a substance remains the same even when its physical state or physical form is changed. For instance, if water is condensed to ice, its physical form changes to solid
and its common name changes to ice but its chemical name remains “H2O”. Similarly diamond and graphite are two different physical forms of carbon and thus though physically they are quite different,
their chemical name remains “C”.
Useful resources:
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science – Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann Squires,
Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 7
Electricity and Magnetism
Which of these options correctly shows the north and
south poles of a horseshoe magnet?
D. 32.5%
Horseshoe magnets do not
have North and South Poles
unlike bar magnets
A. 22.0%
No. of students
Most children have played with magnets from the age of 5 or 6 years. In class
6, they are introduced to magnetism formally, and taught about different
types of magnets and magnetic poles. Significantly, they are taught that
every magnet has opposite poles and that the poles of a magnet cannot be
“separated” by breaking the magnet. This question tests whether
children are able to apply this knowledge to identify the poles of a
horseshoe magnet, as opposed to a bar magnet with which they are
more familiar.
2 What did students answer?
Around 32% of students answered C correctly, while an equal number of
students answered D- “Horseshoe magnets do not have North and South
poles unlike bar magnets”.
Possible reason for choosing A: Students are possibly influenced by
C. 32.4%
pictures of bar magnets where one half is shaded black and the other white. Not
knowing where the poles of a horseshoe magnet are, they are possibly treating
Only 32.4% answered correctly
each “leg” of the horseshoe magnet as a bar magnet with one “black” pole and one
“white” pole.
Possible reason for choosing B: Only a few students have chosen this option and have
probably guessed randomly. General practice says that opposite poles are on opposite sides.
Students might have confused opposite sides to be opposite faces and have chosen this answer.
Possible reason for choosing D: Possibly, students are unable to accept the positions of North and South
poles given in Options A, B and C (A and B because the poles are not at “ends” and C because both the poles are
on the “same side”). Given this, they have decided that “Horseshoe magnets do not have North and South poles!” – A
conclusion that violates the basics of magnetism.
B. 12.2%
Students seem to be influenced more by superficial patterns they have observed about magnets, and have not grasped the deeper concepts underlying magnetism. They pay more importance to poles being on
the opposite side, or the magnet being shaded in different colours in drawings, while imagining that some magnets need not have North or South poles! This may be partly due to the way the curriculum presents
magnets. Typically, a lot of facts are presented with little explanation of how magnets actually work. With a proper understanding, students should be able to figure out that a horseshoe magnet is nothing but a bar
magnet bent into a “U”, and thus be able to identify the poles correctly. However, many students might have just recalled drawings of the poles of horseshoe magnets.
How do we handle this?
Magnetic field lines can help students visualize the poles of a magnet- we recommend introducing some basics of magnetic field lines at this level. These lines always originate from the North pole and
end in the South pole. All magnets have these lines just as all magnets have the two poles. Draw the field lines for a bar magnet, a horseshoe magnet and magnets of other geometries on the board.
Using the field lines more concepts can be taught – attraction between opposite poles and repulsion between similar poles. (See useful resources: 3)
Give children different types of magnets and iron pins to play with. Encourage them to get a feel of the field lines and force operating at different poles, by doing simple experiments.
Ask and discuss thought provoking questions in class that help to deepen the understanding of magnetism. Questions like-How can one make a horseshoe magnet? Can you make one by bending a bar
Useful resources:
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 8
States of Matter
When water is boiled in a closed container it turns into steam. In Figure
P, Vinay has drawn a magnified view of a small portion of liquid water in
a closed container. Which of the following would BEST represent the
magnified view of the same part after water turns into steam?
No. of students
A. 34.4%
2 What did students answer?
More than 50% of the total students answered this question
Possible reason for choosing A: Students seem to believe that
B. 48.5%
heat separates the water molecules into its constituents.
Possible reason for choosing C: Some students have the
“information” that hydrogen and oxygen cannot exist in their atomic states.
Only 48.5% answered correctly
Thus, after decomposing water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, they form
hydrogen and oxygen gases as H2 and O2.
Possible reason for choosing D: Children who chose this option are most
probably guessing. After decomposing water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, they
form another combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Figure P
C. 9.4%
D. 6.4%
Students are introduced to the concept of evaporation of water in
class 4 when they study the water cycle. In class 7, they learn that
everything around them is made of atoms and molecules. At this
level, they also study about the properties of various substances
and the physical and chemical changes involving these substances.
We asked this question to students to gauge if they understand
these concepts in their entirety and whether they can connect
these different ideas.
3 Learnings
Chemical changes and physical changes involve molecular transformations. It is only in terms of the molecular model that we can
associate definite rules for these changes. A chemical change is a regrouping or a separation of atoms in molecules, while a physical change is
only a rearrangement of the molecules of a substance. Children do not seem to be clear about the kinds of changes and how these are different from one another. They are unable to connect different
concepts they have learnt like the atomic/molecular model of matter, physical/chemical changes and evaporation of water.
4 How do we handle this?
Understanding the particle model is central to understanding all the three concepts – atomic/molecular model of matter, physical/chemical changes and evaporation of water.
Key things to understand
The particle model is real
and not merely a representation.
There are changes happening all around us.
Almost all of them can be categorized into a
physical change or a chemical change.
How to do this?
! The atomic sizes pose a challenge in understanding the “reality” of these particles. Go back to the basics if required- get children to recall that they must have seen dust particles in the air. Tell them that there are 100,000 atoms in
every dust particle. (See Useful Resources for more such activities)
! Break a wooden stick, bend a soft piece of metal like aluminum in class and tell students that these are physical changes. Mention evaporation, condensation, melting, boiling as physical changes too and tell the students that as the
molecular structure does not change in all these processes we call them physical changes.
! Conduct small experiments in class to expose children to different kinds of chemical changes. Tell students that as the molecular structure changes in these processes we call them chemical changes.
! Help with Visualization- Use thermocole balls of different colours and proper relative sizes to demonstrate chemical changes and physical changes. Show the formation of water by sticking balls of hydrogen and oxygen. Make many
such water molecule models and show the physical change of evaporation by spreading them apart and show condensation by bringing them closer.
The understanding can be deepened further by allowing discussions among students and between students and teachers, attempting to build models of what we see around us and experience.
Useful resources:
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann Squires,
Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
1 Why was the question asked?
Living Organisms – Form & Function
Science: Class 8
Which of the following are examples of respiration?
1. Humans use oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
2. Plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
3. Burning dry leaves uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
only 1
only 2
only 1 and 2
1, 2 and 3
D. 21.9%
A. 19.4%
Children learn about the basic life processes from grade 3. But they often see
certain processes as specific to certain organisms, like photosynthesis as
specific to plants or respiration as specific to animals. This question was
asked to check if students really understood the difference between the
two processes of photosynthesis and respiration. This was tested across
classes 5 to 9, to see if there is any difference in performance.
2 What did students answer?
Only about 19% of class 8 students selected the correct answer (A). We
this question to students of classes 5 to 9. The most surprising fact is
No. of students
performance is almost the same across the classes.
In fact, the percentage of students selecting the most common answer (C)
increases with the class.
Possible reason for choosing B: Very few students have selected B and are
C. 54.6%
most probably guessing.
Possible reason for choosing C: These students are perhaps confused between
Only 19.4% answered correctly
respiration and photosynthesis and consider any gas exchange process taking place in
plants as respiration.
Possible reason for choosing D: They might be considering respiration as a process in
which energy is released and so consider even combustion as an example of respiration.
3 Learnings
Confusion between ‘Photosynthesis’ and ‘Respiration’: Students
seem to be confused between the two processes – photosynthesis and
respiration. They might have a notion that respiration is a process in which gas exchange takes
place. And this could be the reason they think the process whereby plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen can also be referred to as respiration.
Some students who give the correct answer (A) show an incorrect understanding when probed. According to them plants perform photosynthesis
during the day and respire during the night. Some students think that since the Sun is required to carry out photosynthesis and there is no Sun during the
night, they switch on to respiration as it is also important for them to produce energy. There are others who think that plants can use only one gas at a time i.e.
when the plants are using carbon dioxide they cannot simultaneously use oxygen and so in the day they carry out photosynthesis and at night, respiration.
But whether they know that respiration is required for producing energy or not, the fact that both, respiration and photosynthesis, occur simultaneously in
plants is just not clear. Students could even be thinking that it is not necessary for organisms to respire continuously. This should be probed further.
Students think that
- only one of the processes occurs at a time OR
- only one gas can enter at a time
How do we handle this?
Students need to understand that both these processes can occur simultaneously.
Let them understand the process of respiration without any organism's context. So, just teach the process independent of animals or plants. Just make them clear about why the process is important and
what happens in the process. Then lead them to which all organisms will need to respire. And from there lead them to the time at which respiration occurs.
Many students have a misconception that plants or animals take in only one gas, carbon dioxide or oxygen at a time. It is important to correct this and teach that it's the mixture of gases that is taken in out
of which the important gas is utilized (by filtering through lungs in case of animals and diffusion in case of plants).
Useful resources:
A very good link that shows both the processes occurring simultaneously in plants during the day.
This page has a set of experiments to help children explore different aspects related to respiration and photosynthesis in plants and understand them in greater detail.
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
Properties of Matter
Science: Class 9
Since sulphur in the free state is found at depths of more than 150 meters below the earth's surface, the method of extraction of sulphur differs from other materials. The figure given
below depicts this. In this process, super-heated water and compressed air are passed underground through pipes. Due to the pressure, liquid sulphur flows out of the pipe.
Frasch Process
Compressed air
Its atomic mass is 32
It has 16 neutrons in an atom
Its melting point is 112.8o C
Its boiling point is 444.6o C
It is insoluble in water
It combines with oxygen
air, water
(above 100 C)
Above ground
Below ground
D. 14.5%
Concentric pipes
Liquid sulphur
Compressed air
A P and Q
C S and W
Hot water
C. 26.2%
B R and T
D Q, S and W
A. 8.0%
No. of students
B. 50.2%
Only 50.2% answered correctly
Why was the question asked?
By class 9, students learn about different properties of various materials and how these are used for different purposes. In this question, the process of extraction of sulphur is described and
students are asked that what properties of sulphur make this process possible. This question is important from two perspectives: Students should be able to identify the useful information
from the mass of information provided in the question. Secondly, they should be able to appreciate that complicated industrial processes are based on specific properties of substances
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.
What did students answer?
Possible reason for choosing A: Very few students have chosen this option indicating that they are just guessing.
Possible reason for choosing C: Students are probably focusing on the information that there are drastic conditions for sulphur – like super-heated water and compressed air – which may have led
them to think that there is a chemical reaction taking place. Because of this, they may have concluded that sulphur combines with oxygen, and chosen C. Another possible reason for choosing this
option could be mix-up between boiling point and melting point.
Possible reason for choosing D: While many of these students are probably guessing, it is possible that they believe there is a chemical reaction happening here for the reasons stated in the previous
! It appears that children have difficulty in extracting the relevant information from the details provided and are not able to comprehend the question properly. They are going to come across many
such processes in higher classes, and it is an important skill to collect relevant information from a mass of information provided. For example, sulphur is actually coming out from beneath the
surface, through the tubes, in liquid state, as the question specifies. This is the information to be used and not that hot compressed air being sent under the ground.
! The process of extraction of elements and minerals are always based on some property of the substance to be extracted. These properties if ignored make the whole process of extraction
pointless. There remains no clue of why and how things happen in the process. The scientific approach gets lost and the entire process becomes rote. As it becomes rote it becomes heavy both to
teach and to learn. On the other hand if the process is taught and learned based on principles like properties of material involved, not only the subject will become more scientific it will also become
easier to handle.
How do we handle this?
Key points for understanding
How to do this?
! Making children think analytically i.e. seeing
what information is relevant to the question
and what information is irrelevant.
! Help children to understand such problems in a systematic way, by asking them to jot down things like- What is the question asking? What
information in the question/ drawing might be useful to answer the question? What information is probably not useful? You could even ask
groups of children to discuss their views on these questions.
! To make children more aware about the
significance of material properties in various
practical applications.
! Use examples such as copper. Let students discover how it is used in power transmission cables because of high conductivity, good
ductility and abundance. Another possible example is gases used in tyres of vehicles and not liquids, because of their high compressibility.
Ask students what other materials could be used as substitutes. This will make students focus on the properties of material important to
the process/ application rather than just learning the use by rote.
Useful resources:
Books: Making Sense of Secondary Science – Support material for teachers by Rosalind Driver, Ann
Squires, Peter Rushworth and Valerie Wood- Robinson Routelege Press, London and New York
1 Why was the question asked?
Science: Class 9
Human body
Study the picture of the human heart.
Some parts are marked on it.
2 What did students answer?
D. 8.4%
C. 12.8%
Right Atrium
Coronary Artery
Which letter represents the left ventricle?
Students learn about the structure of the heart and its various parts –
atriums, ventricles and also about its functioning in the context of the
circulatory system. This question was designed to test if students are
able to interpret the given visual and apply their understanding of the
structure of the heart to locate the position of left ventricle in it.
About 42% of the students selected the correct answer. However,
of the students selected the wrong answer B.
No. of students A. 41.8% P
Possible reason for choosing B: Students are probably just
catching the word 'left' in the question and selecting B thinking that the
ventricle will be below the atrium and on the left side in the diagram.
B. 36.3%
Possible reason for choosing C: Students selecting this option might be
thinking that the ventricle is to the left of the atrium. They might be seeing
the right atrium marked in the figure and so might have selected C thinking that
Only 41.8% answered correctly
it will be the left ventricle.
Possible reason for choosing D: Students selecting this option have not understood
the question and are most probably guessing.
3 Learnings
Students learn about the structure of heart and its various parts. They learn about
various terms related to the heart like atrium, ventricles, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein etc.
Given this, they are expected to correctly point out the left ventricle in the given diagram. They should understand that
the ventricles are below the atriums in the heart and since we have shown the right atrium, the chamber on its left would be the left atrium and below it would be the left ventricle.
But it seems that students are not able to identify it correctly. This is a common error that they make. Typically the structure of heart is shown as a front view and so the actual right
side of the heart is seen to us as the left, and this sometimes confuses students. However, to make sure that students do not make that error, the right atrium was marked in the
figure. But perhaps they haven’t understood the structure of heart – atriums which receive blood from the organs and are hence are on top and ventricles which pump blood to
the organs and are hence below the atriums. This could be because of the way such topics are taught – the structure and function being taught independently.
How do we handle this?
Use a plastic model of the heart to teach the structure.
Without actually showing the structure first, try and teach it in relation to the function of each separate organ and just allow students to visualise the structure and represent the same as a diagram. For
example, they can know what the atriums, ventricles, various arteries do and then draw the structure of the heart as they would see the function of each falling in place. An exercise like this can help
them actually link the function to the structure. Support it using the diagram after they have internalized the structure-function of the organ.
Use resources that can allow the students to take a virtual tour of the heart, manipulate and check the various organs and their functions. It will help because as far as organs like these are concerned,
they do not really get an opportunity to physically explore them. (For more details check the ‘Useful Resources’ section.)
Useful resources:
A good website that teaches the structure of heart and its functions by virtual representation of the same.
A good resource talking about the structure and function of the heart.
For any clarifications on this teacher sheet, or to share your feedback, write to us at [email protected], using the feedback format provided to your school.