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Chapter 8 IDS and Anticipation Guide: Enduring Vision/Chapter 8
Adams-Onis Treaty
Era of Good Feelings
McCulloch v. Maryland
Age of the Common Man
Hartford Convention
Missouri Compromise
American System
Henry Clay
Monroe Doctrine
Barbary Pirates/Wars
James Madison
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
John C. Calhoun
Treaty of Ghent
Daniel Webster
John Marshall
War of 1812
Embargo Act of 1807
Marbury v. Madison
______1. More than the entanglements of foreign wars, Jefferson feared a federal government that wielded too
much power.
______2. Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review.
______3. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory caused Jefferson to move away from his strict interpretation
of the Constitution.
______4. Burr's conspiracy would have created a new country west of the Mississippi.
______5. The Quids emerged as supporters of Jefferson after the Yazoo land compromise because the
compromise favored farmers.
______6. The Embargo Act successfully punished the British for their policy of impressments.
______7. The Battle of Tippecanoe ended hostilities with the Shawnee Indians.
______8. The most significant cause of the War of 1812 was the British policy of impressments.
_____ 9. The American offensives in Canada during the war were great successes.
______10. The Treaty of Ghent was an unexpected diplomatic victory for the United States.
______11. The Hartford Convention was an attempt by Republicans to amend the Constitution.
______12. The Era of Good Feelings was aptly named.
_____ 13. The War of 1812 marked the end of the Federalist party.
_____ 14. Republicans always favored a national bank and tariff protections.
_____ 15. The United States experienced a wave of patriotism during and after the war of 1812.
_____ 16. The Second Bank of the United States helped to end the Panic of 1819.
_____17. Republicans opposed the rulings of Marshall's court because they limited the powers of the various
state governments.
_____ 18. The issues surrounding the Missouri Compromise foreshadowed the Civil War.
_____ 19. The Adams-Onis Treaty established the western boundaries of the United States.
_____20. The Monroe Doctrine announced the intention of the U.S. to eventually control South America.